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33 minutes ago, ChickenBits said:

The game is apologizing to me for no Innes. I was actually trying to get more Soleils but I'm not complaining.


Olivia is +atk/-def

Ayra is +atk/-spd ?

Boooo!  Give me your Olivia! xD

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I pulled a Micaiah (+def and -att) the worst possible combination and a neutral Celica. At the time of this post, I have 335 orbs, down from 417. 

Now I have 321 orbs and got another Micaiah (+att and -def) the best possible combination arguably. 

Edited by Icelerate
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1 hour ago, Icelerate said:

I pulled a Micaiah (+def and -att) the worst possible combination and a neutral Celica. At the time of this post, I have 335 orbs, down from 417. 

Now I have 321 orbs and got another Micaiah (+att and -def) the best possible combination arguably. 

... Did you buy or grind all those orbs?

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Only 27 orbs on me so this won't take long.

4* Jagen +Res -Atk
3* Sully +Spd -Res
4* Roy +Atk -Res
4* Seth +Spd -Res
4* Hinata +Def -Atk

Oh well, at least there's some usable fodder there. Be back when I get more orbs.

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Well, time to get this banner started. Aiming for everything but red with 149 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Raven: Meh.
  2. 4* Sothe: Okay.
  3. 3* Jakob: Useless.
  4. 4* Nanna: Meh.
  5. 4* Seth: Swap fodder.

Disappointing start. 134 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tailtiu: Darn.
  2. 3* Beruka: Feathers.
  3. 3* Boey: More feathers.
  4. 4* Lachesis: Even more feathers.

Even more disappointing. 117 orbs left.

  1. 4* Effie: Bleh.
  2. 4* L'Arachel: Don't need more of you.
  3. 4* Fae: Or you.
  4. 4* Matthew: Meh.
  5. 4* Gaius: Garbage.

I guess this is going to be one of those bad legendary banners. 97 orbs left.

  1. 3* Donnel: Worthless.
  2. 4* Niles: More Iceberg fodder.
  3. 4* Felicia: Ugh.
  4. 3* Sakura: Garbage.

This is getting frustrating. 80 orbs left.

  1. 3* Subaki: Haven't seen you in a while.
  2. 4* Cecilia: No thanks.
  3. 3* Boey: Again?
  4. 4* Legault: SP fodder.

Knowing my luck all of the reds I skipped were 5*. 63 orbs left.

  1. 4* L'Arachel: Go away.
  2. 4* Oboro: Worthless.
  3. 4* Wrys: Meh.
  4. 5* F!Grima: Finally! Her IVs are disappointing, +Res/-Atk, but she's not that powerful anyway so it's not as bad as it might be on someone else.
  5. 3* Chrom: You're no match for my previous pull.

It cost me 106 orbs to get one mediocre 5*. Hopefully that changes. 43 orbs left.

  1. 5* Azura: And my luck has indeed turned around! +Res/-Def is okay, but another dancer is very nice.
  2. 5* Azura: *snort* You're +HP/-Res, so you're getting fed to your predecessor.
  3. 4* Catria: If only you'd been a third Azura...
  4. 4* Catria: This is a set of doubles, isn't it?
  5. 3* Beruka: Feathers.

That was amusing. 23 orbs left, just enough for one more set.

  1. 3* Est: Garbage.
  2. 3* Nowi: More garbage.
  3. 3* Serra: Even more garbage.
  4. 3* Leon: Bleh.
  5. 4* Lon'qu: No thanks.

That last set was horrid. All in all, not satisfied with my current haul. F!Grima's nice, as is double Azuras, but I'd really like something outstanding before this banner is over.

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I don't understand how this game manages to do this.

So I decide that the only color I don't want to pull is colorless, because I already have 2/3 units and f!Grima isn't that big of a draw to me.

On my free wheel, I get four colorless orbs.


EDIT: And on the banner where I actually want colorless orbs, I get one colorless and every other color. Fuck you too, game.

EDIT2: ... And my free summon on the distant counter banner gives me m!Grima. Game, what the fuck are you on. Seriously. I appreciate the Grima, but gimme summer Takumi.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Legendary banner was kind to me (ish) for once. I had 80 or so orbs and there's no upcoming banners that really make me want to pull until the next new one, which has a fair few orbs between now and then. Decided to go for Helpful Chrom.

Took about 60 orbs, pulling only on red, but he's the one I wanted and the one I got <3

No clue on IVs but will use him regardless ^.^

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This seems to be an angry banner from what I'm seeing so far.
Same to me, three complete pulls for nothing. At least some decent non 5* pulls like two Legualts, Shigures and one Subaki. Will do one more full pull tomorrow with new month's Orbs. If I should pull nothing, it would be the first legendary without a 5* unit. But Honestly I'd not hurt me too much, since it's the least interesting one for me so far and I was ridiculous lucky in last legendary banner. I have most of these units already. WinterLissa or a better Ishtar than mine I have Currently would be nice but not absolutely needed.

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Legendary Lucina? Nah, give Chrissa please!

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue (Of course, when you want a colour...)

5* Ishtar (THUNDER GODS ABOVE! +Res/-Spd sadly, While she at least can get around that that's a shame.), 3* Athena (It's Moonbow. +Spd/-Res, any better than +Atk?), 4* Seliph (Bad fodder. +HP/-Spd, bleh.)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red (REALLY?)

4* Mathilda (Man, that's a shame. +HP/-Def, why?), 4* Subaki (Well, it's QR. +Spd/-Def, fodder.), 3* Laslow (Disappointment: the unit. Neutral.)


3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

3* Nowi (....Bleh. +Res/-HP, could be much better), 4* Selena (Well, Reposition. +HP/-Res, have better), 4* Ares (Fodder? +Def/-HP, guess he is.), 4* Seth (Womp womp. +Def/-Res)

4 Colourless, 1 Green (Finally)

4* Beruka (Glimmer. +HP/-Atk, man.)


3 Colourless, 2 Blue

3* Est (NO, NOT BEST. +Spd/-Def, BACK OF THE LINE), 3* Shanna (GOOD FODDER FINALLY +HP/-Spd Desperation 3 at last)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (This banner. I fucking called that this might happen last time. CURSE YOU LECTOR!)

3* Fae (Renewal 2. +HP/-Res, nah), 3* Nowi (Really nowi? I mean, I don't want her for anything but 5* fodder. +Spd/-HP, better boon/bane please), 4* Peri (Glimmer, from the worst. +Spd/-Atk), 3* Subaki (QR2. +Res/-HP), Lilina (Fodder I guess. +Res/-HP)


4 Red, 1 Blue (REALLY?)

4* Florina (Well, she's fodder. +Atk/-HP, not really worth it), 4* Lilina (Really? Again? +Def/-Res), 5* BKhrom (BK in the hous- Wait, wrong BK. +Atk/-Def, not the best bane but nice boon.), 3* Chrom (You're not BKhrom. +HP/-Res, meh), 4* Laslow (Disappointment. +Spd/-Def)

3 Red, 2 Blue (This fucking banner, am I right?)

3* F!Corrin (Not bad fodder. +Spd/-Res, might have already), 4* Odin (good fodder. +Def/-HP), 4* A!Tiki (Bleh fodder. Neutral), 4* Chrom (I'm not building +10 Chrom. +Def/-Atk), 4* M!Morgan (Hey, not bad! +HP/-Res)


I called it when so many greens showed up last time this might happen. THIS FUCKING GACHA. On the other hand, I'm not as salty at what I have gotten

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Legendary Lucina Banner - 250ish orbs (100ish F2P):

Pulling for everything but red (Have each of them already).

Main Targets - Legendary Lucina, Winter Lissa and A better IV's Legendary Lyn.

Merges (If lucky) - Ishtar, Legendary Robin.




Free summon:

  • One Blue...Ishtar (+Spd/-Hp!!) No Joke. I was absolutely stunned. 

2nd Circle:

  • One Blue...Legendary Lucina (+Atk/-Hp!!) Unbelievable!!!

Also picked up: 

  • 3 WF Hinoka's (Merge/Fodder)
  • 1 Legendary Robin (+SPD/-HP)
  • 1 Azura (Merge)
  • 1 Brave Lyn (Merge/Fodder)
  • My first Winter Lissa :)
  • A Neutral IV's Legendary Lyn (My other copy is -Atk) to finish off the session. Was just happy that I got her with anything not -Atk/-Spd.

Best luck I've ever had with a banner in this game. Really happy :)



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20 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Next Legendary circle of disappointment

Ouch, sorry. While I got an Azura dup in my first circle (she’s now +2), I got three whole circles of nothing afterwards including very little in terms of fodder. Since I free pulled Hector last time, I pretty much knew my luck was set for regression.

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Main: $480 to +10 Legendary Lyn, from +1 from before. Got the new Legendary Lucina (+Spd -Def), the missing Winter Lissa (+Def -HP) and Valentine's Lilina (+Spd -HP), and a few merges for Ishtar, Brave Lyn, and F!Grima out of those orbs. I was not intending to +10 Legendary Lyn, but she was +9 by the time Lilina arrived.

Alt: Second pull is NY!Camilla +Atk -Def. Same IVs that carried me well on the main. I have a full flying team on this account now.

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6 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Ouch, sorry. While I got an Azura dup in my first circle (she’s now +2), I got three whole circles of nothing afterwards including very little in terms of fodder. Since I free pulled Hector last time, I pretty much knew my luck was set for regression.

Legendary banners don't like me very much, so my disappointment wasn't too big. Congrats on the Azura merge at least! 

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9 minutes ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Main: $480 to +10 Legendary Lyn, from +1 from before. Got the new Legendary Lucina (+Spd -Def), the missing Winter Lissa (+Def -HP) and Valentine's Lilina (+Spd -HP), and a few merges for Ishtar, Brave Lyn, and F!Grima out of those orbs. I was not intending to +10 Legendary Lyn, but she was +9 by the time Lilina arrived.

Alt: Second pull is NY!Camilla +Atk -Def. Same IVs that carried me well on the main. I have a full flying team on this account now.

Congrats! Great pulls. Ishtar merges ftw.

Also, I'm very envious of your +10 Legendary Lyn. A fun & worthy investment.  I'm assuming you'll be using her for Wind Season in arena, from time to time?

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Okay, I only had 50 orbs so I wasn't really sniping and just went full circles to get any 5 stars.

Main has no 5 stars yet in 2 full summon sessions. The second session did get me a nice 3 star Oscar that's +Spd/-Res and finally, Reposition fodder in Barst!

As for the second account, I low-key wanted to a better Lyn since I had a +Def/-HP and +Spd/-Atk one. I wanted a better nature..


...and so the first session gave me Legendary Lyn! (Only 1 blue)

....and of course she's ALSO +Spd/-Atk. Darn Atk superbanes...I guess Spd Tactic fodder, but I need to figure out who wants it.

After that was another session, and 1 blue snipe.

The last session was depressing- FOUR 3 stars (3 star Seliph, Athena, Effie, Subaki). It was only salvaged by a 4 star Selena for Reposition fodder. I think 3 out of the 5 were -Atk, too.

Oh well back to orb saving, there was no must-haves in this banner for me anyway. Kind of funny my final sessions had the coveted Reposition.

@mampfoid Darn, at least 4 stars save you feathers for foddering


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14 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Legendary banners don't like me very much, so my disappointment wasn't too big. Congrats on the Azura merge at least! 

Thanks, it was at least something which was quite a bit more than what I was expecting this banner to give me. I'm still going to try to nab at least one of three legends I'm missing (Lyn is the only one of the four I have and I have all of the non-legends on this banner) but I won't get my hopes up.

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Well, I dumped my 80 orbs into the legendary banner mainly aiming for green, since I really wanted Lissa. And.. I got her, on the last session I was able to pull. Of course after my excitement cleared I saw she's -atk +spd, the absolute most garbage nature she could have. Honestly, it went from making my morning to ruining it. The IV system sucks and has really been fucking me up lately.

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Previous season's Arena orbs netted me a +atk/-res (I think that was the bane) YT!Olivia on the YT banner. Free pull on the Legendary banner was a 3* Caeda. Now I only lack two more to get her to +10!

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