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I got Tharja in four pulls! Which I guess means I'm done with this banner by now. Was hoping to get some relevant red fodder along the way (Hinata, Roy, regular Tharja) but I can't complain about getting to save orbs instead.

Was tempted to dive into pulling for Robin, but I promised myself I'd wait for news on the next banners first, and still having ~180 orbs in hand at the moment doesn't change that. Henry reminded me that the number of orbs it takes to get a key character can be more than expected.

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Ok i am confused about Brazen skills. The English translation only mentions „duringcombat and below 80%HP“ meaning an enemy phase unit would gain the effects too. 

The getman translation states specific translated „during unit attack initiated and below 80%“ which means only playerphase units gain the effect.

which one is correct

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49 minutes ago, Hilda said:

Ok i am confused about Brazen skills. The English translation only mentions „duringcombat and below 80%HP“ meaning an enemy phase unit would gain the effects too. 

The getman translation states specific translated „during unit attack initiated and below 80%“ which means only playerphase units gain the effect.

which one is correct

My impression is that the English one matches up with the Japanese one and people's experiences so far, otherwise we would have heard complaints about it. So it's probably German that's wrong.

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1 minute ago, silverserpent said:

So...any guesses on who the first blue armor mage might be? Or a staff armor?

I think they'll be seasonal units, which makes it pretty hard to predict. No one would have guessed f!Corrin as the first blue tome flier or Nowi as the first red tome flier.

I think there's a pretty good chance that we'll get a blue tome armor on the next seasonal banner (if not that, then some other new unit type), and I think that next seasonal banner has pretty good odds of being a Hoshido New Year's banner, but even if that's the case, who knows who they'd pick. Of the Hoshido royalty, Sakura seems like the best fit for the unit type, but not only is she the only one of the four who's already had a seasonal version, giving her another one that soon would be by far the soonest seasonal repeat yet. Of course, if they do a Hoshido banner without Sakura, that suggests including one or more non-royalty Hoshido characters, such as Oboro or Orochi.

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46 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

Argh, I got pitybroken by a Gray in my free summon. And I wanted a Lissa.

I’ve got no idea how one can get broken something that doesn’t even exist yet.

I mean, there is no accumulated “pity rate” at your first summon. At all.

45 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Julia broke my pity rate, Ha!

I’d love it if Julia broke my pity rate.

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9 hours ago, Hilda said:

The Brazen skill being inheritable by everyone is just garbage... This puts desperation runners on steroids with life and death 4 but without the drawback of lost bulk.... unbelievable. And for Enemy phase units those skills are kinda poop because you want to run steady breath or distant counter or a skill that works at 100% HP right from the get go.

Gimping a Player Phase unit's first round of combat is a pretty big deal in my opinion. Brazen Atk/Spd is closer to Life and Death 5 or Swift Sparrow 3.5.

I think Lyn is the biggest beneficiary, since no one cares about her first round of combat.

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

Dont tag me when you post it

Cause my optics will melt

I don't know if I can agree to not tag you. I need someone else to at least somewhat share the pain that I'll have while building her.

I'm not gonna start building her yet though, so you're safe for now. I'm still missing Fortress Defense fodder, so I'll probably wait until after I get that to start working on her.

Which means I'm never going to pull on reds and blues ever again, so I'll never have to worry about getting Seth or Lukas.

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3 hours ago, silverserpent said:

So...any guesses on who the first blue armor mage might be? Or a staff armor?

Flying went Fates, Fates, Awakening.
Armor has thus far gone Awakening, Awakening, Unknown.

I kind of expect it'll end up being a Fates unit.

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9 minutes ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

Okay, how many people run into this sort of hilarity during Arena?


I think I ran into that once. I was fretting out because my units were all beat up and I thought he was going to end my streak...Check once again and he has no weapon, it's hilarious.

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14 minutes ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

Okay, how many people run into this sort of hilarity during Arena?


Take off a weapon to tank the score, letting people with lower scoring teams run into whatever other 3 monsters surround that 1 weapon-less BK.


Using him for tanking in Cam hard map and forgetting to put his weapon back on

1 hour ago, DefaultBeep said:

I don't know if I can agree to not tag you. I need someone else to at least somewhat share the pain that I'll have while building her.

I'm not gonna start building her yet though, so you're safe for now. I'm still missing Fortress Defense fodder, so I'll probably wait until after I get that to start working on her.

Which means I'm never going to pull on reds and blues ever again, so I'll never have to worry about getting Seth or Lukas.

what if I ask everyone to ignore you until you do actually build her

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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

what if I ask everyone to ignore you until you do actually build her

Tell ya what.

I can give her Harsh Command, Ignis, Obstruct, and... *shudder* Spd Smoke right now, because I have the fodder for it. May I have your permission to not spend any feathers on her or Fenrir+ until I get Fortress Defense, at least? Please, for my own sanity?

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28 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Spd Smoke right now

Rip Sigurd

You do have my permission

But you BETTER make sure as soon as you get fort def fodder you do what needs to get done

just remember that Lukas only gets fort def 3 at 5 star 

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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Rip Sigurd

You do have my permission

But you BETTER make sure as soon as you get fort def fodder you do what needs to get done

just remember that Lukas only gets fort def 3 at 5 star 

On the bright side, I still have two more Sigurds, so I can spare one for a stupid reason. I'd feel worse about it if he didn't insist on ruining my chance for Katarina.

Oh, for some reason I though he got it at 4-star too. I'll just wait for Seth then, or if I manage to get a 5-star Lukas-

Uh... wait...

I have a 5-star +Atk/-Spd Lukas...

Y-you.. you're not saying that I should...?

Please have mercy on me :(

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4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

On the bright side, I still have two more Sigurds, so I can spare one for a stupid reason. I'd feel worse about it if he didn't insist on ruining my chance for Katarina.

Oh, for some reason I though he got it at 4-star too. I'll just wait for Seth then, or if I manage to get a 5-star Lukas-

Uh... wait...

I have a 5-star +Atk/-Spd Lukas...

Y-you.. you're not saying that I should...?

Please have mercy on me :(

Sigurd offensively isn't much anyway

Is that Lukas built up?

cause if he isn't then you know what must be done

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