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I'd probably think "hey whatever floats your boat" idk??? I have a little list of things of things that are scummy but not scummy enough to be a complete case. If you think it's stupjd I'm not gonna fault you for it.

Also I'm glad I'm not the only one getting bad vibes from kirsche because like I havent said anything bc I haven't read his posts thoroughly but something about him feels off.

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If I may ask though that if you think something I say is stupid or absurd/graspy just... say it rather than imply it? That's probably not what you were doing but that goes for everyone. It's mostly because I'm not good at catching those kinds of things x: just be straightforward with me.

Anyway sleep time

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Busy streak again. Also, since phase end is early in the morning for me (Saturday morning to be precise), I don't think I can be around for anymore of the discussion for the rest of the phase. I also think the thread has been rather slow for the second half of the day phase...

Going to make some last few posts before I go to bed because I'm tired and sleepy from work and I really need the rest cause I'm going to overly tire myself out if I don't...

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##Vote Bluedoom

Unless someone has a better idea. I've seen marth come at people way harder than this, and while I think eclipse and bbm are scummy, I always think they're scummy because I disagree with their playstyles, and I'm no where near invested enough into this game to come up with a confident read on them otherwise.

##Select Fighter/Fire

Because I was on that before but some nitwits decided to hammer in Knights iirc

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There is almost no content and discussion by Elieson from this post:

Scumreads- Kirsche(Reason: Above), Poly(Reason: Blind sheeping, little-no other contribution)

Unsure of- Eclipse (Reason: more [anything] would help), Rapier(Reason: Why did you pick Knight when you outright didn't want to support neighbors)

to this post:

probably town

- MancerNecro

- Belisarius

- Rapier

- Quote (Viata)

- kirsche

- Refa

- NekoRex & Randa


- Bluedoom

- eclipse

probably scum

-No thoughts on these players whatsoever

- Shin

- Xinnidy

- Burakkuhoku (Polydeuces)

- Sara. (Elieson)

that's all you're getting out of me so now i'll take the scorri way out and show myself out the door until D2

other than complaints about BBM tunneling him and that he doesn't think kirsche is scum but leans town (with no reasons behind it either).

Questioning what happened to his Poly read. How did it go from scum to null/no thoughts.

Also how in the world did you find Refa, Randa & NekoRex and Bluedoom scummy so suddenly without any explanations behind it?

All of your content has been focused on kirsche and BBM so far and suddenly this list is churned out. I also don't really like the fact that your last Bluedodm vote seems very opportunistic.

I really dislike that quick jump in stances between those two posts.

What I feel is that there may be scum intent behind this behaviour to just lie low and agree with other players' reads. You found kirsche scummy when Bluedoom found him scummy and eclipse when someone else (can't remember who right now) found her scummy. The only thing I don't understand is the BBM read and why he decided to go for that case when no one else was on it. He drew a lot of attention to him doing so. I could guess that he felt pressurised by BBM's supposed tunneling on him though.

Going to ISO Shin too right now.

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I'm literally sheeping cases that I think are sheepworthy because just because.

Also, I completely forgot that I even had a read on Poly. I'm clearly not paying that much attention to the game (I assure you it's not as if I intend to be this uninvested in a game I signed up for)

I don't think Refa is scummy. He's smack-dab in the middle of my chart. That's an awfully bold assumption you're making there. NekoRanda I just get mixed signals from, as one player seems more invested in the game while the other isn't. Bluedoom *See above*

Who the hell do you want me to vote for now, with like 10 hours left in phase? Some sudden new wagon? I'd love to vote for eclipse but one I can't really tell if I think she's scummy ( and the more I think about it, the more I think that she's probably not scum ), or BBM, the guy who's tunnelled me. I don't like OMGUS-voting, so you're gonna have to accept that. Bluedoom is an actual wagon, and various people have specificalyl stated that they just want a lynch to happen. I'm for giving town information, and if you want to lynch me just so town can see what a Town Non-elemental's rolePM looks like, I'll swallow that pill just so town can scumhunt better.

I could guess that he felt pressurised by BBM's supposed tunneling on him though.

HELL YEA I FELT PRESSURE FROM THAT! Eclipse joked around about "finding tomorrow's lynch", and BBM's been on my case for like everything I've said even moreso than my ex-wife. He's also assumed I'm dayvig because of something I said, which is a bold assumption on his part. I can prove my role to him pretty easily, but that's not the point.

I dunno I'm just very out of this game and real life isn't helping, considering the fact that this past week has been spent at work, and unexpectedly having to work from home because of problems with my incompetent supervisor vanishing for three days. I've got other things on my plate.

Mancer try looking at refa he's outright admitted to sheeping BBM in like the very next post, and has admitted to doing so what, twice now?

seriously i'm just gonna let town effectively guide my vote. I don't want to vote for anybody above BBM on my list, and from BBM->Me, i'll agree to a vote (even if it has to be on myself just to get a lynch on the table). I'd rather be dead D1 than unintentionally leading town a slippery slope of failure for two or three additional days because everyone wants to focus on my shortcomings

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I find nothg particularly wrong with Shin's posts through his ISO although I agree he tends to waffle quite a little. I can follow the flow of most of Shin's thoughts and his reads does not really jump around radically throughout the game so I don't find him so opportunistically scummy as other players.

##Unvote: Quote, ##Vote: Sara.

This should place him at L-1 unless Randa derped with his calculations.

My current thoughts:

Bluedoom and kirsche are scummy to me for reasons discussed earlier.

Levity, Refa and Elieson lean scummy to me for the reasons mentioned earlier. My Refa read depends on Bluedoom's flip and isn't really that strong for now. More confident in my Elieson read because of the reasons mentioned in the previous post I made.

Xinnidy, Belisarius, Shin and Poly need to exist more. I had some scum reads off of Poly but they have fizzled off because of his inactivity and because he has almost no content past a certain part of the game.

((Shouldn't Poly be prodded along with Xinnidy?))

Going for my Elieson read since none of my other reads seem to be gaining ground at all.

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I think it would be better if your list doesn't go from probably town to probably scum but is split into two sections with the same headers. It's generally assumed that the bottom half are your scum reads and the top half are your town reads.

Even more waffle wrt eclipse. Not good at all. She's literally on the bottom of your list of reads and you just said that she might be town now.

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Going to bed now. If I can wake up early enough to change my vote or contribute towards the last bit of discussions before the hammer and lynch, I will. Otherwise, I think this is the last post I can make within this Day phase.

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Even more waffle wrt eclipse. Not good at all.

This is the shit I get tired of, and is exactly why i'm in shit right now from BBM for having the same exact thought process on kirsche.

Unless someone has a better idea. I've seen marth come at people way harder than this, and while I think eclipse and bbm are scummy, I always think they're scummy because I disagree with their playstyles, and I'm no where near invested enough into this game to come up with a confident read on them otherwise.


Not good at all.
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Mancer if you go to bed without responding I'll actually be pretty bothered by it because I still want clarification from you on where I said eclipse was town

I'd also like you to know that spectrum lists don't automatically mean what you apparently think they do.

probably town
- MancerNecro
- Belisarius
- Rapier
- Quote (Viata)
- kirsche
- Refa
- NekoRex & Randa
- Bluedoom
- eclipse
probably scum

-No thoughts on these players whatsoever

- Shin
- Xinnidy
- Burakkuhoku (Polydeuces)

- Sara. (Elieson)

Think of my thoughts as that, where i have middling reads on people in the middle of my chart. It's not a 50/50 split right down the middle, sheesh

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Eclipse I'm not sure if I should be offended or amused by that Wikipedia article. It's a little bit of both right now.

To be fair, I wasn't sure if I should be appalled or amused for linking that. :P:

Eli's done a somewhat better job of explaining that read on me, even though I think that "always reading BBM/me as scum" is terrible (because we're not always scum). The lack of time pushes him slightly on the town side, and while I can understand that, I don't think it's good that he's basically thrown his hands up in the air and given up. Like, give a coherent case as to why I'm scum, even if it means ISO skimming me.

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which builds up to


That's just an ISO on myself for why I found you scummy in the first place.

I'll have an opportunity to read your EuryWall posts after a meeting that starts about 30 seconds ago.

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kirsche is getting no response until he devotes time to the rest of the game, because there was content between here and here. This is the scummiest thing he's done, right next to that one statement that I will forever have problems with.

Your "I'm not answering Kirsche until he does x" makes me believe you are intentionally dodging his rebuttal, which sounds pretty bad for me and does little to help your case. Whether he has addressed other people or not, you should be more concerned with defending yourself from his accusations than finding excuses to not do so. Otherwise, I agree that he should be looking into other people that are not called eclipse, but I can't see scum intent within his focus because his logic seems sound enough and it's been hard to find any decent reads overall.

Regarding associative reads, I see now that Refa's reasons for finding Marth town are sound even if I don't agree that he's so hardtown, so it seems to me as something that I shouldn't push anymore.

I'm all too content on keeping my vote on Elie. His Marth vote is terrible if his only reason for finding him scummy amounts to "hey he isn't playing as optimally as he usually does so he's scum". This sparks a bit of curiousity on me though, because he could have easily sheeped the case on Belisarius instead of claiming that he's now townreading him and miss an opportunity to easylynch someone else other than him. I'll just suppose he wasn't calculating enough for that.

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Xinnidy, Belisarius, Shin and Poly need to exist more. I had some scum reads off of Poly but they have fizzled off because of his inactivity and because he has almost no content past a certain part of the game.

Man, I don't need to be grouped together with those chumps!

Eli's last attempt at a Marth push seems pretty weak. Regardless of motivation, I'm really not feeling the conviction of "Marth usually does X" and in general it seems like Eli's just picking names to decide who's scum.

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Your "I'm not answering Kirsche until he does x" makes me believe you are intentionally dodging his rebuttal, which sounds pretty bad for me and does little to help your case. Whether he has addressed other people or not, you should be more concerned with defending yourself from his accusations than finding excuses to not do so. Otherwise, I agree that he should be looking into other people that are not called eclipse, but I can't see scum intent within his focus because his logic seems sound enough and it's been hard to find any decent reads overall.

Am I scum? You're responding to me a lot, but I don't see a read from you, and THAT'S scummy. The other scummy thing - you're assuming why I did what I did. You can guess at it, but stating it plainly is just bad.

That being said, your logic is absolutely terrible - I think my time is better spent on the rest of the game, and I think his would be, too.

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In short, where is the scum intent within Kirsche's content, clipsey?

Okay, does anybody have anything new or useful to add. If not can we just hammer Eli already. I don't see anybody else being lynched today.

We still need to vote for a second element. Hold your horses.

ITT: Distracted!Elie must be scum because he isn't 100% confident on D1 reads

Appealing to exaggerations isn't helping your case, buddy.

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In short, where is the scum intent within Kirsche's content, clipsey?

Scum intent is lack of focus on anyone else - it's a great way to deny the game of associative reads, and I didn't feel like shitting up the thread further.

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I'd love to vote for eclipse but one I can't really tell if I think she's scummy ( and the more I think about it, the more I think that she's probably not scum )

Really going to bed now. Just came back out of curiosity to check on the status of the thread.

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I kinda wonder why bbm asked me for opinions on "other lynch candidates" when I've commented, somehow, on every lynch candidate discussed today (even ones that don't have a wagon anymore, like Mancer) literally except for Marth, who is the only other player at this time with a significant wagon on him.

Elie's latest posts make me want to lynch him even less so I'm gonna reread Marth when I'm back on my laptop since I don't really have any thoughts on him yet

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Am I scum? You're responding to me a lot, but I don't see a read from you, and THAT'S scummy. The other scummy thing - you're assuming why I did what I did. You can guess at it, but stating it plainly is just bad.

That being said, your logic is absolutely terrible - I think my time is better spent on the rest of the game, and I think his would be, too.

Aside from your tone, I find your explanation good enough to find you more Town leaning than Scum leaning (also because of your earlier content which I've addressed and liked).

While your time is better spent on the rest of the game, nothing is stopping you from making a rebuttal to his case, which you really should because as Town you also want to clear your name of any accusations. In other words, you could be doing both yet you decided to turn yourself to the rest of the game and ignore Kirsche for the time being.

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