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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

You could say that there will be a forest of Firs.

Although surprisingly she has dodged me for a while.

A Forrest of Firs.

I actually could use a 4★ Fir too, to give Glacies to Faye. Maybe an Innes suddenly falls into my lap too just because.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

A Forrest of Firs.

I actually could use a 4★ Fir too, to give Glacies to Faye. Maybe an Innes suddenly falls into my lap too just because.

I was gonna type that, but then I became sad because Forrest isn't in yet.

Yeah I need more Firs/Niles because I ran out of Glacies/Iceberg fodder. Also Lloyd is becoming endangered.

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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I was gonna type that, but then I became sad because Forrest isn't in yet.

Yeah I need more Firs/Niles because I ran out of Glacies/Iceberg fodder. Also Lloyd is becoming endangered.

Oh right, Lloyd still exists.

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I cleared two 4 orb CCs (both paralogues) now that Sigurd is on the Horse team, so I got to make a summon tonight.

...It suddenly occurs to me that I've only pulled Eirika on Elincia banners. Can someone suggest a banner where Roy could show up?

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After bringing Brash Assault, Distant Defense, Panic Ploy and Hardy Bearing seals to level 3 and Speed seal to level 2, I'm nearly out of transparent and blue great badges. 

This is why S!Xander became a permanent member of my monthly missions horse team. 

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Still have the Armor quest to do actually. But anyways, 85 orbs saved up and ready for whatever comes next. Needless to say Halloween will be running a 3rd season so that's great.

Gonna chill for the next 2 days.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but Leif and Micaiah are the remaining lord and lady of the current, main Fire Emblem games not in Heroes, right? Also, Kris sort of, but I don't know how they would even implement them since the box art and official art of the default appearance for Kris kind of makes them look generic in my opinion unlike Corrin and Robin who have more distinctive designs; male Kris looks like a fusion of ranger Ike and Marth and female Kris resembles Tana to me. If spin-offs are considered, then there's only Lianna and Rowan from Warriors.

Anyway, part of me feels like the developers might close the year by having Leif and Micaiah be introduced i.e. Leif + friends banner or Micaiah + friends banner starts soon and the other occurs two weeks after the winter banner. Or, they could surprise us with Leif and Micaiah appearing on the same banner which would be kind of bad for players since there would be two new lords on one banner.

Speaking of the idea of Leif and Micaiah sharing a banner, I kind of would like more banners that aren't game-specific like the Family Bonds banner way back. A married couple banner of Louise and Pent, Igrene and Astolfo, Juno and Zelot, etc., a brothers or sisters banner, or some other theme would be neat and different ways to introduce new characters.

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@Kaden: Male Kris uses his merc portrait, and female Kris uses her peg knight/cavalier portrait in the CYL poll.

What if male Kris is a sword cavalier, and female Kris is a lance pegasus? They are both knights of Altea, after all.

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All this talk about Firs, and here I am still hoping for a +Atk Fir someday...

7 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Leif and Micaiah are the remaining lord and lady of the current, main Fire Emblem games not in Heroes, right? Also, Kris sort of, but I don't know how they would even implement them since the box art and official art of the default appearance for Kris kind of makes them look generic in my opinion unlike Corrin and Robin who have more distinctive designs; male Kris looks like a fusion of ranger Ike and Marth and female Kris resembles Tana to me. If spin-offs are considered, then there's only Lianna and Rowan from Warriors.

Anyway, part of me feels like the developers might close the year by having Leif and Micaiah be introduced i.e. Leif + friends banner or Micaiah + friends banner starts soon and the other occurs two weeks after the winter banner. Or, they could surprise us with Leif and Micaiah appearing on the same banner which would be kind of bad for players since there would be two new lords on one banner.

Speaking of the idea of Leif and Micaiah sharing a banner, I kind of would like more banners that aren't game-specific like the Family Bonds banner way back. A married couple banner of Louise and Pent, Igrene and Astolfo, Juno and Zelot, etc., a brothers or sisters banner, or some other theme would be neat and different ways to introduce new characters.

Yep, they're the only two actual lords left. Kris is the least lord-like of the avatars, and IS doesn't seem too interested in pushing them as much as Robin and Corrin, so I don't think they're a big priority to add. Are there any lord-like characters in #FE? I still need to play that one someday. Maybe they'll at least give us #FE Tiki, so we can finally have actual Tiki emblem.

That's my guess as well. Alternatively, they could give us another extra banner and introduce the last lord in January, since that would still be right before the one-year anniversary. I would be honestly surprised if Leif and Micaiah don't get in by then. I don't think they would put characters from such unrelated games on a single (non-themed) banner, but I suppose it could happen.

I 100% agree with having more unique banners. I'm hoping that they'll start doing more of those after the one-year anniversary, especially since we should hopefully have all the main lords in Heroes by then.

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15 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@Kaden: Male Kris uses his merc portrait, and female Kris uses her peg knight/cavalier portrait in the CYL poll.

What if male Kris is a sword cavalier, and female Kris is a lance pegasus? They are both knights of Altea, after all.

Axe cavalier M!Kris even though that doesn't exist in FE12 and sword pegasus knight F!Kris and that's a deal for me. I want more axe cavaliers and sword fliers in Heroes even if it's for the sake of having more of them.

11 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

That's my guess as well. Alternatively, they could give us another extra banner and introduce the last lord in January, since that would still be right before the one-year anniversary. I would be honestly surprised if Leif and Micaiah don't get in by then. I don't think they would put characters from such unrelated games on a single (non-themed) banner, but I suppose it could happen.

Yeah, Heroes is still a couple months away from its anniversary, but the thought crept up about how Leif and Micaiah aren't in the game which was a reason why I asked. It would just seem weird if they weren't introduced by then considering they're the main characters of their games that already have characters in Heroes. A month or two after would be fine, but six or more months would be strange, especially since Leif doesn't seem to be that difficult on concept and even then, Micaiah having Thani be a legendary tome that's effective against armor and cavalry wouldn't be that busted. Cue Leif being absolutely busted and Micaiah's Thani being upgraded to have -blade tome effects as well as being effective against armor and cavalry.

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1 minute ago, Kaden said:

Axe cavalier M!Kris even though that doesn't exist in FE12 and sword pegasus knight F!Kris and that's a deal for me. I want more axe cavaliers and sword fliers in Heroes even if it's for the sake of having more of them.

This can do, and I’d be fine with this as well. I just want every character who was on the poll to eventually join the roster (yes, all 660+), so it’s only a question of time for me.

On an unrelated note, I wish the special (seasonal) heroes were toggleable in the catalogue. If I never pull seasonals, I don’t want to always be haunted by the silhouettes.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

This can do, and I’d be fine with this as well. I just want every character who was on the poll to eventually join the roster (yes, all 660+), so it’s only a question of time for me.

On an unrelated note, I wish the special (seasonal) heroes were toggleable in the catalogue. If I never pull seasonals, I don’t want to always be haunted by the silhouettes.

Glade's revenge when? Min-maxed to hell making all 1-range cavalry units look like scrubs.

Speaking of silhouettes, ToD Nowi's is hilarious.

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2 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Glade's revenge when? Min-maxed to hell making all cavalry units look like scrubs.

Speaking of silhouettes, ToD Nowi's is hilarious.

At least Glade is popular with Selphina.

Pure black filling the whole square frame. Spooky.

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@DefaultBeep I was late on the subject, but the Psycho Soldiers are my favorite team in KOF and Kensou is my favorite KOF character and main. Could see him and Athena in Heroes. Athena as a Red Tome and Kensou as a blue one. Still Fate/Stay Night is the best. F/GO and Heroes having a Crossover would be the best. Askr Trio as Servants and Saber/Shirou/Archer/Rin/Lancer/Berserker as units would be ridiculous.

On 11/11/2017 at 10:37 PM, Kaden said:

Yeah, it's a funny thing since Minerva and Saber have nothing in common other than having red hair. Maybe Saber is Minerva's very hot, estranged uncle or something. :p

Minerva and Saber are currently the only units who share the same stats, but have no relation to each other or aren't counterparts or alternate versions of each other. So, not like how PA Inigo has a similar stat spread to his mother, well, regular Olivia since PA Olivia has leans towards magical defense, or how the Robins share stats or how you could consider regular Xander and summer Xander as cavalry and infantry versions of Xander. Other characters share similar stat spreads, but you could consider it as being an archetype thing like how all the myrmidons for the most part are fast and with average-ish attack.

Anyway, between the two, I feel like Minerva leans towards offense while Saber leans towards defense. That doesn't mean Minerva can't do defense and Saber can't do offense. Minerva's default L&D3 and Hauteclere and access flier buffs means she will naturally hit harder than Saber while also being able to have higher raw defenses than him through flier buffs. Saber's advantage is funny enough, that he's not a flier. It wouldn't make sense if he couldn't use Shield Pulse, the skill he introduced to Heroes, but because of his default Slaying Edge and Shield Pulse, Saber can abuse Escutcheon and Pavise. With Slaying Edge, Saber just needs to hit someone at the start of a battle to charge Escutcheon which will reduce melee damage he takes by 30% and Shield Pulse further reduces that by 5 damage less. If he fought someone who countered back which he should so this can work, then on his next turn, Escutcheon would be fully charged because of Shield Pulse.

The best part is as JSND said, Saber, like Minerva, is a good user of L&D. Fury would increase his bulk in general, but you could have Saber run Slaying Edge, Escutcheon, L&D3, and Shield Pulse 3 just for giggles. Brave Sword is also an option since it would him charge Escutcheon when he attacks, but you'd probably want a +Atk Saber to run that and if you want to abuse this kind of build, it might be better if someone else runs it instead which gets complicated since Saber has rare skills and you'd be giving up a Saber for Shield Pulse which is pretty niche as far as I know when you could have gotten Slaying Edge+ from him.

People have said this before where Saber is probably 5*-locked because of the weapon and skills he came with: Slaying Edge, Aegis, HP Spd 2, and Shield Pulse. Of those skills, only Aegis is old meaning he introduced 3 new skills. Compare this to Leon and Mathilda who only brought in at most, 2 new skills; Leon only introduced Slaying Bow while Mathilda introduced Ridersbane and Cancel Affinity. Gray on the other hand is a villager unit and he while he only introduced 2 new skills: Zanbato and Sword Valor, he did make Wind Boost a regularly available skill since the only other unit with Wind Boost is bride Charlotte.

That being said, yes, Saber isn't anything special even if his default kit is pretty simple to work with and having Minerva's stats makes him pretty flexible.

I really did and do think that Saber is a very unique unit with his skillset and surprising bulk Despite that I don't believe he should be locked to *5 even with the skills he introduces because at the heart of it units like Hana (Who can also run Escutcheon) and Athena flat out outclass him in offense and the bulk of the game's modes. Saber himself shines in modes like Tempest Trials, Chain Challenge and possibly arena assault. I think I would run Fury on him to make him even bulkier, but I'm not sure. Gray makes sense as a *5 purely because of Sword Valor. A skill that increases QoL for the most bloated unit type in the game shouldn't be that easy to acquire. Wind Boost pales in comparison as boost skills aren't that great (even Fire Boost, no I don't think Luke should be locked to *5 either especially with how easy it is for anyone to have Panic Ploy now). At the end of it, your last sentence here is the one I'm in the most agreement with.

I would probably rather have Saber than Minerva still. She's really hyped up and said to be a great unit, but she's still a flyer and I don't see anything she can do that my Cherche can't do, except maybe not die when she's touched on EP.

On 11/11/2017 at 10:37 PM, Kaden said:

So, for the other effects on Caladbolg, I was wondering how to translate +8 Luck into an effect and I have no idea how they would translate it, so I listed a bunch of things that could work.

And yes, +3 attack and -1 special cooldown is good if Valter's Cursed Lance is any indication.

Speaking of Valter, I saw this build recently: Darting Blow/Fury, Vantage, and Ignis. The idea is that so long as he can double someone who counters back or even doubles him while he only hits once and Valter drops to 31 HP, then he'll have a Vantage-ready Ignis to explode whoever.

Regarding following the pattern of power creeping units, I think it's a bad idea. It just leaves us wanting where we feel like anyone could should us as being absolutely bonkers and when they don't, we become disappointed. This goes especially for our favorites.

I've mostly seen Darting Blow Desperation Valters who catch me by surprise actually due to his deceptive speed. I was going to build him but he's on the back burner. Copy-pasting his  weapon's effect without the health recoil onto Caladbolg seems kind of unfair still though. Despite that

In Bold: That makes a whole lot of sense, and because of that I won't get my hopes up. He may not even get Caladbolg considering he didn't have it in the JP version of RD. He could just have a Slaying Edge+ or worse, a Silver Sword+ (Mia would have the Wo Dao+ or a Steel Blade variant most likely). So I'll be optimistic but realistic, especially considering he could get the Tobin treatment. 

Now watch there be another FE4 banner after all this talk. Blegh.

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2 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@DefaultBeep I was late on the subject, but the Psycho Soldiers are my favorite team in KOF and Kensou is my favorite KOF character and main. Could see him and Athena in Heroes. Athena as a Red Tome and Kensou as a blue one. Still Fate/Stay Night is the best. F/GO and Heroes having a Crossover would be the best. Askr Trio as Servants and Saber/Shirou/Archer/Rin/Lancer/Berserker as units would be ridiculous.

Same here! Athena's my main in almost every KoF game, but I like the whole team as well. It helps that Kensou a good number of similar moves as Athena, though he's far from an exact clone. If we're including custom teams, I normally go with Athena, Leona, and Kasumi, sometimes switching out for Terry and/or Kensou if one of them isn't available, or if I need a Striker in the games that use them. As unlikely as it is, it would be great to see those two and Heroes, and they'd definitely work well as magic units. I haven't played much (or any, really) of the Fate games, though. Is there a mobile game for the series? I might give it a shot if there is one.

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@Zeo @DefaultBeep

Athena will have a Psycho Sword tome with built in Escape Route and has Wings of Mercy with her teleporting shenanigans and Swift Sparrow because uhh...Sparrow is the closest thing to a Phoenix? That or Mirror Strike (Psycho Shield?)

Kensou will be a Pork Bun tome which has built-in Renewal as he eats them. He also has Close Counter because he's a close combat fighter and Dragon Fang because of the Dragon power.

There's Fate Grand Order which is a mobile game. I haven't played it though since it's not available in the Australian App Store, but I don't really have time/space on my phone anyway.

Saber class Saber go! But yeah Fate characters lend themselves to the classes better. I actually have a long term Fate-inspired Avatar builds in my Awakening file.

I've actually been using my Saber now more frequently after this discussion. I love Aegis making him shrug magic attacks in the start, even though he should probably have better skils.

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8 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Athena will have a Psycho Sword tome with built in Escape Route and has Wings of Mercy with her teleporting shenanigans and Swift Sparrow because uhh...Sparrow is the closest thing to a Phoenix? That or Mirror Strike (Psycho Shield?)

Kensou will be a Pork Bun tome which has built-in Renewal as he eats them. He also has Close Counter because he's a close combat fighter and Dragon Fang because of the Dragon power.

There's Fate Grand Order which is a mobile game. I haven't played it though since it's not available in the Australian App Store, but I don't really have time/space on my phone anyway.

Saber class Saber go! But yeah Fate characters lend themselves to the classes better. I actually have a long term Fate-inspired Avatar builds in my Awakening file.

I've actually been using my Saber now more frequently after this discussion. I love Aegis making him shrug magic attacks in the start, even though he should probably have better skils.

Ooo, Escape Route and Wings of Mercy would be super fitting indeed. Pivot could be another good reference to that as well. I think Mirror Strike would fit a bit better, just because Sparrow is more of a stretch to connect to her moveset. Kensou looks great too, nothing for me to really add to him.

Now I'm trying to think of how Chin could possibly be added in. I'm not sure about his weapon type (maybe dagger, and he throws his jug?), but he would absolutely need to have Watersweep and Bonfire.

I might give that a try, then. I already have a few other similar games that I already play on my phone though, so I'm not sure how frequently I'd get to play it.

I never got Saber, but he's definitely a pain to fight in the Tempest whenever he shows up. He's earned my respect for that, if nothing else.

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10 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I might give that a try, then. I already have a few other similar games that I already play on my phone though, so I'm not sure how frequently I'd get to play it.

That’s hell you’re walking into. This will be your first, only, and final warning.

Speaking from personal experience, it’s pretty fun, but playing multiple mobages may not be the greatest idea ever.

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Just now, MrSmokestack said:

That’s hell you’re walking into. This will be your first, only, and final warning.

Speaking from personal experience, it’s pretty fun, but playing multiple mobages may not be the greatest idea ever.

Well with an inviting statement like that, how can I refuse! :D

I like too many franchises with mobile games, haha. Heroes is by far the one I play the most, though. Otherwise, I load up Metal Slug Attack every day for the daily free pull, and I'll play beyond that every few days or so. I haven't played FF: Brave Exvius in a while, but I got Esper Terra, so I'm pretty content to just log in every now and then. Heroes remains the only one that I've ever spent money on, which helps as well.

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Just now, DefaultBeep said:

Ooo, Escape Route and Wings of Mercy would be super fitting indeed. Pivot could be another good reference to that as well. I think Mirror Strike would fit a bit better, just because Sparrow is more of a stretch to connect to her moveset. Kensou looks great too, nothing for me to really add to him.

Now I'm trying to think of how Chin could possibly be added in. I'm not sure about his weapon type (maybe dagger, and he throws his jug?), but he would absolutely need to have Watersweep and Bonfire.

I might give that a try, then. I already have a few other similar games that I already play on my phone though, so I'm not sure how frequently I'd get to play it.

I never got Saber, but he's definitely a pain to fight in the Tempest whenever he shows up. He's earned my respect for that, if nothing else.

I never played FGO personally, but I do love the Fate universe and concept of Servants from watching the anime. It's actually really interesting.

I got two Sabers, both +Res (first is -HP, second is -Spd so he is fodder to either my Cain or Lon'qu when I build them). 

Yeah Bonfire with Chin sounds fitting. Maybe his gourd jug could be an axe since he sort of whacks you with it in some moves and he's a close combat fighter. Since he uses Drunken Fist Style which focuses on mobility and evasion, maybe something like Pivot? Or Fire Boost for well, his breath of fire attacks and Renewal, for when he drinks alcohol (and hey, the HP regeneration would help fuel Fire Boost's activation requirements)

Bao would be a blue tome as well (or maybe green for variety) and have Draconic Aura. Very mobile so definitely has Escape Route as a B skill. Maybe Warding Blow for A skill.

Actually maybe Kensou could be a blue Breath user instead since it's magic damage but melee. (And he eats pork buns, so uh...breath?). Weapon can be Pork Bun Breath. Just swap Close Counter for Distant Counter.

Leona would be a dagger unit with her earring bombs. Maybe a flying dagger units since she excels at aerial combat. Fury as A skill because Orochi blood and Bonfire for her special because she makes things explode.

Kasumi is has that wind-looking qcf+P attack, so I'd say she'll be a bulky green axe. She's all about counters in close combat, so she'll have Escutcheon, Quick Riposte and Steady Breath.

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1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

Well with an inviting statement like that, how can I refuse! :D

I hope you enjoy playing Doki Doki Literature Club!

It will corrupt your mind

1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

I like too many franchises with mobile games, haha. Heroes is by far the one I play the most, though. Otherwise, I load up Metal Slug Attack every day for the daily free pull, and I'll play beyond that every few days or so. I haven't played FF: Brave Exvius in a while, but I got Esper Terra, so I'm pretty content to just log in every now and then. Heroes remains the only one that I've ever spent money on, which helps as well.

My favorite mobages before Heroes and F/GO were Metal Slug Defense and D.O.T: Defender of Texel. I’ve stopped playing them since Heroes and F/GO came out, though D.O.T was dead long before the other games to be fair.

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6 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

I hope you enjoy playing Doki Doki Literature Club!

It will corrupt your mind

You're letting people into your world of scum

This is why you're not my home skillet biscuit anymore

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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

You're letting people into your world of scum

This is why you're not my home skillet biscuit anymore

I’m still your homeslice and you’re still my home...robot...thing.

@Rezzy Reindeer Whitewings and Santa Minerva or riot!

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I fully expect them to say that the next three banners are going to be Christmas Banners in the FEH Channel tomorrow.  Make way for Santa Robin, Reindeer Tharja, Elf Xander, and Snowman Xander coming Wednesday!

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