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@Sunwoo @SilvertheShadow

You guys complaining about wasting refining stones on Soren’s rexcalibur.

Don’t worry you could be me in this situation. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 





I still want to give him the def rexcalibur refine just for the sake of completing the set eventually.


2 hours ago, Poimagic said:

Anyways, there is a new refinery update coming, and @Tybrosion and @DarkLordIvy are gonna be happy about it. Soren is getting a new weapon, while Eirika and Leo are getting a refinement. This is appearently coming in an update in March. Along with a new special map mode and the blessing based mode

I am very excited!!! The rest of February can go to hell, I’m ready for March to come three days ago!

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@Sunwoo @SilvertheShadow

You guys complaining about wasting refining stones on Soren’s rexcalibur.

Don’t worry you could be me in this situation. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 





I still want to give him the def rexcalibur refine just for the sake of completing the set eventually.


2 hours ago, Poimagic said:

Anyways, there is a new refinery update coming, and @Tybrosion and @DarkLordIvy are gonna be happy about it. Soren is getting a new weapon, while Eirika and Leo are getting a refinement. This is appearently coming in an update in March. Along with a new special map mode and the blessing based mode

I am very excited!!! The rest of February can go to hell, I’m ready for March to come three days ago!

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

My point is, it'll likely wait for the story to reach an appropriate point, like a climactic battle at the end of Book 2 or something.

I guess, but my point is, don't put it off for real long.

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It's interesting how as powerful as they were at the time they were added, most of the CYL weapons seem to be turning pretty tame in comparison to more recent additions. Geirskogul vs March's Falchion is particularly striking: Geirskogul gives the user Def +3 and gives Atk/Spd +3 to allies within two squares with physical weapons, while Falchion gives the user HP +3, Renewal 3, effectiveness against dragons, and Atk/Spd/Def/Res +2 to all allies within two squares.

I don't know what they might do to address that sort of thing eventually, but one set of "super" weapons that do seem likely to get a regular refinement at one point is Dark Aura/Excalibur. Dark Excalibur seems particularly unexciting compared to weapons like Resolute Blade and refined Hauteclere, and while Dark Aura at least has a unique effect, Tactic skills make the +6 buff not particularly special. But adding refinements to those weapons would raise the question of how to fit Merric and Linde into the picture. Having them need to spend 350 total Divine Dew to get just a regular refinement's worth of bonus would be pretty annoying, and while it could feel a bit more special by having each user get a unique special refine like the Falchions, 350 Divine Dew is still a lot. An alternative could be to add refinements for both the original and "Dark" weapons, with the original's refinements naturally being locked to the original user and the "Dark" version having its special refinement only available to the unit that came with it. So like, for the Excalibur pair, Merric could refine his original Excalibur to have an Atk/Spd/Def/Res bonus or a special refine to ignore bonuses on enemy fliers, while either Merric or Sonya could refine Dark Excalibur to get an Atk/Spd/Def/Res bonus while only Sonya could get its special refine, to get a Killer effect or something. That would put them back in the position of having distinct abilities and allow Merric/Linde to get special refinements without needing to spend a ridiculous amount of Divine Dew, although it could have the downside of frustrating players who had already spent Divine Dew to get the "Dark" weapons on Merric/Linde. (Did anyone actually do that? It never seemed particularly appealing to me.)

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43 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

@Sunwoo @SilvertheShadow

You guys complaining about wasting refining stones on Soren’s rexcalibur.

Don’t worry you could be me in this situation. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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I still want to give him the def rexcalibur refine just for the sake of completing the set eventually.


I am very excited!!! The rest of February can go to hell, I’m ready for March to come three days ago!

My sad little +Def-Res Soren is still sitting at +2.  That's the best nature I had that wasn't -Atk or Spd.  He does decent as a Gronnraven Bow/Reinhardt check.  He along with Ike/Micaiah/Dancer was my go to team for all the Infernal GHB quests we just had.

I'm going to need some more Refining Stones.


I'm looking forward to the new Big Maps or whatever they're called.  I can combine both my Armor Emblem teams and just stack Ward Armor x7.

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The first Soren I got was +res -HP. And then I got a +spd -HP one, which I promoted. But I also pulled at least two other Soren, who were +atk -def and +spd -def! Good natured Sorens, go to other people!

(Ideally, +spd -def is probably preferable over +spd -HP, but I already spent 20,000 feathers re-promoting a +atk -HP Florina over my 5-star +atk -spd one. I need those feathers for something else.)

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Well looks like I will have to promote my 4* Erika since I have been holding off on doing that since I have other good reds, but if her refine is good I will go ahead.  My 5*Soren has been waiting for this refine so he is first.  I don't have Leo sadly so I can't use his refine right now.  At least they are giving blessings on the legendary maps, so I can bless every unit I use a lot at some point.  The town attack mode sounds like a lot of fun, and it has another use for the friends list!  I will have to carefully plot out who I will use on my team for that, armor emblem plus dancer and healer, the last two slots I need to think about.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

It's interesting how as powerful as they were at the time they were added, most of the CYL weapons seem to be turning pretty tame in comparison to more recent additions. Geirskogul vs March's Falchion is particularly striking: Geirskogul gives the user Def +3 and gives Atk/Spd +3 to allies within two squares with physical weapons, while Falchion gives the user HP +3, Renewal 3, effectiveness against dragons, and Atk/Spd/Def/Res +2 to all allies within two squares.

Geirskogul buff is still semi-competitive with Falchion since it have a more focused value in what is usually wanted. Marth's most effective use is still as a 1 character support and Geirs buff can be better at times

Mulagir was never that good so idk about that

Urvan is very powerful even now IMO.

That leaves Blazing Durandal, which imo was still top rate. I honestly put it alongside Falchion, Basilikos, and Hauteclere as top refinement

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5 hours ago, mampfoid said:

If you compare our current feather income to that of one year ago, you'll see that it's raising constantly. We are able to promote far more units compared to the units they are newly  adding to the 4* pool. If they keep making the old 3*/4* units more interesting by giving them new weapons, we'll run out of units to promote eventually. 

I would have the feathers to promote Caeda, Felicia, Marth and Raven, but not the Dew. 

It's more by my desire to raise them to 5*+10 - on top of Sheena, Gwendolyn, Draug, Effie, and Olivia (first 4 because they're still the only armored units not 5*-exclusive and can reach +10, Olivia because she's the only dancer that's not 5*-exclusive). 5*+0 is less of an issue, true.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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1 hour ago, Othin said:

It's interesting how as powerful as they were at the time they were added, most of the CYL weapons seem to be turning pretty tame in comparison to more recent additions. Geirskogul vs March's Falchion is particularly striking: Geirskogul gives the user Def +3 and gives Atk/Spd +3 to allies within two squares with physical weapons, while Falchion gives the user HP +3, Renewal 3, effectiveness against dragons, and Atk/Spd/Def/Res +2 to all allies within two squares.

I don't know what they might do to address that sort of thing eventually, but one set of "super" weapons that do seem likely to get a regular refinement at one point is Dark Aura/Excalibur. Dark Excalibur seems particularly unexciting compared to weapons like Resolute Blade and refined Hauteclere, and while Dark Aura at least has a unique effect, Tactic skills make the +6 buff not particularly special. But adding refinements to those weapons would raise the question of how to fit Merric and Linde into the picture. Having them need to spend 350 total Divine Dew to get just a regular refinement's worth of bonus would be pretty annoying, and while it could feel a bit more special by having each user get a unique special refine like the Falchions, 350 Divine Dew is still a lot. An alternative could be to add refinements for both the original and "Dark" weapons, with the original's refinements naturally being locked to the original user and the "Dark" version having its special refinement only available to the unit that came with it. So like, for the Excalibur pair, Merric could refine his original Excalibur to have an Atk/Spd/Def/Res bonus or a special refine to ignore bonuses on enemy fliers, while either Merric or Sonya could refine Dark Excalibur to get an Atk/Spd/Def/Res bonus while only Sonya could get its special refine, to get a Killer effect or something. That would put them back in the position of having distinct abilities and allow Merric/Linde to get special refinements without needing to spend a ridiculous amount of Divine Dew, although it could have the downside of frustrating players who had already spent Divine Dew to get the "Dark" weapons on Merric/Linde. (Did anyone actually do that? It never seemed particularly appealing to me.)

Tell that to me. I gave Merric Dark Excalibur because I wanted to pair him with Marth, Glimmer was recently updated to 2 CD and I thought it would be cool to have a physically defensive Dark Excalibur user and keep Sonya. They definitely need to fix these issues. I think the worst they can do is introduce a refinement worth 50 divine dew for units that had a different base weapon (like Seliph, Julia, Eliwood, Merric and Linde) and worth 200 for the original unit, but more than that is plain shitty for people that already used dew to upgrade their weapons.

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7 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

How many +10 do you want to build? I still haven't completed my first. 

I only have one 5*+10 and that's Reinhardt. Sheena, Gwendolyn, Effie, Draug, and Olivia are pretty high up on my list to +10 but I have yet to pull +Spd/-HP Sheena and Gwendolyn.

Caeda, Eirika, and Felicia are mainly because I like them and they're getting interesting refined weapons (though I'll have to see what Eirika's does). Still have yet to get +Atk/-Def Caeda and I need to search for a Felicia with good IVs.

Of course, there's the 4 different Lyn's but they're all 5* exclusive so I can't really count on pulling them often.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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37 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

I only have one 5*+10 and that's Reinhardt. Sheena, Gwendolyn, Effie, Draug, and Olivia are pretty high up on my list to +10 but I have yet to pull +Spd/-HP Sheena and Gwendolyn.

Caeda, Eirika, and Felicia are mainly because I like them and they're getting interesting refined weapons (though I'll have to see what Eirika's does). Still have yet to get +Atk/-Def Caeda and I need to search for a Felicia with good IVs.

Of course, there's the 4 different Lyn's but they're all 5* exclusive so I can't really count on pulling them often.

I mean, it's still really expensive to +10 a unit. It's understandable to give the arena core as many merges as possible and the 1-2 units you like the most, but 9 units? You wouldn't do any promotions beside that. 

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Excited for this new update! I got a +ATK Eirika and Soren ready to go! The new modes seem clutch as well!

Anyone think we are going to get the legendary hero revealed tonight? They have been released 2 days before and just the day before, so who knows 0.0

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3 hours ago, DarkLordIvy said:

You guys complaining about wasting refining stones on Soren’s rexcalibur.

Don’t worry you could be me in this situation. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


Funny thing is I didn’t go with Rexcalibur, I gave him an Owl Tome from a pity breaker Boey and gave it a Res refinement. It’s not like I miss the Boey though. Bleh.

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30 minutes ago, Coolmanio said:

Excited for this new update! I got a +ATK Eirika and Soren ready to go! The new modes seem clutch as well!

Anyone think we are going to get the legendary hero revealed tonight? They have been released 2 days before and just the day before, so who knows 0.0

Lately, banner trailers have been going up 28 hours before the banner itself launches. That suggests this one will go up tomorrow night, at 10 pm Eastern time.

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24 minutes ago, Othin said:

Lately, banner trailers have been going up 28 hours before the banner itself launches. That suggests this one will go up tomorrow night, at 10 pm Eastern time.

For New Heroes and Special Heroes, yes. However both Gunnthra's banner and VL!Ike's banner were only revealed the day before the went live (with VL!Ike's only being hours before since it was shown off in the last FEH Channel) so I'm not expecting any news until Tuesday personally. 

As for tomorrow, we might get the upcoming VG revealed based off the fact the schedule has the VG log-in orbs starting tomorrow.

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4 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

For New Heroes and Special Heroes, yes. However both Gunnthra's banner and VL!Ike's banner were only revealed the day before the went live (with VL!Ike's only being hours before since it was shown off in the last FEH Channel) so I'm not expecting any news until Tuesday personally. 

As for tomorrow, we might get the upcoming VG revealed based off the fact the schedule has the VG log-in orbs starting tomorrow.

True, I forgot about that. We'll have to see.

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2 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

It's more by my desire to raise them to 5*+10 - on top of Sheena, Gwendolyn, Draug, Effie, and Olivia (first 4 because they're still the only armored units not 5*-exclusive and can reach +10, Olivia because she's the only dancer that's not 5*-exclusive). 5*+0 is less of an issue, true.


2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

How many +10 do you want to build? I still haven't completed my first. 

I only have one +10 unit, and that's my Titania.  I'd like to get my Rachel up to +10 eventually for my Arena team, but I've only pulled two of her so far.  Sadly I'm not a big enough whale to have a hope of +10ing 5* exclusive units.  I'm really tempted to pull for Blues some more on this banner, but I've already gotten Hardin, and want to save up Orbs for the next Banner.

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41 minutes ago, Rezzy said:


I only have one +10 unit, and that's my Titania.  I'd like to get my Rachel up to +10 eventually for my Arena team, but I've only pulled two of her so far.  Sadly I'm not a big enough whale to have a hope of +10ing 5* exclusive units.  I'm really tempted to pull for Blues some more on this banner, but I've already gotten Hardin, and want to save up Orbs for the next Banner.

Regarding 5* exclusive units: I've been pretty lucky with Roy (+5), he's been the first I got on the CYL banner, but he had been -ATK so I successfully tried for another copy. I got a copy from each other banner he's been featured on, plus 2 off-focus pulls which was awesome. It would be cool to get him to +7 or +8 in the future, but I won't whale or anything. 

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50 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Regarding 5* exclusive units: I've been pretty lucky with Roy (+5), he's been the first I got on the CYL banner, but he had been -ATK so I successfully tried for another copy. I got a copy from each other banner he's been featured on, plus 2 off-focus pulls which was awesome. It would be cool to get him to +7 or +8 in the future, but I won't whale or anything. 

Ah, you mean Brave Roy?  I've got a few merged 5*s that I got by accident.  Eldigan and Seliph have been stalking me, so I have both of them pretty high, but I haven't been going out of my way to get them.

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My highest merge is V!Hector, at +4. Phenomenal luck that I don't think I will ever experience again, and which led me to spend more because I kept getting extra copies. Settled on +HP -Spd over +Atk -Def. If I had known Nephenee was the only source of Wrath to be able to do a double Wrath set...

Among regularly available units, Brave Lyn is at +3 (the recent Hero Fest was Colorless Heaven), and L'Arachel, Sothe, and Genny are all at +2. Sothe made me use up feathers to upgrade a 4-star copy because that had better IVs.

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