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17 minutes ago, Zeo said:


I don't know... as someone who played FE7 (First FE) and then FE6, that Bartre just appeals to me quite a bit more. The spunky dimwit fighter who meets and marries his match (or superior) and settles down vs the slightly lame/weirdo father who yells "FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR!". I'd go with the former. Plus, as a unit (particularly a launch one) Bartre has always seemed underwhelming to me and I think he deserves to take a seat a bit higher up on the hierarchy with Dorcas both as a unit and cosmetically (FE7 Bartre's appearance > FE6's).

For other axes, I've always preferred Lot, who honestly seems like he's related to Dorcas. Wade is alright but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be disappointed if he was chosen over Lot. That being said. Ross when? 100% the axe I'm waiting for the most followed by Nolan and maybe Gonzales. Echidna is cool though. Female axes are the business.

Bartre just isnt complete without the fe6 version. The FE7 version is a caricature of a dumb axeman that shows itself subtly in one way or another but without the fe6 version to show his growth as a boisterous father figure hes not that good as a whole


I dont really think fe7 bartre is bad. Hes great but fe6 bartre is something else. If you want to talk a great character ruined in 7.... thats Karel

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Guess who didn't forget Basilio? #HumbleBrag

Seriously though, in my ideal Awakening banner, Basilio is my first lock.

Whoops. Seems I didn't do the chain challenge quests. Oh well. I won't need stamina potions for anything except maybe trying to brute force a TT ranking reward.

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16 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Guess who didn't forget Basilio? #HumbleBrag

I didn't forget him either. I just chose to not mention him since he isn't any more likely to get added than some of the other guys mentioned (Dart, Vaike, etc.). Which is a shame, since I'd quite like for Basilio to get into FEH too.

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3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Which is a shame, since I'd quite like for Basilio to get into FEH too.

Speaking of Basilio, our lord and saviour Ippei Soeda drew him (and Flavia) for Cipher recently. The couple should get into Heroes one day… I mean, even Calill and Karla got into Cipher. Why can’t Heroes step up its game?

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And now I'm really tempted to summon for a promoted Ephraim on the upcoming legendary hero banner so that I can have a legendary hero of fire because I don't want to use four fire blessings because that's one more than I need to use for a fire team.

And thus, every hero who isn't promoted Ephraim will show up on that banner.

Edited by Kaden
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4 minutes ago, Kaden said:

And now I'm really tempted to summon for a promoted Ephraim on the upcoming legendary hero banner so that I can have a legendary hero of fire because I don't want to use four fire blessings because that's one more than I need to use for a fire team.

And thus, every hero who isn't promoted Ephraim will show up on that banner.

It's also possible that the new green hero will be Fire.

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4 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

I thought Lot's popularity was because of a meme of some kind? ...


3 hours ago, SilvertheShadow said:

From what I heard, a Japanese Youtuber was responsible for making Lot into a popular character...

This could be Shin's (aka. the Sakura whale) LP of FE6 hard mode where Lot was ridiculously RNG blessed and ended up being a crutch for him for the whole game. 




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So long as someone brings a Firesweep Axe, I'll be happy. I'd think Vaike or Basilio would be a good choice for the Firesweep, and Vaike seems like an obvious drop unit, straight to 3-4. I'd like to see Ross or Charlotte, but they'd probably have the Hatchet and Aurgelmir respectively. But for pipe dreams, I'd like to see Brian. I want more Genealogy holy weapons, and a Distant Counter axe cavalier would be a nice niche.

Aaaand now I really have to rethink my spending. I've officially spent more on the game than on my splurges of years past. It's just as well, time to save up for my vacations this year. Did get Gunnthra to +8 out of all the legendaries, so I should take a break on this one. Maybe one merge on L!Ephraim if the other blues are worth it.

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Ax users I want in Heroes would be: Geese, Geitz, Boyd, Kieran, Vaike and Basilio.  Of Course I also want one dracoknight sword flier that is not seasonal as well.  Ashnard GHB when?

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6 hours ago, Humanoid said:

It's also possible that the new green hero will be Fire.

There's that too, but Ephraim came to mind because he is confirmed for that banner.

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@Zeo I'm currently leveling up my Matthew with a good nature. Because of your videos I'm always tempted to throw him into the middle of everything to counter kill everyone ... but he is only 4* (temporary) and doesn't have CC! Why isn't that his native skill? 

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If Basilio comes with Flavia in a banner and they make it a rival themed banner I would not complain.
I would pull for her, regardless that she is another sword user.

But I still wait for some of the Fate cast from the adult generation. I'm still a bit sad that those I like the most from them are still missing.. Benny, Rinkah, Reina, Kaze, Flora and Orochi..
But I guess we would rather get Kana, Kana and someone else...if it is Ophelia or Ignatius I would be ok with it. 

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@mampfoid CC fodder would be too easy to come by lol. I think it's a really underrated skill because people like to compare it to DC. It doesn't have quite as wide of a coverage as that one, but there are a few units that really benefit from it. There are characters that can run other things in their A slot, but I can't think of a single other A skill I would give Matthew at this point. If you ever get a spare Takumi. I highly reccomend it on him unless there's simply another unit you'd like to give it to more.

Sothe and M!Morgan are patiently waiting for my next CC fodder. Still not sure who's getting it next. CC mage is enticing, but making a reverse Matthew sounds incredibly fun.

Good luck building your Matthew. Just find him a good partner and watch yourself around mages!

Edited by Zeo
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On the subject of potential new axes, although he is not a Fighter, there's also Libra as a candidate.

Yes...Yes, I know - they might pull a Lucius and make Libra a staff user. I'm just hoping they won't since power-crept infantry axe sounds more fun than staff to me. Plus, I need to hear that "I am your Omega!" in battle - not have it squandered due to lack of a combat special. IntSys pls.

Then again, I'm prepared if he does end up a staff unit - I've got Dazzling Staff fodder with his name on it since last year just in case. I mean, it doesn't hurt to be prepared for a favourite and such.


On a slightly related note, after looking at CYL again it appears that, as of Gerome and M! Morgan's appearance (and excluding Owain and Inigo), Libra is the highest ranking unreleased male character from Awakening*, he ranked 161/179 on CYL 1/2 respectively. 

*/ While Kellam ranked higher than Libra in CYL 1, he went down further than Libra did in CYL 2 (from 132 to 236). While I don't doubt that Kellam has fans regardless of memes, I suspect his meme status did carry him further in CYL 1 than 2. 

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15 minutes ago, Tactician_Iris said:

On the subject of potential new axes, although he is not a Fighter, there's also Libra as a candidate.

Yes...Yes, I know - they might pull a Lucius and make Libra a staff user. I'm just hoping they won't since power-crept infantry axe sounds more fun than staff to me. Plus, I need to hear that "I am your Omega!" in battle - not have it squandered due to lack of a combat special. IntSys pls.

Then again, I'm prepared if he does end up a staff unit - I've got Dazzling Staff fodder with his name on it since last year just in case. I mean, it doesn't hurt to be prepared for a favourite and such.


On a slightly related note, after looking at CYL again it appears that, as of Gerome and M! Morgan's appearance (and excluding Owain and Inigo), Libra is the highest ranking unreleased male character from Awakening*, he ranked 161/179 on CYL 1/2 respectively. 

*/ While Kellam ranked higher than Libra in CYL 1, he went down further than Libra did in CYL 2 (from 132 to 236). While I don't doubt that Kellam has fans regardless of memes, I suspect his meme status did carry him further in CYL 1 than 2. 

I think Libra is my most wanted Awakening character that's not in the game. That being said, I would love to see Yen'fay, Say'ri, Panne, Yarne, Miriel, Laurent, Vaike, Flavia and maybe Brady, too... 

I like a lot of Awakening characters xD 

Unlike most people, I count Odin as Owain... I probably wouldn't pull for Owain since infantry sword... 

Edited by Cute Chao
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46 minutes ago, Tactician_Iris said:

On the subject of potential new axes, although he is not a Fighter, there's also Libra as a candidate.

Yes...Yes, I know - they might pull a Lucius and make Libra a staff user. I'm just hoping they won't since power-crept infantry axe sounds more fun than staff to me. Plus, I need to hear that "I am your Omega!" in battle - not have it squandered due to lack of a combat special. IntSys pls.

Then again, I'm prepared if he does end up a staff unit - I've got Dazzling Staff fodder with his name on it since last year just in case. I mean, it doesn't hurt to be prepared for a favourite and such.


On a slightly related note, after looking at CYL again it appears that, as of Gerome and M! Morgan's appearance (and excluding Owain and Inigo), Libra is the highest ranking unreleased male character from Awakening*, he ranked 161/179 on CYL 1/2 respectively. 

*/ While Kellam ranked higher than Libra in CYL 1, he went down further than Libra did in CYL 2 (from 132 to 236). While I don't doubt that Kellam has fans regardless of memes, I suspect his meme status did carry him further in CYL 1 than 2. 


33 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I think Libra is my most wanted Awakening character that's not in the game. That being said, I would love to see Yen'fay, Say'ri, Panne, Yarne, Miriel, Laurent, Vaike, Flavia and maybe Brady, too... 

I like a lot of Awakening characters xD 

Unlike most people, I count Odin as Owain... I probably wouldn't pull for Owain since infantry sword... 

In a simlar manner, i hope Brady is a War Cleric. He looked good in the black outfit but i guess his thing is not being abe to fight despite his appearance...

i just want a better stat Odin. Also i preferr Owain’s appearance anyway. The dark mage outfit is strange

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46 minutes ago, Tactician_Iris said:

On the subject of potential new axes, although he is not a Fighter, there's also Libra as a candidate.

Yes...Yes, I know - they might pull a Lucius and make Libra a staff user. I'm just hoping they won't since power-crept infantry axe sounds more fun than staff to me. Plus, I need to hear that "I am your Omega!" in battle - not have it squandered due to lack of a combat special. IntSys pls.

Then again, I'm prepared if he does end up a staff unit - I've got Dazzling Staff fodder with his name on it since last year just in case. I mean, it doesn't hurt to be prepared for a favourite and such.


On a slightly related note, after looking at CYL again it appears that, as of Gerome and M! Morgan's appearance (and excluding Owain and Inigo), Libra is the highest ranking unreleased male character from Awakening*, he ranked 161/179 on CYL 1/2 respectively. 

*/ While Kellam ranked higher than Libra in CYL 1, he went down further than Libra did in CYL 2 (from 132 to 236). While I don't doubt that Kellam has fans regardless of memes, I suspect his meme status did carry him further in CYL 1 than 2. 


33 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I think Libra is my most wanted Awakening character that's not in the game. That being said, I would love to see Yen'fay, Say'ri, Panne, Yarne, Miriel, Laurent, Vaike, Flavia and maybe Brady, too... 

I like a lot of Awakening characters xD 

Unlike most people, I count Odin as Owain... I probably wouldn't pull for Owain since infantry sword... 

In a simlar manner, i hope Brady is a War Cleric. He looked good in the black outfit but i guess his thing is not being abe to fight despite his appearance...

i just want a better stat Odin. Also i preferr Owain’s appearance anyway. The dark mage outfit is strange

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32 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I think Libra is my most wanted Awakening character that's not in the game. That being said, I would love to see Yen'fay, Say'ri, Panne, Yarne, Miriel, Laurent, Vaike, Flavia and maybe Brady, too... 

I like a lot of Awakening characters xD 

Unlike most people, I count Odin as Owain... I probably wouldn't pull for Owain since infantry sword... 

Ngl, Libra is my most wanted unit of all. I miss my War Monk so bad.

As for the rest of remaining Awakening folks, Miriel, Gregor, Laurent, Maribelle, Sumia, Brady, Cynthia and Walhart (Let Soeda Ippei or Yamada Akihiro draw him pls) reside high on my wishlist. I like a lot of Awakening too.

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9 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I just want a better stat Odin. Also i preferr Owain’s appearance anyway. The dark mage outfit is strange

I do agree. I'd love to see him with better stats. I'd rather a seasonal Owain or Odin just to have a weapon that isn't an infantry sword... or heck, just put him on a horse or something. Go for it :D 

I don't mind the dark mage outfit... if only because I see so many people complaining about it on Odin and thinking that that's how I see a lot of female armour. Odd gaps, unnecessary stuff going on. The female dark mage outfit is no better, either, but I note you didn't specify ^.^

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1 hour ago, Cute Chao said:

I do agree. I'd love to see him with better stats. I'd rather a seasonal Owain or Odin just to have a weapon that isn't an infantry sword... or heck, just put him on a horse or something. Go for it :D 

I don't mind the dark mage outfit... if only because I see so many people complaining about it on Odin and thinking that that's how I see a lot of female armour. Odd gaps, unnecessary stuff going on. The female dark mage outfit is no better, either, but I note you didn't specify ^.^

It was more it looks weird on Odin because bright yellow and it’s just a bit overdesigned and makes him look like a jester

myrmidon/samurai aesthetic just looks better to me :)


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I do really want the rest of my family (being Sumia and Cynthia) to join, though Sumia will likely join sooner, whether in her vanilla form or in a season getup (preferably the former), than our her daughter. Say'ri, Emmeryn, and Basilio would be cool additions too.

4 hours ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

Charlotte says hi.

That's correct, though Charlotte is kinda a special case because she breaks so many of the tropes of the traditional fighters. 

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26 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

It was more it looks weird on Odin because bright yellow and it’s just a bit overdesigned and makes him look like a jester

myrmidon/samurai aesthetic just looks better to me :)


xD He is a bit of a jester, to be fair. I do agree, though. I often love the outfits swordmasters tend to wear in games the most, although I also have a liking for nice suits and for nice armour ^.^

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