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1 hour ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

You have any advice on how to use the H!Nowi that I got the other day?  I got one in the account I sold off before, but remember struggling to figure out how to secure kills with her effectively...granted, she was -ATT, but that's neither here nor there...

Give her Rauðrblade+, Fury (or Swift Sparrow or LnD), Desperation and run her along NY!Azura (for dance + Hone Fliers). 

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I got spring Catria, and as +Atk/-Def too! 



With her having been my most desired hero from that banner, I can now take it easy. While I'd still like to have Kagero, it'd wouldn't be the end of the world if I can't get her. Aside from Catria, today I also got:



+HP/-Res; She was in the same circle as Catria, and is my second 5* Lachesis because getting either Elise or Mist instead is far too much to ask.



+HP/-Def, from the legendary banner; My last pull from this banner, which gave me far more 3*s than it had any right to.



same as Catria (+Atk/-Def); Eh, better him than his sister, given he is of a far more scarce unit type. 


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Welp, I saved up another 40 orbs on the seller account, and got a couple decent pulls.


I haven't checked the Nino yet, but I did check the L'Arachel




Well, 20 more orbs.  Let's see the damage.


...Okay, I would've preferred this for my main account, but ... okay!  IV's?






Why couldn't I have gotten this on my main account?! :lol:


Anywho, here are the rest of my pulls.  Nothing special, adequate fodder at least.  I'll build up some of my good 4/5 star units before selling it off.  If I'm lucky, I can save up a few more orbs for one or two more pulls; should be out of Beginner story maps by then.


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6 hours ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

You have any advice on how to use the H!Nowi that I got the other day?  I got one in the account I sold off before, but remember struggling to figure out how to secure kills with her effectively...granted, she was -ATT, but that's neither here nor there...

I don't, sorry. I use Camilla and Corrin as my tome fliers, but I don't have a Nowi. If you ask in the question and answer thread, I'm sure someone can help. Flier buffs are usually the way to go ^.^

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@mcsilas @mampfoid Well, I'd hoped to be as fortunate as you guys for my last pull, but it's not to be so.




Lilina once again showing me how much she wants to be the *5 +10 red mage instead of Morgan. I officially have enough of her to make a +6.


And so I leave the Legendary Banner with a 10.00% rate. Feels bad, guess I blew all my fortune at the beginning. Would have tried my luck with the spring banners had I known that. Guess I won't be summoning for a while.

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So I did my final full pull for this banner -

Finally got her. +HP/-DEF. . . which kinda sucks, but at least her offenses were left alone. Oh and that Lute is interesting. +SPD/-DEF(apparently there is a supersale of these Lutes going on right now @Selena4Lyfe). Not sure if I want her as my main lute or not. My Current one is +RES/-HP and having 39 RES is rather handy for a ploy debuffer. Still I am glad I decided to open all of them after opening up F!Grima to break my final 10% Pity. Seriously though I had to push up to 10+% three times to get my haul of Sakura/Elise/F!Grima/Lute. I probably should have kept count of the exact number of pulls, but it feels sub 8% to me. Certainly would be if it weren't for this final double pull.

@Zeo Ugggh. . . I hate leaving rates higher than 1 or 2 sessions worth.

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Scrounged up 15 FTP orbs for my free pull session on the Spring rerun banner. Go to pull and get 4 red/colorless orbs and one blue one.Do the blue one, and end up getting bunny Lucina. +ATK, -HP. I now have every Lucina except for the original.

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@Cute Chao OHMUHFUGUUUUUUUD!  Last six hours, and I got her!  ...  On my seller account, but still, I GOT HER!




And she's +Att!  -Res, but I think that can be worked with somehow!  I'm so excited!  I can't way to play around with this and get a decent build made!  I won't be able to keep her, sure, but I can have my fun while I can!  This account is turning out pretty decent; just might seal it with a link come the end of the Spring Banner, depending on how well that comes out!


Only question is this:  Do I pull on the Miracle banner, or not?



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Managed to find 22 orbs, so here's probably my last attempt at the Legendary banner.

  1. 4* Felicia: Bleh.
  2. 3* Raigh: Worthless.
  3. 4* Boey: Meh.
  4. 3* Lon'qu: Unnecessary.
  5. 4* Abel: Seriously?

75 orbs spent for nothing but garbage. I can't even get interesting 4* units. I could try to scrape up some more orbs, but I can't be bothered at this point. Guess I have to let that 10% pity rate die.

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...My luck just keeps getting better.

I pulled four 3* units with my last 20 orbs on the seller account, and was like "Well, I got F!Grima.  Should've known it was silly to push my luck further...

And who else shows up on the last summon but FREAKING FJORM!


Her stats are far from ideal, but I'm still excited!



I'll merge her into the neutral Fjorm I have from the story mission.  Gotta say, I'm coming out with a nice haul on this seller account! xD

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50 minutes ago, Selena4Lyfe said:



And she's +Att!  -Res, but I think that can be worked with somehow!  I'm so excited!  I can't way to play around with this and get a decent build made!  I won't be able to keep her, sure, but I can have my fun while I can!  This account is turning out pretty decent; just might seal it with a link come the end of the Spring Banner, depending on how well that comes out!


Sorry to burst your +ATK bubble, but I am pretty sure that is +DEF/-RES, yes? My -DEF has 7 defense so. . .

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Arena orbs took me to 22, so it was either a round of one plus a round of four, or just a full round. Two greys on the first circle so I'm committed to the full round.

5* Female Grima +Res -HP
5* Summer Tiki +HP -Res

4* Lachesis +Def -HP
4* Male Robin +Def -HP
4* Roy +HP -Def

Excellent, got the unit I wanted most, plus the unit I wanted least (but still totally okay). And being on the opposite ends of the wanted list, they have opposite natures too, heh. There was a point yesterday where I started to question my decision to go all-in for Robin, but here we are. Decent fodder to round off the session too, and even have orbs left to expand the barracks.

Will wait for Thracia stats to be out then I'll decide on Catria/Alfonse vs Nanna for the next couple weeks' worth of orbs.


@Selena4Lyfe@Usana Yeah that one is definitely +Def -Res

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5 minutes ago, Usana said:

Sorry to burst your +ATK bubble, but I am pretty sure that is +DEF/-RES, yes? My -DEF has 7 defense so. . .

...I think the +ATT stat from the Summer Robin I mistakenly clicked on was stuck in my mind at the time of posting that...

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Looks like I'm first this time around.

Free pull was a *4 Cain. The worst red I could have pulled from the fodder banner. Meh. WoM3 is useful still. Uninterested in this one anyways, moving on.

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6 hours ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

@Cute Chao OHMUHFUGUUUUUUUD!  Last six hours, and I got her!  ...  On my seller account, but still, I GOT HER!




And she's +Att!  -Res, but I think that can be worked with somehow!  I'm so excited!  I can't way to play around with this and get a decent build made!  I won't be able to keep her, sure, but I can have my fun while I can!  This account is turning out pretty decent; just might seal it with a link come the end of the Spring Banner, depending on how well that comes out!


Only question is this:  Do I pull on the Miracle banner, or not?



Congrats :D

And as an avid Sigurd fan, I'd be pulling on it if I hadn't already got him. I think Delthea is pretty good, too, although I'm not keen on her as a character. That being said... Thracia is soon!!!!

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Figures now that the legendary banner is over and I'm done sniping greys, three grey orbs show up. No matter, the unit I want here is L'Arachel who I've never pulled despite the demotion, and there's one blue which suits me fine. 4* Abel. Eh, fine. The one red orb is taunting me, but as I have a single orb, I can't do anything about it.

Abel is +Atk -Def which is decent, and better than my +Res -Def pitybreaker 5* one, but I doubt I'd ever promote him. I suppose I can fodder off the 5* one for Brave Lance+ with no regrets now. To Effie? Or perhaps to Est would be a more appropriate?

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After the last 4*+5*, I'm not really in the mood for pulling repeatedly, took me longer than it should to get who I wanted.

4 Blue, 1 Colourless (Klein/Felicia or Abel/L'Arachel.....)

4* Clarine (What did I expect? +HP/-Spd, merge.)

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+res -def Titania from the 1 green I got for the 4-5* banner. No Cordelia on blue this time, which is a shame. Kinda tempted to use some orbs since I only need a couple more Camilla's to +10 mine, but I dunno.

Edit: Fuck me, I'm weak. IS is taking advantage of me having a headache today and needing a good pull to make me fell better. I used like 20 orbs, nothing good. Then in distress I threw 13 into the Spring banner(3.50% pity rate sitting there and a -atk Catria I want to fix), nothing as expected. Went back to the 4* banner again and got 2 more greens and..



I even have plenty of feathers ready for merging, but 1 came home to me as a fully free merge. I'm very happy! Camilla can now be completed! Now if only I'd see 5*s show up after so few orbs on real banners.


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