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While I'd like to say that I got Hardin, I didn't because this asshole had the gall to show up instead and reset my rate. So at this point, I'll just wait to see what the next banner has to offer and if nothing on it catches my fancy, I might try to make a last-ditch attempt at Hardin.



+Def/-Spd just for those that care, though I sure as hell don't. Screw you, Ephraim.

I also made two full pulls from the fodder banner and was met with...interesting results (I had only done my free pull on this banner before this).



Mathilda and Soleil: +Atk/-Def

Well, that's 20k less feathers I'll have to spend for a +10 Soleil but on the other hand, this one is just as good as my first (+Spd/-HP). And now that I have a second 5* Mathilda, that idea of killing Faye off to give BH!Lyn that Firesweep Bow+ just got a lot more tempting.

Amelia: +HP/-Atk

I certainly won't say no to more Armor March since Amelia #3 here, like #2, isn't any better than #1 in terms of boon/bane.


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Ok. My luck with blues is absolutely insane. I figured I had 10 orbs, why not pull on the fallen banner. First orb, 3% rate is a Hardin with +DEF/-SPD. So in the past week I have gotten Very good IV's on both Legendary Ephraim and Hardin and both were at base percent, effectively yolo pulls. Hardin is definitely a big contender for Warding Breath. Technically that Session had two blue orbs, but I saw no point in opening the other one. I'll try to save up to 9 or 13 for one more attempt at Celica. Or maybe not. I don't really need another red sword. Might be better to save up for later.

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Got lucky with the Falchion banner and snatched a +Def/-Spd Alm.
He was the only one I wanted from this banner (Chrom is only Aether fodder, Lucina is basically free as her masked version and while Marth wouldn't have been terrible he is in the 4* pool). Took his time as well, I still remember the sting from that one Tempest Trial banner with him where I was pity-broken by Leo ... twice.

Edited by The Priest
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Okay, so I got a couple of orbs and decided to try the LA banner again. Got all blues and colorless, which is good when I'm hunting for Lyn and Roy.

Well, I got Lyn at least!

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Tried for Alm on the Falchion banner. Got +HP/-SPD Lucina instead. Dunno if she's better or worse than my +ATK/-SPD one, but now this banner has given me Aether fodder, so it's alright.

Gonna wait for the new banner before I decide whether to keep trying for Alm or not.

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Forgot to take a screenshot of it, but I pulled Lilina and Hector from Love Abounds one after another, then decided to quit due to being out of orbs while I was ahead. Lilina's IVs are +DEF/-SPD, which is, you know, what it is... but Hector is also +DEF/-SPD so that's wonderful.



From Fallen Heroes, I wanted Fallen Celica so badly and pulled her (+DEF/-RES) pretty early on. Got lucky a bit later and pulled Hardin (unknown IVs, was an idiot and levelled him a bit before checking) and then Grima twice (Neutral, then +SPD/-RES).





From Heroes with Falchion, I pulled a +HP/-SPD Chrom, which is great because I'm running him as a healer to support Fallen Celica. And I finally pulled Alm, with neutral IVs.



Can't remember which banner I got him from, but I also pulled a Brave Ike with +SPD/-RES.



I've been pretty lucky with IVs on the whole, though it has taken a lot of orbs to get the characters I wanted in the first place.

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Yeah so I went for the Falchion banner real quick. Obviously Red stones will FLOOD all the pools on banners where you're not pulling for them but when you actually want them to show up there are none. 2 green, 3 colorless of course. Worthless *3 Gaius.

Went in again against my better judgement. 2 reds. *3 Sophia and Laslow. Can't get much worse than that.

22 > 13.

Welp, done with that banner. What a waste.

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@Zeo Here's hoping you get the Horse Falchion at least!

So with the new maps, and a new upcoming TT, I figured I could do some last minute pulls on the LA banner and maybe a YOLO on the Fallen banner. Target was Blue Lyn for my main account to complete Lyn Emblem, and Vector for my second account (although Lilina is welcome since I have no 5 star green mage. I just at least 1 green focus unit after all this time!)

Main account, I summoned while at work.  Maybe that'll give me something.

Pity rate was reset by a Shiro a few weeks back, so going in with 3%.

1st session had no blues, 1 colourless and 1 green. Colourless was a Jeorge. Might as well pull green in case I get a +Atk Vector or Distant Counter and..


Huh. It's Rhajat, with +HP/-Def so not too bad! Getting 5 star exclusive green mage for me has been so hard, so she's welcome. And now I completed the Fates Children set! Well except Shigure but he's technically another banner. Part of me wants to believe and thank @Vaximillian because maybe the Distant Def fodder talk a day ago might have partly caused this. Maybe I'll support her with Tharja in thanks/honour of you and your pairing style.

So I tried again. 4 Red and 1 Colourless, no blue in sight. Pity rate back to 3% and....

tumblr_p59j06skfx1qcrdmuo2_400.png tumblr_p59j06skfx1qcrdmuo3_540.png

@mampfoid @Zeo  @Cute Chao It's Valentine Roy! And he's +Def/-Spd! Neat, and Bow Valour is welcome! I was thinking of upgrading a Gordin for Brave Bow for Lyn yesterday but now maybe it'll go to Roy! Or maybe Guard Bow! Now I have 3 out of 4 of the LA units in my main!

Ironically, this Roy would love to have Rhajat's Distant Defense.....but I already put skills on Rhajat as I clear my barracks. Also, I have a policy of keeping 1 of every new unit, so maybe next time Roy- if I get a bad Rhajat.

Third session finally had blues but it was just an Robin and Corrin, all 3 stars. I think that's a sign to stop. YOLO from Fallen Heroes was a Raven and Odin. Oh well.


As for my second account I had close to 80 orbs but now down to 40.

Green orbs finally came flooding in my first 2 sessions of the LA banner (3 orbs each!) but mostly fodder like Arthur, Frederick, Barst and some Hawkeyes.

Then it was down to 1 orb per session now, which happened 2 more times. Both 3 stars (Beruka and Frederick)

My limit was 60. Then 50. Now on 45 orbs there was 1 green orb.. I try to trick gacha by trying to want blue or a Lilina and..


Darn it. I think the desire sensor broke when I tried to trick it.

Not Vector (my real target), but hey Lilina is welcome! At this point, after all those pitybreakers (Boey, Raven, Shiro), I wholeheartedly welcome Hector's daughter! I haven't upgraded Cecilia so a 5 star green cav mage is neat, since I also don't have Gunnthra.

And she's neutral, so I'll take it! I'm just happy I have a green focus unit after this long.

Not gonna try and tempt the gacha because I might get another Lilina or even worse, nothing. 2/4 of the Valentine's units is pretty good!

Also YOLO from Fallen Heroes was a Peri. Nice fodder at least.


So yeah, all-in-all, despite getting the ones that I weren't particularly looking for I can leave the banner satisfied. I might slip and do a super last minute YOLO summon tomorrow but at least I won't be too disappointed after today's haul. I may have used up my luck and won't get a TT bonus unit though.

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Part of me wants to believe and thank @Vaximillian because maybe the Distant Def fodder talk a day ago might have partly caused this. Maybe I'll support her with Tharja in thanks/honour of you and your pairing style.

Curiosity killed the diviner, huh? Let her have some skulls as trophies, too.

Oh, and Tharja/Rhajat is a must-do indeed >:D

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@mcsilas Now that's what I call yolo! Pretty good luck there man. +DEF is prime for a Guard Bow build since his mixed bulk went untouched. Nice on the green mages too, can never have enough of those. Hope my luck is as good as yours tomorrow.

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17 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid @Zeo  @Cute Chao It's Valentine Roy! And he's +Def/-Spd! Neat, and Bow Valour is welcome! I was thinking of upgrading a Gordin for Brave Bow for Lyn yesterday but now maybe it'll go to Roy! Or maybe Guard Bow! Now I have 3 out of 4 of the LA units in my main!


Haha cool, that's exactly my Roy! Congratulations! He is awesome with Brave+, but the Guard Bow idea is not yet out of the world. (If you give him Brave+ and QR3 from a Klein, then you can switch to Guard Bow anytime later). 


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27 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas Now that's what I call yolo! Pretty good luck there man. +DEF is prime for a Guard Bow build since his mixed bulk went untouched. Nice on the green mages too, can never have enough of those. Hope my luck is as good as yours tomorrow.

Yeah, I hope you get good pulls tomorrow! I like to think the gacha has treated me after finishing my work pretty early today.

Yeah looks like keeping a Setsuna paid off for me, so she'll be promoted sometime soon. 

@mampfoid Using Brave Bow+ right now? It's pretty tempting.

Part of me wants to get a 5 star Klein/Setsuna from the fodder banner but I can't afford to risk my orbs right now. Sadly only one Klein right now (+Spd/-Res as 4 star), so can't do the Brave Bow+ and QR inherit skill combo just yet. I did however feed him a Subaki so he has QR 2 at least. 

I guess this means I'll do Guard Bow first but the amount of resources just to get a Guard Bow is kind of...annoying. Or just upgrade that Gordin.

@Vaximillian Yes, it will be quite a dark duo indeed. Rhajat is probably a better partner anyway to scare off any Reinhardts than Tharja's current partner Linde. (Although I guess Linde offers the Fortify Res buffs)

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21 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Yes, it will be quite a dark duo indeed. Rhajat is probably a better partner anyway to scare off any Reinhardts than Tharja's current partner Linde. (Although I guess Linde offers the Fortify Res buffs)

At least you have Linde. But hey, she might (might) break my rates when I’ll be going for Finn in a month! Or she might not. Do I have a possible recipient for another brave lance+? Effie, maybe?

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49 minutes ago, mcsilas said:


Congrats :D

Shame about Hector Tudor, but maybe next time. Good luck with getting a bonus unit for the TT in the next banner along. I'm forgoing it for Thracia ^.^

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5* Roy +Def -Res from 4* 5* heroes, which is fine. I can appreciate all support towards our boi.

Also got Abel 4* and Sothe 4*. Swordbreaker and even more LnD3, great. Glad the Blessed Gardens give so many orbs. Also freaking hell more Sothes I feel embarrassed thinking that the moment LnD3 became a 4* available skill it'd still be hard to get.

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So I was looking at Eirika's Sieglinde refine and thought it would be nice to finally have one that isn't -Atk or -Spd and as such decided I'd pull a couple of red orbs from the Falchion banner since it's a great banner to focus red. First session had only 1 red that turned out to be a 3* Laslow, but the second session turned out very differently :


Lucina was my first pull and that already would have made me happy, but after getting Sophia from the second red orb, I decided to finish the summon because, heh, why not. I'm very glad I did because after all the orbs I spent on her, B!Lucina finally decided to appear. Lucina's +Atk/-HP, not that it matters since she's gonna make my +Spd Lucina merge to +8 and B!Lucina is Neutral, which I'm perfectly fine with. 

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

@LuxSpes congratulations on the double Lucina! 

Wow +8 is pretty high. Did she break your pity rates, or did you pull for merges? 

Mix of both really. I nearly always got a copy of her when she showed up on a banner and she often broke my pity rate (she showed up back on the Brave Heroes banner when I was looking for her Brave counterpart. Interesting that I finally got B!Lucina on a banner where regular Lucina is a focus)

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2 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

Mix of both really. I nearly always got a copy of her when she showed up on a banner and she often broke my pity rate (she showed up back on the Brave Heroes banner when I was looking for her Brave counterpart. Interesting that I finally got B!Lucina on a banner where regular Lucina is a focus)

That's how my brave Roy keeps showing up (+5), but no regular Lucina yet. 

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That event when your crappy Intel Atom choking Asus Tablet acts like a bitch and your ancient computer doesn't work with emulators...

After saving up 34 orbs, I decided I'd give the Love Abounds banner one more shot.  As much as I wanted Hector, I decided to aim for the more attractive and harder target of LA!Roy.  I hear he's a decent archer unit and that Bow Valor is just far too attractive for me to let go by without a fight.

The good news: I managed to grab one within fifteen orbs.  Ahahaha!  19 orbs for the Morgan/"I'm Being Helpful" Chrom/Morgan banner, Yesssssssssss!

The FWP bad news: It took me ten minutes and two accidental restarts to capture this stupid picture. xD



Well.  The IVs suck, but I honestly was more concerned with using him for bow training than I was with using him a frontline unit (kinda how I treated my Shigure on my old dolphin account), so I won't complain.  

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@Zeo @mampfoid @Cute Chao 

So I thought about it, and actually I decided to do some more spending on the LA banner. I already have a Falchion, a blue flier and a red mage. Thracia isn't a must for me. Although Inigo might come in the legendary banner, I've been fine without him to be honest and Axura has been very useful with her prf all stat buffs anyway.

So I actually spent all my orbs blue sniping in my main account, since I don't have a 5 star blue armour. Lyn would be a really great addition to my armour arena team, since I always relied on Fjorm/Sharena. Plus Halloween Henry is my only Armour Marcher, so all signs point to trying for LA Lyn no matter what. Orbs spent, I even had to do some last minute Blessed Garden maps, but alas I could not find her. I did get two 4 star L'Arachels though (+Def/-HP and +HP/-Def)

Yes I should have been happy with what I got last night, but a blue armour (especially ranged) would really help my team so it was worth a try. I needed some blue fodder anyway. I'll just get my orbs back up from TT and the new maps at least.

Then out of frustration I also started summoning on my second account....

....I....I'm speechless...



I... did it. I completed the set in my second account- I finally got Vector!!! +Spd/-Def but he's Vector so he's good anyway. (Fun fact my Hector is also +Spd but has -Atk)!!! It took 3 more summoning sessions to finally get him. Then i just went YOLO mode and opened all the colourless orbs and i'm SO glad I did!

LA Roy is +Res/-HP which is pretty nice! This one is going to be more of a Res tank than my main's +Def LA Roy!


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