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Alright, brought peace back to Uptaten Towers, beating the Haunted Housekeeper and removing his rubber mask... *gasp* Old Man Jenkins! He would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids!

Anyway... alright, got Saber! Who's a good kitty cat. Pft, it's just a "cat", the great sabrecub! Hahahaha...

Curiously, I read up that back in the original SNES version (and possibly in the PS2 version as well), there were great sabrecubs among the random monster encounters at this point of the game. Which would explain why Saber was there in the first place. However, they were removed. Likely because of Saber, go figure. Oh well...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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11 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

One of things i really hate in fiction (any media) is main romance interest being disconnected from the Story. Kinda like Ran in detective conan. I hate romances like that, and Alisa isn't heavily connected to Rean's part of the story, and instead of pushing her stronger qualities, they keep pushing here tsundereness, even if she is more dere from CS2 on.

I agree with this so much.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

but calling Rex "shotacon bait" is a stretch.

I thought it was stupid, myself.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Xenoblade 2 tends to be the target of "it's anime, therefore bad" and while there are valid criticisms to be had towards the writing, it's almost always glossed over in favor of what I just mentioned. Pre-release days were especially bad, it took until the Xenoblade 2 Direct a month before release for people to be like "oh shit, this game might actually be pretty good".

I hate that argument so goddamn much, you have no idea.
I mean, yeah, the game up to the point I played (I need to continue it, come to think of it) does feel like a shounen anime. It checks off some of the common tropes and story beats (to the point where you could theoretically draw some parallels to Dragonball Z in particular with how characters and powers are treated), but... even as someone who isn't too fond of most shounen anime, I don't exactly see how that makes the entire thing bad. Maybe that's just me.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

There's also Xenoblade 1 elitists, who only like Xenoblade 1 and think the other Xenoblade games are shit. It's not even something like "I don't like the direction the series is taking", they literally just hate the other Xenoblade games because they aren't like 1. And 2 is their common target (though before 2, X got a lot of flack from the same people). 

Interestingly, Xenoblade 1 never came up during the discussion I talked about. It was all about Xenoblade 2.
But I can imagine those elitists are the worst. They generally tend to be.

Edited by DragonFlames
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5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I mean, yeah, the game up to the point I played (I need to continue it, come to think of it) does feel like a shounen anime. It checks off some of the common tropes and story beats (to the point where you could theoretically draw some parallels to Dragonball Z in particular with how characters and powers are treated), but... even as someone who isn't too fond of most shounen anime, I don't exactly see how that makes the entire thing bad. Maybe that's just me.

I've never thought of it this way, now that you mention it.

Even if there are some story elements I don't agree with, I personally still think it's pretty amazing. But I really like all of their storyline's even if X's wasn't the greatest. (Mostly because of Tatsu, I still hate him.)

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8 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

@Armagon @lightcosmo @Interdimensional Observer Awaken my Testaments!

This seems to just be an English version of the Japanese overview trailer, but you might be interested in seeing it if you can't understand Japanese.

Can I just take this time to say how gorgeously the cutscene flows?! The animations, the graphics (I mean slash lines, etc as well) they look so amazing! And the character expressions look fabulous too! They are doing so amazing with that! 

Quick question: when it displays "Chance!" On screen, does that mean its letting us know that an artful execution is available, or is that something else?

One last thing, I'm glad they showed Rotbart!

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

I've never thought of it this way, now that you mention it.

Even if there are some story elements I don't agree with, I personally still think it's pretty amazing. But I really like all of their storyline's even if X's wasn't the greatest.

It was more of an observation than anything else. As I said, I don't see how the elements of shounen anime that are present make the story bad in the slightest.
Even beyond that, I personally like how XC2 doesn't take itself too seriously and just embraces the over-the-top stuff. I can respect that.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

@DragonFlames @Armagon

honestly, when people go ''anime bad'' on a game it's usually complaining about fanservicey character design, because as we all know, all anime are ecchi 

That is absolutely true. It's literally aaaaaaaaall ecchi stuff, nothing more.
Just like how the Atelier series exists to sell games to pedos. And Nights of Azure's only purpose is to appease the "girl on girl is hot" crowd. And let's not forget that the Neptunia games are fanservice and literally nothing else.
The sad part is, all of these are real statements I have been pestered with/read elsewhere.

But enough about doom and gloom, here's something funny if you like slapstick:


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Monolith Soft once again popping the fuck off with it's world design. It's crazy to think that just 10 years ago, the Bionis Shoulder was cut from the game due to time constraints. Now not only is it being brought back, but they are adding to it. That orange field was not there originally, for example.

7 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

hate that argument so goddamn much, you have no idea.

It never makes any sense. "Anime bad' is such a blanket statement and nobody knows what it actually means. It doesn't convey the criticism at all.

7 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

mean, yeah, the game up to the point I played (I need to continue it, come to think of it) does feel like a shounen anime. It checks off some of the common tropes and story beats (to the point where you could theoretically draw some parallels to Dragonball Z in particular with how characters and powers are treated), but... even as someone who isn't too fond of most shounen anime, I don't exactly see how that makes the entire thing bad. Maybe that's just me.

Well being more like shounen was definitely the intention. iirc there was interview with Tetsuya Takahashi (creator of the Xeno series) and he said that he did intend for Xenoblade 2 to be more light-hearded in comparison to it's predecessors. A kind of shounen "boy meets girl" kind of story. Which, that's what Xenoblade 2 is.

Of course, the other Xenoblade games are also pretty shounen (you can make a basic premise comparison between Xenoblade 1 and Attack on Titan, for example) so it's not like it's only Xenoblade 2 that's shounen-like.

And then Xenogears and the Xenosaga trilogy are more seinen (basically shounen/shoujo but for an older audience is what the term means), I mean, Xenogears is basically the Neon Genesis Evangelion of the Xeno series (Evangelion was one of the inspirations for Xenogears too).

7 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

But I can imagine those elitists are the worst. They generally tend to be.

And they unfortunately made a comeback after XenoblaDE got announced. Though some of them don't like XenoblaDE because it "turned into anime"


1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

honestly, when people go ''anime bad'' on a game it's usually complaining about fanservicey character design, because as we all know, all anime are ecchi

Yeah. It's unfortunate.

I mean, there can be valid criticism towards fanservicy designs but it shouldn't just be put under a blanket statement.

47 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

This seems to just be an English version of the Japanese overview trailer, but you might be interested in seeing it if you can't understand Japanese.

Haha, I've already watched it when I saw NoA tweet about it but thanks for the heads up anyway.

As before, it doesn't touch on stuff we didn't know before but it's nice to understand it now.

I wonder if this means the American website for the game got updated. I'll have to check it out.

45 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Quick question: when it displays "Chance!" On screen, does that mean its letting us know that an artful execution is available, or is that something else?

That's basically showing you that an Art will deal it's bonus effects because you're in the right position. 

9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Even beyond that, I personally like how XC2 doesn't take itself too seriously and just embraces the over-the-top stuff. I can respect that.

Yes. Like for example


I just recently got past this moment in my no-Blade summon run of Xenoblade 2. I love how over-the-top this moment is and the game knows it.

Striking a balance between it's goofy moments and it's serious moments is one of the game's strong points. And, this is important, I appreciate that the goofy moments pretty much stop appearing in the main story as the game nears it's climax. There's a time and place for everything.

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It never makes any sense. "Anime bad' is such a blanket statement and nobody knows what it actually means. It doesn't convey the criticism at all.

Exactly why I hate it.
And it gets thrown around so much like it's some sort of end-all, be-all argument.

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Striking a balance between it's goofy moments and it's serious moments is one of the game's strong points.

I most definitely agree with this.

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And they unfortunately made a comeback after XenoblaDE got announced. Though some of them don't like XenoblaDE because it "turned into anime"


My two responses to these people. They'd be free to pick one.

Those screenshots look gorgeous, by the way.

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10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Well, KOS-MOS' second form implies that her "skin" is actually a separate layer and there is more underneath it.


This is the only form of KOS-MOS that does not have any "skin" apart from her head.

And considering each of her forms has a different outfit, yeah she's definitely built like a human. 

Those eyes, no wonder that cursed figurine is cursed (no need to repost it), I'd want to carry a few four-leaf clovers if I walked passed the actual her.

Beside the eyes, there is something to be said the sleekness of her Episode II body, the Episode III body isn't without merit, but it is busier.

I can feel the mimeosome being a play on Xenosaga more strongly with the prior swimsuit pic you provided. KOS-MOS and presumably a couple others in that pic- human it would seem, yet android at the core; mimeosomes- so android, yet only temporary vessels for real humans in cyrostasis. 


47 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And then Xenogears and the Xenosaga trilogy are more seinen (basically shounen/shoujo but for an older audience is what the term means), I mean, Xenogears is basically the Neon Genesis Evangelion of the Xeno series (Evangelion was one of the inspirations for Xenogears too).

I know next to nada about Evangelion, but isn't like the main hero there utterly pathetic? You can't call Fei the most cool, collected, confident and cocky protag around either. Maybe I overemphasize it- he does come through in the end and fight and willingly and devotedly helps others for the rest of it obviously- but Fei registers in my mind for how hesitant he is.

Though with all the weight of the guano over his head and in it, he has no shortage of reasons to be less than a perfect hero. Fei is the most special of Xeno protags from what I know. That specialness could've meant he was the strongest hero from the start of his respective game. However, were it not for Fei being so special, and all the antagonists knowing it from when he reached the age of four, Fei wouldn't have had it so rough, being most special is as much if not more a curse for Fei until shortly before the final dungeon of a loooong journey. Specialness =/ perfection and worship by everyone.

Shoujo focuses less on action and cold world-oriented plot and more emotions and relationships if I understand it right. Fei's psyche and romance with Elly I can see catering to that crowd. Shonen... Grahf and Ramsus would satisfy them? And, JessieCannon caters to the "I want a priest shooting his dad" crowd.


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Just like how the Atelier series exists to sell games to pedos. And Nights of Azure's only purpose is to appease the "girl on girl is hot" crowd. And let's not forget that the Neptunia games are fanservice and literally nothing else.

I shall admit on the surface level I'm disinclined from playing those games, though I'd never make such harsh statements- to each their own, not going to be one to judge, I proclaim neutrality.

Furthermore, I'm not one able to take the high ground, not presently:


+No shortage of brief-but-plentiful cut-in animations that emphasize the at least partly covered woman's bust or posterior. None of which I've included because a screenshot cannot capture jiggle physics, and because it is just isn't necessary to get the point across.

Though none of this of this stuff arouses me, I came for laughs, admittedly some of it verbal innuendo (or not so covert as the above line I consider an essential addition to the canon of English literature shows), very flashy action-ish but really turn-based combat, and the Super Robot Wars atmosphere in general (KOS-MOS is nothing more than a side attraction I bring up here due to this topic being 27.3% Xeno and growing).

+For cutesy, I love Kirby, always will, and no one shall stop from purchasing Kirby games to the day I die. You can eat the boss-annihilating Hammer Flip if you disagree.


47 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I just recently got past this moment in my no-Blade summon run of Xenoblade 2. I love how over-the-top this moment is and the game knows it.

For me, it's the flashback of a Nopon holding a firearm with the intent to murder that breaks reality and forces the great computer simulation that is the universe to reset itself and resume from where it left off. 

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46 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I shall admit on the surface level I'm disinclined from playing those games, though I'd never make such harsh statements- to each their own, not going to be one to judge, I proclaim neutrality.

I certainly won't fault you for not wanting to play any of those games for any reason. I have plenty of games others love that I'm just not that interested in for a variety of reasons, myself, most of which are connected to either story premise or what little I know about the gameplay not entirely being to my terrible taste.

46 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Furthermore, I'm not one able to take the high ground, not presently:


+No shortage of brief-but-plentiful cut-in animations that emphasize the at least partly covered woman's bust or posterior. None of which I've included because a screenshot cannot capture jiggle physics, and because it is just isn't necessary to get the point across.

Though none of this of this stuff arouses me, I came for laughs, admittedly some of it verbal innuendo (or not so covert as the above line I consider an essential addition to the canon of English literature shows), very flashy action-ish but really turn-based combat, and the Super Robot Wars atmosphere in general (KOS-MOS is nothing more than a side attraction I bring up here due to this topic being 27.3% Xeno and growing).

+For cutesy, I love Kirby, always will, and no one shall stop from purchasing Kirby games to the day I die. You can eat the boss-annihilating Hammer Flip if you disagree.

Frankly, I find nothing wrong with any of that.
I like verbal innuendo as much as the next guy, jiggle physics might be silly, but they don't bother me personally, and I don't exactly mind skimpy outfits so long as they make sense in the context of the setting or if narrative purpose can be applied to them even if there wasn't necessarily one to begin with.
All this is a very roundabout way to say that I claim neutrality on the fanservice topic.

And I will fully admit to liking cute things, characters, and story moments, too.

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41 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I know next to nada about Evangelion, but isn't like the main hero there utterly pathetic?

I think. I don't know too much about Evangelion either but I know that Shinji has a lot of mental baggage with him, which contributes to him not exactly being the most composed person around.

You could argue some of this served as inspiration for Fei's character but to what extent, I do not know.

45 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Shoujo focuses less on action and cold world-oriented plot and more emotions and relationships if I understand it right.

Right, which is why a lot of shoujo stories tend to be romance.

54 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

For me, it's the flashback of a Nopon holding a firearm with the intent to murder that breaks reality and forces the great computer simulation that is the universe to reset itself and resume from where it left off. 

Yeah, that's another good one.

I personally would like to see more Nopon villains in future games. They don't need to have a major role but just the thought of a Nopon being a villain is very funny to me.

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21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I personally would like to see more Nopon villains in future games. They don't need to have a major role but just the thought of a Nopon being a villain is very funny to me.

"FRIENDS BOW DOWN TO [Nopon villain] OR [Nopon villain] ANNIHILITATE FRIENDS!" - Nopon villain
... I'd unironically love that, not gonna lie.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

For cutesy, I love Kirby, always will, and no one shall stop from purchasing Kirby games to the day I die. You can eat the boss-annihilating Hammer Flip if you disagree.


Do you prefer Kirby's return to dreamland or Kirby's epic yarn?

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I know next to nada about Evangelion, but isn't like the main hero there utterly pathetic? You can't call Fei the most cool, collected, confident and cocky protag around either. Maybe I overemphasize it- he does come through in the end and fight and willingly and devotedly helps others for the rest of it obviously- but Fei registers in my mind for how hesitant he is.

Though with all the weight of the guano over his head and in it, he has no shortage of reasons to be less than a perfect hero. Fei is the most special of Xeno protags from what I know. That specialness could've meant he was the strongest hero from the start of his respective game. However, were it not for Fei being so special, and all the antagonists knowing it from when he reached the age of four, Fei wouldn't have had it so rough, being most special is as much if not more a curse for Fei until shortly before the final dungeon of a loooong journey. Specialness =/ perfection and worship by everyone.


4 hours ago, Armagon said:

I think. I don't know too much about Evangelion either but I know that Shinji has a lot of mental baggage with him, which contributes to him not exactly being the most composed person around.

You could argue some of this served as inspiration for Fei's character but to what extent, I do not know.

Essay incoming:

Shinji's character is basically the personification of the entire point of Evangelion when it was first created.  Throughout the 1970s and 80s in Japan, anime was pretty much dominated by the Super Robot genre that consisted of a protagonist who every week would fight an alien empire that wanted to conquer Earth or some similar goal.  A good chunk of these protagonists were either young adults or teenagers or younger in a way to sort of make the shows more bankable towards younger audiences.

Shinji's character is essentially a demonstration of what would REALLY happen if someone so young and impressionable was put into that situation.  As cool of an idea as the Super Robot genre was to see on TV, these shows were essentially promoting child soldiers as though this sort of life was an adventure worth looking forward to.  In the crapsack world that Shinji inhibits, he's being asked to basically fight for his life while the weight of the world is on his shoulders, something that a normal 14 year old would not look forward to.  Essentially making it the Watchmen of Super Robot anime if you will.

Not only is this what serves as part of the show's deconstruction aspect to the popular genre from decades prior, but its central commentary on the human race as a whole.  Without giving too much away, Shinji basically shows what it's like for a kid to finally be reunited with his father only to find out how much he did not care about him at all, but in spite of this still choses to accept the call to destiny that he is offered.  Through every episode, even being one of the more "pathetic" characters in the show, he still manages to achieve being not only one of the strongest, but also the most selfless characters in the show even when he continues to get screwed over every which way somehow until the show ultimately reaches where it ends up.  

It's also pretty key to remember that Shinji was basically Hideaki Anno reflecting himself into an anime character as the show itself went through a lot of production issues and how he was wrestling with his own depression at the time as well.  Kind of similar to the production issues that happened with Xenogears actually.

Obviously Xenogears has an actual society that the human race can fall back on and with over 10,000 years of history behind the planet that Deus crash landed on, there is going to be some sense of normalcy for Fei and the world that he inhabits.  It's not until his world begins to be turned upside down that he truly begins to wonder about himself and ultimately end up going through a lot of the stuff that would have broken lesser people but manages to serve a purpose towards the central narrative of the game.

Both pretty personal projects overall, the context and symbology are where the big differences of Xenogears and Evnagelion really diverge.  Just for context, Hideaki Anno himself once said that if he knew the franchise would ever become even a little popular outside of Japan, he wouldn't have called the Angels "Angels".  Not because he was afraid of offending Christians, but because he knew people would end up seeing it as symbolism that he wasn't going for.  Personally I think if anyone is going to approach Evangelion with any spoilers at all, this should be the one they know beforehand.

Xenogears obviously uses its religious symbology to a more integral part of its narrative as a way to make a point to its audience.  I remember some people used to think back in the day that Xenogears was an atheist video game since it's about destroying "God" but are more off the mark than they are wrong.  The writing of Xenogears is built more on Gnosticism, the idea that divinity is found within ones self from an imperfect spirit which in the world of Xenogears is a reflected onto the to the interplanetary invasion system that humans came to call Deus.

Ultimately this way of thinking might have been brought up because of Tetsuya Takahashi's personal beliefs, but it is also one that serves as part of the main narrative behind Xenogears.  One of how human beings essentially need to be fully self realized in order to truly appreciate what life offers them and find companionship in any way.  Which is something that Evangelion set up prior, but only touched upon it to the degree of where this realization is more the climax rather than a key point a character saga.  Again without giving too much away, it's basically why we get to see FeiXElly as canon, but ShinjiXanyone?  Fanfiction is that way.

This is a big part of how Xenogears was essentially inspired by Evangelion although Tetsuya Takahashi basically took the overarching message from said anime and main character as his own.  Both protagonists basically go through a lot of stuff that can simply be labeled as apocalyptic and would break the minds of lesser people to finally come into their own and being able to reach out to others to achieve great things.  In a way they are both are realizations of the idea of realizing and understanding the self as a way to achieve companionship .  Long story short, the big difference between the two Evangelion is essentially about growing up while Xenogears is basically about what it means to be grown up.

I end up rambling about a lot of this indeed.  This anime was really personal to me when I watched it back in the day and had a big effect on me because of it.  I think it's pretty amazing that there's even one video game that actually takes it as an inspiration.

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3 hours ago, Benice said:

Do you prefer Kirby's return to dreamland or Kirby's epic yarn?

It'd have to be Return to Dreamland, I never played Epic Yarn. I appreciate distinctive and creative aesthetics in video games, but I have a very Aspergerian aversion to buttons IRL, and although I never said it out loud it's a stupid and petty reason as to why I never played it. The game is still pretty and I hope it's fun however.


28 minutes ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

Shinji's character is basically the personification of the entire point of Evangelion when it was first created.  Throughout the 1970s and 80s in Japan, anime was pretty much dominated by the Super Robot genre that consisted of a protagonist who every week would fight an alien empire that wanted to conquer Earth or some similar goal.  A good chunk of these protagonists were either young adults or teenagers or younger in a way to sort of make the shows more bankable towards younger audiences.

Shinji's character is essentially a demonstration of what would REALLY happen if someone so young and impressionable was put into that situation.  As cool of an idea as the Super Robot genre was to see on TV, these shows were essentially promoting child soldiers as though this sort of life was an adventure worth looking forward to.  In the crapsack world that Shinji inhibits, he's being asked to basically fight for his life while the weight of the world is on his shoulders, something that a normal 14 year old would not look forward to.  Essentially making it the Watchmen of Super Robot anime if you will.

Would this mean Evangelion existing in the Super Robot Wars franchise since '97 betrays the anime's original spirit? Thats as lighthearted as it comes.


35 minutes ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

Not only is this what serves as part of the show's deconstruction aspect to the popular genre from decades prior, but its central commentary on the human race as a whole.  Without giving too much away, Shinji basically shows what it's like for a kid to finally be reunited with his father only to find out how much he did not care about him at all, but in spite of this still choses to accept the call to destiny that he is offered.  Through every episode, even being one of the more "pathetic" characters in the show, he still manages to achieve being not only one of the strongest, but also the most selfless characters in the show even when he continues to get screwed over every which way somehow until the show ultimately reaches where it ends up.

Sounds very deserving of sympathy indeed.


38 minutes ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

It's also pretty key to remember that Shinji was basically Hideaki Anno reflecting himself into an anime character as the show itself went through a lot of production issues and how he was wrestling with his own depression at the time as well.  Kind of similar to the production issues that happened with Xenogears actually.


38 minutes ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

Both pretty personal projects overall, the context and symbology are where the big differences of Xenogears and Evnagelion really diverge.  Just for context, Hideaki Anno himself once said that if he knew the franchise would ever become even a little popular outside of Japan, he wouldn't have called the Angels "Angels".  Not because he was afraid of offending Christians, but because he knew people would end up seeing it as symbolism that he wasn't going for.  Personally I think if anyone is going to approach Evangelion with any spoilers at all, this should be the one they know beforehand.

I do remember someone say something that connects these two points, about one moment in the show where a shadow cast on a wall takes the shape of crucifix, not to indicate divinity, but to emphasis the burden on the person's shoulders. 


42 minutes ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

Ultimately this way of thinking might have been brought up because of Tetsuya Takahashi's personal beliefs, but it is also one that serves as part of the main narrative behind Xenogears.  One of how human beings essentially need to be fully self realized in order to truly appreciate what life offers them and find companionship in any way.  Which is something that Evangelion set up prior, but only touched upon it to the degree of where this realization is more the climax rather than a key point a character saga.  Again without giving too much away, it's basically why we get to see FeiXElly as canon, but ShinjiXanyone?  Fanfiction is that way.

This interpretation can find solid backing in Karelian I think. Since misunderstanding what love is and being disillusioned with the concept is what drove him to evil, and his willingness to seek redemption for his sins is founded on seeing the light of love shining again as he once did, but no longer could after the tragic moment that changed his life.


51 minutes ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

I end up rambling about a lot of this indeed.  This anime was really personal to me when I watched it back in the day and had a big effect on me because of it.  I think it's pretty amazing that there's even one video game that actually takes it as an inspiration.

Well, thank you for it.🙂 It was an interesting read, I can see the passion.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Would this mean Evangelion existing in the Super Robot Wars franchise since '97 betrays the anime's original spirit? Thats as lighthearted as it comes.

Probably.  I have been wanting to get into this franchise at some point, I just needed to find out where to start.

It is certainly one of the big burdens of deciding to become a merchandising property, and it's one that the creator has to be at terms with if they ever manage to get this big and if they decide to allow it in the end.  Or you could be like Machiko Hasegawa and refuse to allow them happen all the way to the grave to the point of where even reruns are considered out of the question.

There's at least several hundred properties in the anime medium alone that were definitely made with this sort of intention in mind and wanted to receive these sort of deals for just a little branching off into other stuff but ultimately don't end up taking off the ground for one reason or another.  Meanwhile something as personal and subversive for its time as Evangelion somehow manages to speak to so many to the point of where people would even buy ramen packs with the characters on them.

Evangelion is one of the biggest merchandising franchises in Japan even to this day, so it was likely bound to get involved in something that would have betrayed the point of its original spirit.  If you don't believe me, just look at Ghost in the Shell and the Microsoft Surface from back in the day:


1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sounds very deserving of sympathy indeed.

And this is just the main character.  This franchise is pretty infamous for having a cast that is subject to this sort of burden.  Anno said it himself as a matter of fact,

CodePen - Tribute page (for FreeCodeCamp) - Hideaki Anno

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I do remember someone say something that connects these two points, about one moment in the show where a shadow cast on a wall takes the shape of crucifix, not to indicate divinity, but to emphasis the burden on the person's shoulders. 

I think I remember hearing something along these lines long ago.  I don't remember if that was part of the claims of the show's supposed religious commentary or an actual use of symbolism, but I can definitely see that being the case.  And if it's a reference to that specific scene with Gendo Ikari, it definitely can provide as an effective indicator of where his characters mindset was at the time and what he would have potentially considered.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This interpretation can find solid backing in Karelian I think. Since misunderstanding what love is and being disillusioned with the concept is what drove him to evil, and his willingness to seek redemption for his sins is founded on seeing the light of love shining again as he once did, but no longer could after the tragic moment that changed his life.

Kind of a more happy ending version of another character in the opposing franchise in fact.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well, thank you for it.🙂 It was an interesting read, I can see the passion.

I was happy to have something to post about here.

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2 hours ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

I end up rambling about a lot of this indeed.  This anime was really personal to me when I watched it back in the day and had a big effect on me because of it.  I think it's pretty amazing that there's even one video game that actually takes it as an inspiration.

This was a very interesting read, thank you for this. I had known Evangelion inspired Xenogears, I just never knew to what extent. Nice to see that it was more than I initially thought it was. 

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I'm pretty sure there is Evangelion material that betrays the original anime's spirit anyway, so appearing in SRW is like far from offensive. Besides, if the intent was to preserve its spirit, then Evangelion wouldn't have appeared in SRW in the first place, or allowed to subvert itself so much as is par on the course for series like those that appear in SRW.

Stuff like this:

Is what SRW was made for, pretty much.

Yes, it's that event again. This time I thought on showing a different video of it for a change. Also watch Part 2, as a suggestion.


Edited by Acacia Sgt
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@Interdimensional Observer @Lightchao42 @lightcosmo and @Shrimperor since I know you're planning on getting XenoblaDE too. And anyone else who's getting the game, I come with a warning.

The game has leaked, kinda. Thankfully, all the leaks have just been exclusively on the gameplay and technical side so there are no story leaks yet. Now, for people who have played the original, we don't have to worry about the main story but we still have to worry about Future Connected spoilers. And those who haven't played the original have to watch out for both. I say this because story leaks will be inevitable now (as will OST leaks, I would like those at least, gimme the music).

I have looked at the current leaks, again, it's all exclusively gameplay and technical stuff. If you want to know, I'll DM you. 

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