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How did you come up with your Username?


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ellipse is a long story, and one I am not sharing with you.

eclipse is because this is a FE forum (it's based off the siege book, not the skill or anything involving sparkling vampires)

clipseykitty was a mafia thing; I still run around with it sometimes. . .

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TEN YEARS AGO we were all playing Dark Age of Camelot.


I was ELEVEN or TWELVE and I liked to name my dudes and their bots opposites. THESAURUS OPPOSITES, because I was ELEVEN OR TWELVE.

Amusingly, Integrity was the buffbot and Infamy was the main. Integrity didn't become a primary name for me until World of Warcraft, years later, and he was actually intended as an alt too. Then he ended up being more fun than anybody else.

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The name Furetchen dates back to a time when I didn't know furries existed.

for some reason i couldn't stop laughing

Mine is pretty obvious: Agro and Mono are two of the only four named characters in Shadow of the Colossus; Agro being the horse and Mono the girl. Eventually I realised what a mouthful Agromono was and just switched to Agro, the most reliable and loveable video game horse ever. Fuck you, Epona.

Edited by Agro
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for some reason i couldn't stop laughing

Mine is pretty obvious: Agro and Mono are two of the only four named characters in Shadow of the Colossus; Agro being the horse and Mono the girl. Eventually I realised what a mouthful Agromono was and just switched to Agro, the most reliable and loveable video game horse ever. Fuck you, Epona.

or possibly AGRO-VATION

What? No. Epona ish baws.

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Nearly 10 years ago, in 6th grade, my friend and I had this dream of becoming video game developers, so we started writing our own stories. One of the stories was about pirates, and we decided to base the characters off of our and our friends' personalities. My friend took the main character, the captain, and I took the captain's first mate, named Bob.

Not long after, Runescape started to get pretty popular around my school, and I decided to play as well, but had trouble with a nickname until I finally settled on 1st Mate Bob, which fit the maximum characters for a character name.

From then on I just used 1st Mate Bob wherever I went. It pretty much became my online identity. So if you go anywhere online and see "1st Mate Bob" or occasionally "MateBob" (when the site doesn't allow numbers at the beginning of usernames) it will most likely be me. :)

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The anime Slayers.

Plus somebody taking my username when i changed it for a while, so i added the X as per the suggestion of ERL.

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13_master_x was my 13th alt to my GFaqs banned 13thshadow.

13thshadow takes shadows and the number 13.

13th Kitty was in that OBNOXIOUS kitty fad

13thshadow because bored

Radiant Shadow because I subbed in for RD in a mafia

and 13thshadow again

13th because easier

13th Chibi because Okamiden

13th because easy

13th Folgore White because I am Folgore White, but didn't drop the 13th

and 13th again.

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Like 13th above, I too have had several usernames. Allow me to educate you. Maybe you can remember me as one of the following aliases:

Raven: As explained in my previous post, my original name came to me as I was signing up to these forums. I was always known online as Shaun_K (first name and surname initial), but I figured I'd want to go for something slightly more FE-oriented for this place. Inspired by FE7's Raven, one of my favourite male FE characters (some female characters rank above him, however).

Raymond: FE7 Raven's real name. Speaks for itself.

Razgriz: This is from Ace Combat: Squadron Leader (Ace Combat 5). Razgriz Squadron is the nickname, and later official name, of the four protagonists of the story. Razgriz itself is a fictional demonic being as a mythical being who appears during times of war. Razgriz is a representation of war itself.

RΛVΣП: A somewhat unique take on my original name of Raven. Boredom might have been to blame. Can't remember.

Raven Vs Raven: A take on one of my favourite songs by Pendulum:


VanguardRaven: Came into being after "Raven" was taken when I tried signing up to Gaia Online back then. I wanted a name above the common Hero class, so luckily this was unique and not taken. This is also my XBox Live Gamertag.

NyanguardNyanven: Inspired by nyan cat.

NiggahrdRaven: Inspired by


V-Raven: VanguardRaven, only cut down in size.

Razer: Inspired by Razer, the robot which took part in many series of Robot Wars UK. It won 40 of the 46 matches it had played throughout Robot Wars, and was generally awesome.

Railgunz: Whilst signing up for the Flash game Transformice, Raven was taken, VanguardRaven was too long, and V-Raven didn't allow hyphens and only one capital letter (so it had to be Vraven). So I went with Railgunz. Inspired by both Mikoto Misaka of the Toaru Majutsu no Index/Toaru Kagaku no Railgun series, and the real life railgun weapon, which is still in development, but does exist.

Edited by Raven
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Othin and to a lesser extent Thorhammer are my two main screennames. Shouldn't take any explanation.

TheOthin is a variation I tend to use on larger sites where Othin is taken or I just feel like it'll fit better.

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when I was 11 I was drawing a comic about a superhero who could control water. For the name I started to deform the word "water".

Came up with wase, figured it could use a "h" to make it look cooler.

and thus whase was born. I've been using it as username everywhere I go.

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Crash Gordon - A parody of "Flash Gordon".

94 - References my birth year, 1994.

It actually started out when I first signed up to Wikipedia, I tried "Crash Gordon" but it was taken so I picked CrashGordon94 instead and decided to use it elsewhere for consistency.

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Esau is the Biblical elder-twin brother of Jacob. I heard the story as a young child and thought he was a cool character, being fiery-haired and a good hunter.

Turns out he's a hairy dude hated by God. So in a way we're kinda kindred spirits. :awesome:

Mine is pretty obvious: Agro and Mono are two of the only four named characters in Shadow of the Colossus; Agro being the horse and Mono the girl. Eventually I realised what a mouthful Agromono was and just switched to Agro, the most reliable and loveable video game horse ever. Fuck you, Epona.

Hey whoah slow down Turbo. Agro's a pretty cool dude, but does he have a cool diamond on his head? Wait yeah he does. Whatever.

Although I always cry manly tears when he falls down that canyon.

TEN YEARS AGO we were all playing Dark Age of Camelot.


I was ELEVEN or TWELVE and I liked to name my dudes and their bots opposites. THESAURUS OPPOSITES, because I was ELEVEN OR TWELVE.

Amusingly, Integrity was the buffbot and Infamy was the main. Integrity didn't become a primary name for me until World of Warcraft, years later, and he was actually intended as an alt too. Then he ended up being more fun than anybody else.

What's WITH the random CAPS throughout this MESSAGE?

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For reasons lost to time, I thought it (Rehab) was a good (nick)name when I was 12. Also healer archetypes are cool.

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I wanted to have a unique single word user-name in the same vein as Reach and Sea. I liked the definitions for wist I found while scouring Wiktionary. Wist + user-name didn't pull up any significant results on Google when I decided on the name. Worked for me.

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