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Well this sure was a free pull that happened. Too bad he managed to be worse than my first (+Res/-Atk to +HP/-Atk) so Soleil might be gifted a Zanbato+ just for the hell of it.

So anyways...this happened while I was fishing for Hardin.


[passes out after excitedly squeeing for too long]

Yeah alright game, you gave her a shit boon/bane though didn’t you?




Holy...... [passes out again]

And to make things even better, I did get Hardin (+Atk/-Res too, hot damn) plus a bonus. So yeah, today’s pretty great.




That puts my Tana at +4 so at this rate, I might actually get her to +10 before this game dies.


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1 hour ago, silverserpent said:

You could trade him for my Mia? ^_^

Sorry I would if I could.  I merged him so hopefully he will come in handy for AA or something else where I need a unit with his stats.  If it is any comfort I have yet to get a Grey, Leo or Hector.  The gacha seems to sense who I want to pity break me and gives me something else.

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Late, but congrats on finally getting Elise (and a good one at that), Tybrosion. Guess the wait was worth it if her nature is this good.

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I still need a Young Tiki, she's the only Day 1 character I'm lacking. I'm annoyed about not pulling any red 5-star on legendary Ryoma's banner, I actually needed all of him, Young Tiki, and Sigurd.

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42 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Tybrosion Wohoo, finally Elise-day for you. Congratulations! That Hardin makes me a bit envious though. 

Btw: If Soleil doesn't use Zanbato, better give Sword Valor to Olivia or Lene. 

Yup, and it’s a very happy day!

Sword Valor for Olivia is certainly an option too...but not for Lene as she doesn’t exist on my account. That, and she has it by default anyways.

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@mcsilas That's a lot of Flying Hinoka's! ...wow! She must really like you. XD 


As for me, I had been kind of hopeful that Mia would be on this banner. Out of all the 5 star exclusives, if I had all the funds in the world, I'd really like to +10 either her or Micaiah. Ideally both. Maybe throw Innes or Lucina in there as alternates since they like to come home. 

I didn't really have the funds for pulling, so my plan was one red orb and dip. Two red orbs.

FREE MIA. FREE MIA. FREE MIA. ...I was still in my office, and it was really hard not to scream. She's -ATK, but my current Mia gets a +1 merge! I'm so happy. :3 I ended up pulling the rest of the circle because there were two blues, another red, and a colorless, all colors I want. The rest of the pull didn't yield much, but I did get a 4 star Lukas! It's been SOOOO long. Now I just need one more to start my +10 project! If only I could get more Shigure copies.....

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I decided to try again for regular Hector because I have never had a Hector.  No luck just fodder and a 3.25 pity rate.  I am giving up, that pity rate is not that high so I don't feel too bad.  I really hope we get a free choice on CYL 2 because otherwise I have the feeling I will never have any Hectors at all:(

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My haul from Hector's Legendary banner




Pulled exclusively colorless unless there were none in the circle, looking for F!Grima and Nanna merges.  The 5* rate was a bit lower than I would have liked, but I can't complain about two Grima merges along with my first Elise, and with a perfect nature too.  Not the same banner, but glad to see you got lucky with her too, @Tybrosion.  Pulled a second one breaking an annoyingly large 12.5% rate, who will give Gravity+ to Nanna as soon as I can get another 4* Wrys so I can pass on Live to Serve 3 as well.  I actually pulled one here, but foolishly merged him before realizing I could do that. :( 


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@Tybrosion Congrats on finally getting Elise! And just like your long-awaited Bridelia, she's a perfect nature as well! Patience has been rewarded!

@DLNarshen I guess there's the Live to Serve seal as well though in case you want the Wrazzle Dazzle combo on Nanna? I mean sure her Atk is low, but more damage is more damage. Congrats on the colourless pulls anyway :)

@Rafiel's Aria Nice! Congrats on the free Mia merge! Watch the unopened one be another Mia

Also just noticed there's a M-i-a in Micaiah

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@mcsilas Thanks!  Yeah I run Wrazzle Dazzle on her currently so it's not like I need LoS3, but it's more about wanting to make the most out of SI involving 5* exclusive characters.  Especially if they have multiple 5* exclusive skills like Elise, I like to try and get as many as I can in one go even if I don't envision myself actually using them.  

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38 minutes ago, DLNarshen said:

@mcsilas Thanks!  Yeah I run Wrazzle Dazzle on her currently so it's not like I need LoS3, but it's more about wanting to make the most out of SI involving 5* exclusive characters.  Especially if they have multiple 5* exclusive skills like Elise, I like to try and get as many as I can in one go even if I don't envision myself actually using them.  

Ah yeah I can understand that!

It's weird how only Elise and Wrys have those as natural skills

I'm sure Wrys will come around eventually Still waiting for a Lissa to give Gravity to a cavalry healer

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So you know how some people have been complaining about Mia blocking them from getting Hellica?


I ended up getting blocked from either of them by a third party. My first hurricane (+HP/-Res, 4*) decided to blow through shortly before this as well. 

Though since she was like +HP/-Def, I did this.



[laughs maniacally like Neo Cortex near the end of Crash 2]

She probably should've been spent on Even Spd Wave instead, but I don't care. This had to be done.

In addition, I did a little bit of sniping for Innes and got this.


She got +Atk/-Def (my original was +Res/-Spd). Now if you'll excuse me. [hurriedly goes off to hide before Vax comes and claws my eyes out]

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On 7/5/2018 at 8:44 AM, Glennstavos said:

Just thought we need to hear from people with more mundane results. I've actually been spending away at Summer's Arrival, just trying to get one of the four units. Up to 4% pity rate but I think I got Florina and Fae natures that I'm happy with in the process. Always hoping for new projects.

Update: I managed to snag two five stars on my next full pull. But neither were focus units. It was +Res/-Spd Brave Ike and +HP/-Res NotCanon!Nino. You bet I'm happy to add Nino to my catalogue, but this is yet another painful reminder that my orbs will not give me focus units outside of legendary banners. It's cool to have a flying green tome as well. I'm not a particular fan of Nino, but she's the best dressed one.

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Why can't Julia do what her mother did back in the love abounds voting gauntlet and pity break me someday

Not in the current summer banner though. I need Innes.

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

Why can't Julia do what her mother did back in the love abounds voting gauntlet and pity break me someday

Not in the current summer banner though. I need Innes.

I reached 4.5% sniping for Hector, only to be pity broken by her...

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Claiming the free round on Nohrian summer before I forget about it completely. Only two blues and no greens, blah.

3* Florina +HP -Res
4* Abel +Atk -Def

Terrible, but at least I've now caught up with the banner backlog. Unless there's something more interesting than a flying red mage revealed in tomorrow's trailer, it's good to know that I can focus on pretty much just one thing for the foreseeable future.

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And he's -spd to boot. Joy.

First -atk Lene, now -spd Siegbert. I mean, these are new Heroes so I'm not super upset, but summer Tana and summer Innes are limited, I'm barely getting any greens, and WHY -ATK OR -SPD

EDIT: In other news, I seem to have pulled a +spd -HP Tharja, which was what I was looking for before deciding to settle with the +atk -res one I pulled a few days ago.


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