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32 minutes ago, Mau said:

Just...ask that question to yourself. Would you rather never be able to get a unit you really want? Not being able to get a unit at all is never better. The banner will return, I'll wait, it just sucks that I have to wait while I would've been able to just summon on it if it didn't run together with 4-5 other banners at all times. If these units never returned I could really just quit the game.

"Granted, if unit A and unit B both come in January, you'd only be able to get one. But you could then save in February."

No, cause in February there would again be a unit A and unit B I want. The difference is that when there's always 6 banners at a time, there will always be at least 1, probably even 2 I want to summon on. I'll never be able to save for the next one. I always end up with 0 orbs and probably only one of the units I want cause that's how my shitty luck works (usually, I got incredibly lucky this month though was still left with almost no orbs to spend on the PA banner).

When there's only 3 banners at once I either only like 1 banner which means I have less to spend than on 2 banners and I might keep some orbs. Or I don't like any banners and I can save all the orbs for the next one.

I haven't been able to save orbs at all the last few months cause there's so many banners going on. In the whole of September I didn't get a single unit until the Legendary Banner, cause there were so many units I wanted I could only spend a few orbs on each banner, which of course granted me nothing. In Oktober I decided to just spend on one banner, which now did give me the unit I wanted, but I had to sacrifice my chance to summon on the other banner I wanted. So I missed out on a lot of units the last two months which I now have to wait multiple months for to appear again. If there had only been 3 banners at a time I would've gotten more of those units and would maybe have some orbs left too.

i totally understand what you mean. 
PA is a Lure beause of Fanlivia and Axeura (and who knows when they'll come back (maybe the same time? who knows), but I know i'll want to save for Inigo because that's apparently what the game thinks I want  Azura and FanLivia. but because I went hunting for them, I missed out on trying to get a lot of SF!Ninos (which I would have been happy to do but Limited Banner trumps my Nino love). then there was Legendary. I love Myrrh, and 3 Myrrh Banners? okay. (not to mention that LB ate a tonne of my orbs and my budget). now I can't do BHB banner (and get more Horse Erikia, Ephriam and Myrrh). I am hoping the timing of this banner is roughly against the announcement of Legendary so i can focus. 

not to mention Christmas is coming. I want Winter Lissa, Winter Tharja, and NY!Azura. IS will have a new Christmas banner... it would be nice to just have.. a few the few a bit longer.... but several new banners. i get it - it makes it so you wanna buy more, but if you're a limited purchaser or strictly F2P it's so tough. 

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On the other hand @Mau, cutting 3 banners slows down how often characters are focus unit in a banner, since there are less banners to be in. Okey, so now you have the unit you want to summon every month and I'm 4 months without a unit I want to summon. Is that any better or just being selfish?

Also, if you want to play as a F2P, maybe you should think if you REALLY need to summon so many "wanted" units in that moment. Do you really want them or you want them because they are there? Think about it. For example, my reasoning about Ophelia in her banner:

Is Ophelia cool? Yes. Is a good unit? Yes. How many blue mages I have built at 5*? Linde, Mae, Tailtiu and Lute. Would I spend orbs for Ophelia or 20K feathers in Saias (and now, in Odin too)? Saias. Conclusion: Do I NEED to summon Ophelia? No. Extra: she shared colour with the obvious demotion.

The same goes for Alm (my favourite lord), Alt!Hinoka (amazing art), PA!Olivia (I love her art and I like her as a character), Leo, Niles (when he has been on a banner as a 5*, to save feathers)...

If you REALLY can't live without getting them and having to wait is such a problem, go the whale way. There's nothing bad with it. They let us continue playing, which is good. I don't care not being able to enter tier 21 because they are the ones who deserve it, not me. 

Also, a final tip. If you are doubting between two units, priorize the ones that are not in the regular summoning pool. You can always get them as pity breakers

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@daisy janeRight?? I'm already panicking about Christmas too haha, cause my Christmas Lissa has the worst IVs so kinda need another one, but there's no doubt there's gonna be one or more new cuties on the new banner. And then there's the new hero banners and the new Legendary banner(s) happening in between, and there's also the New Years banner after that cause guess what, my NY!Takumi also has the worst IVs and ugh it never ends, how do people save orbs??

@Javi Blizz It does slow down how often characters are a focus but look at it this way. For example, there's a banner with Takumi and one with Ike at the same time and you want both. You only have enough orbs for one so you get Takumi and now have to wait multiple months for Ike (fun fact: last time OG Ike appeared was 7 months ago). If there were less banners at the same time, Ike might've appeared on the banner next month instead. You would only have to wait one month and you would have saved up enough orbs again after Takumi to summon for Ike now. So you'll have both in two months instead of having to wait 7 months again for the other.

The units would be spread out more, but in the end you'd mostly be able to get them faster cause if you miss them once cause another banner had priority, you'll have to wait even longer for them to reappear again.

It's even worse cause in one of my cases I'm talking about two seasonal banners, the PA banner and the Halloween banner. They'll probably reappear on a legendary banner, but that could take at least half a year and they'll all share a color with two others. I've already waited a whole year for another chance to get PA!Olivia (the Legendary banner she was on had other priorities too) only to not be able to get her because the Halloween banner had three units I wanted (damn that banner). You're talking about prioritizing units not in the regular summoning pool, but right now there's three seasonal banners running at the same time so if you want units in all of them you're screwed :P

I still prioritize a lot, like I love Alm's art too but so far haven't had a single chance to summon for him. And the same goes for PA!Olivia, I do really want her but there's always something else that's more important cause there's always so many banners and that's why I keep missing out on her :/ Nevermind wanting to actually collect every single hero, that's a goal I've sadly had to give up ages ago haha

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2 minutes ago, Mau said:

@daisy janeRight?? I'm already panicking about Christmas too haha, cause my Christmas Lissa has the worst IVs so kinda need another one, but there's no doubt there's gonna be one or more new cuties on the new banner. And then there's the new hero banners and the new Legendary banner(s) happening in between, and there's also the New Years banner after that cause guess what, my NY!Takumi also has the worst IVs and ugh it never ends, how do people save orbs??

@Javi Blizz It does slow down how often characters are a focus but look at it this way. For example, there's a banner with Takumi and one with Ike at the same time and you want both. You only have enough orbs for one so you get Takumi and now have to wait multiple months for Ike (fun fact: last time OG Ike appeared was 7 months ago). If there were less banners at the same time, Ike might've appeared on the banner next month instead. You would only have to wait one month and you would have saved up enough orbs again after Takumi to summon for Ike now. So you'll have both in two months instead of having to wait 7 months again for the other.

The units would be spread out more, but in the end you'd mostly be able to get them faster cause if you miss them once cause another banner had priority, you'll have to wait even longer for them to reappear again.

It's even worse cause in one of my cases I'm talking about two seasonal banners, the PA banner and the Halloween banner. They'll probably reappear on a legendary banner, but that could take at least half a year and they'll all share a color with two others. I've already waited a whole year for another chance to get PA!Olivia (the Legendary banner she was on had other priorities too) only to not be able to get her because the Halloween banner had three units I wanted (damn that banner). You're talking about prioritizing units not in the regular summoning pool, but right now there's three seasonal banners running at the same time so if you want units in all of them you're screwed :P

I still prioritize a lot, like I love Alm's art too but so far haven't had a single chance to summon for him. And the same goes for PA!Olivia, I do really want her but there's always something else that's more important cause there's always so many banners and that's why I keep missing out on her :/ Nevermind wanting to actually collect every single hero, that's a goal I've sadly had to give up ages ago haha

@Mau  yeup. and yeup. and yeup! LOL  i thought oh wouldn't it be cool to try to collect everything (sure would, but i am not that rich or lucky hahaha). I wasn't even gonna PULL in 2018 Halloween (but then. Monster Myrrh! Mia! Kagero! - then that stupid banner totally was mean so i am giving up on Mia. I'd love a Flying Mage - so i might do a few rounds for Nowi.) i want Ephiriam... there is just way too many banners, and the span. between them. again. I get it. it's the "Gatcha." but i do think there are ways to balance the whaling (which i simply can't afford to do very often).  the 'wanting things in your army." and then not to mention - the sheer RNG-madness of it all. 

I mentioned a few days ago, I wouldn't mind chances to get some rare seasonals - as 3 or 4 star either.  it doesn't HAVE to be five stars (I don't mind taking the time to grind them up and spend 22K feathers in leveling them up. you'd still have to hunt (there'd be people who would probably spend MORE beause it would help with merge projects and the like).

my hope is (for me) the better I get, is the easier i can get F2P orbs which means even though i'm trying to save, I can get some more units. this might be middle of next year truth be told. I'd also not like an entire seasonal army. 

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39 minutes ago, Mau said:

For example, there's a banner with Takumi and one with Ike at the same time and you want both. You only have enough orbs for one so you get Takumi and now have to wait multiple months for Ike (fun fact: last time OG Ike appeared was 7 months ago). If there were less banners at the same time, Ike might've appeared on the banner next month instead. You would only have to wait one month and you would have saved up enough orbs again after Takumi to summon for Ike now. So you'll have both in two months instead of having to wait 7 months again for the other.

No, it wouldn't. Fewer banners necessarily means that individual characters would necessarily have longer droughts between banners. Sure, Takumi and Ike would be less likely to appear in the same month, but Takumi and Ike would be less likely to appear at all. You know how it's been 7 months since the last time Ike was on a banner? If we had fewer banners, that wait would be even longer.

"Having more time to save orbs for characters you like" is exactly identical to "having to wait more time for the character you like to re-appear."


Let's assume that there are only 3 banners running at a time. Most of the time, that means one of them will be a New Heroes banner and another will be a Special Heroes banner. Extra banners, like the skills banners, typically run for about 10 days, meaning there will be 3 of them per month. If all of them are the terrible 4-character banners that give more re-runs at the cost of lower summoning rates, that's 12 characters being re-run on extra banners each month and 5 characters on the Legendary Hero banner.

There is a total of 92 5-star-exclusive characters in the standard summoning pool right now. This means that if characters are evenly distributed across the extra banners and no new characters are being released, it would take 6 months for a character to re-appear on a banner. However, new characters are being released to the standard summoning pool at a rate of about 2 or 3 per month, which means it would actually take 7 months for a character to reappear in the first iteration, with it growing each time as the pool gets bigger. And on top of that, characters are not evenly distributed across banners, meaning less desirable characters will end up having even longer gaps between re-runs and desirable characters would either (1) replace less desirable characters altogether or (2) suffer the same longer wait intervals that everything else would suffer from.

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Wait!? 92 exclusives. Hold on a minute. Let's see here... 92 + 11 (4-5 stars) = 103. We had a total of 105 5 stars in the summoning pool before the Thracia update. Yeah. Mass demotion coming shortly. 3.0 seems the likeliest for it to happen. Seems like my prediction was somewhat right, only off by a half a month for us to reach that number

Edited by silveraura25
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As to not derail the pull thread further:

4 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

Are you still running her on a Goad Team? If she’s not ploying +Spd/-Res is a little better, imo, since her Res is still high enough to take a magical hit, and her physical bulk increases. Heck, she can even still Ploy reasonably well if you ever want/need her to.

On Fury vs Swift Sparrow, it looks like the difference is marginal, with Fury having a slight edge on the 1st round of combat, and Swift Sparrow being a bit better after Desperation becomes active. If you’re just having her slice up cavs and armors, I’d stick with Fury.

I’m actually running her on a tactics team together with Marth, Cecilia, and a bonus on the weeks when I’m not stuck with Alfonse.
Then again, I do also run her on a goad team in Earth gardens together with Tana, Minerva, and Cordelia, and there she wouldn’t mind ploying some fools.

The SP difference between Fury and Swift Sparrow isn’t too big either, is it? It’s 200 vs 240, I think?

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

The SP difference between Fury and Swift Sparrow isn’t too big either, is it? It’s 200 vs 240, I think?

Correct. I’m not sure if that’d be enough to bump her up a SP bin (as I recall, it goes by 100s), not knowing what the rest of her build is. I believe the difference is minimal for Arena scoring even if it does bump her up, though.

Is she receiving or giving Def Tactic? Swift Sparrow might be better, performance-wise, if she’s getting it...I hadn’t looked at that scenario.

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1 minute ago, LordFrigid said:

Correct. I’m not sure if that’d be enough to bump her up a SP bin (as I recall, it goes by 100s), not knowing what the rest of her build is. I believe the difference is minimal for Arena scoring even if it does bump her up, though.

Is she receiving or giving Def Tactic? Swift Sparrow might be better, performance-wise, if she’s getting it...I hadn’t looked at that scenario.

The rest of the build is Wing Sword (+effect), Desperation 3, Hone Atk 3, Res Tactic 3 seal, Reposition, Iceberg. She’s currently Spd/Def and +6.
kinda stupid of me to even bother about scoring while clinging to Reposition, I know

She is receiving Def Tactic.

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13 hours ago, Zangetsu said:


Very well written and makes a lot of good points.  

1. I'll take this further, I'm not okay with them releasing higher BST units.  So it isn't even the pace, it should never happen in the first place.  Armors should have stayed at 170 BST max.  All the other gen2/3 BST should have never happened.  Release interesting skills, and more varied stat spreads, don't just keep releasing min maxed units with higher and higher BST and sometimes strict power creep of existing units.  He pointed out Mia, Zelgius, Legendary Ike and yes all three are disgusting.  They make three other units completely obsolete.  Giving old units BST boost would be nice.  It also does discourage some from spending money, hey you can spend a lot to +10 this unit now, except much better unit will come in a few months!  

2. I think the amount of content is fine.  I just wish we got story chapters at a much brisker pace, at least once every two weeks.  Also more dialogue and writing in these.  I don't think this will distract at all from Three Houses and I hope that whoever has been writing the story chapters for Heroes is NOT on the Three Houses team...that wouldn't bode well for the game.

3. Disagree about lack of orbs.  I think more banners the better.  Yes you can't get every single unit, FTP, but that is fine.  Pick the banners you want to summon on.  Essentially besides the legendary banner we don't have more 'new' banners than before, we have seasonal banner usually month long, once inawhile new hero banner, and end of month legendary banner.  The rest are old units on skill banners, new power banners, bound battle, TT, seasonal repeats, etc.  His estimates on how many units you can get with 300 orbs is correct however.  Firstly he isn't talking about legendary banners which have a much higher rate.  He is speaking of new hero and seasonal banners.  The average to pull a unit give or take depending on color is around 150 orbs.  So the average person will get 2 focus units per month.  He is not counting off focus pity breakers.  

4. I kind of agree, kind of disagree.  Yes most of the best skills are 5 star locked, but I don't think a free player can be expected (I'm a free player before anyone yells at me) to get the most expensive builds for every unit they pull.  I do think some 5 star skills should be demoted.  Hone fliers for one, building flier teams should not be 5 star locked (and on a single unit in the regular pool no less).  Panic ploy can drop too, heavy blade, since there are seals for it and it is niche use.  I think they are gradually doing this, like we just got Steady stance in the 4 star pool thanks to silas.

5. I always laugh when people complain about dragons which are easy to counter, except for you know armor dragons cause they are ARMORS.  Yes armors get the strongest skills, get to dump stats without penalty, get the highest stats, etc.  However armors are the premiere whale bait, so I guess a necessary evil? 

6. Arena scoring.  The scoring system for arena is stupid.  People can't use the units they want to use unless those are armors, or they use lower BST units with high merges.  So you are penalized severely for using lower BST units, especially stuff like ranged cavalry.  Also the SP system is also dumb leading to many people putting unoptimal skills just to 'score' better.  I don't know how to fix it, but arena the mode where you should be able to build a team for pure efficiency based on preference is a failure in that regard.  It also makes arena at higher levels less varied.  

7. Yup, I've said this since the amazing here is Black knight without his mask, ta da!  Or here is Erika on a horse, for some sort of reason.  Seasonals are one thing, and it is better if new faces don't debut there since the themes are often silly.  However alts have no business being on NEW HERO banners.  I think maybe they are finally realizing this, the door of destiny banner no alts.  The Fates banner, no alts.  Muspell generals, obviously no alts.  Hopefully it is the last we see of alts on new hero banners.  Yes and it does greatly slow how many new faces get added to the game.  So it is terrible.  Probably lucrative, but hey too bad for those whose favorite character isn't in the game yet you'll be waiting a lot longer or maybe forever. 

8. Yeah I think someone did the numbers on this, there are about as many males as females, however a far greater percentage of females are 5 star locked units and a far greater percentage of males are free units on top of that.  Of course seasonals are heavily skewed towards females.  It isn't right or fair.  However the vast majority of whales are male.  The majority of males are straight.  So financially this is the most profitable probably.

Edited by Lewyn
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14 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

Can agree with Powercreep but can't say it legitimately bothers me all that much. Only L!Tiki has irritated me lately but not even that much~

I'm fine with Content and I think we get a good amount of Orbs. It just depends on how many Banners you're trying to spend on at once (the average person isn't going for more than 2 at any given time). Though, I'm not F2P so I can't talk for the most part since I buy Orbs monthly at the minimum.

Don't agree with 4 since I have only twice to this day foddered a 5* unit for skills (Swift Sparrow and Steady Breath; I don't count Aether because I promoted a Chrom for it). All my other builds don't require any locked Skills and I hardly think they're mandatory.

Can agree with the Armors but lately they haven't given me as much trouble and I'm someone without a single unit at +10. They can be worked around. I just wish they spaced out how often they added them to the game. As for Arena scoring, IDEK the ins and outs of scoring and the BST and Skills that increase the score. I just play Arena for fun~

I agree about Alts only somewhat. I am fine with Alts if they spread them. We don't need another Camilla or Lyn for at least a year compared to some units that don't even have one Alt, much less characters that aren't in the game.

Point 8 is debatable. Obviously I prefer the guys to the gorls but if you think about it, there are still a lot of males in this game and series as a whole and a lot of them were implemented upfront. So when they introduce new characters, they tend to be more females and they tend to be better units. So it would be nice if they added more guys LIKE KEATON and made them appealing, like recently with Lewyn~

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14 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

1. While higher powercreep is a thing it's not like the new units are invincible. A good unit with a hammer can shut down blue armor. Hollow Myrrh and legTiki have double weaknesses, a good match-up can shut them down. It not like this happens overnight, Athena was never amazing to begin with.

2. The game always had that problem. It's annoying to be sure. The game is supposed to be played in bursts.

3. Save up, think about do you really want to spent orbs on most banners? 

4. Annoying yes but you don't need the brand new flashy skills in the game. I still make do with death blow 3.

5. Armors are annoying, with higher stat total and overpowered skills. How will that be changed, bold fighter for fliers and horses to "fix" it?

6. The arena is broken, but with what systems can it be changed with that can benefit everyone?

7. The alts I find lazy are LegLyn and Leg Hector. Most of them have different movement type of weapons. The reason that person consider them lazy is because those characters don't appeal to him.

8. I wouldn't say there is an underrepresentation in the game. Gender balance felt fair for me for most banners.

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My thoughts. The only ones I agree with, to some extent, are (2), (4), and (8).

1. Power creep

I've addressed this multiple times before, so I won't bother getting into the details. The Gen 2 stats are first and foremost a means of balancing the power of ranged and cavalry units against other units. The only way to fix this issue is to retroactively go back and adjust the stats of all Gen 1 units to match Gen 2 stats, and this is very unlikely to happen.

2. Content drought

Yes. I believe this is caused by three main problems that really aren't touched on at all by the reddit post.

(1) There is a lack of permanent content that is actually challenging. All of the hardest game modes are either not challenging enough or are not permanent. Grandmaster Tactics Drills don't let you use your own units, which takes a lot of the fun out of the challenge.

(2) Player projects in this game are typically build projects, which are entirely dependent on the skills the player can get their hands on. This means projects are limited by time spent waiting for the acquisition of orbs rather than time spent actively working on the project.

(3) Building on (2), there is only one real farmable resource in this game (feathers), which (1) limits the types of projects that can be actively worked on and (2) limits the type of content that has replay value.

3. Lack of orbs

We're getting new content no faster than we were last year and are getting orbs faster than last year. The author is being a whiny brat.

4. Stagnation of the lower-rarity summoning pools

The main problem is that new skills aren't being dropped to the 4-star pool in a timely manner, which is a contributing factor to the content drought above.

5. Armors

Killing armors is pretty easy. They are easy to bait, easy to nuke with strong enough nukes, and easy to kite with staves.

6. Arena scoring

I've already addressed this one recently. I would take arguments of "give us a system to judge true difficulty" more seriously if the people suggesting it could actually make such a system and make it work because it's far more difficult than people think it is.

7. Alts

I like alts.

8. Males

I'd like more male characters in the game, but the author is grossly exaggerating the disparity in the rate that male and female characters are being released.

If I want to be a bit more self-serving, "I'd like more male characters that I like" in the game, like Colm, Lorenz, and Dheginhansea as well as the remaining main villains.

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I know this will drown in walls of text, but I found my perfect recipient for Darting Stance seal:


Mine is +SPD and has natural 38 SPD, with Dating Stance and Hone Armors she can arrive to 50 SPD on EP. Player Phase speed doesn't matter because of Bold Fighter. Thanks to Fierce Breath she can charge her special (Bonfire currently) on both phases. 

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From what I can tell people have been disagreeing & agreeing with it from that reddit complaint I posted.


I see where he's coming from, but he just sounds so entitle about at the same time.

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

I know this will drown in walls of text, but I found my perfect recipient for Darting Stance seal:


Mine is +SPD and has natural 38 SPD, with Dating Stance and Hone Armors she can arrive to 50 SPD on EP. Player Phase speed doesn't matter because of Bold Fighter. Thanks to Fierce Breath she can charge her special (Bonfire currently) on both phases. 


thanks, I'll check this one out. mine is not + speed, but i mean it shouldn't hurt, right?

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53 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

From what I can tell people have been disagreeing & agreeing with it from that reddit complaint I posted.

I see where he's coming from, but he just sounds so entitle about at the same time.

I find most of his points are rather confusing based on the headlines he chose.
Like 1) adresses BST inflation than actual power creep.
Or 4) is more about the bottlenecked flow of new skills rather than whatever "5* syndrome" is supposed to convey.

And some points are just ... petty (3, 7 and 8).

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

I know this will drown in walls of text, but I found my perfect recipient for Darting Stance seal:


Mine is +SPD and has natural 38 SPD, with Dating Stance and Hone Armors she can arrive to 50 SPD on EP. Player Phase speed doesn't matter because of Bold Fighter. Thanks to Fierce Breath she can charge her special (Bonfire currently) on both phases. 

I think the darting stance seal is being overlooked, speed is actually the most important defensive stat.  Being able to prevent doubles from the opponent is so important considering how many units can speed up their specials.  This also makes darting stance A slot a cheap good skill too.  Using both you get +12 speed on the enemy phase, this allows middling speed units to get to top speed, it can allow slow units that are always doubled to get to middling speed.  I'm glad I upgraded this one.

1 hour ago, Zangetsu said:

From what I can tell people have been disagreeing & agreeing with it from that reddit complaint I posted.


I see where he's coming from, but he just sounds so entitle about at the same time.

The internet is always going to be full of entitlement.  I think people who are actually putting a lot of money in the game probably do deserve to be entitled.  Free players can also complain, but can't say they 'deserve' this or that.  Again speaking as a free player myself.  I believe Heroes is the best free mobile game on the market, incredibly generous, actually listens to consumer feedback and continually improves the product, looks and sounds top notch, doesn't seem blatantly cash grabby like many gacha.  

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4 minutes ago, The Priest said:

I find most of his points are rather confusing based on the headlines he chose.
Like 1) adresses BST inflation than actual power creep.
Or 4) is more about the bottlenecked flow of new skills rather than whatever "5* syndrome" is supposed to convey.

And some points are just ... petty (3, 7 and 8).

well... hm. maybe re: 3. 
Like. i don't know. I mean I'm happy that I am getting to the point where i can get some of the harder orbs before. but i know for a lot of the "everyone stays alive." i can't do those ones (a chunk of ones i can't do either). a lot of people here have been helpful trying to help me get strategies so i am really clicking along now.  maybe he's just not good enough yet. i don't know if i'd say that is petty per se. 

(and @Lewyn did the math. if it's 150ish or so for a Focus unit. then that's not bad if you get say 300 a month more or less, even if you were strictly F2P. the decision is do you wait for Legendary/Seasonals, or what you are yearning for. so maybe more disclosure on the calendar?)

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3 hours ago, The Priest said:

Not to be rude but I think this particular topic should receive its own thread instead of being thrown into the general discussion, even if it is just for visibility.

Forgot to mention but I didn't think it needed it's own thread. However, if the mods think otherwise than I won't be complaining it's not like I know how to start a topic since all I do at the end of the day is complain about things in general.


9 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

I think the darting stance seal is being overlooked, speed is actually the most important defensive stat.  Being able to prevent doubles from the opponent is so important considering how many units can speed up their specials.  This also makes darting stance A slot a cheap good skill too.  Using both you get +12 speed on the enemy phase, this allows middling speed units to get to top speed, it can allow slow units that are always doubled to get to middling speed.  I'm glad I upgraded this one.

Is it though? I found speed to be the most expendable when it comes to stats. Especially if there's nothing to salvage about said unit SPD. Doesn't seem all that worth it when your ATK is in the single digit. Maybe I'm glorifying it but QR helps immensely for tank units in general. Not like I'm a expert on these kind of things, just putting my 2 cents.


9 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

The internet is always going to be full of entitlement.  I think people who are actually putting a lot of money in the game probably do deserve to be entitled.  Free players can also complain, but can't say they 'deserve' this or that.  Again speaking as a free player myself.  I believe Heroes is the best free mobile game on the market, incredibly generous, actually listens to consumer feedback and continually improves the product, looks and sounds top notch, doesn't seem blatantly cash grabby like many gacha.  

That almost sounds like you're agreeing with me, because a lot of that echoes my sentiment.


Regardless,  as far as I'm concern the real problem (IMO, of course) is the lack of colorless & ax units. As far I know (I have nothing to back up this claim FYI) the average FEH player isn't competitive & they just well play the game. Which is why I feel the main focus should be on getting more new units (alts or not) from the Kaga era & the GBA era despite how I feel about those games.


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39 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Is it though? I found speed to be the most expendable when it comes to stats. Especially if there's nothing to salvage about said unit SPD. Doesn't seem all that worth it when your ATK is in the single digit. Maybe I'm glorifying it but QR helps immensely for tank units in general. Not like I'm a expert on these kind of things, just putting my 2 cents.

Not as useful in Tier 21 with primarily armor units, but in lower tiers like Tier 18 or 19 where you will see units built for performance, Spd tanks can tank fast nukes pretty decently. Spd tanks are generally more vulnerable to one shot nukes and Brave nukes though.

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19 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

is Tempest Trials the best place to train my dancers and healers? I need to get them going. and it takes soooo loonnng. 
(all extra os and ns needed). 

Definitely great for healers. If you autobattle you can even unequip their staff so they focus on healing (and gain SP) and don’t attack enemies they’d lose to

Dancers not so much if they’re fragile. I’d go for training maps for those. Dancers main job in TT is to dance and spend less turns per map, but if they can get a kill then i give them that for a little bit of SP

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4 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

The rest of the build is Wing Sword (+effect), Desperation 3, Hone Atk 3, Res Tactic 3 seal, Reposition, Iceberg. She’s currently Spd/Def and +6.
kinda stupid of me to even bother about scoring while clinging to Reposition, I know

She is receiving Def Tactic.

Then, yes, Swift Sparrow would bump her up a SP bin.

I looked at +6 Caeda's matchups vs +10 foes (idk how often she sees them, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared) when she receives Def Tactic, and it looks like Swift Sparrow and Fury perform pretty similarly at that stage. If you have plans to eventually +10 her, Swift Sparrow performs better than Fury at that level (even if her nature is switched to +Atk).

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