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Tempest Trials Banner. 17 orbs accumulated. Mentally prepared to spend up to 15 orbs. The game is giving me 4 greens and 1 blue. Good-bye Ayra!




Perfect IV! Merged with my already +atk-spd +1

Cant complain. 

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So I figured I was will to drop a bit on an orb Pack. Got one Ayra. Res Boon/Spd Bane. Figured I may as well blow the rest of the orbs since I had 4 reds in that session. Woot! Another Ayra! She can't possibly have a worse Boon/Bane. Res Boon/Spd Bane.

*Throws phone through the window of IS HQ*


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Got my friends to pull for me after they showed an interest. Wasted another 50 or so orbs before my friend decided to focus really hard on pulling Ayra...

And I finally got Eldigan :D

5 5*'s in 250 orbs isn't bad - even if four are the same. Plus I got Mae as a 4*, who I haven't had before. Yet to check boons/banes, but expecting -Spd and -Atk all round xD

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41 minutes ago, Usana said:

So I figured I was will to drop a bit on an orb Pack. Got one Ayra. Res Boon/Spd Bane. Figured I may as well blow the rest of the orbs since I had 4 reds in that session. Woot! Another Ayra! She can't possibly have a worse Boon/Bane. Res Boon/Spd Bane.

*Throws phone through the window of IS HQ*


Literally my experience with getting Summer Corrin.

IV reset when.

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7 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

I finally joined the free 5★ club on the Ayra banner.

It even is a red hero.

It even is a sword hero.


It is a Roy.


@SatsumaFSoysoy @Arcanite @GuiltyLove @DefaultBeep 

I pulled a 5 star roy too back on Lilina and Ceci BHB

He was -Atk LOL

gratz on your TA fodder!

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Got Ayra.

After 130~ f2p orbs.

And 3 Eldigans.

Ayra is +def/-spd.


Oh well. What can a f2p player do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ really does suck that's she's not free 

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Welp, I've pulled for the Tempest Trials banner, and while I've yet to get me an Ayra, I did finally pull another swordswoman that I've been pining for.






Res bane, Def boon.  Could be better, but hey.  At least that Barte I've been holding onto finally got some use.

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I've finally been getting round to Chain Challenges, and done enough for a pull.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Priscilla (Hey look, not a dupe! +HP/-Res, I've had worse), 4* Barst (Least he's good fodder. +Res/-Spd), 5* Sigurd (ZIGLUDO-CHAN-SAN-SAMA-SENPAI-SAN-SAMA-SAN-CHAN-SAN-SEMPAI-CHAN! +Att/-HP, I feel bad pulling Brave Roy now), 4* Jagen (Least he can be fodder. +Att/-Spd. Why would I use this unless I really wanted a Grumpy Old Men party?), 3* Est (And trash once again.)

I got a 40% bonus unit, I'm okay with this.

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On 10/16/2017 at 9:22 AM, Anacybele said:

93 orbs trying for Sigurd and all I got was this... Meh.


Already had her, and this one's IVs are shitty. Merged Elincia isn't a bad thing though, so I can take it. But I'm still disappointed that I came away with no Sigurd.

It's even worse when this happens on limited banners. So salty for not getting Summer Elise. x.x

Only time ever in any Gatcha game to ever feel heartbroken for. x.x


Nice that mine was +Attk.

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Well I dumped some Chain Challenge orbs just to break the remaining pity I had. Got a Sword Lyn. I now have Staff Lyn, Sword Lyn, and Bow Lyn. Now all I need is a Dancing Lyn. Admit it Dancing Lyn would be cool. They should have made her the dagger dancer rather than Olivia. Then Lyn would have all your colorless needs met. What do you mean you don't have any Dagger or Staff needs?!

Of course it appears this banner is cursed because Lyn is speed bane just like Ayra. But at least Lyn gets something out of it. She is attack boon. With her Brash Assault + Sol Katti build a speed bane may not be insurmountable. That is it for this banner. I guess I just don't get a usable Ayra. I mean +Res/-Spd might make an interesting DC Build with the DD seal. But that requires brutally murdering Hector and changing her B Skill to something like Wrath maybe. I just really wanted a +spd one.  I could live with any bane if it had given me +spd. Yes even atk. I suppose I can swift fodder'em. Not sure who I would want to give it to though.

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So, I saved up 17 orbs via some still-unbeaten Chain Challenges, and managed a session with two red orbs.


The first pull was a 4* Raigh.  The second...








The pull was +HP/-Res.  Can't complain too much - at least the Spd and Att were left untouched as far as banes, and I suppose a few extra HP can't hurt, and I can give her a pseudo-speed boon with the eventual forging of a Speed +3 seal.


Gotta say, I'm a happy camper right now.  First a Lyn yesterday, then a Ayra today.  I'll try for a Sigurd later in the month after I've gotten some more CC and TT orbs.  After that, me thinks I'll actually give this orb saving thing a shot

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My free summon was...

Another 4*Lilina

But with bad Ivs, so I keep the first one I got before... Idk what to do with the new one, maybe I merge them for a 4*+1Lilina

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On 16/10/2017 at 8:15 AM, Okigen said:

OMG Right on the third pull. Thank you IS.

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Second round on Geneology banner. I can hardly believe my luck. Judgral folks love me! (Thanks guys, I love you too).




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Well, I've got some more orbs. Let's go for Ayra again.

  1. 3* Hinata: Damn. No other red orbs either, so I'm going to have to bail.

Amazing how the past 20 potential units I've been given only had 1 red among them. Anyway...

  1. 3* Oboro: No red orbs again! What kind of nonsense is this?!

Going to burn a stamina potion and get the rest of the new orbs. Such BS...

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Well hot ziggidy! The easiest mode of the new developer maps gave me enough orbs to snipe a couple of reds and greens for Sigurd and Deirdre and ended up with yet another off focus pity breaker. But this time it was Soren!! Yess! I don’t even have to scrounge up feathers for a promotion! And -spd means there’s no question about which is getting merged!

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And I'm back. My pity rate's actually gone up from all of my failures, so maybe I'll be lucky.

  1. 4* Stahl: Apparently not. And again, only 1 red orb. That makes 2 out of 30! Does anyone know what the odds of that are?

Two more red orbs. Let's pray to Naga.

  1. 3* Sophia: Nope. There is actually a second red orb this time, so let's go. Charge!
  2. 5* Eldigan: Wrong red focus unit! Still relieved I got someone useful before I lost my sanity. +Spd/-Res, which would have been fantastic for Ayra but works pretty well on him too.

I'm simultaneously relieved and infuriated.

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You're not the right Friege thunder mage, screw off. Well, it was fun while it lasted, but I guess I no longer have an excuse to not join the dark side since this guy is exactly what he wants to be (+Atk/-Spd). I had four chances at Tailtiu in my latest pull but ended up with the above, 4* Est sentient garbage, 4* Shanna and 3* M!Robin. The fifth stone was a colorless and gave me 3* Setsuna.

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