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21 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:


Tellius managed to get 12 of the top 100 places despite split votes (8 unique characters) despite being over a decade old and not having had a recent remake. Also 3 more characters just outside of top 100 (Haar at 104, Titania at 107, and Elincia at 112), none of whom are duplicates of characters in the top 100 (so 11 unique character in top 112).

I honestly want to see you substantiate your claims with some numbers because I'm not seeing whatever it is you're seeing.

Thank you Ice. You're one of the guys I can count on.

I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but Naglfar's description is different from raventomes.
Naglfar: Grants weapon-triangle advantage against colorless foes.
Raventome: Grants weapon advantage vs. colorless foes.

Edited by silveraura25
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The bottom line is this: Unless Tellius fans, or fans of certain Tellius characters, don't magically start supporting their characters over the GBA and 3DS characters, then I fully expect Tellius to do much worse on CYL 2 than its fans are expecting. GBA and 3DS characters (oh, and Reinhardt too!) all have clear cut characters who are in the running for top 10. Tellius has like, what, only Micaiah? Don't be surprised when you see the Tellius cast not doing well.

I fully expect the actual results of the CYL 2 to vindicate what I am saying. 

Edited by Jaafers
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1 minute ago, silveraura25 said:

Cool. Naglfar's attack looks like a dark fog with some lightning effects. 

That looks pretty accurate to the original.

I feel sad for Cymbeline being a shrinking, glowing rock.

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Just a thought, but seeing that the next banner is going to be a special/seasonal heroes banner, and those are normally fun little side story maps, I find it weird how they will be jumping from the urgent situation they are in from Book II to a light-hearted clash of culture (probably Valentine's Day). Did we already have a similar situation before, where the change of mood was this peculiar? Can't remember if we did.

@Ice Dragon thx for the input; I'll stick to -Def, as it does seem to be the least annoying weakness for most purposes while also tending to only use Fae for blue units. Btw, does Distant Counter/QR/Hone Drags/Iote's Shield SS seem the optimal Myrrh build to you?

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10 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Cool. Naglfar's attack looks like a dark fog with some lightning effects. 


Very close to the original. I hope they make Aureola as close to the original as they can in the future. 

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8 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Just a thought, but seeing that the next banner is going to be a special/seasonal heroes banner, and those are normally fun little side story maps, I find it weird how they will be jumping from the urgent situation they are in from Book II to a light-hearted clash of culture (probably Valentine's Day). Did we already have a similar situation before, where the change of mood was this peculiar? Can't remember if we did.

Chapter 11's (the one tied to Celica's banner) final map had Bruno tell the protagonists that he killed Zacharias and that he'd kill them (Alfonse and Sharena, at least) next. That chapter was followed by Paralogue 6 (Bridal Blessings).

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1 minute ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

thx for the input; I'll stick to -Def, as it does seem to be the least annoying weakness for most purposes while also tending to only use Fae for blue units. Btw, does Distant Counter/QR/Hone Drags/Iote's Shield SS seem the optimal Myrrh build to you?

Yeah, that's probably the build I'm going to end up running on her (switching Hone Dragons with Hone Fliers depending on the team). Just make sure to have someone run Def Ploy (Fae or Mystery Tiki are good for that) to help activate Great Flame's effect if you face armors or other bulky units often.

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7 minutes ago, Xenomata said:
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Wait was Lyon datamined? I wanna see the cool stuff to!



Stats: HP 41, Atk 34, Spd 21, Def 26, Res 30; is a Red Tome Infantry
Skill Kit: Naglfar (14 Mt -Raven tome essentially), Vengeance, [Res Plus ->] Attack/Res +2, Drive Res 2 (inheritable as a 4*)
VAs: Mark P. Whitten (EG) / Takahiro Sakurai (JP; also Eliwood and Lukas)
Art by: Miyajima Haru (also did Leon and Soren)

Imgur album that includes his art: https://imgur.com/a/c94Ho#vEWAebD


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3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Chapter 11's (the one tied to Celica's banner) final map had Bruno tell the protagonists that he killed Zacharias and that he'd kill them (Alfonse and Sharena, at least) next. That chapter was followed by Paralogue 6 (Bridal Blessings).

Definitely a jump in mood, but looking at Chapter 12's first map, it seems Zach basically went away and things got "reset", making the Bridal maps "ok" (though if I were Alfonse/Sharena, I wouldn't be too much in the mood, ha). After Chapter 4 in Book II they are now in Fjorm's kingdom, while being followed by Surtr, making it less "ok" in my eyes. Maybe I'm not making much sense, though, I'll concede the possibility.

@Ice Dragon Def Ploy, hmm, makes sense, maybe I'll get the necessary resources at some point to make a great Myrrh (oh Hector, why you hate me?). A +Def/-Spd nature would have also been great, but alas, I won't get many copies of her anymore (most likely). Here's hoping they don't ruin dragons too soon, now.

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4 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:
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Stats: HP 41, Atk 34, Spd 21, Def 26, Res 30; is a Red Tome Infantry
Skill Kit: Naglfar (14 Mt -Raven tome essentially), Vengeance, [Res Plus ->] Attack/Res +2, Drive Res 2 (inheritable as a 4*)
VAs: Mark P. Whitten (EG) / Takahiro Sakurai (JP; also Eliwood and Lukas)
Art by: Miyajima Haru (also did Leon and Soren)

Imgur album that includes his art: https://imgur.com/a/c94Ho#vEWAebD


Thank you.


So... Sophia with less Defense and more Speed...

I know he's technically weaker than +Atk Sophia, but I'd say Naglfar makes up the power difference. Otherwise... yeah guess I'll make him 5* next.


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4 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:
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Stats: HP 41, Atk 34, Spd 21, Def 26, Res 30; is a Red Tome Infantry
Skill Kit: Naglfar (14 Mt -Raven tome essentially), Vengeance, [Res Plus ->] Attack/Res +2, Drive Res 2 (inheritable as a 4*)
VAs: Mark P. Whitten (EG) / Takahiro Sakurai (JP; also Eliwood and Lukas)
Art by: Miyajima Haru (also did Leon and Soren)

Imgur album that includes his art: https://imgur.com/a/c94Ho#vEWAebD


I'm kinda late to the news, but whoa, is Lyon basically a new raven user? I'm close to reaching 20k again and would promote him immediately. Plus, I recently got a Roy so that's good!

Also, I spent 100+ orbs and my 2 5☆s were (+atk, -def) Ninian (looking for L'Arachel) and (+atk, -res) Myrrh. I'm still crossing fingers for the other 2 focus units.

Btw, @Ice Dragon I already have a +hp -atk Ninian with +Spd Light Breath, should I keep her or use the new +atk version I got?

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11 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

I already have a +hp -atk Ninian with +Spd Light Breath, should I keep her or use the new +atk version I got?

Ninian's actually a decent red tome counter with +Atk, Lightning Breath+ [Res], and Triangle Adept 3 if you want to use her as such. If she never sees combat, though, then it really doesn't matter all that much.

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Yeah, story is improving, I like that. Xander, double-yeah! Now I need only Oliver (or another goofy character) as a flower seller for Valentine's day. 

Didn't succeed to pull all 3 units from the SS banner (well, only 70 orbs spent), but at least my Myrhh seems to be of a decent nature (+ATK/-SPD). She would have been a perfect recipient for Steady Breath, I'll keep Fury on her provisionally (no Hector available). I'm unsure if to do the Brash Assault/Desperation trick with her, or if to give good old Quick Riposte. 

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10 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Ninian's actually a decent red tome counter with +Atk, Lightning Breath+ [Res], and Triangle Adept 3 if you want to use her as such. If she never sees combat, though, then it really doesn't matter all that much.

I've yet to properly build a manakete team. So far my manaketes are:

1. Tiki (Y): +Hp -Spd, base + Bonfire

2. (4☆) Fae: +spd -def, Lightning Breath+, Draw Back, Glacies, Triangle Adept 3, Renewal 3, Spur Def 3

3. Ninian: Glacies

4. Myrrh +atk -res

5. Nowi: +atk -spd, R Tomebreaker 3, Dragon Fang, Reposition.

6. (4☆) Tiki (A): G Tomebreaker 3, Hone Atk 3, Reposition.

7. (4☆) Corrin: +spd -res

Ninian and Myrrh are mandatory for buffs, and if I want to go Arena mode with them, I think Fae (Rein counter) and Tiki Adult (would need Bowbreaker) would make a solid team. But I also want to invest on Corrin for her debuffs. The only one I feel kinda eh for, is Tiki Y :(

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I am a bit scared by Myrrh... usually my Clair can take Manaketes very easy (even Fae) due to her high RES Berkuts lance Guard etc... but Myrrh has insane high attack and color advantage... I am not sure if she will take the same dmg like against Fae... + the battle will last longer because Clair cant double her back :/.

Sorry but Manaketes are seriously busted atm...

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2 hours ago, Hilda said:

I am a bit scared by Myrrh... usually my Clair can take Manaketes very easy (even Fae) due to her high RES Berkuts lance Guard etc... but Myrrh has insane high attack and color advantage... I am not sure if she will take the same dmg like against Fae... + the battle will last longer because Clair cant double her back :/.

Sorry but Manaketes are seriously busted atm...

They've become more dominant and are taking Lyn's and Reinhardt's place. I wonder if manakete-bane units would be more needed nowadays. Lyn struggles at one rounding Nowis, Faes and Tikis even with Hone Cav.

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6 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Ugh... Myrrh with Distant Counter, Quick Riposte and Deflect Melee.


I wonder if this is Celica's time to shine. After all she has that one hit nuke shot with Ragnarok. Is that enough to one shot Myrrh?

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Against Neutral Fury Myrrh you need 76 magical damage to on shot her. Neutral Deathblow Celica with Attack +3 seal hits 72. So even without Fury Myrrh would survive. With an Attack Boon Celica would hit 75. So Fury Myrrh would survive. A Red Blade Tome or TA would probably be your best bet to one shot her. Or a Falchion user. Chrom can manage it I am sure. But maybe the best option is just to use a defensive unit. Something with 32 or more defense and enough speed to double 28. If your unit has fury as well(or if Myrrh isn't running Fury) there are a number of possibilities. Sigurd for example can even get Horse Buffs to match any dragon Buffs she may have. Any of the speedy red armors can pull it off with ease. Fury Seth can double and even has ruby sword to hit even harder. Saber can double. On the Green Side Minerva without life and death can double. Axes do have a lack of speedy and 32+ defense. Though if most people end up running her with a spd bane or remove fury that opens up possibilities to double on the green side. So yeah I don't see too big an issue. She shakes up the Glass Cannon Meta, but there is plenty that can shake her up as well.

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I feel like people might give there Myyrh’s Iote’s shield as an SS to negate her weakness to anti dragon weapons. Also, for the two teams Myrrh can be on, she is an offensive tank for flier emblem (beIMG one of the few fliers with good def), and a support unit for dragon emblem (She buffs dragons, can ferry them around with Guidance, and even do good when paired with Ninian.)

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6 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Suddenly I REALLY want a Firesweep Bow!  Should shut down QR handily, at least.

Wanna take one of mine? I swear even though I know it'll be good I'm never gonna give this thing to Brave Lyn...

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Just now, Xenomata said:

Wanna take one of mine? I swear even though I know it'll be good I'm never gonna give this thing to Brave Lyn...

I'll take three!  Firesweep looks like the ticket to dismantling units like Myrrh.  If Iote's Shield is in her S slot, that means she can't run the likes of Deflect (this) or Distant Defense.

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