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6 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Who's the official "Pulled a 5* with a Free Pull" club president, I need to send my application in.

I've pulled two so far!

@Alkaid I hear keeps getting his application rejected :^) Hope he gets in soon though!

50 minutes ago, Coolmanio said:

Free pull was 5* Klein +Atk - DEF.

Any point using him if I have B!Cordelia? Or just fodder him off!

Never hurts to have more Brave Bow archers. I have Bride Cordelia too but Klein is a nice backup for Arena Assault.

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Hell freaking yeah. She's just neutral, but I'm perfectly fine with that. I did find it funny that Oboro who was already kicked to the curb for feathers of all units showed up directly after Neph. On a more sour note, that Ogma is the same awful +Res/-Spd as my first one so he was immediately thrown into the SI grinder.

I also managed to get another Klein in one of the pulls that preceded this one so now my Brave Axe Cherche is finally rocking Death Blow 3.

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3 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

I've pulled two so far!

@Alkaid I hear keeps getting his application rejected :^) Hope he gets in soon though!

I pulled a *4 Fae on my free pull, but I spent 4 more orbs and a Hector was in the other orb adjacent to that one. Do I get like a silver card at least if I'm not a gold member? He was almost free.

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After choosing Brave Ike as my hero, I knew I wanted to get Brave Lyn since everyone was talking about her.  After spending all my free orbs trying to pull her, I ended up not getting her, but a 2nd 5* Seth and a Brave Roy, to my surprise.  

Also picked up a 2nd 4* Klein (merged with my other Klein), a 4* Leon (eww I sent him straight back), a 2nd 5* Lucius (ugh sent him back), THREE MORE 3* Saizos (wtf why), and a 2nd 4* Seliph (merged).

Then the other day I pulled 5* Nephenee while trying for Oscar, along with a 3* Sully, 3* Male Robin, and 3* Oboro.  Welp.

Just now I tried to get Klein, but nope, it was 4* Priscilla.  I fed her Rehabilitate to my 4* Serra, who had been my primary healer until my 5* Priscilla showed up and I realized how helpful Rehabilitate was lol.

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40 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I pulled a *4 Fae on my free pull, but I spent 4 more orbs and a Hector was in the other orb adjacent to that one. Do I get like a silver card at least if I'm not a gold member? He was almost free.

Nope! Needs to be on the free summon, and nothing else!

Filthy orb spender

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6 hours ago, Coolmanio said:

Free pull was 5* Klein +Atk - DEF.

Any point using him if I have B!Cordelia? Or just fodder him off!

That's a great nature, so I would use him.

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Free Pull Klein +HP/-Def. Happy because was just about to spend feathers five starring a 3* Gordin for my Brave Lyn, but then again should I even kill him for that when there's DB3 and QR3 on him. Seriously Nintendo let us inherit more than 3 skills at a time.




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2 hours ago, Logos said:

Free Pull Klein +HP/-Def. Happy because was just about to spend feathers five starring a 3* Gordin for my Brave Lyn, but then again should I even kill him for that when there's DB3 and QR3 on him. Seriously Nintendo let us inherit more than 3 skills at a time.

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you can inherit brave bow from ra gordan, death blow 2 from a 4* and QR2 from 4* subaki. This way your klein will give you all the skills you need.


My 4% pity rate got ruined by a -SPD+DEF Chrom.

Free DB unit gave me a 3* Wrys...

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9 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

I've pulled two so far!

@Alkaid I hear keeps getting his application rejected :^) Hope he gets in soon though!

Never hurts to have more Brave Bow archers. I have Bride Cordelia too but Klein is a nice backup for Arena Assault.


6 hours ago, Alkaid said:

Bully! :(

I'm president of the 3* garbage club though.

Awesome, TWO clubs! Provided are proof of my Mist and about 3 different copies of Setsuna, Barst, and Hana.

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Had 6 orbs thanks to the Arena, so I decided to try and get at least one red and hopefully get Elincia. I got... five reds. Hoo boy. Went for bottom right, and I got a 4-star Laslow. +Atk/-Res, which makes him a straight improvement over my current 4-star +Atk/-Def. Actually, I just looked at my two 3-star Laslows, and they're also +Atk/-Def and +Atk/-Res. I don't have a single Laslow that isn't +Atk. Interesting. Anyway, the four remaining reds taunted me, so I decided to use some spare money and get the 35 orb pack.

Next one was 4-star Seth. I actually forgot that I got this Seth, for a very good reason that will become apparent later. Anyway, he's completely neutral, which is cute. I wonder who will be getting Fortress Defense next?

3-star Olivia. +Spd/-Def. Eh.

4-star Caeda, who is also neutral. Honestly about the same as my current +HP/-Def one, but at least it's not as hilariously bad as the ones that are +Def/-Spd and +Def/-Res.

3-star Draug. +Def/-Res. Actually pretty great, but I don't really use or want Draug enough to warrant the 2,000 feathers for an upgrade. Oh well.

Started up a new summoning session, and there's one red orb housing a 4-star Palla. Oh the irony. She's +Res/-Def. At least I finally have more Moonbow fodder. Anyway, new summoning session, and there's three red orbs, which is luckily exactly the amount I can afford. And this is where things got more interesting.

First up, 4-star Eirika, and my first time pulling her as a 4-star! She's +HP/-Res, which I guess is alright. Honestly not sure if it's better than my 5-star +Def/-Spd, but it probably is. She'll likely be my next promotion so I can merge her with my current Eirika.

My first 4-star Athena, and my first Athena ever! And she's... +Res/-Atk. Darn. Probably won't promote her, but at least I've finally pulled every red unit available at 4-stars! And more importantly, I can now start a gimmick team that I've been wanting to make for a while. And who would follow these two cool reds but...

Seth. A 5-star Seth. I'd find it funnier if he didn't ruin my 3.75% pity rate. He's +HP/-Atk too, which is garbage. Interestingly, all three of these summons involve HP, Atk, and Res is their boons/banes. Although, maybe it's a good thing that he ruined my pity rate; I'll feel better about pulling on the Ninian and Hawkeye banner. Three banners in a row, surely I'll get Ninian this time...

So that means that the Seth Counter is currently at: six. Four 4-stars, two 5-stars, all pulled as off-focus units. Awesome.

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Tempest Trials banner is up. Let's see what it has to offer.

  1. 4* Hawkeye: Couldn't you at least have DB3?
  2. 4* Barst: Can always use more Reposition fodder.
  3. 3* Lissa: Rehabilitate fodder.
  4. 4* Subaki: QR2 fodder.
  5. 4* Lukas: New unit! +Def/-Atk, so he'd be an insane blue tank with Fortress Def 3. Of course he's horrendously slow, so I doubt I'm going to use him.

Plenty of fodder and a new unit, but not really worth it.

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Free summon was a 5-star Roy.

The other two summons (I want Ike and Soren) were subpar.

EDIT: My new Roy is ... +atk -res. I was waiting for a +spd -not atk one, but ... this will do.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Here we go.  99 orbs spent on the TT banner.  Did I finally get Ike?  Let's see...

4* Lachesis (No reds)

4* Fir

3* Niles (No reds)

3* Laslow

4* Seth (New!)

4* Male Corrin

4* Eirika

3* Hana

4* Sophia

3* Lon'qu

4* Marth

4* Eliwood

4* Roy

3* Lon'qu

4* Seliph

3* Draug

4* Draug

4* Stahl

3* Palla

4* Lon'qu

3* Lon'qu

5* Ike (+Atk/-HP)  YESSSSSS YES YES!  Finally.  

I had 7 orbs left and decided to open one more colourless orb in case Mist was hiding under it...

5* Mist (Neutral)  Seems she wanted to join her brother!  Neat.

Well... I am now down from 102 ---> 3 orbs, but I am a happy girl. :^_^:

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I managed to save up a grand total of 17 orbs, and they they drop a banner with Soren (and Titania) on it. 

I got a 3* Cecilia, 3* Cherche, 4* Beruka, 3* Nino, and finally 5* Titania!! Yes! Finally I can complete my cav team! Unfortunately she is +def/-spd, but that is an improvement over my current +spd/-atk 4*. I'm just going to slap darting blow on her and let hone cavalry take care of the rest. 

@Rezzy Titania enthusiasm!!

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Today's free pull was a bit more generous than yesterday's as I got a 4* this time in the form of Caeda. More Fortify Fliers is certainly never a bad thing. I also opened one of two colorless stones and got 4* Wrys. Not too bad at all.

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Free pull was a 4* Raven (+DEF -SPD). Love the character, but I've already got a +SPD -RES one at 5 stars. Decided to send him home since don't really use the defiant skills or Sol. And I've got enough Brave Axe fodder atm. (Though I might have heard Lucius whimper when I sent him off.) Total orbs saved: 77

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Did a full pull on Tempest Trials banner cause I'm cheap.

3* Est (+Spd -Def) crap

4* Odin (didn't bother to check) Moonbow

3* Cecilia (+Def -HP) crap

4* Marth (Neutral) WTF

And last but not least... Soren +Def -Res.

...as a 5*. I have a +Spd -HP Soren at 4* that I wasn't gonna use, so I guess I'll merge this 5* into him.

So not only did I get a 5* on my first summoning session of the TT Banner, but I also now have enough Bonus units for the Tempest Trial to clean sweep EVERYTHING with bonus stats. The gods clearly have taken pity on me...


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