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On 11/28/2020 at 10:10 PM, Sunwoo said:

You know, if I was told that someone on Heroes' development staff hated Leo because he's more popular than Xander overall, I'd totally believe it. I really can't think of any other explanation as to why he's so ... well, bad.

Clearly one of the developers hates tomatoes and wanted to punish Leo. /s

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So a feh channel is imminent. Update notif with only the refines, that means they’re planning on telling us stuff in a big way.

Speaking of refines, nice to see Oliver and Mist. I am mostly glad about Nowi, my +10 benchwarmer might actually see use again if the refine is good.

Falchion refine might be fun for AA.

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Urk... goddamnit Niles, Lucy is getting a refine to the Falchion she wants to be using, and yet I don't have the Respendent I want because of you...

On the other hand, I'm now lowkey glad I ran out of Arena Medals when I did, cause now I can wait and see what Nowi will be getting. Will it be better than what Fae got? Probably not, but a man can pray.

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6 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Urk... goddamnit Niles, Lucy is getting a refine to the Falchion she wants to be using, and yet I don't have the Respendent I want because of you...

On the other hand, I'm now lowkey glad I ran out of Arena Medals when I did, cause now I can wait and see what Nowi will be getting. Will it be better than what Fae got? Probably not, but a man can pray.

How do you have no more arena medals?

I was thinking about the refine update and how there might be a new pattern established with staves added. One Staff, Grail unit and one other Book 1 and Book 2 unit could be the new pattern and based on that possibility I have a hypothesis for how Book 1's refines end. I'll point out to a graph of what's left:

We have 11 Book 1 staves, which I think will be one per month for the next while. Of the others, we have 6 DC units who we will be waiting on, the three dancers who everyone seem to think IS are scared to deal with, Dire Thunder, Armads and Ayra's Blade. I think if we don't start getting the dancers that Ayra's next on the refine list as I think Armads and DT are lower on their priority for whatever reason.

Another point because I've seen talk of Legendaries getting refines too, I would say DC will happen with those too because we have Ike, Ryoma and M!Grima who would also get refines with them, while BK would share with Zelgius and Hardin with Camus as well making the number easier. With those legendaries we have another dozen or so before we talk mythics and the legendaries who came after them including the ones who share weapons with units on this chart.

Also, as for Book 2 the 5 staves make it a pretty short list of options, 4 dancers for IS to ignore again and 13 grail units that would fill out the list for a while. I also think the Muspell gang will all go together for refines, Surtr included.

So that's 16 staves, 15 Grail units, 6 Book 1 weapons pre DC refines (Another 6)) and 29 Book 2 weapons (another 3 with DC, 4 for dancers for 36!), I suspect Book 1 refines will end In Book 6 at this rate mainly because of the staves as there's so few not staves.

Edited by Dayni
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Here’s some interesting data that Flareblitz12 of the FEH sub reddit compiled showing how each Book IV banner did financially:


Check the comments if you want to know the methodology or see the spreadsheet that was used to make the list.

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On 11/28/2020 at 9:39 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sounds like that could potentially be very very very damaging, even to a non-player. If all it flipped was Spd, then there is the fact that a dearth in one stat means the points have to go elsewhere to balance the BST spreadsheet. And therefore, FEH could be plagued by a rise of the sluggernauts. Although, the Pokemon metagame has survived for generations since the creation of Trick Room, FEH could get by. And, it wouldn't do anything to flip the brave effect probably, it'd be fairer I suppose to make flipping that a separate skill.


The main reason Trick Room is not overpowered in Pokémon is because there is a significant risk in using the move. Trick Room costs a turn to set up, and it has the lowest possible priority of all moves (and is not tied with any other move), meaning it is always executed last on that turn, giving the opponent an opportunity to prevent it from coming up. Additionally, because Trick Room has a relatively narrow distribution and relies on Pokémon with very specific stat spreads, it's easy to recognize from the team preview when the opponent's team is designed to use Trick Room. On top of that, Trick Room is only effectively active for 4 turns, and, unlike most other field effects, cannot have its duration extended (there is no item that extends its duration, and using Trick Room while Trick Room is already active removes the effect instead of extending it), meaning you have a very limited amount of time to make use of the effect.

That said, Heroes already has a mechanic that serves a similar purpose to Trick Room, and that's guaranteed follow-ups. The only notable difference between guaranteed follow-ups and Trick Room is the fact that guaranteed follow-ups currently require the unit that "sets up" the effect to be the same unit that benefits from the effect. In other words, there is currently no way to pass a guaranteed follow-up effect from one unit to another. We could, however, potentially see a staff Assist or Duo skill in the future that could grant the effect to other units that don't normally have access to it on player phase (outside of Brash Assault, which is an awful skill).

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43 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Here’s some interesting data that Flareblitz12 of the FEH sub reddit compiled showing how each Book IV banner did financially:

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Check the comments if you want to know the methodology or see the spreadsheet that was used to make the list.

The banners that had characters I've seen people ask for a lot did the worse. The ones with Jill and L!Seliph. I guess L!Corrin banner was the cause of the drought for the RD banner and Mythic Plumeria banner. I'm not sure what nuked Seliph at that time.

Sure enough 3 houses sold like hot cakes.

I'm surprised that the Dreaming Reality banner did so well, I guess broken Spendthrift Bow really is that popular, and Rinkah solos Water season in Arena. 

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I'm really disappointed with how Dread Isle did. Not only was it one of my favorite banners this year, because Nils and Fiora, but I'm worried that it might make IS afraid to do more Blazing Blade banners. Same for the Path of Radiance banner. I'd be disappointed in Binding Blade's sales as well, but that banner is still going on.

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So the CYL banner didn't do very well this time around? I wouldn't be surprised since IS didn't really put much effort into the costumes. It was just their final promotions or something so similar to it that it might as well have been. 

I'm more surprised at Dread island and duo Alm doing poorly. Everyone said they wanted Nils so its curious they snubbed the poor kid when they got him. Meanwhile the artwork of duo Alm was great and it addressed the complaint about Alm and Celica barely having screentime together. 

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9 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

So the CYL banner didn't do very well this time around?

..........No. It was the best performing banner of the year overall based on this data and was the top New Heroes banner in Japan, the US, Britain, France and Germany.

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7 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Interesting that 818 was not enough to promote to Tier 21 this time in Mjolnir Strike.

Has it been in the past? I've been sitting at 816 for a while and never thought I was particularly close. 

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17 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

When do you think we can expect the Book 5 Feh Channel? A day before the new banner or something like tomorrow is possible? 

Probably a couple of days before. Maybe around Friday?

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7 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Here’s some interesting data that Flareblitz12 of the FEH sub reddit compiled showing how each Book IV banner did financially:

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Check the comments if you want to know the methodology or see the spreadsheet that was used to make the list.

I guess some data is better than no data, but a lot of that data is kind of muddled. I am not sure if a comparison between Foci is all that meaningful since the data only tells us how well a Focus does compared to other apps, and not to other Foci.

Since the data does not say how much revenue Heroes actually generated, it could be entirely possible that when Heroes rank high, it is not necessarily due to Heroes generating more sales, but it could just mean that other apps are not having anything interesting for sale going on.

Líf seems to perform well, but that is only in relation to other apps, so it is entirely possible that Bramimond sold better than Líf but ranked poorly compared to other apps as other apps may be selling some top tier waifu while Bramimond debuted.

5 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I'm more surprised at Dread island and duo Alm doing poorly. Everyone said they wanted Nils so its curious they snubbed the poor kid when they got him. Meanwhile the artwork of duo Alm was great and it addressed the complaint about Alm and Celica barely having screentime together. 

I think it is possible that The Dread Isle and Lovely Gifts did better than the data suggests, as the data does not tell us how well each Focus did compared to each other, as it only tells us how well it did compared to other apps.

For all we know, maybe other apps are having the equivalent of BH!Ikes and Spurn on sale when The Dread Isle and Lovely Gifts were going on.


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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I guess some data is better than no data, but a lot of that data is kind of muddled. I am not sure if a comparison between Foci is all that meaningful since the data only tells us how well a Focus does compared to other apps, and not to other Foci.

Since the data does not say how much revenue Heroes actually generated, it could be entirely possible that when Heroes rank high, it is not necessarily due to Heroes generating more sales, but it could just mean that other apps are not having anything interesting for sale going on.

Líf seems to perform well, but that is only in relation to other apps, so it is entirely possible that Bramimond sold better than Líf but ranked poorly compared to other apps as other apps may be selling some top tier waifu while Bramimond debuted.

I think it is possible that The Dread Isle and Lovely Gifts did better than the data suggests, as the data does not tell us how well each Focus did compared to each other, as it only tells us how well it did compared to other apps.

For all we know, maybe other apps are having the equivalent of BH!Ikes and Spurn on sale when The Dread Isle and Lovely Gifts were going on.


Well, a simple way to know how much their position was affected for more than just the character we need a bit of context, a good example is Legendary Edelgard, a character that without a doubt is very popular, but her release date's results were muddled for a combination of two connected factors: 

A weak offer (besides Edelgard herself the Golden Week didn't have... anything actually remarkable, probably a side effect of pushing very hard for the Anniversary Banner the week prior) selection in a very busy time (Golden Week),

and how most of the relevant competence had stronger offers.

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On that note, i think it'd be cool to see like, percentages on behaviors?  Like it seems there's an assumption whales buy from a ton of different gachas (which is probably true, mind, but one that surprises me).  Likewise seeing the breakdowns in "orb hoarders for one character", "whales", "how many orbs on average do peeps get up to" "most common types of characters to hoard for", "how long do active players typically stay active players".

(Then again this gets into data analytics gathering which I'm ethically opposed to. Though I'm sure IntSys isn't.  bleh.

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Yeah, my issue with that data is that what’s considered the “worst performing banner” might not necessarily be “horrible.” Someone has to rank last, but it could’ve been a financial hit in IS’s eyes regardless.

Also, does IS even care beyond maybe a few select countries?

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7 hours ago, kradeelav said:

On that note, i think it'd be cool to see like, percentages on behaviors?  Like it seems there's an assumption whales buy from a ton of different gachas (which is probably true, mind, but one that surprises me).  Likewise seeing the breakdowns in "orb hoarders for one character", "whales", "how many orbs on average do peeps get up to" "most common types of characters to hoard for", "how long do active players typically stay active players".

(Then again this gets into data analytics gathering which I'm ethically opposed to. Though I'm sure IntSys isn't.  bleh.

I'm not sure that data was based on assuming whales spent on multiple gachas, it looked to me like the relevance was that it didn't have access to raw numbers but was going off some sort of rankings chart relative to the others.

And yeah, I'm sure IS does a lot of data analytics. It could be hard for them to gather data about other gachas and about specific plans for orb hoarding, but I'm sure they track stuff like how much each banner gets summoned on, the color breakdown of those summons, and how different summoning habits relate to other data about how the player uses Heroes. (Spending level, activity level, length of time being active, level of competitiveness, etc.) I'm guessing they try a lot of different things so they can gather data about what will appeal to different groups of players and then make banners targeted at each of them, to try to get everyone spending as much as possible.

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Weird question, but is anyone finding AR more difficult this week? I've won two fights and then lost all my extra chances and the rest of my Aether. I've gone up against defenses I basically don't have the teams to take down, and for some reason there's always a catapult ready to take down my Shock Tower, and I rarely see catapults otherwise. If this keeps up I'll fall from tier 21 for the first time since I reached it, and that was a while ago. 

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23 minutes ago, Thane said:

Weird question, but is anyone finding AR more difficult this week? I've won two fights and then lost all my extra chances and the rest of my Aether. I've gone up against defenses I basically don't have the teams to take down, and for some reason there's always a catapult ready to take down my Shock Tower, and I rarely see catapults otherwise. If this keeps up I'll fall from tier 21 for the first time since I reached it, and that was a while ago. 

It looks normal to me so far. Maybe you are getting very unlucky with your matches.

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27 minutes ago, Thane said:

Weird question, but is anyone finding AR more difficult this week? I've won two fights and then lost all my extra chances and the rest of my Aether. I've gone up against defenses I basically don't have the teams to take down, and for some reason there's always a catapult ready to take down my Shock Tower, and I rarely see catapults otherwise. If this keeps up I'll fall from tier 21 for the first time since I reached it, and that was a while ago. 

I haven't noticed anything different so far.

If you're not scoring well, you should get easier matches later in the week as other players hit higher scores, which will help with maintaining T21.

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