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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

Thanks! Ephraim would be nice because of the legendary stuff and Shiro is decent fodder (Steady Stance, DEF Tactic). I still have to wait for Saturday if Cordelia will be featured on the 4* banner.

So you're doing the same thing I am then. I'm really tempted to pull for possessed Celica or even Hector/Lilina off the Valentine's banner (since I totally skipped that to save for this) because I have way more orbs left than I expected to after securing both Hinoka and a new Corrin.  I'll wait to see that 4* banner plus the new heroes banner that's around the corner too before I decided.

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14 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

So you're doing the same thing I am then. I'm really tempted to pull for possessed Celica or even Hector/Lilina off the Valentine's banner (since I totally skipped that to save for this) because I have way more orbs left than I expected to after securing both Hinoka and a new Corrin.  I'll wait to see that 4* banner plus the new heroes banner that's around the corner too before I decided.

I'd like to get a Hardin, because my armor team misses someone like him (or Lyn), but Celica is also cool (too bad she is infantry/sword). My orbs are pretty low now, but we'll get some tomorrow with the monthly missions (and the water blessing/3 heroes missions). 

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Nice @Zeo! Lucky haul!

Okay my turn.

@Cute Chao @Vaximillian @mampfoid

Main target- a mage flier in Summer Corrin. I wouldn't mind being pitybroken by Ephraim I guess, and as much as I like Shiro....I'm hoping he stays away this time. Or come with a better nature then that's fine.

Starting with my second account- I had 70 Orbs. I was actually nervous since the last legendary banner made me work for that Axura who turned out -Spd anyway. It was probably one of my worst banner hunts because of the lack of green orbs.

I was now down to 49 orbs and then-



The one unit I really wanted! And she turns out to be +Atk/-Res!?!?!? I was so scared especially after my unsuccessful Vector hunt, so it's good that my luck finally turns around after about 3-4 sessions of sniping. I really needed this, thank you gacha lords! Or Anna.


Okay, now let's move on to my main account. I had 158 orbs, which is a healthy amount, and I was mostly saving it for when Summer Corrin came anyway. Free summon was a 4-pull (ignored Red) because I low key want Olivia as well.

Nothing special but it did include Jeorge which I hadn't seen in forever. Session 2 had no blue so I picked colourless and it was another Jeorge.

So pretty much sniping and when I was down to 110 orbs I got-


Well now. I'm okay with this- it's my first ever legendary hero summon.+Atk/-Spd as well! Pretty good, although Spd is a superbane but it's an okay dump stat anyway from what I hear?

I had 110 orbs- I pushed my luck. Getting some good fodder along the way, including many Shannas and some Robins. 

So down to 65 orbs and-


My bro. Not like this. This is the 2nd time you pitybroken me. +Res/-Atk which is somehow worse than my other +Res/-Spd Shiro. I'm not even sure if I should merge him to +3 or save him for Steady Breath/Def Tactic fodder...

Tried some more but now down to 51 orbs so I think I should probably stop. I kind of don't want to be pitybroken by the other 2 again while trying for Corrin. Maybe I'll wait for more free orbs and do a last minute pull- but I'm fairly happy I guess. At least I got the Corrin in the other account- so my luck shifts back to my second account.

Looks like no LA Lyn or LA Roy hunts for my main account anymore.


But wait. The story doesn't end yet.

Now that I got who I wanted in my second account, I resume my hunt for Vector. First session had 3 blues and no green, so I pick blue and-


.....Really? Wrong banner my boy! 

....And he's +Res/-Atk. Again worse than my current +Spd/-Atk Shiro. Looks like this pitybreaker followed me from my main account!?!? So combined with my main account that's 3 pitybreaker Shiros in just the span of 1 week!

It took me until session 3 to finally get 1 green orb and it was just a Hawkeye.

Okay I think I'll call it a night. As much as I like the guy I really don't know if I should merge my Shiros or save him for fodder now.

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I knew this would happen. 280 orbs - one goal. Ephraim. A Summer Corrin would also be nice.

Shiro pity broke me twice, so hopefully one is a good boon/bane.

Summer Corrin also broke me twice - so one better be awesome!

No Ephraim -.- 280 orbs gone. I knew I'd hate pulling on legendary banners and I was correct >.< I didn't get any more 5*'s than I'd normally expect, and they were all repeats, apart from the first Summer Corrin. At least I have a mage flier now :) Really want that Ephraim, though. Not spending money on this to get more Shiros and Corrins, however. Might just have to wait for next time.



On my work pc so can't see the pics but it looks like you've had the same or similar luck to me - except with different priorities xD

Wait, reread it... you did get an Ephraim. Jealous reigns.

Edited by Cute Chao
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Went through my 3-4 star pile from earlier and picked out the highlights:

+Atk -Res Ogma - will be the base of my 4* merge project I think. Without his Brave Sword+ I don't know if speed might become preferable though.
+Atk -HP Cain - Obviously he's too valuable to merge but I guess this is now the one I keep over my +Atk -Spd one.
+Atk -Res Eliwood - I'll start up a merge now and once he gets to +4, I'll merge my neutral 5* one in.

There's also a +Spd -HP Tailtiu but that's identical to the one I recently promoted.

Anyway, having cleared up a little space (finally gave Camilla Gronnraven+) I figured I'd do a little more summoning since I'm having decent luck today. Maybe I'm pushing it but eh, why not?

4* Nowi +HP -Res
4* Est +Res -Def
4* Subaki +Res -Atk

4* Mae +Atk -HP
4* Cordelia +Def -HP
3* Palla +Def -Spd
3* Draug +Def -Atk
4* Setsuna +Def -Atk


No 5-stars but some decent fodder. I haven't seen a Setsuna for ages, Subaki and Palla I would never turn down, and I can probably do something interesting with that Mae. Cordelia is someone I haven't seen for almost a year, and the first one that's potentially fodderable since the only other two I've ever gotten are +Atk and +Spd. My Lyon I promoted a while back can finally be built.

I guess I'm committed now at 9%, and will keep going until my next 5-star, should one arrive. That'll be the last one though, promise.

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4 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:


On my work pc so can't see the pics but it looks like you've had the same or similar luck to me - except with different priorities xD

Wait, reread it... you did get an Ephraim. Jealous reigns.

Oh right I keep forgetting. I should name them next time

Aww sorry you didn't get him. But at least he'll be back! :(

Hopefully with no pitybreakers for you next time!

But yeah I've been pitybroken by Shiro a lot lately- even off-banner, so I kind of know the feeling.

But congrats on your mage flier though. Hopefully one of them at least has good IVs (at least getting dupes would hopefully mean you have better IVs)

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

Oh right I keep forgetting. I should name them next time

Aww sorry you didn't get him. But at least he'll be back! :(

Hopefully with no pitybreakers for you next time!

But yeah I've been pitybroken by Shiro a lot lately- even off-banner, so I kind of know the feeling.

But congrats on your mage flier though. Hopefully one of them at least has good IVs (at least getting dupes would hopefully mean you have better IVs)

It makes me annoyed thinking how much I tried for him before, though xD I think I'm going to dial back trying for anyone who isn't seasonal (I say before I get revved up for it lol).

And yes, that is a hope :) Does she have any good skills to pass on? I know Shiro has Def Tactics, although not sure if it's something I use much. Maybe my dancers can make use of it.

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4 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

It makes me annoyed thinking how much I tried for him before, though xD I think I'm going to dial back trying for anyone who isn't seasonal (I say before I get revved up for it lol).

And yes, that is a hope :) Does she have any good skills to pass on? I know Shiro has Def Tactics, although not sure if it's something I use much. Maybe my dancers can make use of it.

Fortify Fliers is probably the most notable skill- but then you can find that on Caeda. (That said Caedas are rare for me).

The only other notable skill is Swift Strike but it's no Swift Sparrow so..

I would probably just merge. Seasonals are pretty rare. A stronger mage flier (even if it's only 2 stats) may be the difference to winning a GHB or something.

Shiro also has Steady Breath- which is notable since only BK has it. If you ever want to make an enemy phase tank that's not infantry (like Beruka/Michalis or something), that could be an option, because they can't learn Steady Breath.

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Thanks to two free pulls, I'm up to 718 total pulled units!  They are. . .

Genny (+Res/-Spd): This will do just fine.  She's going to be the infantry ploy-bot.  Kinda hoping for a ploy rerun, since I doubt I'm going to pull two Lutes/Sonyas.  Too bad she's not in this gauntlet!
Summer Corrin (+Atk/-Def): I'm gonna merge my existing one into her.  This is so good!

I'm two for two, and am not pushing my luck further!

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

@mcsilas Congratulations on that great flying mage!

But you are still missing her on your main account? Good luck if you decide to continue. 

Thanks! It was bittersweet when Olwen pitybroke me during her original banner.

Yeah I'll have to wait for more quests and orbs. I've already halved my orb count so it feels risky.

Have to wait and see with the upcoming banners first. I'm gonna miss having 150+ orbs, that was the most I ever had. These banners sure drain your reserves, especially when sniping.

At least my OCD self can relax now that my orb count on both accounts are more or less equal now?

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I FINALLY did it! I got PA! Olivia! She’s + Res - Def, which isn’t terrible. I’ll be going after S! Corrin and L! Eraphim next. ( As soon as I get some orbs. I’d upload a picture but the browser says it’s too big. )

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29 minutes ago, Silent shifter said:

I got summer Gaius instead of Olivia. Be back once I got any 5 star from LA banner. ( Another Reinhardt as my 4% pity breaker)

Also, March quest is tmr.

I would give you Olivia for your Gaius. She decided she wanted to be +10 instead of giving me the one seasonal I'm missing.

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Spent 60 of my 70 orbs hoping to get Olivia for Distant Defense with anyone else being a bonus. Managed to get her in the first session (+res/-def) and a Summer Gaius (+def/-atk) in the next one. I promptly sacked her and merged Gaius with my better nature one. Pretty happy with the result and I am now done on this banner 

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Spend the rest of my F2P Orbs from TT and Special Maps on the Fallen Heroes banner.
My last Orbs managed to squeeze out another Hardin. This time he is +Hp/-Def. Not ideal by any stretch but definitely better than +Spd/-Atk.

Yorokobe, Hector. You shall get your Bold Fighter. Somehow my Armors seems more powerful than my Cavalier team, huh.

Edited by Zeratul
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Not planning on summoning on the legendary banner I chose to take my free pull and I was surprised:



A +atk -spd L! Eraphim. Making him my fourth 5* characters to be pulled first, and I didn't want him in the first place. But I'm still graceful, moving on the the next banner. Sorry for everyone that the struggling more than me to get him.

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My goal is a new PA! Olivia so that I don't need to suffer -ATK anymore. My free session has nothing much 1 blue and a bunch of reds(and I don't need reds). So I end up with a 3* Robin. Next session bunch of colorless. First one is a PA! Olivia! Who has the exact same +RES/-ATK as my current one. . . I hate this game sometimes. All the others in that session were three stars. So I ended up with 1 focus, a duplicate nature, and 9 3*'s of poor value that got sent home.

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53 minutes ago, Usana said:

My goal is a new PA! Olivia so that I don't need to suffer -ATK anymore. My free session has nothing much 1 blue and a bunch of reds(and I don't need reds). So I end up with a 3* Robin. Next session bunch of colorless. First one is a PA! Olivia! Who has the exact same +RES/-ATK as my current one. . . I hate this game sometimes. All the others in that session were three stars. So I ended up with 1 focus, a duplicate nature, and 9 3*'s of poor value that got sent home.

I have a spare Neutral to trade if you have a Saber? (Like IS would implement trading...)

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I had to buy a few orbs, but thankfully not many. Still wish I hadn't had to blow all of my close to 160 orbs, but oh well. +Res, -Spd though lol. At least it doesn't hurt his Atk or Def, so it can still work with my plan to make him and Freddy go through the fucking roof statwise. I'm giving Ephraim Fortify Cav so he can boost Freddy's Def to the max while Freddy's Hone Cav will make Ephraim's Atk absolutely insane. This is gonna be so awesome. XD Already gave Freddy the fire blessing too, so steps one and two are done! Next step is leveling Ephraim and giving him that Fortify Cav. Thankfully, I have Jagens to dump. I'll also change Freddy's S support to this Ephraim for even more craziness! Best team EVER!

I also got these while pulling!




Two Summer Corrins, a Shiro, and a good Titania! Shiro and Titania are both +Atk, -HP! One Summer Corrin was +Def, -Res, the other was neutral. I kept the neutral one.

I can finally use @Rezzy's girl though! And I like Shiro, so I'm glad he didn't get screwed like his dad did for me. When will I have a not -Spd Ryoma, game... >_<

I pulled Oscar again too, and while he's +Spd...he's also -Atk. -Atk is 36 on him though, which doesn't seem that bad, but is it better than the current Oscar I have leveled? He wasn't -Atk or -Spd, but not +Atk or +Spd either. He's either +Def or +Res, I believe.

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I went in last night with 40 orbs and I had a wild time. I fear for my luck in the near future. 


Leon was my free summon and then bIke showed up right after, and I honestly was expecting nothing less pulling greens at this point. If bIke can show up for me he will. This bIke #7 was +Hp/-Spd, he got merged into my original neutral. 

Next round 


I wasn’t aware that it was summer time already. Summer might suck as a season but I’m really excited to finally have sLeo! I went a little crazy trying for him over the summer and got a regular Leo for my troubles. +Atk/-Spd seems pretty good for him. Might slap TA on him and make him another designated AA counter. My original sGaius was -res so while I wasn’t hoping for him again here I certainly don’t mind him showing up and as +Res/-Def too! 

4* Seliph was really the only 4* here that got me excited. I’ve got a +8 Seliph now! @Rezzy are we tied now or have you gotten more pity Seliph’s than I remember?

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