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[OC] Basics Mafia - Day 3


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Here's a list of people who are still alive but don't seem to be talking.



Rapier, to some extent

Luster Purge


[✓] Day 1 - Shinori

[✓] Day 2 - Mancer

[✓] Day 3 - roller coasters

of scuuuuum

roller coasters,

hoo hoo-hoo hoo, yeah!

(yes I know they didn't make the original, RHCP are better anyway)

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Aleph, go speak to some of them OC instead of BSing here.

If you do, you will know one of them is unable to speak in thread and the other has a post restriction.

Stop being a spoilt brat and looking out for only yourself.

Look at the bigger picture for town and stop acting like you only need to look out for yourself. You're only slipping your true role.

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There's a difference between having a life and promising a dozen people that you'll be a good host, then not being able to do so IN ADDITION to having a co-host with the exact same problem. I can't imagine what sort of horrible planning was involved that allowed a simple mafia game to become this unplayable. Nothing remotely resembling a backup plan has made itself apparent.

I get that SF as a whole doesn't care much for mafurs because they all just want to play their silly little FE games but really? Don't offer to host if you can't. I'm surprised no one's just said "fuck this, I quit. Let's go play monster hunter" or something.

My family is way more important than this game. So is the rest of my life. In other words, stop whining.

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I wasn't on irc yesterday because literally nothing was happening in this game

For now ##Vote MancerNecro

The only new thing you've told us is the details regarding your alignment, and I see no reason to take that PM at face value as you've been lying to us all the way before this. It's not like you haven't had the time to edit the PM as fit. Yes, it'd be nice if you really changed your alignment to town but at this point I can hardly trust you and you could be bullshitting about the requirements for alignment change anyway.

I know from a source what you are. You were RoleCopped N0 by the very person you claimed to.

Prims also claimed question asker to me, which is also an investigative ability. Cam is claiming cop, and you're saying there's another cop around here?

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Because everyone has been saying Prims only claimed two roles, Question Asker and Bulletproof (to those he didn't trust), so I don't think he could've claimed multiple roles to different people (yeah, he never roleclaimed to me, then again I never asked him).

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So, let me see if I understand (because I'm stupid). Are you saying Prims is scum now, Mancer?

I'm not. I'm trying to make sense of Prims's claims as well as saying that since Prims claimed a lot of different things and the fact that a cop exists, it's unlikely that Prims's actual role is Question Asker.

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mancer you're doing that lying thing again

You're also twisting prims's words REALLY hard. He claimed one thing to people he thought were scum for sure, another to people he didn't trust and another to people he did. That's not nearly as scummy as you're busting your ass to make it sound. Fun fact: you said prims and paperblade were mafia in the past and now you're denying that claim despite spewing shit about dead!prims.

More fun facts: there are 2 hosts; one of them knew he was going on vacation and the other hadn't been around most of the time. I imagine the latter is a pretty good indicator to all involved parties that the responsibilities should be moved to someone else. Ergo you can hypocritically whine all you like about what a terrible person I am and how you have such important things to do when it's just obvious you had plenty of time before hand to spend like 15 minutes passing the keys to the clubhouse over to someone else. Not only in time to deal with Life's oh so important vacation, but also to mitigate how busy eclipse was before she even had somewhere else to be.

Either way a group of people several times the 2 of you in number were told they'd be playing a mafia game and then didn't get to not because "shit came up", but because of shoddy planning that makes me look like fucking Xanatos.

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So because I was on a plane, update's a teeny bit late. But it's OK.

So MancerNecro got his head ran up a flagpole after the town stopped caring about the shit that he spewed. Interesting.

Night 2 ends... 10 PM EST on December 18. Don't forget. I won't.

Phases are now 24 hours due to small amount of players and the fact that lylo may or may not be approaching.

Edited by Am Yisrael Chai
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