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80 orbs down the drain got me to a 9.50% pity rate. Let's hope I can resist the urge to try and break it so my orbs can recover.

Not all was bad though. I got a 4* Cain and Hinata. Sadly, the Hinata still doesn't have good IVs (+Spd/-Atk) so my dream of building him will have to remain a dream for some time longer. I also got a +Atk -Def Lilina out of it, which sounds amazing. Since neither Morgan or Bride!Tharja have shown me any time of day, I might build her up instead.

The most baffling thing about this banner for me was the four horsemen of the apocalypse showing up. Turns out all of them are called Seth. And then they brought a new buddy, also called Seth. Seriously, why I couldn't I have pulled 5 Selenas instead?

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My free pull: +SPD -HP Ryoma. Wow. I did the rest of the circle for fun and got nothing except a Klein. I wasn’t going to go out of my way for this guy, but it’s nice to get him just like that. Lol

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I'm not particularly excited about this banner, but I could use several units here so my goal is one 5*. I've got 113 orbs with plenty more on the way, so that shouldn't be hard.

  1. 4* Sakura: Meh.
  2. 4* Fae: Not really needed since L'Arachel dropped in rarity.
  3. 3* Mathilda: No thanks.
  4. 4* Florina: Bleh.
  5. 3* Hawkeye: SP fodder for the 5* copy I never use.

Well, I still have 98 orbs, so back I go.

  1. 4* Saizo: Useless.
  2. 3* Niles: Iceberg fodder.
  3. 4* Mae: Draw Back fodder.
  4. 4* Fir: Meh.
  5. 4* M!Morgan: Hello. You're +Spd/-Def, which is better than my current +Def/-Res copy. Maybe I'll promote you later.

Good fodder, but not much else. 78 orbs left.

  1. 4* Nino: Meh.
  2. 4* Seliph: If only you were your father.
  3. 4* Merric: Okay.
  4. 4* Camilla: Whatever.
  5. 3* Henry: Feathers.

The last legendary banner gave me 8 5* units for just over 200 orbs, and this one won't give me one for 55. Well, can't win them all. 58 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tailtiu: Finally you show up again. Someone could use Drive Speed.
  2. 4* Sothe: Meh. I don't use Life and Death, so you're of no use to me.
  3. 3* Lachesis: Useless.
  4. 4* Rebecca: No thanks.
  5. 3* Matthew: Bleh.

Come on Feh. You brought my daughter home, but now you're being stingy. 38 orbs left.

  1. 3* Florina: Feathers.
  2. 3* Ogma: More feathers.
  3. 4* Eirika: Okay?
  4. 3* Soren: SP fodder.
  5. 3* Beruka: Even more feathers.

And now I'm down to 18 orbs. I should have just taken the free Sakura and bailed. Unless the next ring gives me at least 2 5* units for my troubles, this won't be worth it. Freaking 10.5% pity rate now.

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Another legendary banner and another round of disappointment. Seriously, I dread every time a legendary I actually want shows up -.-

I already have Tiki and Sigurd (and really don't like the former) but I thought I'd give it a shot since it's the first male red flier, and I've been demanding more since the game began.

Of course, I end up with 3-4 Tikis, 2-3 Sigurds and 2 Christmas Robins -.-

It took 150 orbs for my first 5* to show up, so the last 100 were very lucky, but the first lot left me mostly sour, except for all the swap fodder and TA fodder.

I spent 250 orbs in the end (out of 400) and forced myself to stop 'cos it was driving me crazy. So, once again, technically got 'lucky' I guess but am left sour, bitter and without the legendary hero I really wanted.

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Legendary Heroes banner is a disappointment with how stingy it was with blue stones. Gave up after 5 blue stones and 1 errant red one just because I didn't have a choice.

Spent some orbs on the Bridal Bloom banner and got very lucky; in a total of about 40 orbs, I got a +HP/-Def Bride Ninian and a +Def/-Spd Bride Sanaki in the same session and at 3.25% pity rate. Also snagged a 4* +Spd/-HP Shigure so woot!

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Now up to 958 total pulled units.  This is across three banners.  Try to guess which is which! :P:



Mae (+Res/-Spd): Draw Back fodder for sure!
Shigure (+Res/-HP): If any build wants Fury, it's this one.  Sucks about the superbane, though.  Still better than the first one I pulled!
Nowi (+Atk/-HP): I think I can live with this!

Clarine (+HP/-Def): Genny wants your staff.
Sully (+Atk/-HP): Well. . .crap.  This one's actually good.

Hana (+Atk/-Spd): Can I run you with a Brave Sword?  Yes.  Do I want to?  Not really, I liked that Seliph better.
Sigurd (+Res/-Def): I, uh. . .who wants Spd Smoke?

Claire (+Spd/-Res): It's not like I had DC anyway, so I'll take this!
Effie (neutral): That reminds me, Hector could use Wary Fighter.

Matthew (+Atk/-Def): I think he wants Saizo's Smoke Dagger.
Clarine (+Res/-Spd): That's unfortunate.
Lissa (+Spd/-Def): This. . .works, somehow?  I'm horribly confused.

Matthew (+Atk/-Spd): That's painful.  Well, Hone Spd is a skill I like.
Felicia (+Def/-HP): That's Breath of Life fodder.
Shanna (+HP/-Def): Desperation is a good skill!

I'm done with the legendary banner, but the bridal banner still refuses to give me a 5*.  My apologies to @Zeo for taking all the Matthews!


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Was feeling unsatisfied so I ground out some TT orbs plus the Ryoma fighty ones and went again.

4* Hinata +HP -Spd
3* Nowi +Atk -Def
5* Hardin +Def -Spd
4* Sophia +Res -HP
4* F Corrin +Atk -Spd

Cool, Hardin is one of the top three units I wanted out of the banner so I consider that mission accomplished. Good nature too, though his default skills confuse me a bit on how to use him. My incumbent blue armour is a +Res -Spd DC Effie that has served me well, but now that Hardin is here maybe I should switch into my unbuilt +Atk -Spd Effie. (Eliwood is my only other blue armour and he's completely unbuilt)

Hinata is a nice bonus, I'm almost done giving my tanks Fury so I'll finally be able to start giving it to my mages. Happy with the Sophia as well because she's been stuck at +7 for months. Shame Ares or Sothe didn't show up but it's early doors (plus I impulse-promoted regular Marth today so feathers are scarce).

All up, 135 orbs on summons exactly and 5 on barracks expansion, so it feels a little sub-par overall but considering I went on a dry spell of nearly 180 orbs last legendary banner, I can't complain too much. Not going to risk that happening again so I'm almost certainly done with the banner.

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Just 45 orbs in and...


OMG YAAAAY!! I didn't even wind up with any Sigurds or Young Tikis either! And even better? He's freaking +Atk, -Res! YEAH BABY! I needed this after I suffered -Spd regular Ryomas for so long too.

@Rezzy @Arcanite

@Thor Odinson Hope you're getting as lucky as I am!

I'm also pulling greens for NY Azura and Frederick, but neither have appeared yet.

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First time I've had a triple 5-star, my pity was at 8.5%, I've done 5  full circles atm (had 400 orbs saved for this) and so far I have

Fjorm x 2 (+atk - def) and  (+res -spd)

Y!Tiki x2  (+hp -atk) and (+spd -res)

Hardin x2 (+res -def) and (+atk -res)


The only unit I really want if flying Azura, I missed her the the last time and really want a flying dancer, the wedding banner hasn't been the best to me so I'l just keep on this one.


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4 minutes ago, Marcodian_Elite said:

The only unit I really want if flying Azura, I missed her the the last time and really want a flying dancer, the wedding banner hasn't been the best to me so I'l just keep on this one.

I wanted her too, but I'm not getting her now... I blew all of my close to 230 orbs and still only really have that Ryoma to show for it. I did pull a Fjorm, but she had bad IVs, so was just merge fodder. Christmas Chrom was also not someone I wanted, plus I have better green armors and I don't even like armors anyway. And I pulled three Fredericks, but all were bad IVs and not the IVs I wanted. So Ryoma is all I'm keeping out of all this. Christmas Chrom is either getting sent home or is skill fodder. Though I'm not sure who needs anything he has.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I wanted her to, but I'm not getting her now... I blew all of my close to 230 orbs and still only really have that Ryoma to show for it. I did pull a Fjorm, but she had bad IVs, so was just merge fodder. Christmas Chrom was also not someone I wanted, plus I have better green armors and I don't even like armors anyway. And I pulled three Fredericks, but all were bad IVs and not the IVs I wanted. So Ryoma is all I'm keeping out of all this. Christmas Chrom is either getting sent home or is skill fodder. Though I'm not sure who needs anything he has.

I know your pain, I didnt do that well in the last legendary banner so just stopped summoning, units I wanted most in this wer Hardin and Azura with a a very distant thrid being Ryoma just because my current red flying slot is rather weak, I already have an Innes,Winter Chrom,Gunthra and Legendary robin, I very much doubt I would be able to +10 any of them as I would need 9 of each to do so xD 

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I couldn’t get anyone new within six full sessions (+Atk/-HP Festive Tactician Robin, +HP/-Spd Sigurd as my 5* acquisitions) but I still got something meaningful.



One more Cordy than I needed, but I’m very pleased that I’ll be able to finish her up very soon!


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10 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Rafiel's Aria Awesome Ryoma, congratulations! Will you give him Firesweep Sword?

She did pull an awesome one. Mine's awesome too though, ya know. :P

But ugh, I'm sitting on a 10.5% pity rate with no orbs now...

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

She did pull an awesome one. Mine's awesome too though, ya know. :P

But ugh, I'm sitting on a 10.5% pity rate with no orbs now...

Hey congratulations! He seems to be a cool dude, any ideas for his team? 

I don't even have the infantry version, also no 5* from this banner, but a 10% rate ... *sigh*

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After a few Chroms and Hinatas, I finally got a L!Ryoma. +hp -res...not ideal but I can try to patch that by feeding him that Celica that spooked me a month ago so he can keep his Raijinto. My Elincia works fine as my Player Phase sword flier. I don’t need another one. 


Interesting thing was that I was never pity broken by anyone else during my rolls in this banner. L!Ryoma was the only 5* I pulled after nearly 200 orbs. Y!Tiki will continue to elude me. Meh, I’ll just wait for Idunn or Jahn. 

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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Hey congratulations! He seems to be a cool dude, any ideas for his team? 

I don't even have the infantry version, also no 5* from this banner, but a 10% rate ... *sigh*

Thanks! Not yet, but I'll come up with something eventually.

Yeah, pity rates suck. :(

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15 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Rafiel's Aria Awesome Ryoma, congratulations! Will you give him Firesweep Sword? 

@Tybrosion Wow, you'll +10 her very soon, I'm envious. Even one spare copy for GF fodder, cool. I would give all my last 20 pulled units for this. 

Probably not. I don't see myself investing too much into him. Maybe give him Goad Fliers and a better A Skill...and maybe a different special. I could put him on my flier team (Caeda, Shigure, Summer Corrin, and NY!Azura), but I don't see him replacing Caeda any time soon. Oddly enough, I gave her Firesweep Sword once upon a time.  I may be able to do something with him and Myrrh...but Myrrh's already paired up with Legendary Ephraim. If I ever pull another flying mage, he could be on the secondary team for sure! 

I really hope you can break your pity rate...and get galeforce fodder. 

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Just 45 orbs in and...


OMG YAAAAY!! I didn't even wind up with any Sigurds or Young Tikis either! And even better? He's freaking +Atk, -Res! YEAH BABY! I needed this after I suffered -Spd regular Ryomas for so long too.

@Rezzy @Arcanite

@Thor Odinson Hope you're getting as lucky as I am!

I'm also pulling greens for NY Azura and Frederick, but neither have appeared yet.

Congrats, I managed to get a Sigurd, but I haven't checked his nature yet.  I might pull some more after doing to new map for Orbs.

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12 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I really hope you can break your pity rate...and get galeforce fodder. 

Thanks, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to try more on this banner, but it nags on me.

On Firesweep: It never appealed much to me, even when it seemed the best choice for Tana, Cordelia and Elincia. Perhaps you should give Ryomas A skill a try. Also Shigure got a similar strange EP skill set, but somehow it works more often than not. 

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I decided to try again, but in a better mood. Spent all my orbs and added another Sigurd and Tiki, plus a fair amount of reposition, wom, swap and TA fodder to the list, but no lobster lord. It's pretty much going the same way as legendary Ephraim, but oh well. Now I'm hoping that the fact I have 0 orbs means Kent will finally come into the game xD

Not happy about what it means for any potential summer banners, though.

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20 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats, I managed to get a Sigurd, but I haven't checked his nature yet.  I might pull some more after doing to new map for Orbs.

Don't bother. The Ryoma map is extremely stupid. It has way too many reinforcements and ranged enemies.

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7 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Thanks, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to try more on this banner, but it nags on me.

On Firesweep: It never appealed much to me, even when it seemed the best choice for Tana, Cordelia and Elincia. Perhaps you should give Ryomas A skill a try. Also Shigure got a similar strange EP skill set, but somehow it works more often than not. 

Do what works for you. Leaving a pity rate sucks, but it can also be a pain to break it....


Getting ATK and SPD on enemy phase just feels so strange. I understand ATK and DEF, but the SPD has me tripped up a bit. I could probably make it work, but I’ll have to run some calculations to see if he benefits from it over something basic like Fury.

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