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8 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I don't know what it is with this banner. I was even stupid enough to try again. >.> Your CC Matthew is pretty amazing, but I've gotta' put some love into my brainy son who will like end up replacing Merric with my summoner support. This will be the first time I've ever changed it over. So far, I'm enjoying him. But I still need about 50k feathers to finish him up since I decided to go ahead and inherit Aether onto him.

@mcsilas That is a truly blessed pull. Wow. XD I think I know where some of my luck went. 

@Vaximillian Marth seems to be relatively kind to people. Congrats on the +1 though. I'm excited to start leveling mine. :3 


More woes from an idiotic/greedy summoner. I had some leftover orbs and decided, "Why not? I'll try one more time on the Brave Heroes banner?" I got up to 5% AGAIN. And of course instead of a focus hero, I got pitybroken by Gray (+HP -RES). I already have him with +ATK -HP. He's got sword valor, but at this point, it feels like everyone and their mother has sword valor. Feeling pretty broken, I opened the Legendary Banner for a YOLO. First orb is a neutral Lene. She's new at least. Adding insult to injury after that Gray it feels like. Looks like he's going to be another merge. In a last ditch effort, I took the 35 orbs I had left and just went at the Brave Heroes banner. Naturally, at 3%, I got a Veronica. She's +SPD -ATK. At this point, I don't mind the bane because the boon is pretty good. 

I'm thinking I'll just go ahead and pick Celica as my free hero. Getting -ATK on both ladies is a little sad. But neutral Celica will be fine, and I can inherit Galeforce + Deathblow 4 onto someone (a la mampfoid).

Brave Banner is officially cursed. It's a little scary when the legendary banner treats me better than the normal ones. I don't know what I've done to bring down the wrath of Anna upon me.

Darn, sorry to hear that.

But yes I do believe CYL banner is cursed.

Up to 4.75% on my main- it's like the game knows I only want Hector. I either get 1 blue orb or none. Just waiting on next month's quests but right now I just feel defeated. I do wish my luck would transfer to my main sometimes.

At least you can patch Veronica's attack with a simple Atk+3, since there's not a lot of A slot options for healers. But yeah picking Celica for the free is a good choice as well, since she probably suffers the most from a bad bane so neutral Belica would be good. Enjoy the Double Lion shenanigans!


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12 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

You can only get Clarisse and Ursula from the GHB maps. Any map that's labelled Grand Hero Battle has an unpullable hero. The Hero Battle map at the very bottom is the only one that features a unit you can pull. Hope that helps :) 

Good luck with further pulling ^.^

Thanks very much :) 
So I wasn't strong enough to get a 4 star Ursula - but i did after hours of trying to figure it out - Get my 4 star Clarisse. So. My goal now is to hopefully find some really good skills and stuff and really build her up. (I don't know why she's my new favourite, I haven't even played whatever game she's in but she looks cool, so i'm gonna go with it). 

As every other banner has a few more days, I decided to keep HKMarth Hunting, todays pull (only 2 Reds)
I got what y'all got pitybroken on.... 



My second, but this one is on a horse, and has a sword, so I'll take it. (sort of like Magic Horse Erika but in reverse). time for the 10 orb grind. (I wish I'd pull HKM already. I want to start pulling for Faye and Grima)

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4 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Thanks very much :) 
So I wasn't strong enough to get a 4 star Ursula - but i did after hours of trying to figure it out - Get my 4 star Clarisse. So. My goal now is to hopefully find some really good skills and stuff and really build her up. (I don't know why she's my new favourite, I haven't even played whatever game she's in but she looks cool, so i'm gonna go with it).


Some characters just grab ya :)

I really like Bruno and Hrid for their designs, so I'd love to play as them, despite them not really having much time to develop yet (especially the latter).

Good luck with further pulls. I'm waiting for the next banner, since I've only done one pull on this one and it was more lovely Bonfire Fodder ^.^

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I really wanted that Hero king Marth. I do have one now (+Speed -Defense)


I also have a +5 Lene now.. I guess I now have a dancer on my arena team seeing as she scores as high as either my Narcian or my M!Grima.

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I finally pulled B!Ephraim!  He is +def,-hp so he is perfect for what I want which is a wall.  I was so happy to see him after trying to get him for over a week I almost cried:)

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8 hours ago, Falter said:

I really wanted that Hero king Marth. I do have one now (+Speed -Defense)


I also have a +5 Lene now.. I guess I now have a dancer on my arena team seeing as she scores as high as either my Narcian or my M!Grima.

At least you didn’t get the worst possible IV: +res/-att :dry:. Looks like Daisuke Izuka hates me, because the exactl sucky IVs happened with Zelgius, of all motherfuckers :rolleyes:

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@mcsilas Hey, that's the same Nanna I use.  You can't go wrong with any of the mounted healers, and Nanna can shine even with just a little investment.  Still, bummer about her breaking your pity rate. ><

@mampfoid Man, I thought for sure you'd finally get lucky on this banner with F!Grima. =/  On the bright side, it looks like she'll get two more reruns before a new colorless legendary is introduced, so we still got chances. 

Here's the results of my roughly 300 orbs-worth of summoning legendary banner, in my ever continuing quest for more F!Grima and Nanna merges:




A rather dry 5* rate this time, with only 3 total.  I did manage one F!Grima at least, along with two new ones for me in Leen and Faye.  Leen's nature is pretty ideal, Faye's seems wonky, but it might come in handy if I ever decide to invest in a Guard Bow build for her.  I got one Nanna!  Which is one more than I'm used to getting on these banners.  Overall, can't complain.  I have no desire for S!Kagero and more Fayes, so I'll keep my remaining stash for next month.  Personally hoping for Takumi at least.

F!Grima now sits at +7, and Nanna at +2.  I'm hoping to round out F!Grima's merges in her next two banners, and at this rate I may just need to hope for Nanna to show up on a 4* banner if they ever decide to do those again...


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@DLNarshen Yeah, it's a little sad. I'll try to get that pity rate broken at least, hoping for some free orbs in the next two days. Faye would have been nice too, but she is in the regular pool so I'll give it another try next month (L'Hector/Ostias pulse will be there as well). If Roy would be on that banner I may pull all colors. 

Congrats on your pulls! Fayes nature seems perfect for guard bow. Funny how you got 8th Grima with your last pull exactly. Lene is nice too, strange how many new red dancers were released in the last months. 

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The only of the original CYL I'm missing is Lucina, but I smelt something funny from my free pull. Good thing I grabbed everything, since I added Sigurd to my collection. +HP/-Spd is pretty poor but I'm not picky. I also got a +Atk/-Res Ares and +Spd/-HP Shigure. Ares is immediately first priority on my promote list. Shigure's great too, but I ought to wait until I can get a  -Res version.

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Opened the green and grey because I wanted the units, but only got 4* Merric and 3* Lissa out of it. Then I stupidly decided to open the three reds in the hope that Lilina might appear. No such luck, and so I'm 15 orbs down because of it. At least one was 4* Hinata, the others were 3* Laslow and 4* Henry.

I then stupidly opened a CYL summoning session on my second account with only 15 orbs because I forgot I needed 20 for a full round. My heart sank when I realised that, and even more than a 5* Tailtiu showed up instead of Hector, killing my 4.5% rate. That's was it then, I'm done with CYL hell, but I decided on grey over red and was rewarded with Veronica. Def/Atk isn't great but at least I can safely pick up Hector for free now. And the final orb was +Atk Cherche which I'd been hunting for on that account for ages, so despite two red orbs taunting me at the end, I'm okay with this outcome. Lesson learned though, I should stick with 8% banners on second account due to limited orbs.

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I feel like crying. All the new orbs have gone in and bought me a nearly 5% pity on the new CYL. If my count is right I need two more units pulled to be at 5%. Good grief though why does this banner hate me? Math wise that seems to be over 300 orbs for a single 5* so far. I had been hoping some orbs would be available for the Legendary banner. But that is a big ole' nope at this point.

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Pulled a -atk Brave Celica - CYL banner 2018 is done

After so many 5* +atk pulls it has to happen someday. 

I try to get my orbs together for CYL  banner 2017. Still need Ike. Of the other three I have perfect copies already. But assuming I won't get green orbs anyways.

Edited by Hecatia Lapislazuli
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I've got some options for this banner. Any would do really, even if I have gotten all of them at least once.

2 each Red. Green, 1 Colourless

3* Felicia (If this is a good Felicia it would be worth it. +Def/-Spd, atrocious)

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She's, uh, +def -res, but this is much, MUCH better than my previous +spd -atk.

EDIT: I can definitely run with this. I suppose I'll just give her bonfire instead of glacies this time.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Ugh, despite everything I wrote before, this pity rate was too itching. Collected all possible free orbs (except 9th and 10th stratum quests). Tried one time for Roy which gave me one red orb with a 4* Morgan. 

The legendary banner gave me no Grima but ... a big pile of trash (3 Clarines in a row, really?) and up to 10% again. 

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@DLNarshen Yeah I'm really loving using her, it helps that she has nice art haha. I love the wing accessory on her hair.

In other news, the pain of the CYL2 banner continues. Now 5% and I keep getting only 1 blue orb.

I finally finished all the paralogues and story chapters and am now doing some of the 3 Map CCs but still got nothing.

Dipped into the legendary banner to take a break, only had enough for 2 red orbs out of 3. Got a Tharja, and a +Spd/-Res Cain! I really like Cain, so I can finally build him and not worry about future WoM fodder's natures. Not sure what the 3rd orb was, but that was my fault for being impatient in summoning today. Still no 5 star from that banner.

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Had some good luck with the September quest Orbs.

Got Sacred Twin Lord Ephraim (+HP/-SPD, which is nice because it isn't -ATK like I feared when I saw his stats) and another Faye (+SPD/-RES, but I don't care 'cause I already have a better Faye)!

Now I just need to train up Ephraim and decide whether to merge the new Faye into my current one (and make her +3) or fodder her for Firesweep+ (but to who?).

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Went in with 25 orbs for a B!Ike merge.  First three circles, only one green each.  Next three circles, no greens, so pulled on red, the only 2017 CYL of which I don't have any copies.  Got a bunch of 3* and 4*.  *sigh* It's a real pain looking for green orbs.

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A question
I was reading the information in the summon thing for the newest one with Lyn, Axe Ike  etc, and i was scrolling down and I realised how many of what you can summon are the same character. So where I thought i was just unlucky, the game doesn't reallly give you a chance to get, per-se, an Alm, or a Lene or something, unless you do these CYL banners? (or like whatever banner is that week, period, where you can have the ( 3 percent) chance of maybe getting them?  Am I reading that right?


3 minutes ago, Venmi said:

Went in with 25 orbs for a B!Ike merge.  First three circles, only one green each.  Next three circles, no greens, so pulled on red, the only 2017 CYL of which I don't have any copies.  Got a bunch of 3* and 4*.  *sigh* It's a real pain looking for green orbs.

I very rarely get any too. I was looking at my team and was wondering why i barely had any green forces, and swimming in red, then i realised how many times i actually see green orbs. it's very odd. I get tonnes of blue, and sometimes i get a whole summon of grey but very rarely green.

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9 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

A question
I was reading the information in the summon thing for the newest one with Lyn, Axe Ike  etc, and i was scrolling down and I realised how many of what you can summon are the same character. So where I thought i was just unlucky, the game doesn't reallly give you a chance to get, per-se, an Alm, or a Lene or something, unless you do these CYL banners? (or like whatever banner is that week, period, where you can have the ( 3 percent) chance of maybe getting them?  Am I reading that right?


I very rarely get any too. I was looking at my team and was wondering why i barely had any green forces, and swimming in red, then i realised how many times i actually see green orbs. it's very odd. I get tonnes of blue, and sometimes i get a whole summon of grey but very rarely green.

Units that are locked to 5* appear 3% of the time (which increases for every 5 non-5* units you pull) so it's much harder to get these specific heroes than ones that can be obtained as 4* or 3*. The Focus Banners give you a chance at a higher rate to pull these specific characters, which you otherwise can just pull at Random (besides the Special Heroes or Legendary Heroes that only appear in their Banners a couple times a year)

Majority of the Heroes are Red so Red stones have a higher ratio of appearing. The opposite is the case for Green which has the least amount of heroes~ 

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1 minute ago, Landmaster said:

Units that are locked to 5* appear 3% of the time (which increases for every 5 non-5* units you pull) so it's much harder to get these specific heroes than ones that can be obtained as 4* or 3*. The Focus Banners give you a chance at a higher rate to pull these specific characters, which you otherwise can just pull at Random (besides the Special Heroes or Legendary Heroes that only appear in their Banners a couple times a year)

Majority of the Heroes are Red so Red stones have a higher ratio of appearing. The opposite is the case for Green which has the least amount of heroes~ 

oho thanks. 
and that makes sense(ish).so it's really a "hope for luck" or witness my field of Caedas hah

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