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5 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

...Being the fiancee of Lopt is a pretty sad existence, wouldn't you say? (Hell, you could probably squeeze in a 'I don't have a choice, so I'll try my best to love him back and make the most of it'.

Though yeah, that math is a lot nicer.

It's less that I have a problem with Ishtar's motivations and that the "canon" math just really, really makes the game's given motivations harder to understand. Even if I didn't have a problem with it on Ishtar's end, it still doesn't explain how an 8-year-old Julius loved Ishtar more than anyone else to the point where even after Lopto's influence he still loved her. Or is it all Lopto making her believe he loves her? And in a way, I don't think the writers had considered how the characters' different relationships with one another work out with respect to the timeline that they made for themselves.

So I just think Jugdral (despite being well-written) has really bad math, and things still work out with Julius being possessed for less time and Julia being missing not that long. Is Julius ever given a canon age? Or Ishtar?

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16 minutes ago, Kaden said:

@JSND Alter Dragon Boner, what is your Clive running other than Brave Lance? Curious since I'm trying to dump as many units as I can and giving away skills is a pretty good idea.

Literally just that from Donnel and Reciprocal Aid. Also ATK3 from Cherche

Hes mainly an AA use unit so the SI is on the lazy side(would probably give him TA/DB otherwise) but hes definitely one of my more used unit for a run because he had enough bulk to take 1 Brave Lyn double making him a somewhat reliable check on the less dangerous map(on a worse map i would run Brave Archer as BLyn check)


Hes kind of a part of why i think BLyn is way less opressive than Reinhardt


I mean think about it this way. Reinhardt is 50 Magic atk hitting twice. Julia hits fucking hard and shes 52

Lyn is 47 hitting twice. Thats as much power as fucking Roy

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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35 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Literally just that from Donnel and Reciprocal Aid. Also ATK3 from Cherche

Hes mainly an AA use unit so the SI is on the lazy side(would probably give him TA/DB otherwise) but hes definitely one of my more used unit for a run because he had enough bulk to take 1 Brave Lyn double making him a somewhat reliable check on the less dangerous map(on a worse map i would run Brave Archer as BLyn check)


Hes kind of a part of why i think BLyn is way less opressive than Reinhardt


I mean think about it this way. Reinhardt is 50 Magic atk hitting twice. Julia hits fucking hard and shes 52

Lyn is 47 hitting twice. Thats as much power as fucking Roy

Hmm, okay. Is he running any C-skill? At this point, I'm considering dumping Hone Cavalry and Ward Cavalry on him just to get rid of units. Clive wants attack, especially as a Brave Lance user, but other cavaliers have better offensive spreads than him and he wants defense, but there are tankier cavaliers than him. Clive... What am I supposed to do with you and these freeloading units?

BH Lyn is targeting a higher defensive stat; average defense seems like 25 while average resistance is more like 20. You also left her as =Atk and without Swift Sparrow's +4 attack while Reinhardt is +Atk with Death Blow 3. BH Lyn's attack would have 47 total and 51 initiating and if she were +Atk, it would be 50 total and 54 initiating. Also, if she were running Brave Bow, Clive dies if he doesn't have Deflect Missile. Anyway...

I don't want to go through all of the units, but it also seems like most of the units that are not knights with high resistance don't have high HP which itself is a problem when you consider that would mean having ~75 of your stat points in defense and HP. 40 HP and 35 resistance means at worse, 72 stat points for someone who could counter at range. Divide that evenly into attack, defense, and speed and you'd have a stat spread of 40 HP, 24 Atk, 24 Spd, 24 Def, and 35 Res. That's almost Wrys's stats, but he's a healer, so...

Going the route of magic Virion is even dumber since you'd have a unit who'd disintegrate to physical units because their defense is so low that their 46 HP wouldn't be able to cover and their resistance is still bad against mages, especially Reinhardt and any -blade mage.

On another note, part of me wants to make a cavalry defense team where everyone is running Pass and Brave weapons just to be an asshole.

Edited by Kaden
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16 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Hmm, okay. Is he running any C-skill? At this point, I'm considering dumping Hone Cavalry and Ward Cavalry on him just to get rid of units. Clive wants attack, especially as a Brave Lance user, but other cavaliers have better offensive spreads than him and he wants defense, but there are tankier cavaliers than him. Clive... What am I supposed to do with you and these freeloading units?

BH Lyn is targeting a higher defensive stat; average defense seems like 25 while average resistance is more like 20. You also left her as =Atk and without Swift Sparrow's +4 attack while Reinhardt is +Atk with Death Blow 3. BH Lyn's attack would have 47 total and 51 initiating and if she were +Atk, it would be 50 total and 54 initiating. Also, if she were running Brave Bow, Clive dies if he doesn't have Deflect Missile. Anyway...

I don't want to go through all of the units, but it also seems like most of the units that are not knights with high resistance don't have high HP which itself is a problem when you consider that would mean having ~75 of your stat points in defense and HP. 40 HP and 35 resistance means at worse, 72 stat points for someone who could counter at range. Divide that evenly into attack, defense, and speed and you'd have a stat spread of 40 HP, 24 Atk, 24 Spd, 24 Def, and 35 Res. That's almost Wrys's stats, but he's a healer, so...

Going the route of magic Virion is even dumber since you'd have a unit who'd disintegrate to physical units because their defense is so low that their 46 HP wouldn't be able to cover and their resistance is still bad against mages, especially Reinhardt and any -blade mage.

On another note, part of me wants to make a cavalry defense team where everyone is running Pass and Brave weapons just to be an asshole.

Virions Bulk is actually pretty high on a 1 hit basis. IIRC his overall bulk is identical to Marth although 2 speed makes quite a difference

Clive isnt the best there is but mind that he did have Hit and Run at base and auto 5* making him super cheap to build. Only Tobin is more effective than him for equally cheap investment tbh

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3 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Are you using Bolganone+ or Rauorblade+/Raudhrblade+? Because +Att -Spd Lilina can one-shot Hector, even with Fortify Armor and +Res or +HP, with just plain Eirika Buffs (Sieglinde, Hone Speed, and Fortify Def or Fortify Res 1 Seal). If he has a fully upgraded defensive Seal that's another story, but she only needs one more bonus point to secure the kill. Besides, all that seems like one very big IF.

She is actually on my list of units I want to 5* promote. Still need to figure out what I want her B skill to be, but otherwise she is just waiting for the feather shower.

I fail to see the optimization in her. In this game you go for 3 things above all. Favoritism, Performance and Utility.

I like her fine, but not as much as Lugh and there are other units in my barracks I'd rather promote (*5 one is +RES, *4 one is +ATK). For performance she's inferior to Tharja who has a Blade tome right out the gate and uses it better, plus I only need 20k feathers for her but 40k to get the most out of Lilina.

Then there's utility. I could name all the tome units but let's just compare what I have to her.

  • Blade+ - She can do a good job of nuking things this way, but Tharja does it better and with less investment.
  • Raven+ - Sophia does it better and I've already built her. Lillina hits a little harder but Sophia can actually take hits from Arrows. Why spend another 40k for a worse version of what I already have?
  • Support - Arvis debuffs 3 stats, has a decent offense and can double as a healer. Lillina can only do one of these things proficiently without sacrificing/wasting her high ATK stat.
  • General Nuke - Death Blow/TA3 and Swordbreaker is an alright build, but as far as general nuking goes I have Celica who performs better, heals to keep her boost up and has a better enemy phase thanks to Distant Def and a further superior player phase if I give her Life and Death.

At the end of it, she just seems like a filler mage, and of the color I need the least when it comes to magic. All I'm lacking is a red Blade mage and a Cav one, and if I want the former I can just promote Tharja and call it a day.

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MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_TITLE: Bound Hero Battle MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_A1: Clear Bound Hero Battle MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA01_A1: With Sharena on your team, win\nthe Bound Hero Battle against\nAlm & Celica. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_A2: Clear Bound Hero Battle MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA01_A2: With Alfonse on your team, win\nthe Bound Hero Battle against\nAlm & Celica on Lunatic or higher. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_A3: Defeat Alm MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA01_A3: Defeat Lvl 40 or higher Alm\nwith Sharena. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_A4: Defeat Celica MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA01_A4: Defeat Lvl 40 or higher Celica\nwith Alfonse. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_TITLE: Bound Hero Battle MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_A1: Clear Bound Hero Battle MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA02_A1: With Alfonse on your team, win\nthe Bound Hero Battle against\nCecilia & Lilina. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_A2: Clear Bound Hero Battle MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA02_A2: With Sharena on your team, win\nthe Bound Hero Battle against\nCecilia & Lilina on Lunatic or higher. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_A3: Defeat Cecilia MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA02_A3: Defeat Lvl 40 or higher Cecilia\nwith Alfonse. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_A4: Defeat Lilina MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA02_A4: Defeat Lvl 40 or higher Lilina\nwith Sharena.

Apparently, the two first bound hero battles get rerun. How lame.

Edited by Vaximillian
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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:


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Apparently, the two first bound hero battles get rerun. How lame.



Well that's... disappointing. Hopefully with some replacement for the original orb rewards, or else there's very little reason to see them again. Also no Merric and Linde BHB I guess, which is even more disappointing.

I saw something for a bunch of armor team quests, though. I guess they decided that people would finally have enough decent armor units to have a chance at them.


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Nekura has a spread of 33/32/34/14/34 which is awesome! I want her to make fun of every Reinhardt in arena

H!Nowi has a spread of 34/34/32/20/27 Not bad for a red flier, with +Spd she can easily do well with a Raurblade+

H!Jakob has a spread of 42/35/23/33/32 Busted. He will love Close Counter.

H!Henry (wat) has a spread of 36/33/34/26/36 Incredible! He can work as a tank or a offensive presence with Gronnraven/Gronnblade

For those who want to see with their own eyes


Edited by Alexmender
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20 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Virions Bulk is actually pretty high on a 1 hit basis. IIRC his overall bulk is identical to Marth although 2 speed makes quite a difference

Clive isnt the best there is but mind that he did have Hit and Run at base and auto 5* making him super cheap to build. Only Tobin is more effective than him for equally cheap investment tbh

Yeah, but a magical version of Virion having 46 HP, 31 Atk, 31 Spd, 13 Def, and 26 Res might not be good. 59 total and 36x2 physical is easy for most physical units. 5* neutral Fir would be able to ORKO and that's without needing her default Spd +3 to double. Magically, they would be as bulky as Virion, but considering -blade and -raven tomes exist, 72 total 49x2 magical isn't that daunting. +Atk Reinhardt with Death Blow 3 has 50 total attack, =Atk Cecilia and +Atk Reinhardt with -blade tomes and +6/+6/+6/+6 have 75 total attack.

I'd argue the Black Knight is just as cheap to build. It is the Black Knight, but all he needs is Swap and Ward Armor and he's set to go on an armor team and other teams. Those two skills are free given that Stahl and Subaki are free units who were both made available as Sacred Quest units and Draug was a quest unit twice. Bonfire/Ignis, Pivot, Quick Riposte 3 -- QR2 is fine --, Steady Breath, etc. would make him even better, though.

Anyway, with Clive, his skills work well with Brave Lance, but I kind of wished he could do something else, except there are other units who could do them better, so... Eh, I don't know. I need to get rid of units and he's on my list of I could dump stuff on you and you'd be more useful since you're already a 5* unit.

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Nowi's stats look fine, which is great, but... ugh, I just don't know if I can get past her artwork. Every time I see it, I'm reminded of how off it looks, and I don't know if I would be willing to put up with that constantly just to have a tome flier. I might end up just going with Henry for Armor March fodder, and then pass on the rest.

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


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FEH Datamine: Trick or Defeat! - October 29, 2017



:thinking: running into some problems. sorry.

16.7 mb

Datamine Summary


Datamine Text

Character Descriptions


Weapon/Skill Descriptions

Raw Text - will be organized.

MID_MISSION_M201711A_TITLE: Nov Quests (1) MID_MISSION_M201711A_A1: KO Foes w/Red MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A1: Use red-type allies to defeat enemies. MID_MISSION_M201711A_A2: KO Foes w/Fliers MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A2: Use flier allies to defeat enemies. MID_MISSION_M201711A_A3: KO Blue Foes MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A3: Defeat blue-type enemies. MID_MISSION_M201711A_A4: KO Cavalry Foes MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A4: Defeat cavalry enemies. MID_MISSION_M201711A_A5: Win Arena Duels MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A5: Win Arena Duels at any difficulty. MID_MISSION_M201711A_A6: KO Lvl 20+ Foes w/Green MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A6: Defeat enemies that are level 20\nor higher with green-type allies. MID_MISSION_M201711A_A7: KO Lvl 20+ Foes w/Cavalry MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A7: Defeat enemies that are level 20\nor higher with cavalry allies. MID_MISSION_M201711A_A8: KO Lvl 20+ Red Foes MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A8: Defeat red-type enemies\nthat are level 20 or higher. MID_MISSION_M201711A_A9: KO Lvl 20+ Flier Foes MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A9: Defeat flier enemies\nthat are level 20 or higher. MID_MISSION_M201711A_A10: Win Int.+ Arena Duels MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A10: Win Arena Duels on Intermediate\nor higher difficulty. MID_MISSION_M201711A_A11: KO Lvl 35+ Foes w/Blue MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A11: Defeat enemies that are level 35\nor higher with blue-type allies. MID_MISSION_M201711A_A12: KO Lvl 35+ Foes w/Infantry MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A12: Defeat enemies that are level 35\nor higher with infantry allies. MID_MISSION_M201711A_A13: KO Lvl 35+ Green Foes MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A13: Defeat green-type enemies\nthat are level 35 or higher. MID_MISSION_M201711A_A14: KO Lvl 35+ Infantry Foes MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A14: Defeat infantry enemies\nthat are level 35 or higher. MID_MISSION_M201711A_A15: Win Adv. Arena Duels MID_MISSION_H_M201711A_A15: Win Arena Duels on Advanced difficulty. MID_MISSION_M201711B_TITLE: Nov Quests (2) MID_MISSION_M201711B_A1: Tower: 1st Stratum MID_MISSION_H_M201711B_A1: Clear First Stratum of the Training\nTower. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711B_A2: Tower: 2nd Stratum MID_MISSION_H_M201711B_A2: Clear Second Stratum of the Training\nTower. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711B_A3: Tower: 3rd Stratum MID_MISSION_H_M201711B_A3: Clear Third Stratum of the Training\nTower. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711B_A4: Tower: 4th Stratum MID_MISSION_H_M201711B_A4: Clear Fourth Stratum of the Training\nTower. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711B_A5: Tower: 5th Stratum MID_MISSION_H_M201711B_A5: Clear Fifth Stratum of the Training\nTower. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711B_A6: Tower: 6th Stratum MID_MISSION_H_M201711B_A6: Clear Sixth Stratum of the Training\nTower. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711B_A7: Tower: 7th Stratum MID_MISSION_H_M201711B_A7: Clear Seventh Stratum of the Training\nTower. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711B_A8: Tower: 8th Stratum MID_MISSION_H_M201711B_A8: Clear Eighth Stratum of the Training\nTower. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711B_A9: Tower: 9th Stratum MID_MISSION_H_M201711B_A9: Clear Ninth Stratum of the Training\nTower. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711B_A10: Tower: 10th Stratum MID_MISSION_H_M201711B_A10: Clear Tenth Stratum of the Training\nTower. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711B_A11: Tower: 10th Stratum MID_MISSION_H_M201711B_A11: Clear Tenth Stratum of the Training\nTower using only infantry allies.\nAll four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711B_A12: Tower: 10th Stratum MID_MISSION_H_M201711B_A12: Clear Tenth Stratum of the Training\nTower using only armored allies.\nAll four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711B_A13: Tower: 10th Stratum MID_MISSION_H_M201711B_A13: Clear Tenth Stratum of the Training\nTower using only cavalry allies.\nAll four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711B_A14: Tower: 10th Stratum MID_MISSION_H_M201711B_A14: Clear Tenth Stratum of the Training\nTower using only flying allies.\nAll four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_TITLE: Nov Quests (3) MID_MISSION_M201711C_A1: Clear 3-1 MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A1: Clear Chapter 3: Part 1. All\nfour allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_A2: Clear 3-2 MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A2: Clear Chapter 3: Part 2 with a\nred-type ally on your team.\nAll four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_A3: Clear 3-3 MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A3: Clear Chapter 3: Part 3 with a\nblue-type ally on your team.\nAll four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_A4: Clear 3-4 MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A4: Clear Chapter 3: Part 4 with a\ngreen-type ally on your team.\nAll four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_A5: Clear 3-5 MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A5: Clear Chapter 3: Part 5 with a\ncolorless-type ally on your team.\nAll four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_A6: Clear 6-1 on Hard+ MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A6: Clear Chapter 6: Part 1 on Hard\nor higher difficulty. All four\nallies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_A7: Clear 6-2 on Hard+ MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A7: Clear Chapter 6: Part 2 on Hard or higher\ndifficulty with a red-type ally on your team.\nAll four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_A8: Clear 6-3 on Hard+ MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A8: Clear Chapter 6: Part 3 on Hard or higher\ndifficulty with a blue-type ally on your team.\nAll four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_A9: Clear 6-4 on Hard+ MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A9: Clear Chapter 6: Part 4 on Hard or higher\ndifficulty with a green-type ally on your\nteam. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_A10: Clear 6-5 on Hard+ MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A10: Clear Chapter 6: Part 5 on Hard or higher\ndifficulty with a colorless-type ally on your\nteam. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_A11: Clear 9-1 on Lunatic MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A11: Clear Chapter 9: Part 1 on Lunatic\ndifficulty. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_A12: Clear 9-2 on Lunatic MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A12: Clear Chapter 9: Part 2 on Lunatic\ndifficulty with a red-type ally on your\nteam. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_A13: Clear 9-3 on Lunatic MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A13: Clear Chapter 9: Part 3 on Lunatic\ndifficulty with a blue-type ally on your\nteam. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_A14: Clear 9-4 on Lunatic MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A14: Clear Chapter 9: Part 4 on Lunatic\ndifficulty with a green-type ally on your\nteam. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_M201711C_A15: Clear 9-5 on Lunatic MID_MISSION_H_M201711C_A15: Clear Chapter 9: Part 5 on Lunatic\ndifficulty with a colorless-type ally on\nyour team. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_S201710STORY02_TITLE: Trick or Defeat! MID_MISSION_S201710STORY02_A1: Clr. P14-1 on Lunatic MID_MISSION_H_S201710STORY02_A1: Clear Paralogue 14: Part 1 on Lunatic\ndifficulty with a sword user on your\nteam. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_S201710STORY02_A2: Clr. P14-2 on Lunatic MID_MISSION_H_S201710STORY02_A2: Clear Paralogue 14: Part 2 on Lunatic\ndifficulty with a lance user on your\nteam. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_S201710STORY02_A3: Clr. P14-3 on Lunatic MID_MISSION_H_S201710STORY02_A3: Clear Paralogue 14: Part 3 on Lunatic\ndifficulty with an axe user on your\nteam. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_TITLE: Armored Mastery MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A1: Tower: 3rd Stratum MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A1: Use a team of armored allies to clear the\nThird Stratum of the Training Tower. MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A2: Clear P5-1 MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A2: Use a team of armored allies to clear\nParalogue 5: Part 1. MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A3: Tower: 5th Stratum MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A3: Use a team of armored allies to clear the\nFifth Stratum of the Training Tower. MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A4: Clear P5-2 on Hard MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A4: Use a team of armored allies to clear\nParalogue 5: Part 2 on Hard. MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A5: Tower: 7th Stratum MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A5: Use a team of armored allies to clear the\nSeventh Stratum of the Training Tower. MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A6: Clear P8-2 on Lunatic MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A6: Use a team of armored allies to clear\nParalogue 8: Part 2 on Lunatic. MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A7: Tower: 9th Stratum MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A7: Use a team of armored allies to clear the\nNinth Stratum of the Training Tower. MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A8: Clear P8-3 on Lunatic MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A8: Use a team of armored allies to clear\nParalogue 8: Part 3 on Lunatic. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_TITLE: Bound Hero Battle MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_A1: Clear Bound Hero Battle MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA01_A1: With Sharena on your team, win\nthe Bound Hero Battle against\nAlm & Celica. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_A2: Clear Bound Hero Battle MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA01_A2: With Alfonse on your team, win\nthe Bound Hero Battle against\nAlm & Celica on Lunatic or higher. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_A3: Defeat Alm MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA01_A3: Defeat Lvl 40 or higher Alm\nwith Sharena. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_A4: Defeat Celica MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA01_A4: Defeat Lvl 40 or higher Celica\nwith Alfonse. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_TITLE: Bound Hero Battle MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_A1: Clear Bound Hero Battle MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA02_A1: With Alfonse on your team, win\nthe Bound Hero Battle against\nCecilia & Lilina. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_A2: Clear Bound Hero Battle MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA02_A2: With Sharena on your team, win\nthe Bound Hero Battle against\nCecilia & Lilina on Lunatic or higher. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_A3: Defeat Cecilia MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA02_A3: Defeat Lvl 40 or higher Cecilia\nwith Alfonse. MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_A4: Defeat Lilina MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA02_A4: Defeat Lvl 40 or higher Lilina\nwith Sharena.

Apparently, the two first bound hero battles get rerun. How lame.



We better at least be able to get more orbs, for those of us who managed to get them the first time round. I'll at least be able to redeem myself being unable to wipe the floor with Lilina and Cecilia.

4 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I fail to see the optimization in her. In this game you go for 3 things above all. Favoritism, Performance and Utility.

I like her fine, but not as much as Lugh and there are other units in my barracks I'd rather promote (*5 one is +RES, *4 one is +ATK). For performance she's inferior to Tharja who has a Blade tome right out the gate and uses it better, plus I only need 20k feathers for her but 40k to get the most out of Lilina.

Then there's utility. I could name all the tome units but let's just compare what I have to her.

  • Blade+ - She can do a good job of nuking things this way, but Tharja does it better and with less investment.
  • Raven+ - Sophia does it better and I've already built her. Lillina hits a little harder but Sophia can actually take hits from Arrows. Why spend another 40k for a worse version of what I already have?
  • Support - Arvis debuffs 3 stats, has a decent offense and can double as a healer. Lillina can only do one of these things proficiently without sacrificing/wasting her high ATK stat.
  • General Nuke - Death Blow/TA3 and Swordbreaker is an alright build, but as far as general nuking goes I have Celica who performs better, heals to keep her boost up and has a better enemy phase thanks to Distant Def and a further superior player phase if I give her Life and Death.

At the end of it, she just seems like a filler mage, and of the color I need the least when it comes to magic. All I'm lacking is a red Blade mage and a Cav one, and if I want the former I can just promote Tharja and call it a day.

I was lucky because I didn't need to invest feathers into a Tharja for Rauorblade+... well I say lucky, but I certainly didn't appreciate getting a 5* Tharja at the time...

To be honest, I think Lilina is the better Blade nuker compared to Tharja. Tharja has good speed and decent Attack, but she needs time to trigger her fullest potential (assuming you don't just Ardent Sacrifice Desperation), and needs to be able to double the enemy to outdamage Lilina. This opens up scenarios where Lilina, meanwhile, only needs the buffs that Tharja is getting anyways to OHKO most of the cast, even some unlucky blues. Yeah she needs more investment, but her payoff feels more immediate than Tharjas.

Plus Lilina isn't known for having "the best body in the army" and stalking poor innocent tacticians who now that I think about it it's never actually explained why she has that fascination with Robin... but anyways I'm okay with having Lilina.

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What can I say except Armor BST and green color fixed everything that was wrong with Henry.

I’m saving my orbs for Noween. I don’t have any mage fliers and her base kit is great, only needing something like Rawrblade to round it out.


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1 minute ago, Xenomata said:

Plus Lilina isn't known for having "the best body in the army" and stalking poor innocent tacticians who now that I think about it it's never actually explained why she has that fascination with Robin... but anyways I'm okay with having Lilina.

The best excuse people can come up with that lacks any real backing is that Tharja is Grimleal and Robin is Grima, thus she can sense their darkness and is naturally drawn to them.

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Wow Jakob's stats. I guess they have to try and make up for the fact he is coloreless and has 1 move.

Yeah I'm going to go for the armours when I get the orbs.

Then red flier.

Also hope BHB gives mores orbs at least. Seems pointless though.


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4 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Yeah, but a magical version of Virion having 46 HP, 31 Atk, 31 Spd, 13 Def, and 26 Res might not be good. 59 total and 36x2 physical is easy for most physical units. 5* neutral Fir would be able to ORKO and that's without needing her default Spd +3 to double. Magically, they would be as bulky as Virion, but considering -blade and -raven tomes exist, 72 total 49x2 magical isn't that daunting. +Atk Reinhardt with Death Blow 3 has 50 total attack, =Atk Cecilia and +Atk Reinhardt with -blade tomes and +6/+6/+6/+6 have 75 total attack.

I'd argue the Black Knight is just as cheap to build. It is the Black Knight, but all he needs is Swap and Ward Armor and he's set to go on an armor team and other teams. Those two skills are free given that Stahl and Subaki are free units who were both made available as Sacred Quest units and Draug was a quest unit twice. Bonfire/Ignis, Pivot, Quick Riposte 3 -- QR2 is fine --, Steady Breath, etc. would make him even better, though.

Anyway, with Clive, his skills work well with Brave Lance, but I kind of wished he could do something else, except there are other units who could do them better, so... Eh, I don't know. I need to get rid of units and he's on my list of I could dump stuff on you and you'd be more useful since you're already a 5* unit.


BK is cheap but the way i see him in AA hes less a unit and more a startup fodder which is why i kinda forgot about him. Hes a bit more expensive than Tobin to perform at max potential(need Vantage or QR) while Tobins max is literally Axebreaker for that purpose


Magi Virion depends on the context. Horse Magi Virion for example would be kinda absurd since 71 Bulk is impossible to break in one go without Brave and he had respectable specs. Hes kind of a second coming of Rein in that regard

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Alright! I've decided. I'll go for Nekura has planned and if any H!Jakob comes along the way I'll have him chilling on the barracks until I pull a Takumi someday.

I'll also give a try for Henry because he's awesome. Sadly for Nowi, S!Corrin is the only mage I need right now (Camilla has more utility so I'll wait until she's back) and Elincia is good enough as my main red so no pulling for her.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The best excuse people can come up with that lacks any real backing is that Tharja is Grimleal and Robin is Grima, thus she can sense their darkness and is naturally drawn to them.

That... sounds very Owain, are we talking about the same person that Nowi did things to while they slept in the middle of a Harvest Festival?

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7 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

 -9 Spd for +5 Atk is a good trade.

No it’s not. High Atk is generally more important when running a Brave set, but with a -Blade set the Spd cap determines the ceiling on its effectiveness. Getting a potential +16 (+30 on another movement type) boost makes a direct Atk vs Atk comparison mostly irrelevant except when fighting at a disadvantage.

Desperation is also a key component to most -Blade sets, and Lilina has nowhere near enough Spd to utilize it well at all. +Spd LaD Lilina has the same Spd as neutral Tharja. Objectively speaking that is a ton of investment at 60k feathers to get a unit at a comparable performance to a unit with just their base kit. Give said vanilla unit LaD and suddenly the comparison is skewed again.

Rawrblade Lilina is cute, but it is definitely not better than Tharja.

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16 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

BK is cheap but the way i see him in AA hes less a unit and more a startup fodder which is why i kinda forgot about him. Hes a bit more expensive than Tobin to perform at max potential(need Vantage or QR) while Tobins max is literally Axebreaker for that purpose

Magi Virion depends on the context. Horse Magi Virion for example would be kinda absurd since 71 Bulk is impossible to break in one go without Brave and he had respectable specs. Hes kind of a second coming of Rein in that regard

Well, it depends on how you build units. If you're going for max potential, it's usually expensive, but if you're looking to improve, then that's relative since some units don't need much to get going while others need a bit more and it would depend on the player like someone's improve is someone else's near-max potential. For example, I'm fine with Camus only having Reposition and Vantage, but others would argue that he needs Bonfire, Fury 3, Lancebreaker or QR instead of Vantage, a different C-skill to at least switch from, and whatever else to be better.

Agreed with magic Virion, but at a glance it looks pretty bad. Also, we could have had someone like him if playable Bruno had a stat spread of what was it... 42 HP, 28 Atk, 35 Spd, 20 Def, and 20 Res, instead of dumping his HP into resistance and some into defense. I think that one was like 34 HP, 28 Atk, 35 Spd, 22 Def, and 26 Res.

Anyway, regarding the ToD characters...


I somehow guessed Jakob's stats of if his speed tanks because of his artwork, then he could have those points pumped into his other stats: https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/78837-october-30-halloween-banner/&page=14&tab=comments#comment-5035994.

Henry is surprising since isn't that closer to his Awakening self, but with much less HP? Neko Sakura is the Innes to Felicia's Niles at this point and Nowi has 147 BST and not trainee/villager BST which makes sense since in Awakening, manaketes and taguel have higher stat caps, right? But when you reclass Nowi, Nah, and Tiki, they drop to whatever stat cap the regular classes have.


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