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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Nice that you got the new archer! Too bad about the -Atk as well, looks like we share the fact we summoned -Atk coloured archers this time haha.

I just compared her stats to Jeorges, my first 5* Archer ever and still main Brave bow user. She is like a +SPD/+DEF Jeorge stat-wise, so not bad at all. Her art is cool too, so I'm content (especially since out of the three blue possibilities I got her and not for example Azura). 

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On 7/31/2018 at 8:39 AM, D4RTH said:

Congrats! Great pulls. Ishtar merges ftw.

Also, I'm very envious of your +10 Legendary Lyn. A fun & worthy investment.  I'm assuming you'll be using her for Wind Season in arena, from time to time?

Legendary Lyn will make my new core with Titania. If I have to field an infantry bonus unit, Sigurd swaps in for Leif.

I went back, a $20 pack to make it an even $500, and got three of WoF!Hinoka and a Brave Lyn. Desire sensor is real, F!Grima sits at +9.

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Sapphires, sapphires everywhere! My Azura will be +3 now.

Ouch, at least you didn't get Lucina alts (or do you actually want her?). 

SPD+3 fodder. Hopefully she'll get a Prf soon, like Darkzura and newest Olivia. 

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6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Ouch, at least you didn't get Lucina alts (or do you actually want her?). 

SPD+3 fodder. Hopefully she'll get a Prf soon, like Darkzura and newest Olivia. 

I did actually want Lucina, even though she is an alt.

I actually expect Verðandi the all-stats-buffing dancing lance to come with Ninian the Third. But my expectations are rarely correct.

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23 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

TL;DR: 172 orbs got me two dupe five stars. Apparently pulling reds, blues, and greens only IS color sniping. Over 40% of the orbs that appeared were grey. And although I own only 2 of the 9 units that may appear, Lilina showed up twice. I've had worse summoning sessions than this, especially in terms of straight statistics. But this probably ranks among my top three. No units added to my collection. No optimal natures for units I haven't yet built. Nothing nothing nothing. 

Happier ending: I plunked in 20 more orbs and got legendary Lucina. +Res/-Atk but now I can leave this banner behind after having gotten something.

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Whenever the Legendary is a coloured bow user, these banners are the worst for me.
I'm Close to break the 11% rate of the LLyn banner.
But the worst is not that I don't get any 5* unit, but that I don't pull even good skills. Skills like iceberg, moonbow, glimmer or bonfire would be so needed for some of my units, but I have pulled just one Athena with moonbow, nothing more.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

I did actually want Lucina, even though she is an alt.

I actually expect Verðandi the all-stats-buffing dancing lance to come with Ninian the Third. But my expectations are rarely correct.

Ok, then Azura was certainly the worst possible blue pity breaker. 

Good luck getting her soon, but not -ATK like me

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1 hour ago, Simpsons138 said:

Finally got L!Lyn, sure +Res -HP is not the best, but certainty not the worst

I'd lean into her res and speed, personally.  Eventually we're gonna have a Brazen Res/Spd.  Get her a Darting Blow and Desperation, Ardent Sacrifice, and top her of with a supporting res tactic, and I think she'll be in decent shape against most of the faster blue and green mages she comes across.

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2 minutes ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

I'd lean into her res and speed, personally.  Eventually we're gonna have a Brazen Res/Spd.  Get her a Darting Blow and Desperation, Ardent Sacrifice, and top her of with a supporting res tactic, and I think she'll be in decent shape against most of the faster blue and green mages she comes across.

That's what I noticed as well, and she works well as a mage killer, was able to take a +10 Lute in one shot

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34 orbs now thanks to Grand Conquests and the new month. Here's hoping for Legendary Lucina.

  1. 4* Mae: I do need Draw Back fodder.
  2. 3* Mathilda: Bleh.
  3. 4* Azama: Go away.
  4. 5* L!Lyn: Awesome! And she's much better than my old +Def/-Atk copy: +Spd/-Res. The superbane sucks, but +Spd is always good in my book.
  5. 4* Gunter: Darn.

So no L!Lucina, but our other colored archer showed up in her place. I was expecting at least one red this set, so no more for now. Need to grind GC and the tower quests more.

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7 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

w h y


Sapphires, sapphires everywhere! My Azura will be +3 now.

@SatsumaFSoysoy @mcsilas @mampfoid

One of these is –Atk, courtesy of @Rezzy

@Vaximillian Fuck, I've got one better.  After 36 grinded orbs and a three pulled shits, I ended with this.


Okay, it's not as bad as two Azuras, but still sickly.  One unit I wanted (Lissa), the one colorless I desperately didn't want (Lyn), both FUCKING -ATK.


The Lissa can be salvaged, of course.  +Res...  Guess I could use her as a Fortify Armor bot.  Or maybe a ploy support...  Yeah, hooking her up with Zelgius could work...  If I give her a warding stance and use a speed tactic on her, she could very well eat up the hits of most red mages that aren't Tharja or Summer Tana, after which Selfhood could move in for the kill...

Lyn, I foddered her off for Attack Smoke to Summer Tana.

Edited by Selena4Lyfe
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I finally had my pity rate on the Awakening banner broken by Leo!  Leo is one of my most wanted pity breakers since I had zero red mage cavs so I am really happy, even though I wanted flying Olivia.  He is +res,-atk so not the best but I will make him work because Leo is a personal favorite of mine.  I think I am going to hold off trying again until I see the trailer for the new seasonal banner.

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Results of roughly 300 orbs spent on Lucina's legendary banner, sniping exclusively colorless in the hopes of getting L!Robin and Nanna merges:




L!Robin x3 (!)
CYL Lyn x1
Bow Hinoka x2
LA Lilina x1
L!Lucina x1
L!Lyn x1

After the last legendary banner was a bit stingy with the 5*s, this one was amazingly generous.  Three Robins was more than I was expecting, and puts her at +6 now.  I'm super stoked about the two Hinoka copies.  I'll keep the neutral one, and the other will be giving Atk/Spd Bond to Nanna.  Vanilla Hinoka will finally be able to replace Steady Blow with Swift Sparrow thanks to the dupe CYL Lyn.  My non-colorless pity breakers were very welcome surprises all things considered.  I didn't have a single Wind hero before this event, and now I have two, and with good natures to boot!  Lilina can support with my LA!Roy. :)

Other highlights include my first Ares, three Sothe that all somehow had the same nature (+Hp/-Res), and six Kaze.  The only thing that would have made this banner perfect is if I had gotten even a single Nanna.  ~900 orbs spent on colorless across three legendary banners has yielded me a grand total of one merge for Nanna.  That's just sad. 

I could spend more here, but I think I'll save for the next one to get a different pool of alternate colorless options.  I hope Takumi returns next time.


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As expected, V!Lilina came back. This time she's +Def -Res which is a ton better than the previous -Spd (Ugh, I hated that superbane). I'll keep grinding orbs until I get L!Lyn or L!Lucina. Oh well, I owe V!Lilina for her sacrifice so this time I'll make sure to make her a good unit for AA.

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Alt's feeling really tilted. +Res -Atk Winter Lissa. She joins +Def -Atk Halloween Henry in -Atk green armors. As both have a shameful 30 Atk, they'll be hard-pressed to scratch even a Delthea or Lukas respectively. What good are those boons, Odin and Subaki respectively will still shred them.

I'll have to hold my nose and wait for a Sheena, who will at least be easier to merge.

I would have to sacrifice Arvis (Def Ploy) and Takumi (Close Counter) to make these worthless defensive stats pull their weight.

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So today, I pulled +DEF/-ATK Winter Lissa off the Lucina banner (I wanted her last year, so I'm super happy! I think I'll end up giving her Ignis to make the most of her high DEF, but outside of that I'll have to figure out what I want to do with her later), and then I went to see if I'd get something off Heroes with Distant DEF and pulled +RES/-HP Celica (can't complain, maybe I'll give her ATK/SPD Push from my Summer Tana). Got a good feeling about this Legendary banner, even if it keeps throwing Gwendolyns and Sheenas at me for some reason.

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5 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

Results of roughly 300 orbs spent on Lucina's legendary banner, sniping exclusively colorless in the hopes of getting L!Robin and Nanna merges:

Wow, that's pretty good, congratulations! You got two times more 5* per orb than me from this banner, plus I'm unable to get F!Grima (or any other legendary without a bad nature). 

I'm looking forward to see Grima in your team, will you try to get her to +10?

Too bad about Nanna, but I guess 5*-wise you got 100% what you wanted? Also the natures of your Lucina and Lilina are pretty perfect. Will you use +SPD/-DEF Grima as base? 

5 hours ago, Alexmender said:

As expected, V!Lilina came back. This time she's +Def -Res which is a ton better than the previous -Spd (Ugh, I hated that superbane). I'll keep grinding orbs until I get L!Lyn or L!Lucina. Oh well, I owe V!Lilina for her sacrifice so this time I'll make sure to make her a good unit for AA.

Congrats getting a better nature for Lilina! Mine from the original banner is -ATK, so I feel you about bad natures. 

Good look getting a legendary Archer! 

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This thread is going to get kinda spammy if I post all 15 daily summons here, not that I expect to have much to crow about. Two greens and a blue so even though I'd like to open green for the almost-double 5* rate, blue it is.

4* Roderick +HP -Atk


Oops. I lied, I didn't realise I was on my second account. So a mulligan. No greens to tempt me and just the one blue so no decisions to make.

3* Cordelia +Spd -Atk

That's a little better I guess, long term merge project.

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