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6 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Just change the 'attack target' to the 'reposition target' or 'start-of-next-turn position target,' non-attack uses of unit turn will negate a ranged unit's ranged disadvantage, but not cavalry's movement advantage.

You say that like it's at all difficult to start your turn next to the unit you want to Reposition or near enough to the unit you need to buff on the next turn.

Actually, the way you word all of this is along the lines of "it's hard to put the units in the place you want them to be" which is the situation that occurs when you make mistakes or have limited resources. Tier lists (for games where time restrictions are not an issue) should not take mistakes into account, and limited resources are explicitly out of the scope of the particular tier list we are discussing.

The thing is, if you are positioning your units correctly, ranged and cavalry units can hit more things, but every unit can still hit the thing you want it to hit. If the second is not true, then that's a mistake on the player's part.


15 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

The problem with Cavalry isn't that they have their own, special, playstyle, it's that they have their own, special, playstyle and basically everyone else's. Cavalry's hit n run can leverage their extra move exceedingly well, being able to stand behind a dancer to give the dancer maximum movement range for the cavalry attacks, dancer dances cav, cav repositions dancer, and optional cavalry repositions cavalry to get everyone the hell out of dodge strategy.

Cavalry still has one major flaw in their mobility in that they cannot move onto tree tiles at all, which is the frustration I previously mentioned running into.

When pulling off hit and run attacks, while cavalry have greater reach, they have a harder time using Reposition to pull off the "run" half due to having less pathable terrain to use. Infantry at the very least can stand on trees as the result of a Reposition, but cavalry don't have that option.


21 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Being able to shoot across mountains does wonders when obstacles are almost never 2 tiles thick.

Yet mountains are typically always 2 tiles thick except at the ends.


32 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

That's an or for the last one because Est rises either because Def Ploy is a good support skill option for her to help the team or Est rises because she uses the -5 def better. Anyone that meets Def Ploy's requirements can run Def Ploy, anyone who's physical benefits from -5 def, there's no reason to link the requirements and benefits when anyone on the team can provide Def Ploy, just like anyone on the team can provide Hone.

Ogma cannot provide Def Ploy support. Neither can Frederick, Cherche, Camus, Chrom, Xander, the Black Knight, Draug, Ike, Legion, Takumi, Spring Camilla, Hector, Lucina, Brave Lucina, Valter, Ephraim, Brave Ike, Nephenee, or Tharja.

But all of them can supply Hone Atk.


20 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Res. Mobility. C-slot price. She only hits 1 of the 3.

And I've already made my arguments that she has 3 of 3, even if I haven't explicitly said so.

Est has the Res. That we agree on.

Mobility is a non-issue because you only have problems with reaching your target when you've made a mistake, and Est has the option of standing on trees, mountains, and water to land Def Ploy on the intended target.

The price of her C slot is Hone Atk. The only situation where Hone Atk is strictly better than Def Ploy is when the rest of your team consists of mages. As I've already established, for the purposes of a tier list, you cannot assume any non-common traits on your teammates, only that teammates exist. The only traits you are allowed to assume are those that are shared by the vast majority of potential teammates. ("Vast majority" because Reposition can be assumed despite the fact that staff users cannot learn it.)


45 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Except for Def Ploying for Est, is that it? Hones are handled by other people, Def Ploy can only be handled by Est. Yeah, if a skill is unique to a unit, that would bump the unit up, and Def Ploy is unique to Est. Fine. That's fair.

Getting sarcastic with me, huh? Suit yourself.

Hone Atk can literally be run by any unit in the game. Def Ploy cannot with equal efficacy. I've said this many times and you seem to not understand.

This is a tier list for individual characters, not team compositions. You cannot make the assumption that your team includes a buff that less than half of the characters in a game with nearly 200 characters can run effectively.



And for someone who accuses the tier list's authors of playing favorites, you seem to place Reinhardt on a pedestal in the stratosphere despite the fact that he really probably only deserves to sit on the roof while the rest of the kids play indoors and on the lawn.

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I just ... tapped on Ephraim in the home screen just now and he said his line about "weapons shaped like Breidablak" back in your world.

And I just started crying.

Thanks, Ephraim.

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2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I just ... tapped on Ephraim in the home screen just now and he said his line about "weapons shaped like Breidablak" back in your world.

And I just started crying.

Thanks, Ephraim.


"You say weapons are shaped like your Breidablik back in your world? I'd like to visit and see that for myself."

For the curious.

Also, Ephraim, you will not get within fifty paces of someone with such a weapon in a duel. For the love of whatever god you worship, don't.

(And remember, Siegmund isn't even a 2-range weapon).

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New skill banner is Threaten Spd with Jaffar, Takumi, and Shanna. I might do a grey free pull.

Also they remade the arena assault quests: instead of 100 feathers a day for a 3 win streak, it’s 1000 feathers a week for a 6 win streak five times. And an orb, too.

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Another chance at Jaffar, another chance at Jaffar, another chance at Jaffar, another chance at Jaffar and he’s not the only one on colorlesssssssss. Someone hold me colorless hell here I come. 

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10 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Also they remade the arena assault quests: instead of 100 feathers a day for a 3 win streak, it’s 1000 feathers a week for a 6 win streak five times. And an orb, too.

The daily Arena Assault quests are still there on top of these new ones. These new ones are only going to be around this week and then again next week.

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3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

The daily Arena Assault quests are still there on top of these new ones. These new ones are only going to be around this week and then again next week.

Oh, you’re right. I didn’t bother to scroll through the later tabs.

Anyway, my free pull was a Res/Atk 4★ Virion. Insult to injury.

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3 minutes ago, KongDude said:

Is anyone else having arena assault issues? It says there's a communcation error for me and takes me to the title screen.

I haven’t tried arena assault but whatever that problem is looks likes it might be effecting the regular arena too. 



That or I broke it with my overzealous run. 

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8 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Oh, you’re right. I didn’t bother to scroll through the later tabs.

Anyway, my free pull was a Res/Atk 4★ Virion. Insult to injury.

+Spd/-Def for me. I opened other orbs and at least got better stuff- even if two of the three are 3*. (The other, a Henry, was immediately turned into Michalis's Ignis).

I question the smartness of the play, though, even if I did admittedly need another potential Iceberg (Niles) and Life & Death (Hana).

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Lol, went for free Takumi attempt. Game gives me three reds and two greens. 

I like the weekly AA quests. 1000 feathers on top of the usual ever-increasing weekly feather income. Wish this was permanent, but the notification says this is just two weeks. 

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Alright finished my weekly dl run at least


I think my habit of rushing day 1 deathless makes Arena run much easier. So much terrible squad around and by terrible squad i mean Black Knight Hector Effie Filler


Alfonse make Bow Lyn easier to handle although it wont be apparent outside terrain rotation. Next week should be the Cellica rotation where Brave Roy is at its strongest

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Anyway, I did a quick Camilla-Hard run with the Black Knight and Gray, for Sword Valor (wanted to give the Black Knight Swap for Armour quests).

One blue cavalier was apparently so scared of the Black Knight that he ran towards Gray. Reminder that my Gray hasn't changed from his default Zanbato+.

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I really want to try for Jaffar, but I don't need another Takumi, and Jugdral plus the possibility of a Halloween banner are still yet to come.

Argh, decisions... I mean Close Counter is always nice... But I've been so lucky of late -.- I just want Jaffar to complete my collection of guys (I have every guy in the game save for Eldigan, Gray, Jaffar and Karel :O. It includes seasonals xD).

On another note, I've finally joined the ranks of people who have 5*'red Nino. I thought it was about time ^.^

I might do Cecilia next. She's put in so much work for me.

Edited by Cute Chao
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22 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

On another note, I've finally joined the ranks of people who have 5*'red Nino. I thought it was about time ^.^

Read that as a Red Nino. Which got me thinking, which Red mage would be similar to Nino stat wise if put into Heroes?

Also whoa, I decided to try my luck after reaching almost 60 orbs and boy did I have a bit of luck!

My main account had Takumi (ironically NOT in the new Threaten Speed banner), which was -Res/+HP which is serviceable. Finally a 5 star infantry archer!

My second account finally had a new dancer with a -Def/+Spd Olivia (I love her design!) and got an off-banner -Res/+Atk Amelia! Also got a spare 5 star Klein for Brave Bow+/Quick Riposte fodder (not sure what skill to inherit yet).

Options include a Brave Bow+ to my 5 star Jeorge, or the neutral Brave Lyn. OR maybe complete Xander's QR3 but feels like a wast of Klein's other skills. Damn Klein I need like a hundred of you because of your great skillset!

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8 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Read that as a Red Nino. Which got me thinking, which Red mage would be similar to Nino stat wise if put into Heroes?

Also whoa, I decided to try my luck after reaching almost 60 orbs and boy did I have a bit of luck!

My main account had Takumi (ironically NOT in the new Threaten Speed banner), which was -Res/+HP which is serviceable. Finally a 5 star infantry archer!

My second account finally had a new dancer with a -Def/+Spd Olivia (I love her design!) and got an off-banner -Res/+Atk Amelia! Also got a spare 5 star Klein for Brave Bow+/Quick Riposte fodder (not sure what skill to inherit yet).

Options include a Brave Bow+ to my 5 star Jeorge, or the neutral Brave Lyn. OR maybe complete Xander's QR3 but feels like a wast of Klein's other skills. Damn Klein I need like a hundred of you because of your great skillset!

I'd probably brave bow Lyn since she's such a pain to face in the arena -.-

I don't know too much on stats, so couldn't say, sorry ^.^''

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28 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I'd probably brave bow Lyn since she's such a pain to face in the arena -.-

I don't know too much on stats, so couldn't say, sorry ^.^''

Ah that makes sense actually, especially with Cavalry buffs.

It just feels weird not using Mulagir I guess haha. Hmm, now I'm not sure if I should replace Sacae's Blessing with Desperation or Cancel Affinity then if I go Brave Bow...argh so many choices!

Also slightly off-topic- can you not be signed in on multiple devices anymore? I used to be signed in my phone and a laptop but now everytime I sign in one I get signed off the other?

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