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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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You have a remarkable talent for it regardless.

Lay off, a million people digging into him won't help him learn. I know I didn't know anything about the concept at some point too.

As a member of the LGBTQ community I find that statement offensive. I understand that it is a concept not all people get, but you should watch your comments on sensitive subjects like that.
Somewhat ironic since I know a gay guy who finds it weird himself. But whatever. I'm not trying to make this into a thing about trans people, but jesus christ you guys don't like other people not knowing shit. Edited by Mercenary Raven
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my bad if i was offensive. i'm a little ignorant when comes to things like this. if i'm ever offensive, its usually by accident. and i want to wait until blazer reads my apology. if i'm still being annoying to him, then i'll stop posting here. and no i'm not 10. why do you ask?

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Somewhat ironic since I know a gay guy who finds it weird himself. But whatever. I'm not trying to make this into a thing about trans people, but jesus christ you guys don't like other people not knowing shit.

Because not everyone in the gay community is on the same page.

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It's extremely funny in its own way just how this conversation went to where it did (not the topic itself, that's serious business lol).

Anyhow I'm glad I deleted my post on time, I was angry as fuck but that still wasn't right, I'm sorry@Izanagi. I kind of gave up on trying to reason with you but I probably should have tried to keep explaining things... guess I need to work on my patience/tolerance for others to build it even more...

In any case, gender is more of a role defined by certain practices, behaviors, etc., whereas sex is the biological role formed when you are born based off of one's, you know, physical attributes and whatnot. >_> Logan is a man but acts like a female but still has a girlfriend. I don't even remember what the original problem was though. In any case, Logan's backstory not only develops on a currently controversial sector of society, but he also has actual plot relevance as he takes part in trying to stop the remnants of the rebellion from re-grouping in chapters 11-13 (then he either joins or dies and his role after that is either being a soldier or "null", if he dies, of course, but yeah).

Since I don't think I exactly have the right to tell you not to post here, I'm not going to outright say you can't, but unless you can think through your posts a little more (hah, I should follow my own advice a little more too since I tend to talk off the top of my head) then I suggest refraining from posting, at least until the final patch is out since that should hopefully give you a better perspective of things, and more importantly more knowledge in general. I just want things to be less drama-y, internet drama sucks and is a waste of time, in the end who gives a fuck enough about this shitty hack (besides me, of course) to care about all this stuff? :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I just got done playing Siegfried's story, and I want to say I'm very impressed. Very well done Blazer. Also, for the battle music that plays when you attack? Very nice choice. Valkyrie Profile 1 ftw!

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I saw the latest blog post, and it's great to see Tactics Universe is still going on. ^_^ As always, I'm here to help where I can. Just don't overwork yourself on this.

Though with the latest video, the Kelik/Siegfried seemed really wierd; it doesn't mesh entirely well. It seems like an Anakin/Kelik conversation would be more appropriate, given that their relationship is based far more personally than the more "professional" divide in how Kelik addresses Siegfried. And Shon looks usable now! ^_^

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So 21 is the latest chapter correct? Release-wise at least. I just wanna make sure I didn't miss anything. Also, I for the LIFE of me couldn't find the secret shop on chapter 20. 19 I found it. 20? Nien.

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I may have taken it out. I'll look again later and let you know. I rarely document these things, so... I pretty much have to play it myself or look at the game's coding to find out XD

and yes, chapter 21 is the latest chapter of the demo/beta/whatever

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I may have taken it out. I'll look again later and let you know. I rarely document these things, so... I pretty much have to play it myself or look at the game's coding to find out XD

and yes, chapter 21 is the latest chapter of the demo/beta/whatever

Okie dokie. And good, I'm glad I didn't miss anything. I get the feeling the final boss music is gonna be a troll move. An epic one, but still trollish. It's just a feeling.

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Shon is hacked, like every other character XD

Gosh dang it Keriku, you had me excited for a minute. :(

I just remembered, did you have character endings written out? I never did send one for my character, so I can do that one if you want. (And other text work, of course) ^_^

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Actually, no, I don't. I was going to do all of them on the spot, though I usually revise my scripts 3-4 times before they are finalized, at the least, and I've written for all of the characters so I in the back of my mind I already have a very good idea of what each one will be. If you really want to, I won't refuse you, but I have no intention of hunting people down for that sake, or I will never finish this hack, so PM me it to me please.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for something unexpected :P



Prologue to Chapter 2: None

Chapter 3: The chapter goal is falsely stated as a rout map, when in fact the goal of the map is to seize. I lose 2 turns at the end as a result. Since this is a test run I will let this mistake go.

Chapter 4: Once again the objective is falsely advertised as "defeat all of the enemy units", when in fact the goal is to kill the boss. Fortunately I caught on this time. On turn 2 I kill a bunch of nomads I didn't need to because at the time I thought I was going to drop Siegfried somewhere else.

Chapter 5: On the second to last turn I have Siegfried attack a troubadour with a javelin instead of 1HKOing the boss. This is to prevent the troubadour from blocking the seize square next turn. I also forego a critical on the troubadour since I need to break a javelin in order for Siegfried to equip a suitable weapon for the boss counter.

Chapter 6: I rescue-drop Siegfried on turn 1 in order to get him the required positioning for a 3 turn seize. There are a couple of other mini-exploits I use here as well.

I'm a little put off by chapter 7, as my only decent units right now are Siegfried and Shon, and to beat this map efficiently requires me to deplete almost all of my javelins. Nonetheless I'll continue if there's any interest in this little project.

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TAS? Sounds like something intense that I should know about but I don't

It sounds like you're trying to beat things as fast as you can which is cool though like you mentioned there are several flaws and as much as I am working to minimize said flaws there may even be some "problems" so to speak during the final patch (I hope not but nothing can truly be perfect...) so yeah, feel free to resume or restart when it's finished, though if you feel like you don't want to wait, I can't and won't attempt to stop you...

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TAS? Sounds like something intense that I should know about but I don't

It stands for tools assisted speedrun, I use savestates and frame advance to basically achieve a level of gameplay impossible in real-time. In addition to really fast cursor movements, I have RNG scripts that allow me to pretty much manipulate whatever I desire: Crit any enemy I have a crit rate on, get perfect level-ups, etc.

If you're still confused, I recommend you watch a bit of these runs, they're official publications on TASVideos.

It sounds like you're trying to beat things as fast as you can which is cool though like you mentioned there are several flaws and as much as I am working to minimize said flaws there may even be some "problems" so to speak during the final patch

On the contrary, I'm very impressed by your patch, my comment about C7 was purely from a TASing standpoint. The fact that I am having some trouble getting Siegfried and Shon to mow down enemies in C7 is a testament to the game's difficulty.

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I understand, but thanks. I kind of do something similar on my own runs when I need to test events etc. but not actual gameplay (though there are still differences and the purposes are different, both do ultimately attempt to make the game quicker through "tools").

Of course I also play the game legitimately but that's after I finish testing the basics.

The game is also not supposed to be terribly tough, but I do try to make the player have to think slightly more and not let them get away with what I feel are "cheap ways to beat the chapter". For example, in the current TU's chapter 13, I don't want people to be able to beat the chapter without raging because plot-wise, it's an ambush, and thus the player should be put into a terrible, utterly frustrating spot. In chapter 7, I spread about enemies because I don't want people to just cut through one way and avoid another way. Chapter 6 is a bit easier because you CAN get away with just going straight to the boss, at least I think, but you'll miss out on some villages etc. if you rush it too much... and of course, I don't add arenas because when "Defend" missions just become "Tank the Enemy" missions because of how over-leveled your characters are, it makes it seem like there's no difference between a "Defend" and "Defeat the Boss" mission (usually defend chapters also end if you defeat the enemy commander...).

This is just some vague thoughts, don't quote me on any of it since I'm tired and am not thinking very much (I feel like I have 1 thought per minute >_>).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a question. How do you get pass Chapter 21? I beated the chapter but it just goes to the credits. Idk if I have the most current verdion but I have the patch that says Tactics Universe DS version.

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