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@Zeo Whoa... That's pretty great. I know on the last legendary banner, I got two Jaffars on the first pull. These banners are just weird I guess. But I'd say that's a great haul, especially Sothe. He's such an awesome character. And there's also absolutely nothing wrong with a neutral one. 


XD I almost tagged you when I got my -ATK Lute. 

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@Zeo @Cute Chao @Vaximillian @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria


93 orbs in my main account. My main priority is the fliers Nowi and Grima because of uniqueness. Blue is a decent orb to pull since I wanted Lucina and Lute since I don't have her as well.

I did full pulls every time. Notably my third summon session had 4 colourless orbs and 1 blue. All of the colourless orbs were eh healers....

the blue orb?

Fjorm at +HP/-Def. SIGH. The one I already I have... IVs are a bit meh (DEF superbane RIP) and to be honest, I kind of like neutral for GHB guides (Infernal Takumi was notable). I guess I have Atk/Def Bond fodder (Owltome Halloween Henry maybe?) or Drive Atk fodder. Or...a merge for when she's an arena bonus unit? I can't decided yet, not sure what gives more points.

So now I was down to 42 orbs and I think that meant I'm done with the banner. Next legendary banner might have units that I really want more (Jakob/Inigo) so I guess I'll just do a YOLO last summon on the last day and that's it. Plus if Spring Camilla comes back she's my priority right now, since red mage flier Nowi doesn't seem as useful colourwise compared to a green flier.

Anyway moving on to my second account..

So I had 103 orbs. Again, red and colourless is my aim but blue is an okay colour (as long as it's no Fjorm, I just need blue fodder in general- mainly Shanna). I redeem my free summon and wanted to do a full pull...


This is what hell looks like. 2 Oboros, 2 Raighs...(one 3 star and one 4 star each). Ironically, no colourless.

4 star Olivia is okay, so I merged her to make a +9 Olivia...only to merge a wrong Olivia who was my spare red dancer. Then I just merged this Olivia anyway to make her +10.

.....so next summon session gave me my second ever Sothe at least! And finally not -Atk (+HP/-Res this time so decent!). And a Jagen that I actually needed to give to Leo for a strategy to beat Xander's GHB with a cav team.

Anyway third summon session, I pulled everything. My first colourless was...


Female Grima!?! Okay, I'll take it! Wow she's super sparkly in her summon sequence.

Too bad she's -Atk, but she's also +Spd so at least she has a nice boon!

I then opened the rest of the orbs to see if I could get a better nature, but instead...


I got my firstly summoned random Brave Lyn! Although again, she's -Atk but I guess I have Swift Sparrow fodder now. Not really sure a +1 is needed for my neutral one right now, since I don't user her in Arena.

I already have a Halloween Sakura so it looks like I'm done with this banner as well. 




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@Zeo Congrats!


My pulls haven't been nearly as good. I allow myself whatever orbs I have plus a 60'ish dollar allowance(or at least that is what I aim for). Assuming I haven't bought any games that month(such as this month). Fat lot of nothing. Should have just bought a bunch of random games I wouldn't play. About as good a use of money as this was. Like is normal with the legendary banner I didn't see a 5* until 10.5%. Plus I had like NO colorless or green orbs whatsoever. Every session was a slog of red and blue. Guess what colors I wanted?

That said while I only got 1 5* out of 100+ orbs and 53 bucks I did end up getting Kitty Sakura. And unlike the last legendary banner I didn't get a duplicate -ATK nature for my dagger I was seeking. Still though my luck these last few banners has been beyond horrible. Always have to push above 5 or 10.5 percent to even hope to get anything. Talk about burning me out on the game.

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@mcsilas @Zeo Cool you guys got some legendary stuff, congratulations! Don't worry about me, I'm just a little angry with myself to not have respected my own orb limit (down to ~70 orbs now), since I'm still hoping for the 4* banner next week. 

Also that was some fast RES smoke fodder, @Zeo. That means Morgan has to be pimped out. 

@mcsilas don't you mind to have your units distributed on two accounts? I would have been tempted to pull the best units on both accounts, ... scary.

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90 orbs on the Spring banner (Last week):

  1. 5* Claire: +Def -Atk
  2. 5* Hinoka (First one!!!): +Spd -HP :D
  3. Spring Catria!!! (The one I wanted the most): +HP -Def (Not bad)

Roughly 80 orbs on the Legendary banner got me:

  1. Brave Lucina (Finally!!!): +Atk -Res :D
  2. Brave Lyn (My 3rd copy): +HP -Speed (Merge/Swift Sparrow fodder)

Overall, I'm pretty happy with my pulls. Got back up to a 4% pity rate on the Spring Banner, so will attempt to get Spring Kagero if I can there. Female Robin & Lute are the only two I really want left on the Legendary banner atm (Gunthra as well, but not after the other two green units). Will likely keep trying for them still.


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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@mcsilas @Zeo Cool you guys got some legendary stuff, congratulations! Don't worry about me, I'm just a little angry with myself to not have respected my own orb limit (down to ~70 orbs now), since I'm still hoping for the 4* banner next week. 

Also that was some fast RES smoke fodder, @Zeo. That means Morgan has to be pimped out. 

@mcsilas don't you mind to have your units distributed on two accounts? I would have been tempted to pull the best units on both accounts, ... scary.

I guess it's more of a collector's mindset. If I can enjoy a character in one account that I'm not desperate for, then that helps me not have to try for the other character in the other account.

Plus it just started out as my second account being luckier and having more 5 stars than my main. Even then, overall the second account has better natures/5 stars but it's not on my phone so it's not as portable. 

The again, sometimes I just get luckier boon/banes in one account so that eases the pain of getting a unit in my other account with a bad nature.

Of course there are exceptions though where I want to have my favourites in both accounts, like Vector

And nice, you still have more of an orb stash than me at least :)

@Zeo Oh yeah, Grima comes with Res smoke. That's interesting. If I ever get a super bad one I might be tempted to give Odin one lol. 

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First Pull :


Zelgius - my free summon (-atk _spd)








2nd Pull


Fell Vessel Robin - (-HP +spd) atleast its not -atk, dont know how well +spd will do







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3 minutes ago, Usana said:

@Raven My God! You and your orbs have my sincerest condolences! 

honestly, nothing up to this point in heroes has made me think "fuck it" quite like this

if i could refund everything i'd ever spent on heroes, i would probably quit playing

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Spent about 300 orbs and got:

3x Sakunya
2x Bow Lyn
2x Fjorm
1x Lute
1x Summer Elise

Rolled mostly Blue and Colorless, hoping for Robin but I didn't get her. I'm strangely content, however. Robin would have been cool but I don't think I NEEDED her none of the banners scheduled look like they would interest me. I can patiently wait for my stash to grow again. I will be less composed if I try and fail to get Laegjarn.

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Well free pull was 4*Azama so I merged him with my other one.  I know when to quit when I am ahead.  April will be the month I spend my orbs.

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Got back up to 20 orbs so I went again.

Grey, Red, Blue, 2x Green. Just opened grey, 3* Matthew (+Def -Res).

Well, that was unsatisfying, so I went again with 15 orbs despite the risk of 4+ grey orbs appearing. There's no way that would happen right? Yeah it didn't happen, just one grey, one blue, three reds. Opened the grey, 3* Saizo (+Spd -Def). Urgh, even worse. At this point I know I opened two orbs at the tail end of the previous session, so opening one more now would bump my 5* rate to 8.5%. I do it.

5* Lancina +Def -Spd

Uh, okay? I guess she gets a merge now? Drive Spd is available from Tailtiu at 4*, Chrom can provide Aether if I ever cared to give anyone Aether (I doubt it), and Sturdy Blow is uninteresting (and I'm inundated with Athenas anyway).

I assume the +Atk -Def one will be the base. There's an argument for an enemy phase build with the +Def -Spd but so many other infantry lancers can already do that. My only sort-of offensive infantry lance is +Atk -Spd Nephenee. If anyone wants to chime in, I'd welcome the feedback.

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1 hour ago, Raven said:


This was just before +Atk -Res Fjorm appeared.

I'm done.

Oh damn! Thats at least 260orbs - hope you got some good fodder 

Ninty should seriously reconsider the pulling system. I know gatcha is all about luck but this just doesnt seem fair. One guaranteed 5* in the pull after 100orbs spent without getting one would help a lot imo.

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Spent 95 orbs trying for Sakura



It worked out in the end. Sakura came on my 2nd to last orb chance.
Got the two I wanted on this banner, I'm out.

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Finally got my F!Grima. She's +SPD/-DEF, but I don't care. It took 5 Brave!Lyns, 4 Sakunya, and 2 Zelgius to get her. She was also followed by a Lancina on the blue orb right next to her. Better than the last leg banner where it took me at least 15 other 5* units to get S!Gaius. Colorless orbs were scarce on this banner.

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Blues and greys are the optimal colors for me, as I'm missing two from each. My most sensible goal for the legendary banner is Sakura. I'll probably stop pulling once I get her. F!Grima naturally will appear in the future, but getting her now or a better than neutral Brave Lyn would be a nice treat. Summer Elise I may have to give up, as I don't need a better Gunthra or Summer Tiki.

First attempt. 2 blue, 2 green, 1 grey.


3* Shanna +Atk/-Def

3* Gaius +Atk/-Spd

3* Est +res/-Spd

3* Cecilia neutral

4* Sheena +Res/-Spd

Huh, interesting Sheena. 

Second attempt.  2 blue, 1 green, 2 grey.


4* Beruka +Res/-Spd

3* Gordin +Atk/-Def

4* Lachesis +HP/-Res

3* M!Robin +Def/-Spd

4* Subaki +Res/-Atk

uh huh.

Third attempt with 9% pity rate. 2 red, 1 blue, 2 green


3* Bartre +Atk/-HP

3* Beruka +HP/-Spd

4* Donnel +res/-HP

3* hinata +Def/-Res

4* Athena +Spd/-Def

Hinata is the best fodder so far. That's the third Bartre I've pulled with that nature. All I need is a +Atk/-Spd or -Res for an optimized one. It can't be this uncommon.

Fourth attempt with 9.5% pity rate.  2 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 grey


5*F!Grima +Res/-Atk

3* Arthur +Spd/-Res

4* Catria +Spd/-Res

4* Eliwood +Def/-HP

3* Raigh +Spd/-Def

Well there's Grima. You know that nature's not terrible. But now pulling Sakura just became as difficult as Elise. So I'm leaving this banner upon pulling either of those two. The Catria, Raigh, and Arthur are optimal, but I have them all already.

Fifth attempt. 1 red, 3 blue, 1 grey


4* Priscilla +Atk/-Def

Great Priscilla nature but I already have a +Spd/-HP waiting for promotion and a +Atk/-HP in case I change my mind.

Sixth attempt. 1 red, 1 blue, 3 grey


4* Niles +HP/-Def

4* Klein +Def/-Atk

4* Lissa +Res/-Atk

4* Reinhardt +Res/-Atk

5* Zelgius +Def/-Atk

Man I'm glad I decided to finish this pull. Zelgius is the only red I'm missing. Instantly cheered up. Great fodder in this pull too.

Seventh attempt. 1 red, 3 blue, 1 grey


4* Clarine +Res/-HP

Eigth attempt. 2 blue, 1 green, 2 grey


4* Sakura +Spd/-Res

4* Maria +Spd/-Res

4* Oboro +Atk/-HP

4* Lukas +Def/-HP

3* Gunter +Def/-Res

I'm getting the right colors, at least.

Ninth attempt. 2 red, 2 blue, 1 grey


4* Gaius +HP/-Spd

tenth attempt. 1 red, 1 green, 3 grey


4* Matthew +Spd/-Atk

4*Jeorge +HP/-Spd

4* Gordin +Atk/-HP

5* Summer Tiki +HP/-Def

Not the summer unit I'm looking for. At least she only broke a 8.5% pity rate. That Gordin is probably superior to the +Atk/-HP I had waiting for promotion, but I don't think I care enough about Gordin to raise another. I'll keep him around.

Eleventh attempt. 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 2 grey


3* Setsuna +Spd/-Res

5* Halloween Sakura +Def/-Atk

4* Tailtiu +Def/-Res

4* Bartre +res/-Atk

3* Olivia +Def/-Spd

Ha, GG!

oh baby, this is the first time in six months where I dropped more than a hundred orbs on a banner and didn't walk away embittered. I got the precise unit I wanted, and added Zelgius and F!Grima to the collection. All three of them may be -Atk, but I'm still extremely pleased with this result. Plus a bonus Summer Tiki for fodder. Now I can return to the spring banner early with 69 orbs. Most wanted unit there is Alfonse, but I'll be content with just one of seasonals.

Fifth attempt with 3.75% pit rate. 2 red, 1 green, 2 grey


3* Felicia +Atk/-Res

5* Spring Sharena +HP/-Def

3* Gordin +Def/-Res

Super bun bun pal!?

Sixth attempt. Still pulling all but red. 4 reds, 1 green


3* Bartre +Res/-HP

How you doing, bud?

Seventh attempt. 2 red, 2 blue, 1 grey


4* Jakob +HP/-Atk

4* Subaki +Spd/-Res

3* Florina  neutral

Eighth attempt. 4 blue, 1 grey


4* Abel +Atk/-Spd

5* Lukas +Atk/-Def

4* Abel +res/-Spd

4* Florina +Def/-Spd

4* Gordin +Spd/-Atk

This is my third 5 star off-focus Lukas. Hey, he only broke a 3.25% pity rate, so it's cool. I just wish more lance units out there could wield a Slaying Lance. Maybe my 5 star Donnel could? He does well enough with the brave lance.

Last attempt. 2 red, 3 grey



4* Sothe +Spd/-Atk

4* Matthew +Spd/-Atk

5* Sothe +Def/-HP

What a treat! It may not be Kagero but I'm happy to have another project in need of my new Dagger Valor.


I am on the moon right now! Orbs well spent.

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I had about about 250 orbs saved up and ended up with:

  • Ike (+Res/-Att)
  • Ike (+HP/-Def)
  • Nowi (+Def/-Att)
  • Ike (+Def/-Att)

Unfortunatly no Zelgius this time but some interesting units, I'll have a think about which Ike to build.

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415 orbs, all full pulls, I'm all out and all set. Ended with

  • 2 Ikes
  • 2 Nowis
  • Elise
  • 3 Fjorms
  • 3 Lyns
  • Sakura

I guess I can't complain, though I don't really need more than 1 Lyns, and I especially don't care for Nowi

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Well apparently I was wrong about having finally emptied out the free orbs laying about. I found a few more orbs got a couple more 3 stars and now am the not-so-proud owner of a 10% rate. Is it just impossible to get a 5* on a Legendary banner before you break that magic number? /Sarcasm

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Did a full pull on that legendary banner - all 4* launch units






Lets  be honest 8% is as good as 3% I guess - its still more than 90% to not get a 5* - the casino always wins. Probably not gonna pull anymore from this one.


Edit: Summoned some more - 105 orbs spent so far - got Ike, Gunnthra and Sakura - guess I can live with that.

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Huh. Weird. This game is clearly rigged.

I got F!Grima on my first pull. And then I got Ayra (5-star) on the spring banner when no Green orbs showed up. But do I care about either of them? No. But F!Morgan took me legit like 130+ orbs because I DESPERATELY wanted her.

Dragonskin is limited to F!Grima, so I'm like ... meh about her. And Ayra can be Swift Sparrow fodder I guess.

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