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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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It has to be before turn 7, in other words turn 1-6.

You have to speak to the NPC with the name Captain with Anakin.

Those are all the requierments I can think of, what exactly did you do?

Fixed the issue.

I can't figure out what I fucked up on though.

On a seperate note, Sai really wants the fe6 warrior promo gains, and more base speed >_>

Tekun is cool, 55% growths in str/skl/spd and 10 base in all 3.

It's like what Edward would be like if the DB didn't suck in HM p1.

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I'd like to ask, who's better, Tekun or Roman? Should I use one of them, both of them, or maybe none of them?

First off, it's not Roman, it's Risk. God knows why Blazer changed him, but w/e.

Anyway, Tekun has a significant lead in str at equal levels(19 str at 20/1 vs Risk's 15 and wins growth by 10)as well as a sizeable durability lead(13 def at 20/1 as opposed to Risk's 9 and wins growth by 15). Before you say that Risk wins speed, Tekun has 18 speed at 20/1(Risk's base)and ties him for growth. The only stats that Risk has over a 20/1 Tekun are skill(lol), luck(lol), and HP(It's not very significant since Tekun wins def by the same amount)

Then there's some of the other advantages that Tekun has over Risk, like a massive availability lead(Tekun joins in Chapter 15 while Risk joins in the middle of Chapter 21. effectively giving him[Tekun]an 8.5 chapter lead). Risk's major advantage over Tekun is that he doesn't cost us a hero crest, not that it really matters since you get 3 crests before Chapter 22 and Tekun's competition consists of Logan and Shuuda(and Sai, but fuck him.). Yeah, hero crest competition isn't very tight in this game.

While this means that Tekun>Risk in the end, Risk isn't a bad unit himself, and I can say that both have their merits.

Edited by Mercenary James
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I'd like to ask, who's better, Tekun or Roman? Should I use one of them, both of them, or maybe none of them?

Tekun, no contest. Tekun's basically a watered down Kelik, but Kelik is OP as hell, so Tekun's pretty good as well. Even if he's watered down.

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see i couldn't save normally cause my psp emulator doesn't save games unless i manually exit the emulator ( home button doesn't count. ) so it freezing wiped my gamesave. i had made my savestate after the savepoint accidentally. thank you kasumi. i love so much for fixing this

Heheh. No prob. Glad I could help a fellow PSP user. I tried it on a whim and it worked. WOO.

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So I just finished it. Whoa Blazer I gotta say I'm damn impressed. Got some notes.

[spoiler=notes 'n spoilers]

All of this was done on the Ver. 1.0 patch; I didn't notice a bugfix patch until after I finished the game, oops.

God I love those infinite use Emblem Weapons.

I guess you changed the requirements for 7x? Wasn't it originally beat Ch. 7 in 10-15 turns?

So after Chapter 21 the game picked up in quality considerably, but so did the difficulty, and it was pretty rough before that, namely with the enemy magic users with high Magic(Ch. 21 hnnnng). Then soon after Chapter 23, the difficulty goes way up like whoa. Chapter 24 is rough(understandably so I guess but was still a nasty set of supermooks) and after that the game just kept rising in difficulty as I kept fighting harder dudes and the only ones who could keep up were the really good dudes instead of people I wanted to use(like Liquid, Eduardo, Haas, and Asch to an extent). There were plenty of EXP opportunities up to Ch. 24, sure, but it's almost entirely shafted not even two chapters later where I'm ran over by a bunch of tough enemies. Anakin and Shon could probably use some better toys but if it was just to set up Kelik to the the one true main character(because the other two don't exactly fit the bill character wise), then I guess I'll let it slide.

But maybe my team being built up along the way was just unlucky in level ups. Especially Tamiko and Ace who were just plain unlucky the entirety of my run; the former hardly got Speed while the latter hardly got Strength/Defense. :E

In Chapter 27, it doesn't help when Fredrick and Rachel appear, Rachel is swarmed by enemies that have a ~60 Hit against her on the first enemy turn they get and she'll die in two hits if you aren't anywhere near fast(which you aren't because lolGalagar's blocking you from getting to them the turn before) and even if you get there, Galagar appears and they'll suicide on him. Biiit of a dick move, even though Rachel isn't that useful but she should be since it's close to endgame but that's just me pointing things out...

Also kept getting a lot of okay equipment when I kinda needed super equipment like what Kelik got in Ch. 27(though I am thankful for the Ether Sphere, fucking amazing made Inanna into absolute queen~ <3); eventually filled up my convoy because I had a lot of excess items, but I guess that was partially my fault for stocking up a bit in Ch. 23x, whoops~ XD

though not a big fan of having to be forced to use Kelik I did enjoy the Finale a lot and I thought it was well done, though the senators were really throwaway and Leon... well... he was alright I think. Could've had one scene where we see him before the battle or some more banter between him and Kelik before they fight. I dunno, could've been built up even better.

Obviously did not get everything and if there were any sidemaps or secret shops past the Ch. 23 ones I didn't get those either. I also missed out on Secrets 4 and 5. I kinda just wanted to get everything done so I can be ready to gather notes for changes when I begin my LP again, but I gotta say, you really did put effort into this and that makes me proud. I enjoyed the new stuff and though the Ch. 24 difficulty spike and after was nuts, I had lots of fun. A great effort and job to you, Blazer. :3

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Personally, I thought chapter 25 was the toughest; I had a lot of close calls on that one. Heh, everyone's got different experiences though :P

27 Teleporting Galagar was tough too though >.>

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Hey I just downloaded the patch and am looking forward to playing it, but you know feshrine.net is down atm right?

If anyone else wants to dl it, just paste http://www.feshrine....omise/download/ into google then view the cached page. You can still download it from there. Great work Blazer I'm really psyched to play this.

Link to the cached page:


Edited by redturtle806
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I'd like to ask, who's better, Tekun or Roman? Should I use one of them, both of them, or maybe none of them?

You should still recruit Risk because he comes with a really good weapon.

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After finishing 19x, Kelik is supposedly given a Heaven Seal, yet I don't see it in my inventory anymore. Is this a bug, or does he not get it until later?

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there is a killing edge, but other then that not really

Okay thanks, I would like to be a completionist, but I think I'll probably be fine.

Also do weapons carry over from Siegfied's mode to Anakin's, or does the game just do an event check to see if you obtained the emblem weapons.

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Okay thanks, I would like to be a completionist, but I think I'll probably be fine.

Also do weapons carry over from Siegfied's mode to Anakin's, or does the game just do an event check to see if you obtained the emblem weapons.

I think it's an event check. Character's don't keep weapons, but the Emblem Sword and Lance did come. I'd assume that those would be Iron/Steel weapons if you didn't get them.

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Okay thanks, I would like to be a completionist, but I think I'll probably be fine.

Also do weapons carry over from Siegfied's mode to Anakin's, or does the game just do an event check to see if you obtained the emblem weapons.

Weapons don't carry over, but the emblem weapons still do on Gordon. For example, if you exhausted Shon's piercing sword by the conclusion of Siegfried's mode, you get a brand new one when you get Shon back. The emblem weapons are carried over on Gordon.

I hope I've answered all your questions in regards to weapon transfers. If not, feel free to ask anything else not hacking or bug related and I'll do my best to answer it :3

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I think it's an event check. Character's don't keep weapons, but the Emblem Sword and Lance did come. I'd assume that those would be Iron/Steel weapons if you didn't get them.

Weapons don't carry over, but the emblem weapons still do on Gordon. For example, if you exhausted Shon's piercing sword by the conclusion of Siegfried's mode, you get a brand new one when you get Shon back. The emblem weapons are carried over on Gordon.

Okay thank you guys for clearing that up for me.

Edited by HongLei
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After finishing 19x, Kelik is supposedly given a Heaven Seal, yet I don't see it in my inventory anymore. Is this a bug, or does he not get it until later?

You get it at the start of Ch.20, after base preperations.

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You get it at the start of Ch.20, after base preperations.


Why didn't I finish the preparations? I didn't want to go on in case it was a bug. Guess I should have.


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I love how trusting Logan makesb you go to a hard chapter for a growth unit, but choosing not to trust him gives you a Hero with good bases, growths and B axes.

Logan drops on tier list

IDk who's better overall, Itsuke or Cia-I'm leaning towards Cia due to WTF speed.

Edited by The Gentleman
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I love how trusting Logan makesb you go to a hard chapter for a growth unit, but choosing not to trust him gives you a Hero with good bases, growths and B axes.

Logan drops on tier list

IDk who's better overall, Itsuke or Cia-I'm leaning towards Cia due to WTF speed.

Itsuke's got better skill and is more balanced overall. Skill ends up being pretty important as you progress in the game, especially with some of the more powerful tomes in the game, like Dasher. But they're both really good.

It's really a choice between using the loli or the shota. You can use both though, there's 2 S rank anima tomes you can get.

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Something I've noticed is the bases of characters are really hurting them. When I hit chapter 20 and the Dark Mage and Fighter joined my group, their levels and bases were pathetic for the current chapter I was at. Wouldn't really bother me, but this is the first Dark Mage and second axe fighter we got (Non-promoted anyways) and to see them limited like that is just disappointing. Obviously, this isn't new to Fire Emblem, but with a character like Nino, for example, it's easy to use the side chapter to level her up and he bases are decent.

Obviously, this is just my opinion, but it would probably be better for some characters, who have these low bases, to have their levels and bases raised, just a couple of points. Nothing too extreme, but just a few points to make them more manageable and usable.

Still, loving the hack very much.

Edited by Taku
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Try VBA. VBA skips over a lot of problems that no$gba wouldn't... You get a lot of hacks that crash within the first five minutes in no$gba, but they can play all the way through with no problem on VBA.

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