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I must try again. But there's something else first:

Block A:

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (Lucky me)

3* Nino (Number 16 guys. Her nature sucks.)

Block B:

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Not lucky me)

4* Marth (It's been a long seeing him again: +Def/-HP is better than the first one I pulled)

Now, back to tears.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue (No Celica for me then...)

4* Camilla (Well, least I have Savage Blow for Asshat. She is +Spd though. Is that worth is?), 5* Spring Camilla (Well, it took 7 months, but I have the first magic flier. Frankly, I'd prefer Summer Corrin, but whatever. +HP/-Spd sadly, she won't be doubling Rein any time soon.), 3* Setsuna (Well, it's more Bowbreaker.), 4* Klein (This is more like it for fodder.Neutral, so worse than my +Atk. Who wants DB?), 4* Abel (Another +Atk Abel, but he's -Def. Good fodder.)

It could have been saltier. No Celica, Genny or Bridelia for me though. :(

Least I have a lot of fodder while I save away.

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Managed to build up 9 orbs on the last day of thr 8% banner and decided to make a last attempt at getting a better IV Celica.

And I got her on the only red orb in that session. She’s +Atk/-HP so she’s MUCH better than the other two I already have (+Res/-Atk and +HP/-Spd). 

I also spent the final four orbs on a green orb. Got a 3* Gunter lol.

I can finally leave this banner in peace.

Edited by Levin's Scarf
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I got two Ikes, two Hectors, and two Deirdres on the legendary heroes banner with around 200 orbs. The green 5 stars are stalking me~

My first 5 star pull was an Ike and he was -speed +defense. I pulled another Ike a little later; he was -HP +resistance. My original Ike was -defense +resistance so I merged both Ikes into the -HP one. My second 5 star was Hector. I really wanted distant counter fodder so I wouldn't have minded a terrible nature Hector because my first was neutral but my first Hector pull was -HP +defense... I decided to take the gamble and merge since I didn't want to give up old Hector's skills and have to teach my new and improved Hector everything all over again. My third 5 star was Deirdre. She was +speed like my original but this one was -attack. The next Deirdre that appeared was -speed +resistance. The -attack Deirdre was immediately sacrificed to the Barst who will save the world (gave him quick riposte 3). I am probably not merging her so I'll just keep an extra copy lying around for quick riposte 3/speed ploy fodder. Today I purchased some more orbs in hopes of getting another Hector. Thankfully Hector came to slay my pity rate (10.5) - he was the one I wanted the most. He was -HP +attack but I sacrificed him to Barst anyway because I don't know the next time Hector will come around and I was using Barst more than him even before Barst had distant counter.

I also wanted Bridal Cordelia but she continues to elude me (maybe I need to stop sacrificing her daughter for triangle adept and reposition...). A better boon/bane for Celica (crippled by - speed +resistance), Spring Camilla, Spring Xander, and Fjorm would have been nice too but I did walk away with my main objective fulfilled plus some other improvements and a lot of skill fodder so I'm not too bad off; my barracks are padded pretty well. I must say though that I'm gonna cut way back on the orb expenditure lol. It drains the fun when you throw 80+ at a banner don't get even half of what you actually wanted. I suppose that's the nature of the beast.

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Okay, managed to scrape up enough orbs for one last pull on the Legendary banner. Here's hoping for some more luck.

  1. 3* Lissa: Not a good start.
  2. 4* Mae: Bleh.
  3. 4* Hinata: Screw you.
  4. 4* Jagen: Please no...
  5. 4* A!Tiki: Goddamnit.

That sucks. I ended up blowing 60 more orbs on this banner for nothing except a 4* Mathilda. A total of 135 orbs spent, 5 5* units obtained. Genny and Celica with bad IVs for merging, Summer Xander who's just terrible, Bride Cordelia with bad IVs, and Bride Caeda with good IVs. 

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ARGH!!! Damn freaking Hector keeps cock blocking me from getting SF!Camilla. He did it three times! I am going to mutilate his fat ass to give someone Distant Counter and send him back to Elibe so he can die again.

Just needed to rant. I wish my budget was bigger. Hopefully they will release SF!Camilla again next year.

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Uhhh ...

I got a 5-star Oscar as my free summon on the Children of Fates banner.

Well, I'm not pulling on this banner anymore!

EDIT: Yeah, he's +atk -def. And I'm definitely not getting anything else good on this banner now XD

Edited by Sunwoo
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Got a 3* Eliwood and a  4* Roy from the new banner. I figured I'd pull both red orbs just in case. I thought about pulling the rest of the summon since they were blue, but I'd rather save my orbs. It looks like none of the characters from the last banner got demoted. Kind of a pity, but to be expected.

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Children of Fate - 61 orbs spent:

  1. 3* Sophia
  2. 4* Stahl
  3. 4* Est
  4. 4* Palla
  5. 4* Est
  6. 4* Mae
  7. 3* Oboro
  8. 3* Selena
  9. 3* Hinata
  10. 4* Subaki
  11. 4* Oboro
  12. 5* Soleil (+Atk/-Def)
  13. 3* Jagen
  14. 3* Subaki
  15. 3* Shanna

Yay, my pink-haired Fates daughter came to me as +Atk!  She's who I wanted the most.  Now I'm going to snipe blues for Shiro from now on!  :):

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Legendary Heroes Summoning 

About 160 orbs 

1 *5 Hector: +ATK/-DEF 

2 *5 Deirdre: +Def/-Res/Neutral IV

2 *5 Celica: +Res/-HP/ +ATK/-DEF

1 *5 Genny: +RES/-DEF 

2 *4: Oscar: +SPD/-RES (would have been nice if he showed up in the Duantless Crimean Banner)

1 *4: Tailtu: +SPD/-RES

Although I got Celica (my most wanted unit from the banner), it would have been nice if I could have got more of the focus units. Overall, good haul. 

Free summon for Children of Fates Banner 

1 *5: Shiro: +SPD/-DEF (not sure if those are good IVs but I’ll take it) 

Hoping that Soliel doesn’t get in my way of trying to get Siegbert.

Edited by Paris
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4* Fir (+Spd, -Res) was my freebie for Children of Fate with the rest of the set being nothing but colorless. It's like the game is mocking me for my second failure at getting Bridelia or something. 

Speaking of which, yeah I came up empty on the last three pulls I could make on the legendary banner. No Bridelia yet again for this miserable sap, just 4* Clarine (the last one I needed to complete my +10 4* Clarine, for what it's worth), 4* Niles and 3* Matthew. I'd still call the banner a success given I got half of the eight focus characters I didn't have going into it. It's just a shame it had to end with a whimper.

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My free pull on Children of Fate was a 3* Stahl. There were two other red orbs in the circle, so I figured I'd spend the 8 orbs and pull them. A Draug and another Stahl, both 3*. If that's not a sign to avoid this banner and wait until Soleil comes back eventually (preferably in a banner without another red focus), I don't know what is. Back to saving we go.

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@Vaximillian @DefaultBeepumm maybe  @Cute Chao @MrSmokestack?

Did a YOLO final pull on 8% banner.

Sadly no 5 stars. Unfortunately i caved in and spent a full summon session of orbs on my main account, since there were 3 greens, 1 red and 1 colourless- all colours I wanted.

What I did get though was a +Atk/-Res Barst (better than -HP?), +Def/-Res Gunter and +Spd/-HP Hana! Also a Sheena and Saizo but they were -Atk- still pretty good natures all around I guess? 

Final 8% summon for second account was a +HP/-Spd Henry (was running out of G Tomebreaker) and a +Spd/-Res Arthur which is decent? (although I have a +Atk one being trained)

So no more 5 stars but I did get some serviceable natures and good fodder.

And now...the long awaited Children of Fate banner! Sucks I blew a lot of orbs for the 8% but let's just wing it:

Main account:

1 blue for free summon- +Atk/-HP Mae! Holy cow, definitely building her up since I need more blue mages! She's going to have a beast Atk stat!

2nd session had no blues so I just picked a random red orb and:


SOLEIL! Cool, even though I wonder the royal princes more, but I'm fine with Little Miss Firesweep! Then I find out she's sadly +Def/-Spd but at least I have her!

3rd session had 4 blues...I should know better that means it's not a good thing. Got a +HP/-Def Nowi, +Def/-Atk Oboro, urgggh Est and a +Atk/-Res Sully (Okay this one's pretty okay although I already trained a +Atk/-HP one)

Two more blue snipes gave me +Atk/-HP Subaki and a +Def/-Spd Odin. Ah well, only had  5 orbs left, best to save up for 20 then....

Second account:

First summon had 2 blues- neutral 4 star Donnel and a +Atk/-HP Jagen. Hmmm he definitely likes +Atk, but not sure if I want to raise him up all the way from 3 star- I severely lack Jagens in this account anyway.

2nd summon-  had no blues. Picked red, and it was another 3 star Henry fodder! (I wanted you back in Halloween why show up now?)

3rd summon- 1 blue.



So happy! It's the little cheese of Hoshido himself! DEFINITELY makes up for a disappointing 8% banner end. I was so excited I picked a red orb for 4 orbs to see if I could get Siegbert but it was only a 3 star Stahl.

Then I realised I should have looked at Shiro's boon/bane first and..... +Spd/-Atk. Dammit. Spd is a decent bane but -Atk is disappointing although 32 Atk is okay I guess. Better than -Spd?

I had 11 orbs, I decided to take a chance for another Shiro. 1 blue orb:


Well damn that's a random pitybreaker! +Res/-HP Ephraim- probably his worst boon but hey at least Nino can finally have a buffing partner!


So yeah that was a bit of a ride. I'll start collecting orbs again firstuntil I get to 20 in case I get a full blue summon session. Or wait for next banner announcement.

Kind of ironic how fast I've gotten the 5 stars in the Fates banner compared to the 8% banner. Sadly at the price of -Spd/-Atk Then again, the 8% banner gave me good fodder or good-natured 4 star units so it's a bit of a mixed bag.

@Vaximillian Desire sensor is a cruel mistress. If I do get my favourites they are destined to be -Atk like Hector, Ike, Shiro, Hinoka and Celica.

Edited by mcsilas
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Got Shiro in about 30 orbs! He's +atk/-def so I'm debating whether or not to go the Brave Lance build or not. While Siegbert and Soleil would be nice, I have no orbs left and I usually get 1 or 2 pity breaker reds before I actually get the focus unit I want so I'm done with this banner

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Seventy five orbs on Children of Fate and nothing. Wow. That’s the first time I’ve left a banner without a 5-Star unit. Which, of course, just meant I was due. I’ll wait til the Christmas banner is revealed before I decide if I want to make use of this 3.75% pity rate. 

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