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My trek in the legendary banner landed me VL Ike (I can fight for my friends even more now) , Summer Xander (free infantry pulse), PA Azura (I've waited since October to get her since i got 4 inigos instead, so i'm a very happy weeb) 

Edited by Papa Brando
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For some reason, I can't save my orbs. XD Decided to have one last hurrah on Hero Fest because I wanted to get Wrath fodder for Raven. I was pity broken by a Mae (+ATK -DEF) which I merged into my +SPD -DEF Mae. I'm not angry though. I really like using her even if she's not the BEST blue mage out there, but that brings her up to +3 and 51/40 offenses! I'm thinking of doing a kind of -owl support build which includes supporting her up with either Boey or maybe Innes so when they're next to each other, they each get +4 to every stat not including any spurs/hones/rallys/drives that might be in play.

I decided to pull the two green orbs as well and got another Brave Ike. XD So I guess I have Steady Breath fodder...but IDK who to give it to. There's always Lukas, but he's got ATK/DEF bond for the time being. I've got a +DEF Nephenee who might enjoy it... And of course there are always dragons. But Adult Tiki is my main dragon, and she's currently running Distant DEF which is pretty great.


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The voice in my head is a filthy liar. And it always has been, dunno why I always listen to it.

Impulsive summon for Eirika once more with no pity rate.

4* Lilina +Atk -Spd - I have just replaced my +Atk -HP with a +Atk -Def, and now another potential replacement, weird.
4* Soleil +Atk -Spd - What works for Lilina definitely does not work for Soleil
4* Arthur +Res -HP


I hope the Valentine's banner is boring.

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Well, I actually managed to fish out Sigurd from Hero Fest 3 without too much fuss and with a pristine +Spd/-Res combo no less. And with him, I now have all the currently released Jugdral characters and have them all at 5 star rarity as well. Now to bide my time until the 9th I suppose.




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Decided to try one last go at the fodder banner before it vanishes. Aim: Kleins or Roys/Hinatas.

Main account: a 3 star Hinata (isn't the better 4 star rate the appeal of the banner?!), a 4 star Setsuna and a 3 star Lissa. Ah well, still a decent pull even if I really wanted one more Klein.

Second account: only 1 colourless orb, rest are blue/green which I didn't care for. 4 star Setsuna.

Sure. Decent pull I guess, at least it wasn't Rebecca. Setsuna's been upgaded as a better fodder anyway although I wish I pulled a 5 star one for easier Guard Bow fodder. That said I don't think I have anyone that needs a Guard Bow right now anyway.

Edited by mcsilas
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Time for another try at the Hero Fest.

  1. 4* Lachesis: Meh.
  2. 4* Niles: More Iceberg fodder.
  3. 4* Oboro: No thanks.
  4. 3* Donnel: Worthless.
  5. 4* Mamui: Bleh.

Come on, FEH, what did I do to upset you? Hopefully I can scrape up enough for one more try here.

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Just did my last planned full pull for Hero Fest before saving orbs for (hopefully) the rest of the month.

*3 Cherche, *3 Jagen, *4 Lukas and 2 *3 Wrys.

That was probably the most disgusting pool I've ever had. Complete with bad natures. So bad in fact that I had to send the two Wrys' home just out of disgust. I would love a Neph for Lyn or a B!Lyn for Matthew, but I doubt I'll get another 20 orbs in time and I'm not about to grind away either. I'm done.

@KMT4ever So this is how you feel when you pull....

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Another doomed attempt in the dying embers of the SS banner.

3* Sophia +HP -Res
3* Cherche +HP -Spd
4* Gunter +Spd -Def

With only 8 orbs and only tomorrow's orbs to get, there will be no possibility of a full summon unless we get a surprise event. I'll have thirteen by my count, two login orbs, two daily map orbs, and one developer map orb. It truly will be last chance saloon tomorrow.

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@mcsilas @eclipse

So I'm just going to do the free pull on this banner. Amelia is one of my favorite characters from FE8 along with Ross and Ewan but I don't like my chances and red and blue are better fodder colors. I don't really need a Tana but I like her so I'll shoot for her if there's no red. More than anything though an Elincia would be great so I'll shoot for red.

Oh look... 4 green stones and one colorless. Free pull: *3 Cherche. WELP maybe Matthew's in the colorless stone... but nope I'm going to spend 4 of my only 5 orbs and go for another one of the green stones. Maybe I'll get another Barst. The reposition fodder has been flooding in and that's always good.



...WELP. Didn't see that coming. Funny she's +HP/-RES so she has the exact same nature as my Hector. With this I have one of my favorites and actually have all the non seasonal armors. That's 3 *5 Green axes in the span of 5 days. My greens are gaining in number, seriously loving it.

I doubt I'm going to summon on this banner again. An Elincia would be nice, but I'm not going to push my luck.

Edited by Zeo
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Free summon from the Movement Skills banner was a +Atk/-Res 4* Seth, who replaces the +Atk/-HP one I'd been keeping. Not bad.

17 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

With only 8 orbs and only tomorrow's orbs to get, there will be no possibility of a full summon unless we get a surprise event. I'll have thirteen by my count, two login orbs, two daily map orbs, and one developer map orb. It truly will be last chance saloon tomorrow.

Unless if I'm mistaken, the version update is supposed to go up sometime today (and if not today, then tomorrow) according to the event schedule and with it, a new Squad Assault and four two orbs probably.

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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

Free summon from the Movement Skills banner was a +Atk/-Res 4* Seth, who replaces the +Atk/-HP one I'd been keeping. Not bad.

Unless if I'm mistaken, the version update is supposed to go up somtime today (and if not today, then tomorrow) according to the event schedule and with it, a new Squad Assault and four orbs probably.

Hmm, it's a little hard to tell because version updates don't happen at reset time, so the calendar saying the 7th of February, Pacific Time gets really confusing. But yeah, around 20 hours from now would be a reasonable guess. I realise too now that I haven't even done the previous Squad Assault so that might be two sets of two orbs. Might get to the 17 orb mark I guess. If I want to grind out the 10th stratum armour/infantry/horse quests I can get to 20. Or do the double chapter Lunatic Chain Challenges but I'm not enough of a masochist to do that.

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optimal bane and +HP works even if you keep Earth Boost. 

As for me I wanted to try for Tana. Or an Amelia since Christmas Lissa would love Armour March.

no blue stones though. What i did get was a +Spd/-HP Raven at 4 star though! @Rafiel's Aria maybe i can do the Quad build! Although i already have a +Atk/-Res and i wish this new one was -Res instead but i think i'll wait for the weapon update to see which one is more ideal. Don't really have space to keep both though but we'll see..

tried for the other green stone and got a meh 4 star Cherche. Oh well, 24 orbs so i need to wait for trailer before soending any last minute Hero Fest/Myrrh snipes

for my main free pull was a 3 star Corrin-F. There were 3 red stones which were intimidating and i would like a non -Spd Elincia but gave me the wrong flier. 3 star +Atk/-Res Palla. Oh well, useful fodder at least

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Free pull from Movement Skills, 4 red and 1 colorless.

...go for the colorless because screw it I'm feeling lucky.

...4* Sothe. LnD3 fodder.

...yeah if you're stuck in colorless hell, it's because I hog all the decent colorless pulls.

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I did some final summons on the fodder banner before it expired. I was looking for a +attack Barst so I decided to go for greens only. The banner had other plans. The first session had no greens so I chose a red hoping for Hinata. I got Laslow. The second session also had no greens so I chose a red again. I got Corrin. Did I mention both of them were five star?  Unfortunately they're both not all that coveted in terms of the skills they unlock at 5 star and their boons/banes aren't the best so I will just let them sit there until I get around to promoting their better boon/bane four star versions and merge them. I only had 6 orbs left after that so I was expecting a session with 5 green orbs going in. Thankfully there was only one green orb and it was Barst! -HP +speed. I will save him as a merge base just in case I decide to overhaul his skills in a way that favors speed over attack. Still hunting for +attack -HP. 

The free summon from the movement skills banner was Cherche. She was promptly sacrificed so Bride Lyn could finally get attack +3.

This might seem a bit odd to say but I'm hoping for another staff user on the next banner. All of the ones I have are very close to their hero merit cap if they haven't reached it already. It will be even better if the staff user has dazzling or wrathful staff. We shall see.

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2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

no blue stones though. What i did get was a +Spd/-HP Raven at 4 star though! @Rafiel's Aria maybe i can do the Quad build! Although i already have a +Atk/-Res and i wish this new one was -Res instead but i think i'll wait for the weapon update to see which one is more ideal. Don't really have space to keep both though but we'll see..

I'm running my +SPD Raven, and he absolutely rocks. I switch between his quad build and his Slaying Axe build depending on my mood, but he's easily rocking 50+ SPD which is absolutely sweet! He'd do pretty well with +ATK too. This update can't come soon enough. 

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A new banner, a free pull.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* M!Robin (Well that's meh.)

I shouldn't get my hopes up. Back to saving orbs.

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7 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I'm running my +SPD Raven, and he absolutely rocks. I switch between his quad build and his Slaying Axe build depending on my mood, but he's easily rocking 50+ SPD which is absolutely sweet! He'd do pretty well with +ATK too. This update can't come soon enough. 

Sweet. Actually yeah, I could have both weapons (and Basilikos) if I ever want to build him up.

I'm excited for it now, it only took just over a year but I finally have a good natured Raven.

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I’m having a night where sleep is not coming easily so I caved and did a bit of pulling because 1am Ivy has very little self control. 3am Ivy does not regret this decision for once!

I went for the hero fest banner because I want all of them on there Ben though this banner was not kind to me when it first dropped. 

Pull 1:


some good fodder, welcome Roy #3 glad to see you. 

Pull 2:


THAT’S what I’m talking about! Yes please! bIke and Sigurd were my last pulls on this so I was not hopeful when I started and got not even fodder. 

But I am very happy with this! Sigurd was one of the last characters I really really want but had not pulled, so he is more than welcome. And this bIke officially makes him my most pulled 5* exclusive by a long shot. I now have a +4 bIke. 

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I've already got everyone on this new banner, so I'll shoot for Tana on the free pull to get one with better IVs.

  1. 5* Cain: Or not...Thanks, 4 colorless orbs. He's not Elincia, never mind Tana, but I'm not going to complain about a free 5*.

That went very well. I can't say I have a niche for Cain what with Xander and B!Roy, but whatever, a 5* is a 5*.

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