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Sacred Stones Banner #2...

After getting an -atk +def Myrrh rather early, I went to go snipe reds for Eirika2 and ended up getting spooked by Sigurd, M!Corrin and Camilla before getting Eirika2 that has...+def -hp. Not ideal but I’ll take it. I’m done with this banner. 

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2 minutes ago, Stroud said:

After 110 Orbs I got Abel pity breaker...
I dislike this banner already. And it was stupid to pull too much.
If Tharja and Loki are in the Legendary banner...I will truly regret this.

I don't think Legendary Banners can have anything but 5* exclusives, so that rules out Tharja. We can actually narrow down the options for the upcoming two banners pretty well.

Making the following assumptions:

- One new Legendary Hero of either Grey or Red
- Units from both Summer banners
- One CYL unit per banner

Based on that, we can definitively say there will be no "random" green units on either of the next two banners. Gunnthra takes two slots, then there are three green seasonals, plus Bike.

There will only be one "random" blue unit to fit alongside two seasonals plus Lancina.

Red is admittedly pretty wide open, with either three or four units depending on whether this month's Legendary Hero is red or grey.

Two or three grey units, again depending on which Legendary Hero slot is filled first.



Red is Summer Leo, Fire Legendary, 3-4 others, in any configuration.

Blue is going to be Fjorm + two out of Lancina, Summer Corrin, Summer Robin, and someone else, for both months.

Green is fixed at Gunnthra + (Elise or Xander) + (Tikini or Bike) for both months.

Grey will have Summer Freddybear one month and Summer Gaius the other, plus whatever.

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Went into the banner with 175 orbs and I left it with just under 90. 

I managed to come out with horse Erika +hp/-res but frankly I am way more excited about the 4* Soren, Tailtiu, Subaki I pulled. With those two my Soren is now +7 and Ike has QR3 and Drive Spd! 

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16 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I don't think Legendary Banners can have anything but 5* exclusives, so that rules out Tharja. We can actually narrow down the options for the upcoming two banners pretty well.

I don't mean Tharja, I mean the other Tharja (I assumed that readers know that I mean christmas Tharja). Which has the skill Sheena Needs.
I mean who in the right mind would want a 4* on a banner. (Forgive my saltiness)

I will Change my strategy for the future. As a f2p Player I guess I should value legendary banner more. They will come from time to time.
And no pity breakers after 100+ orbs At least not those who are 4* anyway.

Edited by Stroud
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1 minute ago, Stroud said:

I don't mean Tharja, I mean the other Tharja. Which has the skill Sheena needs.

Well there are the Ylissean Summer, Nohrian Summer, Performing Arts and Halloween banners in the way of that...

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So... this is freaking stupid. Or a blessing disguised as the weirdest curse yet seen by human eyes.

I did 2 summons from the new banner, right? Thinking "It'd be pretty neat to get Myrrh the flying dragon, or L'arachel the hero of heroes!"

First summon, Frederick, Shanna, Merric, Gunter... and Lute. Fucking Lute. +Res -HP.

Second summon, Virion, Oscar, Eliwood, 3* Lazlow... and 5* Seth. +Atk -HP.

So I now have all the heroes from the Sacred Stones... EXCEPT the heroes released today. While summoning from the Sacred Memories banner.

...this is what I get for being so lucky on Radiant Dawn banner, isn't it?

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So since I really needed a good Res blue mage, I tried for Micaiah for a bit...

Got Nowi. +Def/-Spd. Workable, finally a non -Atk one.

Next summon session? Another Nowi -__-

And a Robin M, Bonfire fodder is always nice although he's 3 star.

Second account gave me a +Atk/-Res 4 star Lukas though! I already have a trained +Def/-Spd one...I'm not sure who to choose now!

Also a meh Florina and a meh Cordelia who can be my poor man's TA fodder.

Now for the SS banner- spoiler alert: no 5 stars. At least there was 1 green orb per session.

First account gave me a 3 star +Spd Draug, 4 star Jagen, 4 star Frederick and Merric. Interestingly, I also got a +Atk/-Spd Tiki at 3 star! Now I can finally build her up properly!

Second account gave me a Merric, 3 star Olivia and a 3 star Shanna. Also a Camilla in the next session who gave my Genny Savage Blow.

Also since I have no Myrrh, I just upgraded my new duplicate Nowi and fed her Lightning Breath+ to my newly trained Fae. Sure Myrrh stats overshadow her but Reinhardt checks are always nice (and I sure am not going to get a dupe Hector anytime soon if I ever get Myrrh)

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2 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Well there are the Ylissean Summer, Nohrian Summer, Performing Arts and Halloween banners in the way of that

Which would be good for me. Because that means we will see her in a future legendary banner. 
But I hope that earth legendary comes before fire legendary (or red) as you expect . If these are other Units than Laevantein I likely won't care that much. But who knows..

And again, forgive my saltiness. If my writing turned out to be grumpy. 

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@LordFrigid @Sunwoo

Sorry to say that 2 is a defense bane. 


So I went to the fodder banner hoping to get some more Barsts. First session had only one green. It was a 3 star Barst. Trying for a 4 star - I don't want to spend and additional 2000 feathers on top of 20000 unless I have to. Next session also had one green. 

Oh yeah, I forgot he's one of the 5 star focus units as well. 22000 feathers saved! I guess these will go towards Lyon instead~

With the additional orbs from the new chapter and quests I tried for at least one of the focus units on the new banner. My priority was Eirika but Myrrh would be great too. As much as I love L'Arachel, she really doesn't bring anything special to the table.

I got Myrrh in 40 orbs; she's -HP +attack! 

I saw that some people weren't sure if Myrrh could inherit flier buffs:

side note: Sothe is now available as a 4 star. Fingers crossed for 4 star life and death 3 fodder!

Edited by Momentai~
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Three tries, and I get the new Eirika. I'm still iffy about her, but I won't knock it, my luck has been awful until now.

Also, pulled 5* Abel on the Micaiah banner a few days ago as a pity breaker. Decided to keep him because I really like him, plus he helps me a lot in SD.

Edited by Lau
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Yeah so I did the free pull and finished up the whole thing with nothing to speak of. Went to spend another 20 which would bring me down to 35 orbs. 3 orbs of garbage, opened one~



Didn't see that coming. He's +HP/-ATK so that's pretty useless and I already have Xander, a +ATK Cain at +1 and a +ATK Brave Roy so he's pretty redundant. But hey it's a new unit and that's neat.

Opened the last one and~



Oh hey it's you again. This is my 3rd pitybreaker effie actually so that's something. I've never pulled her at *4 which makes it even funnier. +HP/-SPD so meh but I guess she'll be a merge for my +1 Effie so that's cool.

No focus units, but two *5's in 35 orbs is hard to get mad at, even if they're pitybreakers.

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Operation Name: Kidnap a Dragon Loli 
Operation Status: Complete 
Rank: A+ 
Resources used: 30x Orbs
Reward- Myrrh (neutral)
4* Draug
4* Donnel 
4* Cherche 
5* Roderick (def/spd)
4* Boey 
4* Oscar

Edited by Mackc2
I can't spell her bloody name right
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While Heirika is probably a bad idea to encourage, it's still a new banner and she's a red horse.

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless (No Heirika then. :P)

3* Barst (This is more like it.), 3* Arthur (This too), 3* M!Robin (Unnecessary feather spending all up in this house), 4* Jagen (Well it's Fortify Cav. If only I had more cavs to use it on. HINT. HINT), 4* Jeorge (Well, this sucks too to be fair, but he has Spur Spd)

3.25% now.

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless (Again, pretty sure I'm being told something)

4* Arthur (He's fodder), 4* Lukas (Oh look, it's pretty much an armour. +Def/-Spd. Think I have this already), 3* Donnel (It's Ol' Donny! Haven't seen him in a bit), 4* Oboro (Is her nature good? +HP/-Def, sadly.), 3* Clarine (Most useless type of inheritance!)

3.5%. What a waste. Least the Lukas has a better nature than my current one.

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless (WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?)

3* Eliwood (Well, Ward Cav), 3* Raigh (Feck! I avoided him for so long!), 4* Hinata (Kind of threw me off when he took so long. Fury is Fury), 4* Gunter (I have plenty of cavalry boosters, give new cavalry please), 4* Maria (Blanked for a second).

Well, 3.75%.

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I haven’t pulled a focus unit off a banner with new units since Halloween. Fortunately, when it rains, it pours as I managed to get L'Arachel and Eirika with just 30 orbs!  

Natures were either meh (+Hp -Def for L'Arachel) or god fucking dammit (+Res -Spd for Eirika).  All my 5-Star red cavalry have been either -Atk(Luke) or -Spd(Eirika/Sigurd)...except Leo, and I really wish I could trade off his +Spd. Fortunately, cavalry units are better equipped to deal with a bad bane with their lovely buffs. 

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@Zeo Wow, at least you got some 5 stars out of it!

That said your Luke looks like a mega Panic Ploy abuser (or inheritor) with that +HP

Effie can be Death Blow fodder if you don't have Kleins

Also seeing as how Sothe is now 4* colorless just became a lot more appealing in the future. Hope you get him, too haha


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So I bought a 75 pack for this. I really hope for Myrrh but I figured my first round I would pull everything that has a focus. Got a +ATK/-SPD L'Archel. Since she wasn't super huge on my pull list, this means I effectively don't have to pull blue anymore! However, it also means I don't start near 3.25 pity since she was the last orb I opened.

I dropped to 34 orbs and got me a Neutral Great Dragon(my luck is insane today!). I wish she was +DEF but hey at least she isn't -DEF, right? It is very odd. All my rounds except the first were 1 colorless, 2 greens, 2 blues. Wonder if I should go after a +DEF Myrrh? Next Round - 4 reds, 1 colorless. Yeah, I think that is a message from above not to get greedy, what do you think?

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Used the free summon on the SS banner and got a +SPD/-ATK Clair. Free pull no bitching.
 Still, I feel like every 5* Blue Unit I pull is either -Atk or -Spd, which make my pool of blue units very low and probably it's the reason I don't enjoy AA too much.

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Did my free pull.

3* Donnel.

About sums up the banner for me xD

I really hope we finally get a male legendary hero (and a handsome one at that... yes, shallow I know, but I want what I want ^.^'') so I can go to town pulling on that one instead.

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