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That upcoming Cooldown Skills banner might be some top level bait if it's skills like Steady Breath, Flashing Blade and Infantry Pulse. Then again it also might be Lon'qu, Gwendolyn and Beruka.

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Used about 35 orbs on the new 4/5 star banner and finally got a Soleil, Tailtiu, and L'Arachel who were the only heroes in the banner i did not have plus I also got a 5 star Cain in the process.

Edited by nirvanafan
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Pulled a 4-Star +ATK/-DEF Felicia on the 4/5-Star banner free-summon. Wish she'd been a 5-Star so I wouldn't have to burn feathers on her (could that have happened on a 4/5-Star banner? She's in the big picture, but I dunno if she's actually bumped up to 5-Star on this banner or if she's still just 3/4-Star only), since I still need to see if anyone in the current gonna-get-refinements-soon pool will be needing feathers, but hey, +ATK Felicia. Can't complain.

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Wow, it's nice to see the Rachel made an appearance on the 4* Banner.  Since I've been wanting to +10 her, I figured this would be my best chance aside from waiting possibly several months from random Blue pulls.

And I did get a 5* Rachel


I believe she's +HP-Atk, because of course she is, but I'm going to merge her anyway, so it doesn't matter.  This just saves me 20K feathers.

I also got three 4* Rachels, but none of them has a better nature than my -HP+Atk base.  So that means she's finally +10 now.

I also got a pity breaker Elincia @Anacybele, but I'm perfectly fine with that.


I believe she's +Atk-Def, which is near identical to the -HP+Atk one I have now.  I don't know whether to merge or give her Flier Formation to someone.  I'm leaning towards merging.

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Welp, no bunnies for me. I just got a pity breaker Cordelia (not mad because now I have her at +3).

Guess I'll wait see if the Thracia banner has Spd Tactic fodder and if not then I'll save for whatever will come in May.

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After getting a Spring Xander (again) and Female Morgan, I finally got my first Spring Lucina (-hp +def). Time to go back for Spring Sharena, after getting pity broken there by Julia after 100 orbs. I'm not complaining tho, even if she was worst ivs (+hp -res).

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I tried to do stuff on the legendary heroes banner.  Up to 829 total pulled units.


Arthur (+HP/-Spd): If you're going to do this to me, can you be a 4*?
Corrin (+Atk/-HP): Her super-boon and super-bane cancel each other out.  This one can run Lightning Breath+, and be a bit less terrible at it!
Matthew (+Atk/-HP): On one hand, he loses his tankiness.  On the other hand, he gains some offense.  Will probably require a slightly different build to shine, since I wouldn't want to subject this one to CC shenanigans.
Wrys (+Spd/-Atk): Your Spd is nigh-unsalvagable, but your Atk moreso.  The difference is that I can run Pain+ and not care.  Hmm. . .double Fortress Def, Recover+, and Live to Serve, maybe?  Suddenly Serra doesn't suck!
Laslow (+Def/-Res): I was overdue for a unit with a questionable boon/bane.

Soren (+Spd/-Def): THIS has potential!
Corrin (neutral): Nah, I like the one I pulled earlier.
Est (+Atk/-Spd): What the--this is the perfect Brave Lance nature!
Clarine (+Spd/-HP): And that's ANOTHER good boon/bane!  What is even going on?

Wendy (+Atk/-Spd): Normally, 33 base Atk isn't Brave Lance material.  But with armor bonuses, this is viable.

Hana (+Res/-Spd): Welp, that's not the best note to end it on.  But I might have a use for Obstruct.

What I failed to pull in rarity, I more than made up for with viable units.  Just LOOK at this haul!


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Rolled blue on the fodder banner hoping for a +Spd or Atk L'Arachel to merge my old one into, but somehow ended up with another -Spd 5* Tailtiu. I suppose I'll hold on to her until I pull Linde or something 

Edited by Korath88
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Blew 28 F2P orbs and dropped $20 on the Miracle banner one last time, to wash the foul taste of tonight's Arena Assault run out of my mouth.

From the free orbs, Seth +Res -Spd (Ouch on the nature) and 450 feathers.

From the paid orbs, Ayra +HP -Spd (Ouch again on the nature, but thanks for the merge into +Def -HP) and topped out on 4-star copies of Roy. Waiting for his refinement before choosing one to raise.

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I never thought I'd get somewhat angry at getting a 5* from a YOLO pull but...



...can we seriously kick Rebecca (+Def/-Atk, with my previous one being +Res/-Atk) out of the 5* pool?!?! I have no clue what to do with this, and that actually infuriates me. Fortunately, my rate was only at 3.25% here so this didn't set me back that much in my search for Kagero.


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@Zeo @Vaximillian

In my second account, I was still searching for my flying green mage. I wanted to pull again since the VG gave us a few orbs as well from quests. Despite the Hector pitybreaker last time, I felt like I need to try again while the banner is still here.

Unfortunately, green sniping is really infuriating. I was back at 3% rate, but I had 3 sessions in a row with no green orbs- in fact, the first 2 sessions only had red and colourless orbs! Not even blue which is the other focus colour. I got a Lon'qu and a Sophia I guess.

Third session had 3 blues, I picked one and it was a 4 star Reinhardt. At least he wasn't a pitybreaker this time. As much as getting a Buncina would be neat, I only had 10 orbs left at that point and I needed to prioritise units with a unique niche.

Then I grinded more story maps to go to 21 orbs again, just because I want to actually TRY and get ONE green orb at least. I'll just try 1 green orb then I'm out.Well... at least I had 1 green in the session...





I got her in both accounts now! The search is over!

I can't believe the first green orb I pulled after Hector was her! I mean sure it took me wasting 15 orbs just to get a green orb BUT WOW. The best thing is, I didn't have to sift through a Spring Chrom pitybreaker!

She's +Def/-Spd but that's okay at least I have colour coverage now in ranged flier options. She's not the fastest anyway and the +Def will be great against archers. Plus I have Sacred seals/Flier buffs to fix that if I need to.

As painful as green sniping was (and the orb drain of just quitting no-green sessions) I guess it was worth it in the end. Now I can truly save for the Legendary banner. Kagero looks appealing but not enough for another hunt, since I'm just barely under 20 orbs again so I need to stock up. Between Camilla and Legendary Grima, suddenly my flier emblem options have expanded so I'm happy.

At least I have a bonus unit now if Camilla moves on the next round

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9 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I got her in both accounts now! The search is over!

Pinging me because I sent her home back in December? :D
Congratulations! I’m still holding out for Thracia hopefully in 6 days. I must have them all. Finn is legend, Nanna is cute, and Leif is our boy.

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@mampfoid Thanks! I really lucked out on this one in the end, because boy did I ever feel annoyed about green hell over the weekend.

And I'd gladly join her in gratitude for this. First, she needs to move on the next round though!

@Vaximillian I wasn't sure if you wanted memories of that seasonal pitybreaker XD

But I wish you all the best for the Thracia banner! Not long to go now! I hope they come to you soon!

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@mcsilas Lucky! 

I'm torn myself, with me wanting both Kagero and Camilla... I'm not sure where I should spend resources. Spending those 40 extra orbs on the legendary banner really hurt me. I'm not sure how to proceed.

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12 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

I never thought I'd get somewhat angry at getting a 5* from a YOLO pull but...

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...can we seriously kick Rebecca (+Def/-Atk, with my previous one being +Res/-Atk) out of the 5* pool?!?! I have no clue what to do with this, and that actually infuriates me. Fortunately, my rate was only at 3.25% here so this didn't set me back that much in my search for Kagero.


I got Rebecca from the 4* banner free pull.  Actually upset about it because most 4*s would be more useful.  Mines +spd/-res though.  Probably above average Rebecca but its Rebecca so who cares?

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5 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas Lucky! 

I'm torn myself, with me wanting both Kagero and Camilla... I'm not sure where I should spend resources. Spending those 40 extra orbs on the legendary banner really hurt me. I'm not sure how to proceed.

To be honest i wouldn’t recommend on the Camilla banner if you have limited orbs. From personal experience in that banner, trying to get green orbs is a pain and even then Chrom might come in. I just lucked out hard, i just only wanted to try my next green orb. It took me wasting 15 orbs just to get that 1 green orb to show up (plus 5 more orbs to summon it)

Kagero might suit your style though and at least her banner is on longer so you can check future banners to see if you want any units and if not, you can go to Kagero.

it all depends what niche you want in your team and how bad you want that unit’s niche. I’m perfectly fine waiting for Kagero as a legendary unit as i don’t like a lot of colourless pitybreakers, plus this month’s Legendary banner has a high chance of units that i’ve been waiting for and is more of my priority right now

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Anyways, used 13 orbs on the fodder banner, pulled a perfect nature Nino, my first Soliel, and a Camilla. I’m not really mad, since Elincia wanted the Firesweep sword and Nino makes the last member of my arena core

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Just got another Cordelia (I suppose she wants to get to +10 ASAP or maybe it has something to do with the 2 Exalted Chroms I have around), this one is +Spd -Res which is an improvement over the +Atk -Res one I have, after the merging spree is done I'll try to give her the Firesweep Lance and a Slaying Lance to see which build I like better.

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