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Posts posted by Landmaster

  1. 13 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

    @Landmaster That looks like a well rounded Echoes team. What kind of bait did you use to lure Azura down to your units. She didn't like the bait I had which is why I had her 'leave the stage' on turn 1. Nice clear!

    With Aerobatics and the fact that she did enough damage to Delthea (over 5 damage), putting her in the range meant Azura couldn't help herself but come on down~

  2. I was struggling yesterday using OG!Alm. Once I swapped B!Celica in his place and stole his seal, everything worked out. I didn’t change Atk Tactics on her because it made no difference, kek.


    Including some late comments I never replied to, sorry for the delay!

    @daisy jane– Caeda totally disrespecting Hrid, I loved it. Phina is so deceptively thicc. Norne is, well, purposely thicc. Blue Fridge was the most thicc, but still couldn’t last forever.

    @Diovani Bressan – Turn 1 yeet strats, very noice. Pretty easy to Galeforce when B!Celica is allowed. Almlica are still so busted.

    Yaaay Fairy Delthea! I want to give her Blarfox now. Only two units needed to clear the map, very noice.

    @Maaka – THE DELIVERANCE! Blue Flame on evil Delthea, I’m jealous. Also that was a stonked Gray, I’m more jealous of that.

    @NSSKG151– More yeet strats, getting rid of Azura early is the way to go if you can get away with it. Lukas with those big BONS are *chef’s kiss*. All those huge in combat buffs on Celica were looking spicy. Really nice clear!

    @Some Jerk – I love how everyone has a +10 F!Delthea, LOL. As a proud member of the Duma Faithful, I am very happy with his presence here. He just stood there, menacingly. Only to go super Saiyan and decimate the rest of the map. What else could one possibly want in life?

    @GuiltyLove – Good thing Catria is an Echoes unit. She is pretty unstoppable in Vantage range, those were some huge numbers.

    @SatsumaFSoysoy– Knew this would be easy with your B!Celica, but she had plenty of help. Loved how most of the battle was dancing around the armors since everyone else pretty much died on spawn.

    @BoaFerox – Python deserves more love, I approve. Perfect placement there, congrats!!

  3. Quite straightforward, didn’t really need anything for this clear. OG!Elise kinda felt like disrespecting everything today.

    @SatsumaFSoysoy – Daddy Duessel is disgusting, LOOOL, I am scared of the person who +10s four of him for Arena.

    @Sasori– Color triangle doesn’t mean much these days, clearly. One does not simply tank Boey’s Bignis. Hilda was pretty nice here, too. I wish I could +10 her.

    @NSSKG151– PLZ I need Resplendent Raven! Though I guess OG!Anna’s an Infantry Axe Askr Galeforcer. Nice one-turn!

    @Maaka– Odd Tempest on Fir makes these a lot easier to set up. This seemed too easy for the Bartres, LOL

    @Diovani Bressan – Hol up, there’s 2 Impostors amongst those Kitsune. Everyone making me want to Summon for NY!Kaden. That Astra was awesome!

    @BoaFerox– Tana taking out Osian, very impressive! And she wasn’t even using Sturdy Impact, nice~

  4. @Sasori– Ah, some new smol shoutabois. They’re both some incredible nukes. Wasn’t expecting Sara to hit just as hard as them. Nice theme clear!

    @BoaFerox– That Nailah was waiting to see some use.

    Tibarn ruining the flying Lance theme but he's so busted, he can have a free pass. Nice of you to include Cormag in the clear~ Tana with that Ninja Yari is still disgusting, that’s such a good weapon on her

    @SatsumaFSoysoy– I actually still don’t have a single Kaden, while I have all the other Fates Beasts, including their Seasonals. I don’t know why he continues to evade me. I’m actually tempted to at least get one copy of the NY Version.

    Ah, the evil Mystic Boost Hel who will never have to worry about dying. Good that Lilina could handle everything on her side so the trench didn’t bother her too much.

  5. I committed the grave sin of forgetting to not use Dance on Mirabilis for the Elise clear, so to right my wrong, I did a second clear with the husbando-daughter double duo.

    Honestly don't even know if I could have done it without dancing as it is, maybe if I killed half my Barracks and it was easier to make Mirabilis have the lowest HP. 

    No real issues for the furries~

    @Maaka - Odd Tempest was pretty useful to one-turn this since the enemies are so spaced out. I was wondering if it was even possible but nothing is impossible with Dad Bartre.

    @Diovani Bressan - Very straightforward EP one-turn. That was too easy for Nowi and frens.

    I feel like the AI forgot how to play the game on this map, LOL. Or maybe they don’t have the heart to kill the Fairies. They are quite intimidating. 

  6. Baby Girl came home in less than 100 Orbs!


    +Spd, -HP so she's perfect! She also brought some nice food with her.


    -Atk so won't feel bad about sacking her to someone.

    I didn't post these Christmas Summons but I got: 


    from a ticket and spent WAY too many Orbs for:


    Ended up getting 2 5* copies while going for the guarenteed Elise food




  7. Actually a bit tricky since Lyon stops OG!Elise from being able to Res tank. But nothing HS!Elise couldn't handle once Eirika's Special was gone.

    @Maakar - Everyone gets a ninja weapon! It must be hard making GOD Bartre take enough damage to get into WOM range.

    @BoaFerox - Who knew Summer Tana was that much of a horrible monster. Very appropriate for her to slap Lyon and Erika in the faces.

    Why is Ross’s Japanese voice so good, he sounds like an anime protagonist. Cool that so many Sacred Stones units are such good Galeforcers.

  8. Was a bit tougher for the Elises, but we were able to bring in a reserve team member for some help.


    OG!Elise's new toy did come in handy but it came at the cost of not finishing his last 2K feathers, RIP.



    @Some Jerk - No one better to tank mages than Leanne or physical weapons like Eldigan. Very well played with how you were able to traverse the back of the map in such a confined space. Eldigan was the MVP here.


    @Diovani Bressanr - Nice one turn, I thought this one would be harder to do but you  people with the big brains always come up with something.


    @GuiltyLove - Here I am trying to do my Arena run and realizing how much I hate Summer Byleth and here she is again~ I just can’t escape from her. But she’s much more fun in your hands than the AI. Was a bit scary when everyone was clustered in the corner, but the Duo Skill came through. Your Fliers are pretty resilient. 


    @NSSKG151 - Nothing’s ever really an issue for the Annas. They can really steam roll through whatever they want. Always impressive is how they barely take any damage and end the map with almost fill HP most of the time.


    @Sasori - Chad and Lugh’s healing weapons came in clutch to come back from Lilina’s AOE. Chad always impresses me with how much of a chad he is, especially with double Mystic Boost. Who can even touch that? Raigh is the crazy nuke the team needs, I love how he spends the whole map on 1-2 HP.


    @BoaFeroxr - Best way to deal with Lilina is to nuke her with Super Saiyan Tana before she nukes you~


    @SatsumaFSoysoy - Nice thumbnail and music~ Celica still enjoying that tank build. It is fun to see her playing both roles so well. Since Kagero’s already so lethal on offense, it helps to have such a good mixed phase partner.


    @Maakar - It’s Christmas, we need Christmas Bartre and Fir. But an Astra Leapin Smash and all four of them together is good enough to make up for no Santa Bartre.



  9. Poor Hrid, can’t beat a couple of kids.



    @NSSKG151 - Baby Merric is such a good unit, his healing is so clutch for the whole team. Norne and Baby Caeda are pretty busted so they pretty easily helped him tear this map down.

    @Some Jerk - Offensive Phina is the best Phina. Especially when she’s killing Hrid. And everyone else, I guess. Phina way too stronk honestly.

    @GuiltyLove - Hard to go wrong with Caeda against horses and magic. The fliers had no trouble here, even if they got a little low on health. Nice work!

    @Maaka - Very easy with some very busted kids and Caeda’s future self. Funny that the baby had to save her older version.

    @Diovani Bressan - OK that one turn was pretty high IQ. Any only using three units, very insane.

    I guess if you HIDE NInian I can pretend you also used all babies. But I will accept it just this one time since Baby Caeda nuked Hrid and it's what he deserves.

  10. qRtYyDI.png




    23 minutes ago, SirErrant said:

    Best Christmas gift ever! Let's hope he turns out to be good... 🤞 

    His art is good, that's all that matters

    2 minutes ago, daisy jane said:


    had he been infantry though so much better. I have a Midori just chilling here


    Hilda being  an armour saves my orbs (because if she were lance infantry it would be on like kong). 
    Bernie is adorable just stuck in her house.. 

    New Years though has always been my jam. 
    I'm not sure if my Healer Harem needs that staff (it sounds cool though)

    If I don't get a Colorless, I'm tapping Blue for at least one Hilda

    She's a great +10 Project tho

  11. A bit late on comments but here I am~ Blame my old ass computer having to go to the shop for a few days~



    @Sasori - Ah the whole fam’s here. Usually Chad impresses the most by being damn near immortal but nothing is cooler than Raigh just easily obliterating Freyja. Well Lugh’s Res stat is a close contender.

    @Maaka - I wasn’t expecting Poleaxe to be OP or Fir to eat a Dimitri but you made it happen (IDK how to feel about the second one happening).

    @Alexmender -  3 clears! Enemies look so much more like Infernal when it’s against Super Saiyan Eirika, even Freyja is no match. I didn’t expect it to be that easy for her but she continues to impress with those new Resplendent stats.

    Pretty stonked Norne. Astra on Ninja Lynrina seems so evil, I can’t believe she only needed one hit to get rid of Freyja. She is so bonkers, I’m scared to see her at +10.

    I see Astra is the new meta, the big numbers never get old. Officer Hilda may have got away with holding back a bit on this one, Erika went crazy. But Hilda and Tsubasa’s Galeforce stats sure made this one drop quicker than it may have otherwise.

    @NSSKG151 - I’m surprised Triandra managed to live a hit from NY!Anna considering no one else could. They always manage such crazy numbers and they hardly even got low on health this time.

    @daisy jane - This must be the CF ending. When I saw Lys, I knew she was gonna be killing Freyja. While Edel was there to not die and not die she did. Can’t believe that ugly healer couldn’t even kill Lys, PFFFTTT

    @SatsumaFSoysoy - I had both already on her so the refine could have literally been either, I was good, LOL~ Other than it not working on EP, I like the refine, it’s pretty much as close to a Palm Staff as she could get + Gravity is great.

    Celica flexing her EP prowess. Kagero hits hard enough on PP for both of them. Quite impressive having them clear the map that way.

    @Unknown Gamer11 - Each cursey kid gets a fairy, how nice~ Wow, they are a super strong duo. Even the evil clerics couldn’t kill them, that’s wild. I really need to refine my Rhajat, too.



  12. Two clears this time~

    Elise as usual~

    And the Fairies~

    Youtube chose the thumbnail, don't judge me~ Neither was too hard with some Skill swapping and positioning.

    Time to catch up~

    @SatsumaFSoysoy - Shamir with Deadeye is just evil. She and Reginn are just actual machine guns ft. Freyja’s laser beam horn.

    @Diovani Bressan - I thought this would be hard to one-turn on player phase but I guess not if you just use Leif~ Also yaaass Nowi's refine!!

    @Sasori - Poor Ewan took such a beating, but good choice of tome to stay healed up. He ended up taking down most of the map. Good work!



  13. Haven't posted my pulls as of late, but I've been a bit too lucky recently.

    Double Special Heroes is the time where I'm supposed to get utterly destroyed, but this was my best session yet, didn't even go up to 10%



    Also got one at 4*


    Didn't even realize she was on the Banner but that's finally some Push fodder for Elise


    And the main one I wanted, -Spd but I just wanted her~

    Then I bought a ticket and on the very first Blue I summoned




    Then I got a +Atk F!Kris in the second circle on her Banner.

    Given all this luck, I expected to be destroyed on the Mythic Banner. And I was originally. Spent close to 200 or so Orbs at reset for a 2nd Hel and...


    Wasted a ton of Orbs on Colorless when I should have just sniped Green. Summoned again in the morning and in less than 50 Orbs, I got:

    Leif immediately, Hel immediately after, a bit later was a second Triandra. Followed by...


    One of the targets I wanted most in Colorless. Then a THIRD Triandra, and finally...


    I was worried the lady of the hour wouldn't show up but as I was down to 50 Orbs left, she made her appearance. 

    And to top it all off, free Summon on the VG Banner was:


    Now, I really wanted Jaffar because I still don't have him, but of course the better fodder came home instead.

    I'm not sure how long this luck will last. It'll probably end when we get Christmas or NY!Elise or something.

  14. It took longer to upload this than to actually beat the map. Also Healers were a mistake [2].

    As you can see, double SS was needed. Almost put it on S!Elise, too, before I realized she wasn’t running Glimmer for one of the kills. I originally had a cleaner last two Phases, but I accidentally put Mirabilis in the wrong place and had to improvise a bit. Still worked out so good enough for me~

    @LordFrigid - Knock Back is the new meta, clearly. I still can't even grasp how you come up with these plays. Nice work~

    @Some Jerk - Deadeye Midori, it’s what she deserves. Heavy Blade 4 is great so she can actually proc it. Frejya doing no damage without her Special is kind wild. Actually no one doing any damage is completely terrifying.

    More Dancer Emblem, I support! Demon Leanne really has no business bullying those mages with her Res stat and Glacies nukes. Eldigan is stupidly thicc. I was wondering who would kill Freyja, good move deactivating her Solo buffs.

    @Maakar - Fir got her own pink axe now. I loved Florina’s “shh” line like this whole one-turn was a sneak attack.

    @Nowi's Husband - Huh, I only just realized Triandra was running Miracle. Nice way to deal with it on your end. Love your H!Nowi build, I want to give her a Rein, too but of course the Res ones are all on the Faries. 

    @GuiltyLove - Movement skills are super useful on this map considering all the awkward places the enemies can spawn in from. And those we some huge numbers on Palla and Catria, that was really cool.

    @Diovani Bressan - Ultra Marth did not solo the map, I am very disappointed and my day is ruined. But Seteth and Altina managed to carry the team  on their backs so it was still fun to watch.  

  15. @Some Jerk - A fellow Dancer Emblem enthusiast! Never been able to challenge a LHB with my dancers (not that I’ve been brave enough to necessarily try), much less do an Abyssal, so this does indeed put a smile on my face. 

    @Unknown Gamer11 - I’m liking her refine so far. While it’s not as good as Palm Staff in terms of it’s smaller debuffs and being usable in both Phases, I do like the additional Gravity effect and buff for her allies, which can possibly be super handy. But if I need Palm Staff, I’ll still use it.

    Almost-Dragon Emblem! I do like seeing lesser used Dragons like Bantu, especially when he’s being this awesome. Cecila pulled a lot of her weight, too, being the one to take down Dimitri. Spooky Tiki is just crazy, though, it’s awesome we finally have a true offensive Dragon since Lillith.

  16. Lowkey forgot I had a Gravity Staff, LOL, could have been ugly for HS!Elise.


    @Maaka -  Nothing is more terrifying than Bartre flying in and hitting you in the face four times with a pink axe.

    @Sasori - Spicy build on Seteth. Leif and Seliph putting in work together is the immersion I like to see.

    I appreciate Chad running house with a bunch of Lv1 adults. His tankiness always impresses.

    @Diovani Bressan - Nice one turn! That is a speedy Seteth you have there.

  17. Nothing too special here~

    @Maaka - Oho, I should have expected Bartre to be getting that axe. Clearly he’s enjoying it~ Did Bunny Bartre get a new toy, too?

    @Diovani Bressan - Not Saizo the fifth back to his bullying ways, and including L!Leif in it, too~ Such a bad influence, tsk tsk~

    @Sasori - Always some fun units on your teams~ Clive and Tobin are always fun to see doing some work. Especially Tobin tanking Galle. And Bignis, we love to see it.

    @SatsumaFSoysoy - Ninjas joining the squad looked quite fun. I see you’e running the Deck Swabber on Hana, nice choice.

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