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@Zeo wooo!!! Congrats! Great that you finally have Ephraim! Was this at 8%? 

you have the same Jakob as my one! What bow are you going to give him?

Funny how he appears when a free Takumi is announced..

you have more 5 stars than me now with less orbs spent, so that’s another plus :)

so happy for you! 

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@mcsilas It was at 8%, crazy right?

Jakob is going to sit on the bench for a while. I don't typically use armors but Jakob is such an oppressive unit I don't feel it's worth it unless I go all in on him. I don't know if any Bold or Vengeful Fighter is around the corner for me so for now he waits.

And thanks! I feel so relieved lol.

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Since I beat the LHB and did a few quests I'm up to 25 orbs. A few more tries for L!Lyn it is.

  1. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder.

Not Lyn, but useful regardless. 20 orbs left.

  1. 4* Barst: Okay.
  2. 4* Cecilia: Meh.

Huh, I actually have a stock of Repo fodder for once. Still no Lyn though.

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I admit to absolutely adoring Jakob, so I was thrilled to get him during his initial run. He's pretty handy, at least.

Congrats on the Ephraim and the double pull, even if the latter wasn't quite what you wanted ^.^

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@Zeo Not gonna lie, I’m a bit jealous of that Jakob. Nice to see that at least you’re having luck.

The feeling of pulling two 5* units from the same summon is always great even if one of them was not exactly what you were going for. At least it’s better than being pity broken by a normal Jakob. Thank god that’s not a thing anymore.

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Main: 40 F2P orbs burning a hole in my pocket. I get H!Jakob (+Spd -Def). Far from ideal, but at least it's not the dreaded -Atk. 3-star Clair comes along, normally a send-home, but she's set to get a new weapon, and I checked, she's +Atk -Def.

F2P Alt: Squeezed out 20 more orbs. PA!Inigo (+HP -Atk). It's official, this account has the -Atk Curse.

Now done with this banner.

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Well I did my full pull today. Got  2 blues 2 greens and a colorless. I almost just opened the two blues. Which got me nothing interesting. The two greens were empty of goodies too. But the colorless was a Female Grima!


@Zeo Congrats on your Ephraim!

6 hours ago, eclipse said:

@Rezzy Go buy a lottery ticket or something, that was a damn good pull!  Especially that Lyn~!

No! All the luck has clearly been spent. It would end up being a negative lottery ticket where you get to pay the lottery commission bunches of money instead of getting money!

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Used 150 Orbs on the Legendary Banner. Target was Micaiah and a better Grima!Robin (mine has +Hp/-Spd). Got:
- L!Ephraim (+Res, -Hp): I was a bit tilted by this considering I was at 10% pity rate but I think I will find uses for him.
- HW!Henry (+Def, -Spd): In the same session as Ephraim the last green Orb gave me this. Since I don't use Seasonals aside from PA!Azura he is Armor March fodder which I will gladly take.
- Micaiah (+Spd, -Def): What do you know, the very next session has her in a single Blue Orb.
- Klein (???): I needed more Death Blow fodder.

Might try some more for Colorless though I will wait until the DC banner hits.
Now I kinda hope that the next story banner has desireable Green units or the next fodder Banner has Selena and Barst because I need to draw more Reposition fodder.

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Grand Conquest orbs took me to 21 so time to summon again. Shouldn't have.

4* Tailtiu +Res -Atk
3* Mathilda +Res -Def
4* Roderick +Spd -Res
4* Chrom +Res -Spd
4* Beruka +Atk -HP

Nothing useful, the Roderick is theoretically nice but I've already got one. 10% pity rate and getting nervous.

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I gathered more orbs from chain challenges and quests and GC.Somewhere around 170 orbs now poured into this banner.

I’ve been sniping greens now ditching the thought of Jakob and just focusing on Lyn. This banner hates me though as it ended up giving me no green orbs last session and of course the one colorless orb I hope doesn’t pity break me turns out to be another -atk Genny.

Genny you’re a favorite from SoV but we need to talk about those stalking issues of yours.

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I've been trying to get Takumi for a while now… Interesting that they're giving such a powerful unit to new players, and that now he is free to existing ones… I don't him much as a character, but there's no denying that he's good in battle…

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So the legendary banner surely loves me. Had 4 focuses in 8 pulls, none of which I need, but whatever. I’m sure they’ll make amazing fodders.

In memory of this beauty:


Edited by Okigen
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Rushed in GC to get some orbs, with daily stuff and some missions I got enough (18) for one other try on the legendary banner. 

Most interesting not-yet-haves are Eirika, Ephraim, Shigure and Inigo, so I concentrate on blue and green, since I also need Cherche and Cordelia copies. First session: one blue (Roderick). Second session: 2 blue 1 green:

@Zeo @mcsilas 


Inigo +ATK/-SPD, what a pleasant surprise! My first ranged dancer.

How should I build him? I could make him TA/Gronraven, his quasi to-go set. 

I think I'm done with the banner, since the most useful unit (Eirika) shares the biggest risk for me (Celica). 

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I CAUGHT A LEGENDARY EPHRAIM! +SPD/-ATK (I am having the weirdest luck with +SPD this banner... Also this makes him match the Eirika I also pulled off this banner. Odd coincidence, that.) is pretty okay, 30-36 SPD could make Ephraim a bit less double-able, and the ATK bane is just a regular bane and pretty much fixed by his weapon anyway, and he can always get horse buffs, so this is good. Really I'm just happy to have an Ephraim.

Not sure I'll keep trying on this banner. Took until 11% to get Ephraim, so maybe, maybe not.

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@mampfoid Nice! -Spd sucks but you can just give him Spd+3 if he really needs it in certain maps.

TA Gronnraven is pretty useful, and he needs Bowbreaker if you want him to check archers like Lyn. Not sure if he also needs Deflect Magic for buffed Reinhardts but that’s an option, too.

Or you could go healer support and keep his weapon and give him Breath of Life for TTs. It’s very good with ranged dancers for sustain support. Hone Atk is pretty nice as well

i gave mine both options. 

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I think I used up all of my Heroes luck on the two Thracia-related banners. In exchange for getting all four focus units on the Thracian banner and a great natured Olwen very early in the tempest banner, I have pulled absolutely nothing on the legendary banner.

Well, that's not COMPLETELY true ... I do have skill fodder.

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Another round on the legendary (as thanks for the incoming free Takumi, feathers to promote him for the merge, no EXP/SP penalty for replaying content, and no losing EXP/SP gained because of falling in battle)...

Micaiah is now +6 and F!Grima gets a merge to +3.

Honestly,  I want to whale the next regular banner that features B!Lucina, Lute, or Micaiah to get them 10'd out at this point.

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5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid Nice! -Spd sucks but you can just give him Spd+3 if he really needs it in certain maps.

TA Gronnraven is pretty useful, and he needs Bowbreaker if you want him to check archers like Lyn. Not sure if he also needs Deflect Magic for buffed Reinhardts but that’s an option, too.

Or you could go healer support and keep his weapon and give him Breath of Life for TTs. It’s very good with ranged dancers for sustain support. Hone Atk is pretty nice as well

i gave mine both options. 

-SPD is unfortunate because it lowers both his offensive and defensive capabilities. Since fighting is not his main job, I'm not too sad. Super offensive units suffer a lot more from such a bane. 

Perhaps I'll start with TA and breath of life to try him out next TTs (depending on the bonus units, Fliers have priority). 


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@mampfoid I can say that 33 SPD has come in handy for me, but +ATK is a fantastic nature. I had to use [RES] on his Dancer Ring refine to patch up the -RES in order for him to survive Reinhardt, but the SPD refine will patch you up nicely if you go for that. If you use a TA-Raven build however he'll deal with Rein and Lyn fine all the same. Bowbreaker on him is perfect if you want him to be able to deal with her safely, but if you want the SPD boost you can go for a Keen Gronnwolf [SPD] tome and he'll deal with both of them still so long as Lyn isn't running Brave Bow+.

As for me, the Hone ATK and Gale Dance combo has done wonders for me, but since he's primarily Matthew's supporter it's hard to say what I'd give him if he was in the general rotation. Buffing 2 stats generally all the time as a dancer is pretty nice though.

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So Ayra banner was ending in less than 24 hours, so I decided to do a last try- since I also needed some red fodder (mainly Roys and Selenas).

No Ayra but I did get a +Atk/-Res Soleil, a +Atk/-Def Eliwood, a Palla (was running out so very welcome) and a +Spd Sophia which became fodder.

@mampfoid If you do go @Zeo's idea of Keen Gronnwolf, then best bet is to just use F!Robin so he ca inherit B Tomebreaker as well. Plus Rhajat is really rare although she does save you upgrading regular Gronnwolf.

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I think it's the very first time I was more excited to pull a Hana (because LaD2) than to pull a focus unit in person of Shigure.

However I found out that he's voiced by Matthew Mercer (who gives the glorious lovable Prince Olivert Reise Arnor his voice) and he's -HP / +atk, so he earned some credit back.

Overall it's still a very disappointing banner. 200 orbs for only two 5* units (I did not even want) and I got rarely green orbs.

That's gatcha!

Edited by Hecatia Lapislazuli
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1 hour ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

Overall it's still a very disappointing banner. 200 orbs for only two 5* units (I did not even want) and I got rarely green orbs.

That's gatcha!

That's the same luck I got on this legendary banner - although I did end up with the unit I wanted (and a dupe that I didn't mind) at the end of it. Oh well, win some / lose some. Hope you have better luck in the future :)

For an additional plus, Shigure does actually sing one of his voice lines :D

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