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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. I don't think that it would be worth it if let's say Castlevania would bother to have a Medusa head gnaw at your face for a few seconds just to get the point across that this is how you receive damage. It's better to keep it simple: You get hit and get knocked back. You try not to regain control of the situation. You continue to proceed. Face gnawing would just disrupt the flow. And as weird as getting hurt by touching a turret is, it's easier for the player. If touching some enemies would hurt you while others wouldn't, then you would have no choice but to guess which do. And getting a Game Over because of Trial and Error gameplay is very disheartening.
  2. Not sure how I can post decent pics of Awakening, but I would like to mention my 15(?)/1 Paladin Stahl with 10 Speed. Meaning he raised speed no less then twice before promotion.
  3. I voted Leaf this time around. Though he usually ties with Ephraim. Both characters good a nice character arc dealing with them growing into responsible people fit of rulership. ...unlike certain other chumps who see themselves as too pretty to be called anything but prince. So in terms of writing, It could really be either. But this time I went with Leaf because of his unique abilities through his magic sword. He is not as powerful as Ephraim but more fun to use. Speaking of the weapon, it's also nice that he has a weapon with an actual history and that also serves as a memento.
  4. I like how we can see through her how the average Grado citizens sees the war. How they coop the fact that their beloved ruler is attacking longstanding and loyal allies and friends. She shows that you don't need to be evil in order to find excuses that leaves your own country as the good guys, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Her character never deals with the difficulty of having to fight against your own countrymen and family but we have already Duessel for that. So I don't think that it's too much of a waste. Though, i do wish her character wasn't quite as cartoonish. But it's not too bad. But of course she totally blows as a unit.
  5. No, it wasn't. And the Priest and the Knights didn't sound like anyone but Lyn could have drawn it. Priest: I never dared hope that I might meet the wielder of the Mani Katti in my life. I am indeed fortunate to see your sword reach your hands. ... Kent: It’s not so strange. In fact, many legends tell similar tales… Special blades all over the land call out to their proper owners. And yet, when I saw you draw that blade, Lyndis… I felt something extraordinary. That sword was waiting for you. You were meant to draw it. ... Lyn: It… does feel right in my hand. A blade that only I can wield. That seems reasonable enough. I can understand that. Glass is merely mentioned to be rejected by the spirits. There is no mentioning why. Priest: The spirits of the blade have judged you. You have been found waiting. They have rejected you. Man, it's such an absurd chapter. Lyn just casually becomes the chosen of Excalibur. But unlike the actual Excalibur, drawing the Matti Katti means nothing but that you can use the Matti Katti. ...a sword with no backstory. I'm glad we agree on that. No, it wasn't. It's in a tent. On a grassy field. A video of the map: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb07DGJlvbQ I never claimed the Lorca had the bow in the first place. (Which would be absurd) So I still don't see how this is relevant.
  6. Is this coincidentally also how the game displays DLC characters on StreetPass when you don't have the DLC yourself?
  7. 54. She doesn't care that her grandfather tried to have her mother and father murdered. Well, maybe she didn't know that much. But at worst, she already knew that there was all kinds of family drama going on. You would think that she would have more to say about the guy who rejected her mother other then: "I have a grandfather! Yay!" It's one thing to forgive. It's another, not to acknowledge that something bad happened in the first place. 55. The inconsistencies with her tribe. The game can't decide whether she is the last surviving member of the Lorca or if there are other survivors that merely wouldn't follow her because she is a woman. 56. IS seems to have gone out of there way to make Lyn's existence as unlikely as possible. They ignored that it was established in FE6, that Sacean women would rarely fight and if they did, they would use bows. That would actually be cool because it was stupid anyway(see next point) ...if IS also didn't decided that her clan was "old fashioned" and that they "wouldn't follow a woman" as a leader. Something that was described as merely unusual, suddenly became the subject of tradition. And they even made Lyn a member of a tribe who was particular bad above these things. Not to mention that she is the daughter of the clan's chieftain. She would be even less likely to be able to go against tradition then anyone else. 57. Speaking off, it's completely moronic that a Sacean tribe being "old fashioned" would mean that they not allow women to lead or fight anyway. That entire stupid nation was founded by a female war hero.
  8. Sounds great. So far I only embarrassed myself in Wesnoth's multiplayer, though. Just to be clear, does it matter which 1.11.x version is used?
  9. Either way, I vote for "Link's Awakening shopkeeper" as the Lu Bu/Tadakatsu of this game. At least I couldn't think of anyone better who has the potential to be this kind of overwhelming opponent to Link.
  10. Well, these kind of mass beat em ups enemies aren't known for their complicated A.I's, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's all he does. I wonder how such an enemy is fought, though. The classical Zelda approach seems a bit out of place to me in this game. And in that case, the allies couldn't hurt it at all. Edit: I wonder if this means that this game will also have a lot of characters as the Warriors (well, Tecmo Warriors) games. Of course, I would prefer one really good designed character over a bunch of half heartedly designed character. But if there are, where would those characters would come from?
  11. You could play the Warrior games for that kind of multiplayer. Sengoku Basara is neat too. It's extremly fun but nothing interesting. Well, at least those games didn't have giant Dodongos.
  12. Well, I can't say I expected such a game. But that's about it. Dynasty Warriors style games are fun and all but I couldn't see anything that would make it all that interesting compared to those games. Anyway, while I don't want to pass on this game, I sincerely hope this isn't supposed to be the Zelda game that was hinted at before Wind Waker's release. Especially after aLbW, I had high hopes for that one.
  13. And hard enough that Q never dared to show his face on the station again. The Borg in First Contact were lucky that the Sisko wasn't piloting the Deviant during the movie. Heck, they probably waited just for that opportunity.
  14. Thanks. I got to say, I do find tat hard to believe. Because what I just read in the always trustworthy Wikipedia doesn't sound like Affluence is an official term. It's described as "a term used by critics of consumerism". So it confuses me how it could have been used to affect the extend of his punishment if he wasn't officially diagnosed.
  15. Well, above all else I am not going to trust a tabloid newspaper.
  16. The order in which I played them: FE7 > FE8 > FE9 > FE10 > FE6 > FE4 > FE11 > FE5 >TRS > FE13 I have yet to finish FE2, FE3 and FE12. I have never played FE1 or BS Fire Emblem. Order of favorites: FE9 > TRS > FE5 > FE8 > FE4 > FE10 > FE11 > FE7 > FE6 > FE13 I think it gets less messy when I just order the games by release from here on: 2: Alm, Cecila, Catria, Clerbe, Cliff 3: Cecil, Catria, Palla, Sirius, Linde 4: Sigurd, Levin, Sety, Aless, Bridget 5: Eyvel, Leaf, Nanna, Mareeta, Karin TRS: Raffin, Raquel, Karti, Zeek, Holmes 6: Percival, Thany, Gonzales, Miledy, Fir 7: Erk, Pent, Farina, Hector, Kent 8: Innes, Joshua, Ephraim, Eirika, Duessel 9: Jill, Soren, Ike, Rolf, Astrid 10: Jill, Soren, Elincia, Micaiah, Lucia 11: Est, Marth, Wendell, Kain, Hardin 12: Palla, Catria, Sirius, Ogma, Rody 13: Gangrel, Say'ri, Tharja, Maiden, Lucina
  17. True, but there were also some halfway decent archers outside of Gaiden, like Jorge, Jamuka, Bridget, Faval, Klein, Igrene, Innes or RD Shinon,
  18. Thieves, I guess. They were most definitely awesome in FE5 but outside of it... They have next to no utility in the early games (who needs to repair bridges?) and are far behind with combat. And Dew and Patty/Daisy's combat are atrocious. Sure, they can get stronger with EXP but that requires actually killing stuff. Which is hard without strength or a weapon rank. In the GBA games, they could sometimes snatch certain items and see further in fog of war but where handicapped by a new lack of promotion and a limited supply of lockpicks, that effectively couldn't be bought anywhere. FE7/8 allowed them to promote again but for whatever reason, the devs decided to make that promotion quite troublesome with items that are rare or too late available to matter. As if Assasins were the freaking Master Knight. Heck, they even lost the ability to steal. It became a bit more useful in PoR because at least you could snatch a few Physic staffs but they still weren't worth it. Especially since they were now limited to weak knives. Sothe became awesome in Radiant Dawn but that wasn't because of his class. The game gives little opportunity for thievery, rendering the class's abilities useless. Of course Awakening takes the cake, with thievery not being locked to a class but to a skill that can be used by any class. The class serves no purpose but to grab the skill and then reclass at the first opportunity. Awesome. Also, every Thief in Tear Ring Saga is freaking Daisy. Yuni doesn't even have a strength growth at all. And naturally, they are back to having no promotion. Also, there are several non-thief characters who have Thief abilities as personal skills. And most importantly: In most games, their little bit of utility can be replaced by easily available Door/Chest/Bridge Keys.
  19. 64: Link I never got too much into anyone else. Melee: Link, Falco, Marth I spent countless hours trying to beat Event 51 and didn't even come close. I switched to Falco and I did instantly way better then I did with any other character I choose before. After winning the event, I ended up choosing him more often. I also used Marth a lot, but only for fun since I figured he was weak due to having no projectiles and less power then Link. Brawl: Link, Marth Being wiser this time around, Marth became my char of choice. Having also become a Fire Emblem fan in the meantime helped too, of course. I never grew too fond of this game's Falco.
  20. Hmmm, everyone being an admin doesn't sound like such a bad idea. Who can ban before they get banned? Can your friends unbann you before they get banned as well? Who will be the last admin left? The potential for drama is sheer endless.
  21. There are the Occult scrolls, which teach a promoted unit it's mastery skill. However, they are hilariously useless for the most part. I just want to avoid confusion by noting that they only work on promoted units and that the skill they teach is class dependent. Also, Ike himself has access to an hilariously powerful Mastery skill. So you might not wanna give him any other skills that, so he has the Capacity to learn his Mastery. Technically he could be more dangerous with other skills but those skills would also suit other units, while nobody else gains comparable benefit of Occult scrolls.
  22. The series should copy the towers from TRS, which would give the unit on the tile a bonus to it's range. They made for some nice defense fortifications. Especially when combined with the 4-range Arbalests. Also, I definitely would like to see the height mechanics from Radiant Dawn return..
  23. Vantage is a funny skill. It's going to trigger in any fight of the user on enemy phase... and yet it's effectively useless since the outcome of a battle will only change if the enemy dies on the first hit. Which won't happen most of the time. Especially when it involves Mia's noodle arms.
  24. Sun from Tear Ring Saga. Maybe she joins to early but when Donnel counts, so should she. Anyway, she is easy to use and gives an hell of a payoff for the effort needed to raise her. For one thing, Sun joins right of the bat with Canto, so she is rather save to level up. She also learns Paragon at level 5, allowing her to quickly rush to her promotion. Her promotion turns her into a powerful Black Knight, which is just like the Paladin but more powerful and with a cooler palette. Black Knights also get the awesome Charge skill thrown in for free. They were even so generous to give even her portrait a palette change when she promotes.
  25. Oh, I though I was just unlucky. Not sure why one would miss them, though. Does anybody like having to lay down the controller when they arrive at a desert chapter, in order to online and writing down the position of the treasure, maybe followed and preceded by lots of tile counting? Personally I can only describe this as tedious and annoying. I am glad that IS got rid of those.
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