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Rate the Unit, Day 31: Wallace


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I'd take free Killer on a good unit>a silver and elixer on a unit that is worse that Wil

But you wouldn't take a free killer OFF of a mediocre unit than a Silver and Elixir off one I'm still not using but who is cooler in any case.

(Except I do use Wallace, just that I accept he's a terrible, terrible fighter.)

Edited by Furetchen
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I've yet to play HHM, which is why I haven't been rating. But I think I can finally give one here.

Let's see... Oswin exists, his join map is utterly stupid (fog and the boss moves if you move into his range? screw that; I imagine it must be much worse in HHM), and you miss Geitz. Really, I think he's just a punishment for you failing to level your lords before FFO.


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Despite the fact that I like him he has a forced promotion in LNM and if you don't promote by the end of LHM he comes promoted with his base stats iirc. Also pain in the ass to recruit plus the fact that Oswin does his job better.

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9/10...he's awesome

1/10 for not being so terrible as Amelia w/o tower or Wendy or Fiona or...you get the point. He is semi-useful for a little bit in LHM and you can theoretically raise him in HHM (by sacrificing the much better Geitz, mind you). He does (almost) everything wrong; terrible move, hard to train, low availability, bad base level, and not even that great when trained.

Oh, did I mention he's supposed to be a gigantic PITA to keep alive and recruit in HHM?

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Walolace. Easily the least usable unit in the game outside of enemy and NPC units. He hardly ever survives his joining chapter, and it's just easier to kill Lloyd in 2 turns than bothering to try to recruit this moron in the first place.

Raven's rating: 5%. (0.5/10)

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Wallace just...doesnt happen. He uses up a Crest that can be better used early promoting Kent or Sain, or upping your funds rank. Plus, when he does come back, you have to get the assy chapter that punishes you for not leveling your lords. Yeah not gonna happen at least not on my runs.


Walls everything in Lyn mode.

Free Crest to early promote Sain or Kent.


Everything in the world.

Bad chapter that requires you to gimp your lords.


1/10. Not even a biased rank here. Hes funny and his bald is awesome but other than that, hes not happening.

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Despite sharing my sense of direction, he's got very little utility. When promoted early, he's about the same as a level 15 Oswin, otherwise he's just a bad version of Oswin - and needs a Knight Crest.


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Wow checking his HHM join stats he's actually is better(19 DEF instead of 17) if you have Lundregen kill him in LHM than even if you promoted him(he'd probably even survive more often). He's still nothing too special, but 34/19 HP/DEF is pretty good defensively and he doesn't require a Knights Crest like Oswin to the point if for some reason you go to his chapter he might atleast be worth using over Oswin(only if he isn't promoted) from that point onwards.


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He contributes to the team by coming with a free crest for sain/kent. That's totally huge. Its the only promotion item until chapter 17, assuming you are playing LHM/HHM always.

His contributions stop after that. Recruiting him is damn hard on its own, which offsets his return. That, and poor growths prevent him from ever really becoming anything more than mediocre.

Still, if it weren't for Wallace, Sain/Kent couldn't promote early, and that would be sad. And considering Sainadin is the shit...being denied his early existance does suck.

Still, 3 for me

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I think not even.

Hard to recruit, hard to reach his damn chapter if you play it right, and hard to keep alive

His biggest use is fighting Lundgren, and even then, a trained Kent/Sain Paladin with a Lancereaver from C8 do it just as well if not better.

So snag his crest and kill him. Then go get Geitz from C24 Linus.


EDIT: If we rated it by Personality, then he'd get a 7/10 from me for having one of the funniest personalities. And a bald guy wandering because he has no sense of direction is great.

Edited by 13th
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EDIT: If we rated it by Personality, then he'd get a 7/10 from me for having one of the funniest personalities. And a bald guy wandering because he has no sense of direction is great.


Getting lost like that and in the end ending up in Ilia is so funny. xD

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