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Rate the Unit, Day 28: Rath

Thor Odinson

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Rate the Unit, Day 28: Rath


- Ratings are assumed to be on LHM and HHM. Also, they should be based on when the unit is first available.

- Votes need some explanation to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Marcus/10", etc.

- Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Makes it easy to calculate, please and thank you~!

- Make votes easily visible, please~! ##Vote:

- Every ranking phase ends approximately at 20:00 EST. Do the math for your timezone.

Best to Worst

Wil: 1.85

Bartre: 2.78

Rebecca: 2.84

Dart: 3.86

Dorcas: 4.19

Canas: 5.07

Eliwood: 5.34

Guy: 5.71

Erk: 6.01

Lyn: 6.07

Matthew: 6.17

Serra: 6.27

Legault: 6.55

Oswin: 6.98

Lowen: 6.71

Lucius: 6.94

Isadora: 7.24

Hector: 7.63

Heath: 7.67

Fiora: 7.99

Kent: 8.17

Priscilla: 8.38

Raven: 8.39

Florina: 8.41

Ninian/Nils: 8.80

Sain: 8.83

Marcus: 9.63


Right. Rath.

Like Heath, he joins underleveled, unless you REALLY overleveled him in Lyn Mode, which is highly improbable and quite inefficient. He's bowlocked until promotion, and even then swords aren't that great and he doesn't even have the rank to go Killer. His underleveled ness, coupled with bowlock, makes him not quite so easy to train, especially in an environment like HHM when deployment competition is tight. He can, however, shoot things that fly dead, which makes him even somewhat useful in the desert if you choose to deploy him (though magi do it a lot better than him in that department since there's no pegasi and all wyverns and they can actually get somewhere). His durability is not particularly great, either. 7 base def is alright, but not when you have only 10% for growths.

Rath actually doesn't benefit from LHM that much unless, again, you overlevelled him like crazy. This is because a Rath without a Lyn Mode transfer is likely to be better than a Rath out of Lyn mode. He joins level 9 with B bows. B bows is nice, because it allows him to use Brave Bow (although it'd be pretty heavy on him but hey it always doubles). His con, however, does drop one if you don't Lyn Mode transfer/kill him off in LHM but he does has the best rescue in the entire game with it. 17 rescue can carry HAWKEYE. That's HUGE. Still doesn't make up for a lot of his issues, though.

He's not great or even good, but not unusable either. 4.7/10.

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Alot of people just put the score in their posts. Do their score counts?

Anyway, I give Rath a 3. He does join pretty late, and isn't as redeemable as Heath, who can at least counter attacks and fly. He's mounted, and that's about it.

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Alot of people just put the score in their posts. Do their score counts?

Anyway, I give Rath a 3. He does join pretty late, and isn't as redeemable as Heath, who can at least counter attacks and fly. He's mounted, and that's about it.

If it's within the range of scores within the parameters given by the general populus, it can be assumed that they're just too lazy to type up already said reasons and honestly even if it wasn't they won't be skewing anything for no reason. I would STRONGLY prefer it if everyone backed up their votes with something within reason, however, but an outlier score REALLY needs those justifications.

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Nice OP, Lumi. As for rating:


I actually don't like him overall as much as Rebecca or Wil, mostly because of his availability and low join level (but, unlike Heath, he only mounts instead of flies and doesn't have quite as OH....DAMN...WOW stats). His leveling is made worse with the fact that Living Legend is right around the corner, fucking over horses (but not wyverns). Bow users have a great chance to level in Genesis, but you need to have a certain amount of durability to survive; a fair amount, actually, since you're facing some of the strongest non-boss enemies in the game (mid-level promoted enemies) in relatively quick succession. I've gotten Wil to do it, and Rebecca can kind of do it (although far less reliably), but Rath being able to do it (likely being near base)...I doubt it. He may nab a few levels against the magic users, but so can anybody. So now we have Rath barely able to get past 10/-- or 12/-- in FFO, and all I can say is he better get a shit-ton of levels from those wyverns. And quick. It's more feasible in S-rank runs, but still...

If he promotes and gets to A bows (and somehow past E/D swords), he's definately better overall than Wil/Rebecca (more MOV, similar stats, and swords), but it would only last for a few chapters at most and he'd still be worse while you're raising him. I'm not a fan, personally, but his potential means it's hard to objectively rate him low.

He should've come in Port of Badon or right after Uhai.

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10 and a half point 5

Decent Bases coupled with good strength and speed bases (which work well with bow and swords, both of which have high hit%). Does join late, but this lets him benefit a lot from Afa's drop. Once he's trained, good for combating mages and fliers decent HP and decent def/res. And he's cool, with a good back story.

so 9/10.

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Nice try, but he's average.

17 aid is sweet though.

And, he's not THAT bad.

But not THAT good.

He is the best Orions bolt user though

This. He's also the best user of Rienfleche except for possibly Geitz.

But Bows suck anyways.


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Hes's unique, what with being a mounted bow user, but unfortunately, he doesn't benefit much from Lyn mode since he's overleveled (the highest level mooks in Lyn mode are only level 3). What's more, he joins somewhat late. I'll go with 4/10.

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He can do chip damage and use Brave Bow right off the bat if you're into that, and at least he has a horse over the archers

but no player phase sux

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6/10, he can promote pretty quickly, and has instant brave bow if you killed him off in LHM or didn't play Lyn Mode, and even with it, he can abuse that Short Bow and kill enemies in chapter 10 while Florina ferries people to Lundgren. The only thing really holding him back is that bows suck, he is pretty solid statistically.

He's also one of your best units in Genesis, merely because he's great at wall breaking, and doesn't require a devil weapon to do so.


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Let's see. . .Rath singlehandedly saved my first run, but that was ENM. He's also super-hot. Ahem. . .

His horse is absolutely amazing. It traverses terrain that would otherwise suck for mounted units with relative ease. It also means that he has pretty good range, and this helps with the flier spam that is HHM. His AID is insane. It doesn't take that much for him to get going (he can chip in his starting chapter, and it just gets better). While swords aren't the absolute best promotional weapon, it does give him 1-range. Lastly, his growths, once they kick in, are awesome.

6/10, which would be way higher if he joined earlier.

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It's sad when killing a unit in LHM makes them better in HHM. Because at least there Rath has B Bows.

But really it's a testament to how bad he is. Locked to the two worst weapon types in the game, comes late, needs babying to be any good, and has no EP until promotion. Being on a horse doesn't help him here.


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If your being generous Rath could probably get about 2 levels in Lyn Hard Mode. Otherwise, your looking at him being locked at base stats on chapter 22 arrival.

Anyway, if he can get B rank than using the Brave Bow really helps in the 23x genesis for breaking down walls. The reduced movement cost and high aid can make him useful for ferrying while others cannot. Although, flying easily outpaces reduced movement cost. He does have enough speed and strength to be put to use on player phase at killing things once trained up a bit.

3/10 - There can be uses found for him. Not worthless.

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I'm not so judgemental about bow users since my tactics are different ^^' I like him in Lyn's mode because he's very useful, a mount works well. I'm currently playing HHM so far and Rebecca is a very useful bow user idk if Rath can top that but I assume he can. I find longbows useful and he can use them effectively and like others said he can use Brave Bow so that means better offense off the bat. Lack of better availability hurts him though. 6/10

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If your being generous Rath could probably get about 2 levels in Lyn Hard Mode. Otherwise, your looking at him being locked at base stats on chapter 22 arrival.

That's the thing; I have other units that are much more necessary to train. Sain, Florina, Serra, and Lucius take top priority. Hell, Lyn, Kent, Dorcas, Erk, and Matthew take priority. The only units worse than Rath at this point are Wil and Wallace. I'd rather pool resources and training into Sain and Florina, who are going to be around a lot longer, than Rath, who isn't around as much and really isn't that good.

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