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I needed the Divine Dew to to upgrade Lyn's Sol Katti but I wasn't married to refining weapons so I upgraded Neph's Slaying Lance+ (SPD) Y!Tiki's new Lightning Breath+ (SPD) and S!Robin's Deft Harpoon+ (SPD).

3 units I don't use very often and all the same refinement so it's not even original or unique. Feels wasteful... Oh yeah I gave Lukas a Slaying Lance+ but it's super wasteful to refine that because he's still +SPD/-ATK.

@mcsilas Funnily enough you might end up being right. I have Matthew paired with Inigo but he's already capped HM. I may actually support MatthewxLyn because Lyn lacks Wrath right now so she's running Escape Route which has incredible Synergy with Matt and pretty much anything she can't kill already under 75% becomes an instant KO after being softened by him (assuming he didn't kill the unit outright or it's safer to just let him tank).

Did the Sharena tenth stratum quests with Sharena/Lyn/Matt and it was pretty easy. Barring one 3 on 3 fight vs Saber/Lucina/Jaffar. I made the stupid mistake of putting Matt in range of Jaffar and Lucina who could both double him. Jaffar softened Matt up on EP and Lucina finished him. Stupid.

Edited by Zeo
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The only-three-units quests are pretty neat: you're playing in a way you wouldn't normally and getting a meaningful increase in difficulty from it, but still having a lot of options for how to assemble your team.

I used Arvis/Sharena/p!Azura. Failed a couple of times, but finished now.

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I am waiting for my stamina to recharge, but the Sharena quests are fun.  I am using Sharena, B!Cordelia and Naverre since I need SP on those two and it is a rather fun using only 3 units instead of 4.  I will finish up the quests this evening.

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8 hours ago, Othin said:

Unlikely. Did he even have any weaknesses in FE9? In any case, Heroes defines things by its own standards. Narcian and Valter aren't weak to dragon-slaying weapons even though they are in their base games, and if Jill or Haar get added as their FE10 versions, I'm sure they'll retain their weaknesses to bows and Excalibur rather than trading them for a weakness to thunder magic. (And if they use axes, they'll actually be good against thunder magic.) Assuming Ashnard gets added as a flier, it should be safe to expect him to function just like all the other fliers.

I didn't try thunder magic, but I did try bows (to see if he's still weak to Deadeye). Bows aren't supereffective, though I had some problems with bow cavaliers not having super effectiveness versus Tibarn. (He procced Cancel in both fights, so it might've been that, though the second one had him dodge an arrow conventionally).


Considering it's very likely Ashnard or Ena is going to mention the whole 'Ashnard is riding a feral dragon laguz' thing, you'd think they'd mechanically support this and make him weak to the same things dragon laguz are.

But yeah, I don't expect, nor am I bothered by, Jill and Haar being weak to bows/Excalibur. It's just Ashnard that I am.

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Slightly irksome that the December monthly training stratum quests require a full party so you can't double up the 10th stratum infantry one with Sharena's one. Fortunately Shaz is 5* so it's no great inconvenience like Alfie was, I will dread doing the Anna version when it comes.

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Finally promoted Cecilia and Fae, along with Valter.

I only wish I had a bad natured Nowi at 5* for Fae to be a Reinsmasher, Cecilia just needs an A skill and another B skill and Valter only really wants something like Swift Sparrow for me.

I've been debating what healer would be the best, and it's a shame Lissa has so many -4 banes that I can't really pick one that doesn't mess with her healing badly, even if I just pass her Physic+. Oh, it's a preference thing here. Though I should prioritise a blue armour first.

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Wait, hold on, who's Fjorm? Is there some kind of new original character that was added? I'm gonna need excessively detailed instructions on exactly how to get her, and I need them to be shoved in my face every time I open the game, because I can't possible figure out how to get her by myself.

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Sharena quests weren't too bad. Focused on doing the 10th stratum quests first so that Sharena can get the lv. 40+ kills (and the lower level kills at the same time) easily (the 3-man team consists of Sharena, PA Azura, and Genny). Getting Sharena the kills with only 2 other units is a lot easier than training up a 4* neutral Florina (in preparation for the upcoming Three Heroes quests) on the Lunatic stratum with 3 other units accompanying Florina (Florina dies WAY too easily even with WTA).

And just saw the Discover Fjorm video. Is Treehouse really trying to make Fjorm the poster waifu for FEH or is a significant portion of the playerbase inattentive to in-game notifications/information?

On a side note, kind of neat for Nintendo Treehouse to acknowledge the playerbase's name for Ike: Brave Mercenary.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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20 hours ago, bethany81707 said:

Give him Provoke. You mean that's not innate to Gatrie?

I thought Provoke was in Shinon's blood. :p

11 hours ago, Othin said:

Bold/Vengeful Fighter, like Wary Fighter, are better on units that have low Spd and are therefore unlikely to double on their own. So that doesn't seem like the most likely combination.

I meant Gatrie having Bold Fighter by default just because he can have it or that it might make sense with how Gatrie is. 35/35 offenses is good, but Bold Fighter would guarantee Gatrie or any armor with offenses like that the ability to double anyone they initiate. It would be better on someone who doesn't have the speed to double like winter Chrom and Effie, but that doesn't mean Gatrie can't be a good user of it. I guess an existing example would be Subaki having Quick Riposte. He's fast, but QR makes sure he can double as many units as possible on enemy phase. Deirdre, Dorcas, and Leo benefit from it more because they're slower, but Subaki's still a pretty good user of it. Klein's in a weird spot of he can use it, especially to cover for his lowered speed with his Brave Bow, but his bulk isn't that great.

Recent units have been coming with very good to almost optimal default kits, but sometimes good enough would be nice. Even crappy ones would be good for a change of pace. Where's my Defiant Res and Desperation thief with 22 speed and 13 resistance? Come on, throw in a shit unit as filler. We'd be guaranteed a 4* or even 3* demotion. And cue that unit remaining as a 5* summon while everyone else on the banner becomes 3* to 4* summonable.

45 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

And just saw the Discover Fjorm video. Is Treehouse really trying to make Fjorm the poster waifu for FEH or is a significant portion of the playerbase inattentive to in-game notifications/information?

I'm going with the latter. There was a recent news post in-game about how to access the Weapon Refinery which apparently requires that you clear chapter 13 of book 1. I don't remember if there were any requirements for the Sacred Seal Forge other than completing the first intermission. If there wasn't, then I can understand why some people, particularly newer players, might were confused about how to unlock the Weapon Refinery.

Anyway, considering that Fjorm was announced as a free hero in the livestream, reminded about in a news post, and being reminded again in video form, then yeah, I'm going with people being that inattentive and oblivious about everything. Fjorm being the focus of FEH, at least Book 2, is questionable when you can send her home even if you only have one of her. It's like if getting Clive, Jagen, Marcus, Seth, or Virion killed leads to them not retreating because of their plot armor, but straight up dying like any of the other characters. Or even (one of) the main lord if you consider Fjorm that important to FEH right now. Could you imagine Marth dying and the game continuing as if nothing happened? Guess we'll just have to make dragons and whatnot fall on Falchion because nobody can wield the stupid thing in-game.

Edited by Kaden
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That video caught me off guard. It seems IS believes that people doesn't know how to get Fjorm (wouldn't surprise me one bit with the mosquito attention span people have these days...) even if it is painfully obvious and requires playing only 1 chapter which can be done as soon as you're done with the prologue without even needing to touch Book I.

I was hoping that they were going to reveal a new Legendary Hero but it wasn't meant to be for now.

What I hope is that IS realizes that the main reason people don't use blessings is because they're a 1 time use item which not only increases stats but also gives a BIG increase on your arena score so it's not an item to take lightly unless you're a whale and got 10+ Fjorms to account for every possiblity. I already wasted mine on Lucina before I learned about the arena score thing and I'm regretting it sooo much.

Edited by Alexmender
Can't English at night.
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Wait, the elemental blessings are one-time only? I don't think that's mentioned in the in-game hint thing -- the question mark. I thought you could give to someone and remove it to give to someone else. Well, that really makes me wish that a future update adds blessings to certain types of characters like if you summon a 5* Merric, the Wind Mage, you get a Wind Blessing. Should only be 5* Merric since 4* Merric giving it as well would be dumb. Maybe promoting him could work too, but anyway, units that are associated with elements giving blessings would be helpful. At least three other legendary heroes will be added, but who knows when they're going to be introduced.

Alfonse, Anna, and Sharena getting legendary heroes promotions might be an another, easy answer to this among several other things.

Quick Edit: Oh yeah! The Weapons to Refine banner is ending today, so I wonder what the next skill banner will be.

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17 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Quick Edit: Oh yeah! The Weapons to Refine banner is ending today, so I wonder what the next skill banner will be.

inb4: Weapons to Refine Part 2 featuring Eldigan, Minerva and Jaffar.

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1 minute ago, Troykv said:

inb4: Weapons to Refine Part 2 featuring Eldigan, Minerva and Jaffar.

Oh boy! Lunge, Sacred Cowl, and Glimmer!

Seriously though, I would appreciate more Jaffars for L&D3 and Minervas for L&D3 and Ward Fliers even though I have yet to build anyone with L&D3. More Fury 3 from Eldigan is nice even though Hinata's cheaper to use, but that assumes one has summoned Hinata. Jaffar is the only one who I'd want another shot at for using as a unit since -Atk does hurt him even though he's not really meant to be a high offense unit. High damage unit, however... Refined Deathly Dagger, Poison Strike 3, Savage Blow 3, and a Savage Blow 3 seal. Anyway, I digress.

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26 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Oh boy! Lunge, Sacred Cowl, and Glimmer!

Seriously though, I would appreciate more Jaffars for L&D3 and Minervas for L&D3 and Ward Fliers even though I have yet to build anyone with L&D3. More Fury 3 from Eldigan is nice even though Hinata's cheaper to use, but that assumes one has summoned Hinata. Jaffar is the only one who I'd want another shot at for using as a unit since -Atk does hurt him even though he's not really meant to be a high offense unit. High damage unit, however... Refined Deathly Dagger, Poison Strike 3, Savage Blow 3, and a Savage Blow 3 seal. Anyway, I digress.

If they do a weapon refinery banner 2 and it has Jaffar, Minerva, and Eldigan, I would love all of them. Minerva would be good for my melee flier emblem team, more merges for my +atk/-hp Eldigan would be nice, and Jaffar would be nice for both fodder and a debuffer niche.

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