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Woo, free pull! I'm going to prioritise green to see if I get lucky for a better Soren, but I never got Leo...

3 Red, 2 Colourless (dammit)

3* Laslow (You know, I could use other reds, right?)

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4 hours ago, KMT4ever said:

Welp, now I've basically got to decide between giving up on Morgan and breaking FTP. On the one hand, this is my best chance to get best daughter, but on the other hand this could easily turn into a money pit. I've already gotten 3 5* units here, just that none of them were ones I actually wanted. I could crash-clear all of the Chain Challenges I haven't done yet, but I don't have the willpower to do that.

As far as I know Morgan has got a lot of fans? If you are able to be patient, chances are high she will be featured on other banners (something like child banner, units with serpent weapons/ploys/guard banner, flying mages banner etc. ) in the future. 

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I already have all the units on the banner (although Eirika is only 4* and I don't think my Leo has good IVs). Did the free pull and backed out.

4* Lilina again. She's stalking me of late. It's always her on reds and Tailtiu on blues for some reason.

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4 hours ago, KMT4ever said:

Thanks for your support. I've got 20 orbs again, so one pull in your name.

  1. 3* Femui: No.
  2. 5* Lukas: For fuck's sake, there goes my pity rate with no blues left. At least his IVs are good: +Atk/-HP. There is one red orb, so I'll try that.
  3. 3* Laslow: Ugh...

See what you did, Reddazrael? So much for fingers crossed. /s

Welp, now I've basically got to decide between giving up on Morgan and breaking FTP. On the one hand, this is my best chance to get best daughter, but on the other hand this could easily turn into a money pit. I've already gotten 3 5* units here, just that none of them were ones I actually wanted. I could crash-clear all of the Chain Challenges I haven't done yet, but I don't have the willpower to do that.

I'm sorry. :( I tried, okay?! I'm still rooting for you.

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With my free pull I'm kind of glad I pulled a Hinata, because I was all out of fury fodder, unless I wanted to upgrade one to 5 stars, and I wanted Fury on my M!Morgan... It does make me feel a little bad for Hinatas though.

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I only did the free pull and since I don't have Leo I pulled the only red.  No Leo but I am happy with the 4*Olivia since I now only need 4 more to make her 4*+10.

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I only did the free pull as well because I'm waiting for the new bunny banner. But at least I was able to pull a green. Still didn't get a Frederick though. How long has it been since I last pulled him now...

Hope the bunny banner changes this since I want to pull green on it for Sharena and her bro.

Edited by Anacybele
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YOLO-pulled on Branded King one last time. Horse Chrom is mine! +Atk -Def, the only non-super and non-Atk bane.

This was the first time where buying orbs after I ran out revealed a 5-star. The other red was a 3-star. The rest will be going towards pulls on the Easter banner (green/blue) tomorrow morning.

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I've had some crummy luck with the EK banner as of late.  I've been impatiently sniping at blues for every 20 orbs I save up (almost 100 F2P orbs now) and have had nothing but a bunch of subpar 3 and 4 star fodder units to show for it.


Oh, and this pity breaker.



Bad enough that this happened (I have a 4* Mae that I'm training up as of yet), but it's not even one with good IVs!  +HP/-SPD...



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21 hours ago, Reddazrael said:

I'm sorry. :( I tried, okay?! I'm still rooting for you.

Much good that's going to do me...I've got 10 orbs, enough for two final desperation pulls.

  1. 4* Robin: Goddamnit, wrong tactician. And there's two more blue orbs! I guess I'll go for the adjacent one...
  2. 4* Abel: *suppressing profanity*

I'm furious right now. mampfoid, I've got to agree with you that Morgan's likely to show up again, but that doesn't make me less pissed off. I got three other 5* units on this banner: Clair, Celica, and Lukas, all Valentians. I suppose they're mad I didn't buy Echoes? Anyway, now that I'm good and angry, time to pull from the refinery banner. Might as well go red since I don't need Soren.

  1. 3* Selena: Well, I do always need plenty of Reposition fodder.

Useful enough. And since it's that time, a free pull from the spring banner. Apparently both Morgans dropped in rarity, so I'll aim for blue. Don't really care for this banner anyway, so might as well be super-desperate for Morgan. :V

  1. 3* Cherche: And my daughter has to troll me one last time, even off her banner...No blue orb...
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This makes my Merric +9. I've got a 4* copy sitting in my barracks at level 20 ready to promote. But I've only got 6k feathers right now because I've been working on another merge project while I wait for another merge copy! ;A; I should have enough feathers once Arena awards come around. I didn't think I'd be getting another copy of him so soon...let alone a copy of him at 5 stars! This guy is perfectly neutral. I never did get my +ATK -RES copy, but +ATK -HP is good enough for me. Best. Day. Ever.

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1 hour ago, Zangetsu said:

Nothing like spending 109 orbs & not getting Morgan. Only 21 orbs left.


God I hate gacha games.


Anyone want my Boey, I don't want him.


...Wanna trade him for my Shiro?  He pity broke me in literally the last seconds of the banner.  He was my very last pull...




Anyone got a bunny Sharena yet?  I've gotten a Gunther and Frederick so far.

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Just tried the new banner and..


Sharena, +HP, -Spd... Really? Must you tease me IS?  +Def, -Res Sonya. Decent I suppose. I should be grateful for 2-5 stars though, which is the first time for me. Any ideas for builds?

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Well... That was rather painless.  :lol:

I was sniping greens for Alfonse and Sharena.  If there were no greens, I was going for colourless > blue > red.

  1. 3* Lissa
  2. 3* Nino
  3. 3* Saizo
  4. 4* Gunter
  5. 3* Arthur
  6. 4* Arthur
  7. 5* Spring Kagero (+HP/-Res)- Whoa, I wasn't really aiming for you, but neat!
  8. 4* Cecilia
  9. 4* Camilla
  10. 4* Merric
  11. 4* Hawkeye
  12. 5* Spring Alfonse (+Res/-HP)
  13. 5* Spring Sharena (+Def/-Res)

What a beautiful final summon.  The guy and gal I wanted. :):



I'm a happy camper.

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In 11 pulls I've gotten Catria and Sharena, which is pretty awesome, but the +HP curse is real. Lately it seems every 5* I get that I actually want is +HP. Catria is -Res so it's not that bad but Sharena is -Spd, which is just awful. Bleh. Time to snipe for Kagero.

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1 minute ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Well... That was rather painless.  :lol:

I was sniping greens for Alfonse and Sharena.  If there were no greens, I was going for colourless > blue > red.

  1. 3* Lissa
  2. 3* Nino
  3. 3* Saizo
  4. 4* Gunter
  5. 3* Arthur
  6. 4* Arthur
  7. 5* Spring Kagero (+HP/-Res)- Whoa, I wasn't really aiming for you, but neat!
  8. 4* Cecilia
  9. 4* Camilla
  10. 4* Merric
  11. 4* Hawkeye
  12. 5* Spring Alfonse (+Res/-HP)
  13. 5* Spring Sharena (+Def/-Res)

What a beautiful final summon.  The guy and gal I wanted. :):

  Hide contents


I'm a happy camper.

Welp, I'm finally in the "I Hate You" seat. lol

Seriously though, congrats.  Nice to get your preferreds early on.  Onward to savings!

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No dice on pulling any of the bunnies in my first pull, but I still made it out with a relatively good haul: 4* Oscar (free pull), 3* Azama, 4* F!Corrin, 4* Nowi, 4* Lon'qu

Now, back to waiting for next week's legendary banner.

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Free summon was Catria, just not the right Catria. Even worse she was -Atk (not like it matters, the one I have at 5* is +Def -Res or something like that).

That aside, I got my first Rebecca who is also -Atk. The rest is a bunch of fodder and Azama/Feathers. 40 orbs down the drain but I still have quite a bit from the TT so I'm not too worried about it.

For the record: 3.50% pity rate.

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@Rafiel's Aria congrats! You get to save some feathers as well!

also wow @Infinite Dreams that's very lucky!

@Zeo free pull on both accounts were Setsunas. Huh. Yesterday it was double Laslow- what's with the double summons?

sadly no Kageros.

i caved and spent orbs anyway for the first session and...pretty much had rubbish. Virion, Wrys oh and a double Florina.

i hope next week's legendary banner doesn't have anything good.

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