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Now, if only there was a way to protect it from having it's effect negated (which I know how, I just don't have the cards).

Counter Traps say "no", unless you've got another counter Trap.

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In my experience the best way to deal with Stardust Dragon would be to use Dimensional Prison, D. D. Crow, Effect Veiler to destroy it with card effects, or run it over with something stronger like Gaia Knight. If you aren't using Gaia Knight you should because that 2600 ATK is very good and he also gives you the "Come at me bro!" factor. I should write that on mine.

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I do use Gaia Knight, he is beast. I liked Colossal Fighter too when I had him.

Currently, my synchros are: Stardust, Catastor, Gaia Knight, and X-saber Wayne. I'm planning on adding Goyo Guardian (since I don't play by ban list), and Turbo Warrior if I can find a spot for it.

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I always have book of moon, divine wrath, solemn warning and dimension prison to deal with annoying monsters like Stardust D. For synchro I have Giganoto, Catastor, Uruquizas and Red Dragon Archfiend. Of course my deck is jurrac+flamvell, not the most powerful but really fun.

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Flamvell dog x 3

Flamvell magician x 1

Jurrac Aeolo x 3

Jurrac Dino x 2

Jurrac Garrim x 1

Jurrac Guaiba x 3

Jurrac Herra x 1

Jurrac Ptera x 1

Jurrac Stauriko x 1

Jurrac Velo x 1

Morphing Jar x 1

Neo Flamvell Hedgedog x 1

Super-Ancient Dinobest x 1

Book of moon x 1

Dark hole x 1

Forbidden lance x 1

Fossil Dig x 3

Giant Trunade x 1

Monster Reborn x 1

MST x 2

Black horn of heaven x 1

Bottomless trap hole x 2

Call of the haunted x 1

Mirror Force x 1

Royal Oppression x 1

Solemn warning x 1

Torrential tribute x 1

Dimension prison x 1

Spiritual Fire Art Kurenai x 1

Eh...how is it? Any recomment?

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I would build either a Flamvell deck or a Jurrac deck. These two archetypes don't much synergy other than being Fire attribute.

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For Jurracs: They SS a lot, and they want to see the Giganoto on the field ASAP. Royal Oppression interferes with this.

For Flamvells: They seem like they're there just to be there. Given the balance of this deck, I'd take them out in favor of a purely offensive Jurrac deck.

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Well... Depending on how many Jurracs have 200 DEF then yeah I could see a Jurrac-Flamvell deck working somehow.

Personally I'd go with Flamvellsworn or Giganoto OTK. Yeah...

I'm still working on a Doppel-Junk deck. The fact that I can Synchro Summon like 10 times in one turn with a Junk-Doppel deck amuses me. That and being able to summon BLADE BLASTER and HALBERD CANNON easily is awesome.

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Now that you guys remind me, royal oppresion really gets in my way most of the time. And I will add rekindling to my deck, one of my friends told me to add these cards but I eventually forgot. Anyway, thanks for Flamvell deity, Eclipse, I used it once against an opponent, very good.

Edited by Ga-rei Sulley
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Can anyone give me an estimate as to how much I can sell an X-Saber deck for on ebay? The deck is incomplete and I only have one emmersblade. The deck comes inside of a 5DS deck box and I might throw in some other rare cards on the side if it will increase the price.

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It really depends on how complete it happens to be, and what you are running. You said you have the one Emmersblade, but a decklist would make an estimate a lot easier. For example, having Dualities in the deck increases it's worth by a shit ton.

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It really depends on how complete it happens to be, and what you are running. You said you have the one Emmersblade, but a decklist would make an estimate a lot easier. For example, having Dualities in the deck increases it's worth by a shit ton.

Lol, I wish I could afford a duality, but the reason I have to sell this deck that I spent like $200 on is that my wallet was stolen. Here's a list of what I have so far. A couple of the spells are ultra rare, like Monster Reborn and Sarcophogus. I have quite a few rare, non saber related cards I might throw in here.

Official 5D'S trading card box

XX-Saber Ragigura x2

X-Saber Pashuul x3

X-Saber Palumuro x2

XX-Saber Bogart Knight x3

X-Saber Airbellum x1

XX-Saber Faultroll x1

XX-Saber Darksoul x1

XX-Saber Emmersblade x1

Summoner Monk

Cyber Dragon x1

Monster Reborn x1

Cold Wave x1

Book of Moon x1

One for One x1

My Body as a Shield x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x2

Dark Hole x1

Giant Trunade x1

Smashing Ground x1

Gold Sarcophagus x1

Mind Crush x1

Pheonix Wing Wind Blast x1

Gottoms' Emergency Call x1

Divine Wrath x1

Threatening Roar x1

Gottoms' Emergency Call x1

Seven Tools of the Bandit x1

Dust Tornado x1

XX-Saber Gottoms x2

XX-Saber Hyunlei x1

Stardust Dragon x1

I had a Saber Slash but I had to throw it away due to me not paying any attention and leaving it on the floor.

Edited by AMU
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I blame Duel Terminal entirely for this post.

Found a few old cards of mine lying around from when I was in High School, nothing of real note, Time Wizard, Summoned Skull, couple of spells. However I do know this game has changed a lot since I played it with those new-fangled Synchro monsters and Exceed monsters and whatnot, in my day we had to use overly complicated Rituals and we liked it.

Were I to start to get back into this children's card game, would anyone happen to have any advice for a primarily Aqua(Maybe Fish or Sea Serpent) or Fiend based deck?

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X-saber list

People would most likely only purchase your Darksoul, Faultroll, Emmersblade, and Hyunlei.

I blame Duel Terminal entirely for this post.

Found a few old cards of mine lying around from when I was in High School, nothing of real note, Time Wizard, Summoned Skull, couple of spells. However I do know this game has changed a lot since I played it with those new-fangled Synchro monsters and Exceed monsters and whatnot, in my day we had to use overly complicated Rituals and we liked it.

Were I to start to get back into this children's card game, would anyone happen to have any advice for a primarily Aqua(Maybe Fish or Sea Serpent) or Fiend based deck?

Actually in our day we used Beat Down, Goat Control, Chaos, Monarchs, Perfect Circle, TeleDAD and stuff like that. Well there was Demise OTK for the Rituals...

If you'd like to build a Fish deck at a competitive level there's FishOTK or Fish Sunchro. For Fiends the Fabled and Dark World decks would be interesting as well.

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People would most likely only purchase your Darksoul, Faultroll, Emmersblade, and Hyunlei.

I'm not selling them individually, but as a deck. I need to know what price range I should sell it in. I kind of need the money fast, so anyone have an estimate of what price those cards would go for?

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Off the top of my head probably the following...

Darksoul - $25-30

Faultroll - $10

Emmersblade - $20-30, but it is being reprinted...

Hyunlei - $8

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Off the top of my head probably the following...

Darksoul - $25-30

Faultroll - $10

Emmersblade - $20-30, but it is being reprinted...

Hyunlei - $8

<_< I meant the deck as a whole, like I said previously. Does around $300 sound fair?

Edit: Anyone? Oh yeah, I also have a Mirror force in there as well as Torential Tribute, Foolish Burial, another Faultroll, 2 Enemy controllers, a Fullhelmknight, an Airbellum and a Quillbolt Hedgehog.

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I blame Duel Terminal entirely for this post.

So, yeah. I found a bunch of stuff from when completely stopped I playing and stuff like... Chaos Emperor Dragon was new. Now I'm hearing stuff about, like, Synchro stuff that makes zero sense to me, and I wonder, how confused would I be by all this new stuff if I started playing again... and would, like, anything I had from them be worth using?

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<_< I meant the deck as a whole, like I said previously. Does around $300 sound fair?

Edit: Anyone? Oh yeah, I also have a Mirror force in there as well as Torential Tribute, Foolish Burial, another Faultroll, 2 Enemy controllers, a Fullhelmknight, an Airbellum and a Quillbolt Hedgehog.

1. Take the prices Ein quoted you.

2. Multiply and add as necessary.

3. Find out how much the rest of your cards are worth (hint: ~$10, give or take. . .do the math yourself).

4. Sell at that price.

As for the older cards. . .I was running a deck with BEWD. Seriously.

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