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Yeah, my Brave Lyn that I pulled is miraculously neutral, and the Ike was -Atk/+Def. Not thrilled about his attack drop, but all three of his defensive stats sound like great boons with Urvan. 

4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

But what about +Spd/-Atk? :P:

Works on my Titania, crippled my Lyn.

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1 hour ago, r_n said:

At least -Atk can be worked around. -Speed feels more debilitating, comparatively.

Speed is overrated and only really needed when the other stats are decent or good. Speed bane is what you're looking for on units already slow like Sophia, Leo, armoreds not named Draug or Amelia and so on. And even then it can be worked around with Fury in case the player can't look for optimal builds/IVs.

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I wanted to think on how they could do the other four CYL units (The ones who got 3rd and 4th place). I will only be listing there movement type and there weapon. 

Brave Camilla: A flyer who is either a red tome user with Dark Ragnarok (Fury 2 built into it) or a axe unit with the Aurglemir

Brave Hector: A armor who is a green axe unit with the thunder armads (Atk +3. Has brash assault 3 built into it)

Brave Tharja: Blue tome user with goetia

Brave Chrom: Bow user with the double bow ( A brave bow, but with 3 more mt)

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9 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

I wanted to think on how they could do the other four CYL units (The ones who got 3rd and 4th place). I will only be listing there movement type and there weapon. 

Brave Camilla: A flyer who is either a red tome user with Dark Ragnarok (Fury 2 built into it) or a axe unit with the Aurglemir

Brave Hector: A armor who is a green axe unit with the thunder armads (Atk +3. Has brash assault 3 built into it)

Brave Tharja: Blue tome user with goetia

Brave Chrom: Bow user with the double bow ( A brave bow, but with 3 more mt)

For Hector & Tharja, I could see them being based off their daughters and becoming a red tome (forblaze ideally) armor  fashioned after Lilina and Tharja imitate's Noire's fashion with something like Yewfelle or a unique bow


Camilla can dress like corrin because she absolutely would let's be real

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22 minutes ago, r_n said:

For Hector & Tharja, I could see them being based off their daughters and becoming a red tome (forblaze ideally) armor  fashioned after Lilina and Tharja imitate's Noire's fashion with something like Yewfelle or a unique bow


Camilla can dress like corrin because she absolutely would let's be real

Sniper!Tharja sounds fascinating.  I can't see Hector with a tome, though - if he fell asleep in math class, how in the world is he supposed to have the mental aptitude to learn magic? :P:

Camilla can dress like male Corrin and I'd be happy.

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2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Sniper!Tharja sounds fascinating.  I can't see Hector with a tome, though - if he fell asleep in math class, how in the world is he supposed to have the mental aptitude to learn magic? :P:

Camilla can dress like male Corrin and I'd be happy.

encouragement from the voices of thousands and also his daughter

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4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I think I'll stand pat on my Orbs and settle for the natures I've got on my CYLs now.  Tellius is just too big to risk not having enough Orbs.  I'll expect that no matter who they add, I'm going to want them all.  I was very lucky that I didn't have to spend a ton of real money on CYL, so I can start saving up Orbs for the next Banner.


I do wonder if they'll have another filler Banner after the Blade Skill Banner.  They might not, since the CYL is such a big one, but I wouldn't put it past them to have another one right after everyone used all their Orbs.

I'll be really sad if the next banner is Tellius since I've blown all my orbs on CYL and I'll to continue doing so if I want to get Lucina...

4 hours ago, r_n said:

At least -Atk can be worked around. -Speed feels more debilitating, comparatively.

I'd take -Spd instead of -Atk on my Subaki. 22 Atk as a level 40 5* is pathetic.

Edited by LuxSpes
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4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I think I'll stand pat on my Orbs and settle for the natures I've got on my CYLs now.  Tellius is just too big to risk not having enough Orbs.  I'll expect that no matter who they add, I'm going to want them all.  I was very lucky that I didn't have to spend a ton of real money on CYL, so I can start saving up Orbs for the next Banner.


I do wonder if they'll have another filler Banner after the Blade Skill Banner.  They might not, since the CYL is such a big one, but I wouldn't put it past them to have another one right after everyone used all their Orbs.

I'll be really sad if the next banner is Tellius since I've blown all my orbs on CYL and I'll to continue doing so if I want to get Lucina...

4 hours ago, r_n said:

At least -Atk can be worked around. -Speed feels more debilitating, comparatively.

I'd take -Spd instead of -Atk on my Subaki. 22 Atk as a level 50 5* is pathetic.

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Gimme Swordmaster Brave!Takumi !! He is in the top 10 too... He could wear Sumeragi's armor!

But the sad side of this, if that then they will make Brave!Leo (who could be paladin like Xander or Wyvern like Camilla... Or maybe strategist like Forrest), and then I would cry because how can someone make me choose between Takumi and Leo

Anyway, I was passing around here just... Because I wanted to share this video of the guy with the Distant counter Oboro

This Oboro can kill some Reinhards with Distant counter and of course, a defense tile haha, still awesome

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1 hour ago, eclipse said:

Sniper!Tharja sounds fascinating.  I can't see Hector with a tome, though - if he fell asleep in math class, how in the world is he supposed to have the mental aptitude to learn magic? :P:


Hector carries a gigantic book, and with his brute strength he swings it around like an Olympic throwing athlete. Once it's launched into the air, it becomes lit with electricity, and unleashes a shocking explosion upon contact with the foe.


1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:

Just make Camilla a manakete because she's got dragon blood, and apparently that's all we need in order to speculate that CYL Roy is a manakete

Why are people speculating CYL Roy is a manakete? And how is that different from normal Roy who people already outright assume is a manakete parakeet? (Mamkutes forever!)

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34 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why are people speculating CYL Roy is a manakete? And how is that different from normal Roy who people already outright assume is a manakete parakeet? (Mamkutes forever!)


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So people on reddit figured out not only how to play the Quick Hero Battle minigame on a PC browser, but they also wrote a code to automatically do the normal difficulty over and over again. It might still be possible to get those 10 orbs and 5k feathers.

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9 hours ago, silverserpent said:

Even with +spd/-res?

That's exactly the Titania I'm currently using because I'm too lazy to replace her with a better one (I'd also have to promote said better one from 4-star rarity).


10 hours ago, Rezzy said:

She hard counters Reinhardt.

I prefer keeping Guard in her B slot. It hard counters Quickened Pulse Moonbow Reinhardt.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

I prefer keeping Guard in her B slot. It hard counters Quickened Pulse Moonbow Reinhardt.

I also have that, just not equipped at the moment.  I've found I get more defense wins with Wings of Mercy equipped.  I sometimes change it before doing an Arena run, but I forget a lot of the time.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

That's exactly the Titania I'm currently using because I'm too lazy to replace her with a better one (I'd also have to promote said better one from 4-star rarity).

I mean, if you're anything like me, you should have enough shards stashed to insta level to 40 after paying the 20k feathers (which is the far bigger issue---relatively, not really that big of a problem considering how many feathers we've been getting recently). It's not like you need to SP grind when merging gives you all the skills the old one had.

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Just now, DehNutCase said:

I mean, if you're anything like me, you should have enough shards stashed to insta level to 40 after paying the 20k feathers (which is the far bigger issue---relatively, not really that big of a problem considering how many feathers we've been getting recently). It's not like you need to SP grind when merging gives you all the skills the old one had.

No amount of shards can fix lazy.

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3 hours ago, Poimagic said:

I wanted to think on how they could do the other four CYL units (The ones who got 3rd and 4th place). I will only be listing there movement type and there weapon. 

Brave Camilla: A flyer who is either a red tome user with Dark Ragnarok (Fury 2 built into it) or a axe unit with the Aurglemir

Brave Hector: A armor who is a green axe unit with the thunder armads (Atk +3. Has brash assault 3 built into it)

Brave Tharja: Blue tome user with goetia

Brave Chrom: Bow user with the double bow ( A brave bow, but with 3 more mt)

I would have loved to see something like Tiki wielding the blade made of her mother's fang (even though Marth's bloodline can only wield it) or being a wyvern rider, both while wearing some sweet dragon-symbolic armor.

Someone get to work on drawing either of those.

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11 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

I hope you've never bothered to swap seals on her, then, since that's almost the same amount of clicks. ; )

Titania's never had a seal on her before.


And I hate switching seals on my characters. I wish teaching skills, switching skills, and equipping seals could all be done on a single skill management menu.

That said, Japan is pretty damned slow when it comes to adopting modern UI practices. It only took them 20 years to realize that no one uses the deposit and withdraw options in Pokémon's PC system and finally moved the all-in-one option up to the top (at least, I'm pretty sure they finally did that).

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Titania's never had a seal on her before.


And I hate switching seals on my characters. I wish teaching skills, switching skills, and equipping seals could all be done on a single skill management menu.

That said, Japan is pretty damned slow when it comes to adopting modern UI practices. It only took them 20 years to realize that no one uses the deposit and withdraw options in Pokémon's PC system and finally moved the all-in-one option up to the top (at least, I'm pretty sure they finally did that).

It was an unlockable feature in ORAS to get your 'Move Pokemon' option to the top. I don't remember what SM does.

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6 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

And I hate switching seals on my characters. I wish teaching skills, switching skills, and equipping seals could all be done on a single skill management menu.

Preaching to the choir. I never change skills or seals, so my offense teams are always using their defense sets. (WoM is great for catching people who are tired/not paying attention, but it's hard to use without losing units for a offense team. Sadly, I'm too lazy to swap skills and seals around just to do my arena runs.)

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Just now, phineas81707 said:

It was an unlockable feature in ORAS to get your 'Move Pokemon' option to the top.

Unlockable feature, huh. Proof that Japan seriously does not know what the fuck it's doing in terms of making usable UI.


1 minute ago, DehNutCase said:

Preaching to the choir. I never change skills or seals, so my offense teams are always using their defense sets. (WoM is great for catching people who are tired/not paying attention, but it's hard to use without losing units for a offense team. Sadly, I'm too lazy to swap skills and seals around just to do my arena runs.)

Unfortunately, I'm forced to do so because my dragon team needs to have non-functioning skills to guarantee 740-point opponents in Arena Assault and needs to have functioning skills in regular Arena because there's no reason to need to place first.

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24 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

That said, Japan is pretty damned slow when it comes to adopting modern UI practices. It only took them 20 years to realize that no one uses the deposit and withdraw options in Pokémon's PC system and finally moved the all-in-one option up to the top (at least, I'm pretty sure they finally did that).

I wondered the same thing for a lot of years, since RSE (iirc) I only used move pokemon instead of deposite -> back -> withdraw -> exit -> open menu -> pokemon -> order pokemon.

Speaking of seals and all, I swap skills depending on the map I'm facing. The most important changes I do are the Valor skills (so far I have Gray and Elise), others are hones and forts for goads and wards if the map has a lot of panic, and the seals are mostly permanent on some units, although I occassionaly change them for my arena teams.

This weekend I finally trained Anna and Leo to both learn Glacies and some other skills, same for Camilla learning Gronnraven+ and Iote's Shield. I hope I can pull assist fodder on my next session to complete my brave heroes. No more jagens plz

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Huh, I just noticed that Seth's ready animation is different from all the other cavaliers except regular Xander. Unlike the other cavaliers who sit upright and don't move much, Seth's upper body moves more and he leans forward like he's about to charge. Xander's is a bit similar in that his upper body is more animated than the other cavaliers, but he doesn't lean forward as much as Seth. Not sure on Luke, Mathilda, Peri, Roderick, BH Roy, and spring Xander since I don't have them.

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