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As someone who happens to have Ilyana at +10, even I'm pretty confused by this choice. I'll still take it, but this is a very strange choice.

1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

This was done so they can have an excuse to spam more Three Houses stuff since it's running low on choices for New Heroes banners and probably won't get two a year anymore, I promise you. Get ready for Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, Petra, Hilda, Hubert, Mercedes, Annette, both Byleths, Brave Edelgard, Brave Dimitri, Brave Claude, and Brave Lysithea to all get Resplendents, because they're coming sooner than you think, possibly all just this upcoming 2024.

IS: Petra and Hubert who? The Black Eagles actually has more to offer than just Edelgard, Dorothea and Bernadetta?

I don't doubt that Three Houses Resplendents will happen soon now. I do think that IS will randomly hold onto certain popular characters (like they've been doing with earlier characters like Camilla, Tharja, Soren, etc.) and won't spam them all at once.

At least, I hope they have restraint to do that.

4 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:


What the heck?! A Celestial Stone as the final Christmas Gift?! Not even Summoning Tickets for the Legendary Banner, like we always get?! Geez... Yunaka was the worst Christmas Host we had and even though that has nothing to do with the character... That kinda makes me dislike the character because not only she was the face of FEH when we got a bunch of mediocre gifts but also a couple of glitches as well, like the no FEH Pass working and the No Double SP bonus during weekend.

I knew I always on the right track by not understanding the hype with Yunaka.

I wasn't going to vote for her in CYL8 anyways, but man did Yunaka really go out with a whimper here. I miss having Black Knight as the winter host.

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3 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Especially, especially when there's far, far more prominent characters that are still somehow waiting, like Catria, Leo, Zelgius, Ayra, Mist, Soren, Joshua, Lute, Camilla, and on and on I can go.

Prominent? Sure. Viable? There aren't that many left.

Personally, I don't mind if they even go into Book 5 units as long as they stick to units that have actually fallen behind. The problem with the current state of Resplendent Heroes is the fact that almost all of the options from before CYL 1 are simply not viable even with the extra boost. Not only have they fallen behind in terms of their stat total, but also their stat distribution and weapon options, and I don't think it's actually viable for them to keep selling Resplendent Heroes from before CYL 1 without including more viable units into the mix.

Ilyana is a good choice to start going into the newer units, but I'm apprehensive that they'll start doing this for units that don't need it.

We're also in a weird position where a lot of Book 3 units and early Book 4 units have refines now that are strong enough to actually make them viable without the need for a bump in base stats.


3 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

This was done so they can have an excuse to spam more Three Houses stuff since it's running low on choices for New Heroes banners and probably won't get two a year anymore, I promise you. Get ready for Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, Petra, Hilda, Hubert, Mercedes, Annette, both Byleths, Brave Edelgard, Brave Dimitri, Brave Claude, and Brave Lysithea to all get Resplendents, because they're coming sooner than you think, possibly all just this upcoming 2024.

If that's the case, they'd have just started with a Three Houses unit instead of being roundabout with it. It's not like they have any sense of subtlety with Special Heroes banners, so why would they suddenly care about it for Resplendent Heroes?

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11 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Prominent? Sure. Viable? There aren't that many left.

The whole "viability" argument is honestly not great. You know how many Catrias, Camillas, Boeys, Xanders, and Lon'qus I still see in Arena and Aether Raids? Tons. Constantly. And they're almost always +10 with modern skills, holding their own. Just this morning I encountered an invested Soren. And I'm using my own powerful and/or new units, like Squirrel Girl and Attuned Nino.

15 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The problem with the current state of Resplendent Heroes is the fact that almost all of the options from before CYL 1 are simply not viable even with the extra boost.


16 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

If that's the case, they'd have just started with a Three Houses unit instead of being roundabout with it. It's not like they have any sense of subtlety with Special Heroes banners, so why would they suddenly care about it for Resplendent Heroes?

They probably want to start with Edelgard or another house leader. I'd bet they got the voice work in now from doing the Christmas banner.

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24 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Prominent? Sure. Viable? There aren't that many left.

While I appreciate that Fire Emblem Fan mentioned Leo, there really isn't any way to save a stat line that looks like this: 


Of course, IS has given Resplendents to other hopeless characters (Odin, among others, got one after all). That doesn't mean that IS should keep doing that.

In my opinion, they should focus on characters who either are just a slight stat boost away from being viable or who have dogshit art.

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Not only have they fallen behind in terms of their stat total, but also their stat distribution and weapon options, and I don't think it's actually viable for them to keep selling Resplendent Heroes from before CYL 1 without including more viable units into the mix.

Stat distribution is not great at this point, but I think they could easily fix stat totals by just doubling the Resplendent stat boost for gen 1 units. Their more balanced stat distribution compared to modern unit would not make them competitive with the best nukes or tanks, but they can still do decently well in PvE modes as mixed phase units.

As for Weapon options, the variety is not great yet, but they have access to Arcane Weapons, so quality wise, it is not that bad. Re-Refines would be nice too to help them standout, but if they are lazy, combining their all their Refine options into one for an addtional +8/1/2/3/3 and give them their Grand Conquest effects (+4/4/4/4 and whatever special effect their movement grants; I think cavalry should have unconditional Guaranteed Follow-Up though rather than just on Player Phase) would be nice. At at this point, it would not hurt to have units with exclusive Weapons with signficantly altered Refines to have their original effects too. Leo being able to have some Player Phase utility by limiting foe's movement would make him standout well. Alfonse would appreciate having Defiant Atk. Kind of pointless for Corrin to have Darting Blow and Seliph to have Brazen Def, but it is something.

And for units with sub 30 Atk, making them usable by giving them minimum damage (like Røkkrs) equal to "30 - their neutral Atk" would help significantly. For example, Merlinus will deal an extra guaranteed 10 damage per hit, Azama deal 9, and Leo deal 1.

Edited by XRay
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I didn't realize that Ilyana was that much of a jump ;/ I swear there's an Ilyanadev, what else can explain how she wormed her way onto the Tellius kids banner instead of Elincia or another Greil Mercenary or Nephenee?

Also, wasn't a big fan of Yunaka in her own game (never could get past the "zappy" thing, and even her more serious side didn't feel so well integrated amongst the carefree cast of Engage), and her being the Christmas host neither lowers nor increases my opinion of her. That said, this Christmas certainly was ... kind of questionable. I expected tickets and when we didn't get them chose not to do more than the first circle for the legendary. I liked getting the grails, trait fruits, and even the Celestial stone is fine (although I would've liked more than one). But arena medals? Seriously? And while stamina potions would normally be cool, I still have WAY too many from that time Askr gave us like 500 stamina potions.

Double SP not being active this weekend was also really annoying for me because I like to use double SP weekends in conjunction with TT+ so I can get SP on my newer units. And of course I couldn't do that because double SP was broken. How the fuck do you break double SP weekend anyway? Shouldn't there be a code that just ... makes it active if it's a weekend?

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13 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I didn't realize that Ilyana was that much of a jump ;/ I swear there's an Ilyanadev, what else can explain how she wormed her way onto the Tellius kids banner instead of Elincia or another Greil Mercenary or Nephenee?

The Japanese voice actress for Ilyana doesn't even voice any other characters either. So, Ilyana isn't getting this stuff because she shares her JP voice with a more popular and/or more notable character. As an example, Karla happens to share her JP voice with Elise.

Though on the English side, Ilyana shares with Peony (Ryan Bartley voices both of them).

17 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

How the fuck do you break double SP weekend anyway? Shouldn't there be a code that just ... makes it active if it's a weekend?

That's something that I'd like to know as well. How is it possible to mess that up at this point in the game's lifespan?

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3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

That's something that I'd like to know as well. How is it possible to mess that up at this point in the game's lifespan?

Maybe Intern-kun fucked up somewhere. Do they still do free Orb compensation for mistakes? If I was still playing, I would take a free Orb over double SP weekend every weekend.

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48 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

The Japanese voice actress for Ilyana doesn't even voice any other characters either. So, Ilyana isn't getting this stuff because she shares her JP voice with a more popular and/or more notable character. As an example, Karla happens to share her JP voice with Elise.

Though on the English side, Ilyana shares with Peony (Ryan Bartley voices both of them).


In theory, I'm not opposed to getting Ilyana someday. But there were a lot of characters in the earlier books that I would've liked to see before her. Also, I can't believe that she now makes CYL4 units eligible. Those are some of the last units who need a Resplendent.

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I can't help but think Resplendent Ilyana is a sign that they're going to start making resplendents out of whoever, whenever from now on. Well, probably not anyone who's only a year or two old, but beyond that, no limits.

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8 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Also, I can't believe that she now makes CYL4 units eligible.

Given that we only just got our first CYL 2 unit, it's going to be a long while before we can ever expect units from CYL 4.

I'm not even going to bother updating my lists in the other thread because I have no reason to believe that the floodgates are actually open.

We have a Book 4 4-star unit with an out-of-date stat spread and no exclusive weapon, and that's all I'm willing to treat it as. At most, I might add 4-star units through Ilyana, but that's it, and I wouldn't even do so until we get another outlier so I can actually figure out exactly what they're doing.

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20 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

No, not really. I'll be surprised if they provide any compensation for the Double SP weekend that never happened.

Well, IS isn’t giving orbs (like I expected) but this next weekend will have a x5 SP and EXP bonus as compensation.

I’d say that’s actually pretty nice since the weekends normally just have a SP bonus. They didn’t have to throw in that EXP bonus.

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Huh, funny how they released a Nerbuz-centric Day in the Life manga page right before the silhouettes. I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

Oh, and if we get a Harmonized Hero on the New Year's banner then it'll be led by a Valentian character (SoV is the first bonus title for next week's Resonant Battles). So with that in mind, we're definitely getting a third straight Duo Hero instead.

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2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

They dropped the silhouettes for the New Year banner, and...it looks to very clearly be Kana and Nerþuz.

I'm surprised neither of the Kanas have got alt yet, so it's about time really.

Edited by Jotari
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Thanks SF, I really wanted you to save the last post I made on here

Also, all I want for NY is a banner where I don't give a shit about anyone on it because I need those orbs for something else

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I'm not sure where else to put this, but I've been just running Nailah in the latest Hall of Formes (except for using Yune, Micaiah and Elincia as killbait - and sometimes they've done a bit of chip damage. I think Elincia killed 2 people or something on accidnet, too) and dang; she's soloing everything awesomely. I may use a soul on her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So with Thracia making its return, it looks like Engage/SD/Fates will probably be the Feb-Apr banners, usual Fallen in May, maybe Tellius/Sacred in Jun-Jul, CYL8 in August, and then probably Engage/3H/Binding for Sep-Nov to finish Book 8. With the main rotation stretching out to about a year and a half at this point, Genealogy/Echoes/Blazing will probably skip Book 8 and next show up in Book 9.

Do we even still need a yearly Fallen banner at this point?

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29 minutes ago, Othin said:

Do we even still need a yearly Fallen banner at this point?

Yes, because Three Houses / Hopes needs that extra bit of yearly content. 

Oh and speaking of that, Tina happens to have F!Shez's Japanese voice actress (Miyu Tomita). So, M!Shez might not even get the Fallen alt over F!Shez.

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4 hours ago, Othin said:

So with Thracia making its return, it looks like Engage/SD/Fates will probably be the Feb-Apr banners, usual Fallen in May, maybe Tellius/Sacred in Jun-Jul, CYL8 in August, and then probably Engage/3H/Binding for Sep-Nov to finish Book 8. With the main rotation stretching out to about a year and a half at this point, Genealogy/Echoes/Blazing will probably skip Book 8 and next show up in Book 9.

Do we even still need a yearly Fallen banner at this point?


4 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Yes, because Three Houses / Hopes needs that extra bit of yearly content. 

Oh and speaking of that, Tina happens to have F!Shez's Japanese voice actress (Miyu Tomita). So, M!Shez might not even get the Fallen alt over F!Shez.

Engage is the one sticking out for me for Fallen banners. I guess they were too new last year to get anyone on it, but the game overall has a lot of potential for Fallen alts. That being said, I do kind of wish the Fallen banners were seasonal instead of the main monthly banners stopping regular new heroes getting in.

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2 minutes ago, Jotari said:


Engage is the one sticking out for me for Fallen banners. I guess they were too new last year to get anyone on it, but the game overall has a lot of potential for Fallen alts. That being said, I do kind of wish the Fallen banners were seasonal instead of the main monthly banners stopping regular new heroes getting in.

That's fair. It'll be interesting to see what they go for.

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11 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Engage is the one sticking out for me for Fallen banners. I guess they were too new last year to get anyone on it, but the game overall has a lot of potential for Fallen alts. That being said, I do kind of wish the Fallen banners were seasonal instead of the main monthly banners stopping regular new heroes getting in.

Yeah, Engage does offer a lot of Fallen Hero possibilities between the base game and the Fell Xenologue DLC. 

Three Houses was skipped for the 2020 Fallen Heroes banner (the first one it could've been on since Three Houses released after the 2019 Fallen Heroes banner), so it wasn't that weird that Engage didn't show up on the 2023 Fallen Heroes banner.

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I've never particularly liked the Fallen banners, though obviously they're a decent source of good units given that it's sparkable for F2P players and all four units tend to come with complete, premium kits. However this advantage has been diluted in recent years by the introduction of the various new hero types that often salvage New Heroes banners which would otherwise be duds. Yes the new hero type appears on the Fallen banner too, but I'd say on average that just means the two best units on each banner are a tie in terms of power, but the remaining two Fallen units crush the bottom two units on a standard New Heroes banner (one being the usual "kit barely worthy of 5-star" unit, and the other being the demote).

Regardless though, on a more fundamental level the principle of "the same units but uglier" is a hard sell for me, especially given that the semi-canon forms the units take tend to mean they're of the same class as the original form. Making the banner seasonal would force some creativity by mandating a Duo/Harmonic Fallen unit be designed each year, but that alone doesn't feel like enough - the other three units on the banner would need to be wackier than they've traditionally been in order to have parity with other seasonal banners.

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