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9 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Katarina apparently doesn’t exist either, nor does Deirdre ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Bartres and Hanas and Henrys are everything.

Quad-Hana is great, I'm waiting for an +ATK Bartre (and +ATK Frederick), but Henry would need the double edged blade tome, which boosts ATK and SPD. 

Never got Katarina, Julia, Delthea, Linde and Deidre either ... 

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41 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Halloween isn't that big in Japan.

It's isolated simply as a cosplay party night. Not that big of a celebration.

Whoa there, I wasn't saying anything to the contrary was I? I even had some skepticism that this holiday would get a banner over something more international like "Generic Harvest Festival".

But if you're going to celebrate Halloween, you need to COMMIT. 

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I'll be waiting until the TT banner is over to pull on the Halloween banner just in case Ayra wants to pop in and say hi to my army. I need TA3 and Fury so it's a good time for me to pull. This banner also gives me the chance to pull on colorless since there are some units that I want in that pool. 


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15 hours ago, Xenomata said:

So how is everyone enjoying the one gimmick that Lyn had going for her now being available to literally any unit, that being Desperation and Brash Assault on the same unit?

I don't think I upgraded a seal faster than I did Brash Assault, if and only because I didn't have enough badges before.

Lyn never had that gimmick, Chrom did it better.

(Desperation & Brash is basically a worse version of a Brave Effect, and Chrom had so much Atk that his Brave Sword out damages Lyn's Prf.)

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15 hours ago, Xenomata said:

So how is everyone enjoying the one gimmick that Lyn had going for her now being available to literally any unit, that being Desperation and Brash Assault on the same unit?

Being able to use Wrath keeps her relevant. 71 Atk on initiation, hitting twice, doesn’t seem too bad.


31 (+Atk) + 16 (Prf) + 5 (LaD 3) + 10 (Wrath) + 9 (Moonbow vs 30 Def)

That said, Brash Assault Seal + Desperation is a lot more gimmicky compared to just using a Brave weapon. With one, it’s pretty great, but then the issue becomes getting the unit to a low enough HP% to use it consistently. 50% is a lot less lenient than 75%.

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5 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:

I'm having waaaay too much fun with the Brash Assault 3 seal + Desperation 2 with Klein to ever sac him.


Well, I know what skills I'm giving Clarisse next. Now I really need some extra Kleins...

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26 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Being able to use Wrath keeps her relevant. 71 Atk on initiation, hitting twice, doesn’t seem too bad.

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31 (+Atk) + 16 (Prf) + 5 (LaD 3) + 10 (Wrath) + 9 (Moonbow vs 30 Def)

That said, Brash Assault Seal + Desperation is a lot more gimmicky compared to just using a Brave weapon. With one, it’s pretty great, but then the issue becomes getting the unit to a low enough HP% to use it consistently. 50% is a lot less lenient than 75%.

The new Ayra/Lyn meme is beautiful

I can send Lukas on their face and thats the end of the match up

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Welp, that Halloween banner popping up just cemented me being done with the FE4 banner and potentially the dancer banner. That 3.75 rate is nice and limited dancers are great but It's just as possible that I'll end with a 4% or 4.25% rate and at 0 orbs come Halloween. That and... even though I know better I'm still looking at that Tempest banner for Ayra.


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1 hour ago, DehNutCase said:

Lyn never had that gimmick, Chrom did it better.

(Desperation & Brash is basically a worse version of a Brave Effect, and Chrom had so much Atk that his Brave Sword out damages Lyn's Prf.)


34 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Being able to use Wrath keeps her relevant. 71 Atk on initiation, hitting twice, doesn’t seem too bad.

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31 (+Atk) + 16 (Prf) + 5 (LaD 3) + 10 (Wrath) + 9 (Moonbow vs 30 Def)

That said, Brash Assault Seal + Desperation is a lot more gimmicky compared to just using a Brave weapon. With one, it’s pretty great, but then the issue becomes getting the unit to a low enough HP% to use it consistently. 50% is a lot less lenient than 75%.

Isn't that what Reciprocal Aid is for?

Besides, it combos with Brave weapons. The slow but powerful Brave has matchups they couldn't normally win without large stat boosts or having their Special charged up beforehand, but now their matchup list has improved now that they can hit 4 times, which in most cases one of those hits will trigger their Special. The only units they don't seem able to counter are the ones they were dead against anyways. You know, TA3, bulky armors, Steady Stance, the usual.

...also Reinhardt will rekt anything not packing TA3, just saying.

Welp, that Halloween banner popping up just cemented me being done with the FE4 banner and potentially the dancer banner. That 3.75 rate is nice and limited dancers are great but It's just as possible that I'll end with a 4% or 4.25% rate and at 0 orbs come Halloween. That and... even though I know better I'm still looking at that Tempest banner for Ayra.


Good thing my pity rate on both were dropped a while back (Eldigan on TT, Sigurd on GotHW, PAzura on Dancers), so now I can focus everything I have on getting a very certain little witch.

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3 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Good thing my pity rate on both were dropped a while back (Eldigan on TT, Sigurd on GotHW, PAzura on Dancers), so now I can focus everything I have on getting a very certain little witch.

I wouldn't have reservations if it wasn't for the fact that despite rumors that the next new banner will be a FE4 Gen 2 banner (Not interested in the least) I have a sneaking suspicion it will be a Dawn Brigade banner and I need Edward. 

More than anything though, this Tempest has brought me to the realization that they might do the same thing again with the 40% units being new units only and I'm not going to struggle again because I didn't have the orbs to get a bonus unit.

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5 minutes ago, Xenomata said:


Isn't that what Reciprocal Aid is for?

Besides, it combos with Brave weapons. The slow but powerful Brave has matchups they couldn't normally win without large stat boosts or having their Special charged up beforehand, but now their matchup list has improved now that they can hit 4 times, which in most cases one of those hits will trigger their Special. The only units they don't seem able to counter are the ones they were dead against anyways. You know, TA3, bulky armors, Steady Stance, the usual.

...also Reinhardt will rekt anything not packing TA3, just saying.


The point Nutcase was making is that Lyn with her 25 + 16 = 41 ATK hitting twice is actually weaker than Chrom 37 + 8 = 45 ATK hitting twice with his Brave Weapon. Before introduction of Wrath, Sol Katti is for all intents and purpose a worse Brave and Lyn basically had 33 ATK Brave Weapon


Also as good as Reciprocal Aid is the problem is always hitting 50% early enough that it would be relevant. Activating stuff is easy. Activating stuff before it become "useless" is another question. If you do say....

3 Combat with Nino activating Fury then Recip Aid you might as well not bother

On the other hand Nino Tanking Rein then Recip Aid is pretty cool


Also Reciprocal Aid is not Reposition but that should be obvious because Reposition is Assists Slot Cellica >_>

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17 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I, for one, would most definitely notice. Extending a holiday bonus hero set for one week is suspicious if that one week happens to make it overlap with the actual holiday itself.

If anything, our current banner is shorter than average.  It's exactly two weeks, which is on the short side for a banner, with most being slightly longer than two weeks.  The Radiance Banner lasted almost three weeks.  So having a Banner last 16 days would be well within the average, and there have been several that lasted 16 days or longer previously.

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5 minutes ago, KongDude said:

Oh yeah, will Ayra enter the Halloween summoning pool once TT is over? IIRC, someone had noticed that new units didn't carry over onto current banner still going after their's ended.

Given that her banner will still be running while the Halloween banner is also up, I'd say no. She'll probably only start being available in any banner that starts after the TT one ends on November 6th.

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42 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Isn't that what Reciprocal Aid is for?

Besides, it combos with Brave weapons. The slow but powerful Brave has matchups they couldn't normally win without large stat boosts or having their Special charged up beforehand, but now their matchup list has improved now that they can hit 4 times, which in most cases one of those hits will trigger their Special. The only units they don't seem able to counter are the ones they were dead against anyways. You know, TA3, bulky armors, Steady Stance, the usual.

...also Reinhardt will rekt anything not packing TA3, just saying.

@JSND Alter Dragon Boner beat me to it, but the main issues are having to set up the combo on top of giving up your assist slot. Between running Rally Def/Res for scoring and Reposition for actual utility, there’s very little room to squeeze in Reciprocal Aid without running a very specific team composition.

No one’s denying how strong the combo is once it’s been set up, but the main argument is whether you can activate it early enough that it actually matters. Desperation by itself on a naturally fast unit is fine normally since you only need to take ~10 damage on average to proc it, or only two actions if you have Fury. With Brash Assault, you need to take considerable counter damage or let yourself get attacked, neither of which is ever going to be the best choice in a situation if you can help it.

I mean Arden is the slowest unit in the game and he can attack 4x so who needs two skills to do the same thing

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6 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

@JSND Alter Dragon Boner beat me to it, but the main issues are having to set up the combo on top of giving up your assist slot. Between running Rally Def/Res for scoring and Reposition for actual utility, there’s very little room to squeeze in Reciprocal Aid without running a very specific team composition.

No one’s denying how strong the combo is once it’s been set up, but the main argument is whether you can activate it early enough that it actually matters. Desperation by itself on a naturally fast unit is fine normally since you only need to take ~10 damage on average to proc it, or only two actions if you have Fury. With Brash Assault, you need to take considerable counter damage or let yourself get attacked, neither of which is ever going to be the best choice in a situation if you can help it.

I mean Arden is the slowest unit in the game and he can attack 4x so who needs two skills to do the same thing

I don't know about you, but given the units usually taken into Arena Defense, I find it REALLY easy to get well below 50% hp on most of my units. On my Bridelia, who not only has trash defense anyways, but also LnD3. Just about targeting, say, the Hector and calling it a day.

Though I suppose it's also best if you don't even need to rely on your B slot to secure a win...

(also make a Desperation seal and let's see just how "slow" Arden can really be)

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So today I trained Arden and I thought his ring had desperation effect but nope, it is brash assault with hp>=50% (except for the counter condition). That said I gave him the brash assault seal lol, so he can double everything except swordbreakers and wary fighters. Who are you guys giving brash seal to?

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1 minute ago, Quintessence said:

So today I trained Arden and I thought his ring had desperation effect but nope, it is brash assault with hp>=50% (except for the counter condition). That said I gave him the brash assault seal lol, so he can double everything except swordbreakers and wary fighters. Who are you guys giving brash seal to?

Follow-up ring is even better than a high hp brash assault, because it works on enemy phase too! Brash Assault is player phase only, and like you say, requires the target to be capable of counter-attacking. It's such an incredible skill, that I figure he just needs a healer. Magic Deflect and Panic Ploy seem better geared to his playstyle in my imo

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55 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Given that her banner will still be running while the Halloween banner is also up, I'd say no. She'll probably only start being available in any banner that starts after the TT one ends on November 6th.

She's a weird case, since she wasn't introduced in a story banner like every other unit so far.  Maybe she'll get lumped in with the other FE4 characters to save them on programming.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Besides, it combos with Brave weapons. The slow but powerful Brave has matchups they couldn't normally win without large stat boosts or having their Special charged up beforehand, but now their matchup list has improved now that they can hit 4 times, which in most cases one of those hits will trigger their Special. The only units they don't seem able to counter are the ones they were dead against anyways. You know, TA3, bulky armors, Steady Stance, the usual.

The fact that Brash works with brave weapons (it always did), doesn't change the fact that Brash's problem isn't that its effect is bad (it's effect is bloody amazing), it's that it's hard to trigger without sacrificing skill-slots, unit-turns, or even unit-slots. You need to jump through a lot of hoops to use brash, whereas breakers are always active at the start of a map, Quick Pulse is always active at the start of a map, +3 Atk seal is always active, etc.

Brash being on a seal gives it a higher ceiling---brash desperation is, in fact, strong when it's up---but it doesn't change the fact that its floor is shit. A breaker is an amazing effect (better than brash) with easier activation conditions.

Getting a unit to below 50% hp is not a condition that can be reliably triggered without major costs in team-building. Every ardent or reciprocal aid is one less dance or reposition. Every Desperation is one less -breaker, and even brash itself takes a seal slot, which competes with the Moonbow Pulse combo if you really cared about matchup numbers.

To put it another way, that cool Brash Desperation combo matchup numbers aren't because of just 2 skill slots (already a large cost), but also at least a assist slot somewhere, for reciprocal. A rally assist has to be worse than reposition in order to not be run, therefore, the Brash Desperation combo has to be better than someone running Moonbow Pulse, Breaker, and getting rallied for either +4, +3/+3, +4/+4 (Shigure), or +3 all (Azura). If the Brash gets devoted a reciprocal, the unit it's competing against should have a assist devoted to it as well, and we have some damn good assists.


(The actual cost is even higher in terms of team building, of course, since it actually requires some form of Fury 3 to guarantee damage, or a very bulky lineup that can reasonably guarantee the brash desperation carrier going sub 50%.)



I rate brash low because of the same reason I rate Horses high, they're not good because of their matchup numbers (which are dictated purely by BST, color, and weapon type, horses have a nice range of color and weapon type, but their BST is, of course, the lowest), they're good because of all those things matchup numbers don't tell you. Horses simply have hilariously low teambuilding requirements thanks to their mobility, which frees up assist slots, unit-turns, and skill-slots which otherwise would've went to moving around. The Brash Desperation combo does the opposite, it eats up assist slots, unit-turns, and skill-slots in order to consistently trigger the sub 50%.

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57 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

If anything, our current banner is shorter than average.  It's exactly two weeks, which is on the short side for a banner, with most being slightly longer than two weeks.  The Radiance Banner lasted almost three weeks.  So having a Banner last 16 days would be well within the average, and there have been several that lasted 16 days or longer previously.

So here's the thing:

If you wanted to release the Halloween banner earlier and have it still have its characters be Arena bonus characters during Halloween, it would have to replace the World of Holy War banner. This means either moving the World of Holy War banner later, which is likely not an option due to the Tempest Trials, or replacing the Performing Arts banner with World of Holy War.

This means you'd need to do one of two things:

  1. Release the Halloween banner after the start of the Arena season on October 16. This means the previous banner would have its characters as bonus characters for three weeks. This would look suspiciously like they delayed the Halloween banner by however many days after October 16 to make sure the bonus characters lined up with the holiday itself.
  2. Release the Halloween banner before the start of the Arena season on October 16. This means the following banner would necessarily be delayed until after October 30. While more than 14 days is perfectly acceptable for the space between two banners, there would be no doubt that it would appear like you're forcing a longer spacing to make sure you have the bonus heroes line up. And appearances matter, especially when you are not transparent with your customers.


10 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

(also make a Desperation seal and let's see just how "slow" Arden can really be)

Arden still gets double attacked if the opponent survives and gets double attacked by everything on enemy phase.

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29 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Follow-up ring is even better than a high hp brash assault, because it works on enemy phase too! Brash Assault is player phase only, and like you say, requires the target to be capable of counter-attacking. It's such an incredible skill, that I figure he just needs a healer. Magic Deflect and Panic Ploy seem better geared to his playstyle in my imo

Oh right, it also works on EP. Arden needs wards and deflect magic.

Speaking of panic ploy, what if they introduce a skill that doubles the effect of buffs/penalties? +12/12 Rein GO!

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