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@Rezzy Glad to see that you had luck on your side, complete with no -Atk units! I wish I had enough luck to get Kana and her adorableness in the few pulls I did, but it wasn't to be. I did at least get a Klein (in progress) and a Sakura (want to do at some point) for my +10 projects.

And while I'm here, I did manage to get one last parting gift from World of Thracia before it expired.



Well, I'm kinda glad I didn't choose to promote him (this one got +Res/-Def, so perfectly average) before this point. I'm sure I'll be able to find plenty of use out of him and am glad it was him and not Jaffar. I also got a Soleil right before this pull, so now I just need three more to finish her +10 5* project.


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3 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Did well on this banner! With only about 40 orbs I got Nanna and Kinshi Hinoka! Kinoka is +Atk/-HP and I haven't checked Nanna's IVs yet.

Congrats, I think that's the same nature as my Hinoka.  4* or 5* Nanna?

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4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

She's -HP+Atk, which seems like a pretty good nature

Surprised it wasnt reversed!

But gratz to you... I wanted her but I need Olivia merges 

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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Surprised it wasnt reversed!

But gratz to you... I wanted her but I need Olivia merges 

I wanted her too and still want her... But so many orbs and I didn't get anything. :(

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I wanted her too and still want her... But so many orbs and I didn't get anything. :(

Aww really

Must be one of those "you'll only get them if you spend money" things that happen to you sometimes lol

I still have orbs to get but Olivia beckons... 

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13 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Aww really

Must be one of those "you'll only get them if you spend money" things that happen to you sometimes lol

I still have orbs to get but Olivia beckons... 

Yeah. I even spent some money and still didn't get Hinoka or anything else I'd call good.

Well, go pull some reds then! xP

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170 ish orbs on the WOF banner got me:

BSW Hinoka (+Res,-Atk) - (From my last circle...) The bane hurts, but as she's in my main flier emblem team anyway, the buffs still give her the ability to do a lot of work.

Genny (+Atk,-HP) - First copy of Genny with good IV's as well. Will build her up I think :)


Might come back to this banner, after the Golden Week & Legendary Banner pass through.

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6 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Good for you. I'm still sitting here having blown tons of orbs and still have nothing to show for it...

I'm right there with ya. I've dropped about 100 orbs on this banner hoping for Hinoka, but came away with nothing but a 4-star Nanna (new!) but only fodder otherwise... I have 2 orbs now. Terrible idea right before the Legendary banner, but... Hinoka ><

I wish you and everyone else the best of luck in summoning! And hope my own improves as well.

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I had to dig for more orbs than I care to admit.  Up to 879 total pulled units (really).


Arthur (+HP/-Atk): That's Swap + Lancebreaker fodder!
Jagen (+Spd/-HP): Can you, uh, trade with Arthur?
L'Arachel (+Atk/-Def): 13 Defense is scary.  36 Attack is great.  I think I'll merge my old one, even if it's the stupid Ploy build!

Effie (+Atk/-HP): All she's missing is a Brave Lance.  She's going to hit like a truck!
Virion (neutral): And that's another merge level for a better one!
Est (+Res/-HP): I know I have a +Atk one somewhere!

Virion (+HP/-Res): 4+10 here I come~!
Sothe (+Res/-Def): One day, Sothe.  One day.

Merric (+Def/-Res): Funny as it is, I think Boey does the physical tank thing better.
Clarine (+Res/-HP): Eeep, no!
Leon (+Res/-Def): If I don't need Guard, I'm going to work on my beloved 5*!
Setsuna (+Spd/-Atk): Wow, that's bad.  Bowbreaker is a legit skill, at least.

Azama (neutral): I think I'll work on a 5+10 of him.  When I get the feathers!
Merric (+Res/-Atk): I think this is the worst possible boon/bane for him.

Mae (+HP/-Atk): Maybe I can give her tome to someone like Robin?  I had a +Spd one somewhere, and he welcomes those extra stats!
Jagen (+HP/-Atk): I should make a 4+10 of him.
Azama (+HP/-Res): I should keep at least one of him in reserve, in case I want to pass his weapon on to someone else.
Amelia (+Spd/-Res): Time to merge my old one~!
Barst (+Spd/-Atk): Almost, man.  I think I have a Cherche that wants that axe.

TIL that Amelia was in Fates.  This would be the second banner that my 5* was someone random. . .but hey, she's good, so it works out anyway!


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The one Red orb... the ONE... there were 2 blues and 2 colorless... oh no, THOSE had 3* Oboro, Reinhardt, Klein, and 4* Gaius...


This Brave Roy isn't even good, +HP -Res, and I don't put Galeforce on many units, plus I already have 2 Lyns if I really wanted to put Galeforce on someone.

Oh no, don't give me any of the Red units I don't own yet, please give me more of the same unit that I have pulled 3 separate times off focus since his September 2017 release, not counting this instance mind you, who gives a skill I already have 2 fodder for, and lets also make his nature as bland as possible while we're here. Yes, please and thank you game, for making me waste 20 orbs on this.


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22 hours ago, mampfoid said:

You should calculate your next run to compare +ATK Matthew with +SPD Matthew. I'm still not convinced +ATK would be the better choice for him. 

At the highest level possible, +ATK is netting him over 10 more kills. It's a super boon in ATK. It just can't be beat. At lower merges +SPD is better, but for endgame? He wants those 4 points of ATK unless he's committing to a Sweep build.

22 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I didn't use her before she became cool. I was attracted by the plate and her nice design made me spend dew (even if the refinement is not necessary in many cases to make the plate a great weapon). 

I'm going to build her, just waiting for the right nature. I'm pretty sure I have a +SPD/-RES variant but I don't want to dump that particular stat on her. I do want to spend Dew on her, but I don't know what's next so I'll be waiting for the next update to see who's next on the upgrade block. I'd want to slap myself if I spent Dew on Felicia and then saw Matthew getting a prf in May. (Funny, it would be like a birthday present since my Birthday is next month.)

Wanted to respond to this, just never got around to it.

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37 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I'd want to slap myself if I spent Dew on Felicia and then saw Matthew getting a prf in May. (Funny, it would be like a birthday present since my Birthday is next month.)

You already had some nasty ideas for his prf if I remember correctly. I'm also curious to see what it will look like (if he ever gets one). 

Meanwhile I'm sitting on 580 dew ... so many choices. 

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...Another pitybreaking Kana, thanks a fucking lot game.

I hate this stupid brat now. I don't like or need her! This time it was kind of my own fault because I decided to pull the lone green after the lone colorless to see if it was Frederick. But still. I don't really like the idea of to using a (probably) 8 year old kid in a battle anyway.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

...Another pitybreaking Kana, thanks a fucking lot game.

I hate this stupid brat now. I don't like or need her! This time it was kind of my own fault because I decided to pull the lone green after the lone colorless to see if it was Frederick. But still. I don't really like the idea of to using a (probably) 8 year old kid in a battle anyway.

I also got pitybroken by a pity breaker green dragon. But I wanted Kana, and instead, I get a M!Grima. +spd/-def to boot. I’m trying to decide whether to give his Vengful Fighter to BK or wheter to just merge him

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3 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

I also got pitybroken by a pity breaker green dragon. But I wanted Kana, and instead, I get a M!Grima. +spd/-def to boot. I’m trying to decide whether to give his Vengful Fighter to BK or wheter to just merge him

...Okay? Don't know what you're telling me this for. But I'd merge him. I hate Grima, but I do admit male Grima Robin is a very good unit, probably better than Kana. So you don't really need her either. But if you want her, then I can't stop you.

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15 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Uh...okay? So?

Poimagic is empathizing with you.  Misery loves company, so it can be fun to share your tales of misfortune with people who have had similar experiences.

Like with me, I think it was @SatsumaFSoysoy who kept getting -Spd to compliment my -Atk, and it was fun to say we should form a club, or @Vaximillian calling all his -Atk Titanias Rezzys.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

Poimagic is empathizing with you.  Misery loves company, so it can be fun to share your tales of misfortune with people who have had similar experiences.

Like with me, I think it was @SatsumaFSoysoy who kept getting -Spd to compliment my -Atk, and it was fun to say we should form a club, or @Vaximillian calling all his -Atk Titanias Rezzys.

...Um, okay. I think that's a little weird, but whatever suits you.

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This game is trying to tell me something... I used the BHB quests orbs trying to get Hinoka, got nothing but more Matthews and Serras. Why the hell is this game just giving me those two?!

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I wanted Shigure or Hinoka, so I was only pulling blue and colorless. On one round I get 2 blue, 2 colorless, 1 green. I get through the first 4, all garbage. I decide to pull the green since it's just 3 orbs and maybe I can get Barst or something, but right after I confirm it I think, "Wait, no, it could be Kana."

You can probably guess how this story ends.

So now the question is: Do I use her for Fierce Stance or Goad Dragons?

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...Okay, WOW. My luck just all of a sudden went from shitty to holy shit how did this craziness happen.

Hinoka came at LAST!


But that's not the best part. Ike fanboy here showed up too. :P


And both have amazing IVs! Hinoka is +Atk, -HP and Sothe is +Spd, -Res!

I had to have blown roughly $50 on this banner, but now it seems worth it. lol Now I can save what little I can for the legendary banner in case someone I want is on it.

@Rezzy @Arcanite

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

...Okay, WOW. My luck just all of a sudden went from shitty to holy shit how did this craziness happen.

Hinoka came at LAST!


But that's not the best part. Ike fanboy here showed up too. :P


And both have amazing IVs! Hinoka is +Atk, -HP and Sothe is +Spd, -Res!

I had to have blown roughly $50 on this banner, but now it seems worth it. lol Now I can save what little I can for the legendary banner in case someone I want is on it.

@Rezzy @Arcanite

Congrats, that the same nature my Hinoka has, it seems to be pretty common for some reason.

I think Golden Week is supposed to start pretty soon, isn't it?  I expect we'll get some sort of announcement on that soon.

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