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20 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

I very rarely get any too. I was looking at my team and was wondering why i barely had any green forces, and swimming in red, then i realised how many times i actually see green orbs. it's very odd. I get tonnes of blue, and sometimes i get a whole summon of grey but very rarely green.

I think it's because green is the smallest summoning pool, so it shows up the least.  I think I've seen someone actually do the math on it.  Red is the biggest pool, so it makes sense that it would show up more.

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6 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

oho thanks. 
and that makes sense(ish).so it's really a "hope for luck" or witness my field of Caedas hah

Yep, Heroes pretty much come in:

Only available as 5*

Available as 4*-5*

Available as 3*-4*

So your Barracks will be filled up to the brim with the 3*-4* Heroes (which appear 36%-58% of the time) more so than the ones that you can only find as a 5*

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I did a Heroes Marathon today to get 20 orbs together to pull one last time from the Legendary Banner.

Surprisingly I got three green orbs.

When I already saw my very first only 3* circle coming... suddenly Gunthraa showed up. The only unit from the banner I really wanted. However she's -spd... she needs hone buffs so badly.


It was a weird summoning day. 

Started with a Brave Celica. Then eight 3* units in a row till Gunthraa appeared. No single 4* unit of ten pulls.

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Free pull on the CYL banner was a 4* Ares. i was able to give Alfonse his Brazen skill to finish his build, so that's nice. I'd actually like a Brave Roy, but as usual I don't have any orbs to spare trying to get him.

I also got about half of the new orbs available, putting me at 27, so I gave what was going to be my last or second to last try on the legendary banner. First circle, 1 colorless, but just gave me 3* junk. Next circle, no colorless, so I picked the top red and..


Much to my surprise, he's +spd -def, so thank god he's got a good IV at least. I would have been pretty salty if he'd been a bad IV like the B Lucina was. I now feel dumb for opening the rest of the circle and wasting 15 more orbs on non-colorless, but it was 9.5% so I was hoping for an Alfonse or Hector.  I'm still kind of tempted to give one more try for Kagero once I grind the remaining few September orbs, but that's probably unwise. I also have a 3.5% pity built on CYL2, but that's probably not worth trying to break. I never did get to pull further for dancing Xander or Micaiah, since all orbs ended up going into this legendary banner, so I guess I'll have to hope I pull them on legendaries in the future.

If the next banner is really Judgral that's an easy skip since I don't know those characters, so that'll be my first break to save after the banner onslaught that has been all going all summer long.

@mampfoidI'm really sorry you didn't break your pity rate still. I had to leave a 10% pity hanging on the first Legendary Lyn banner(on which I also had been Grima hunting at the time, maybe she's the one doing it to us?), so I know that sucks.

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3 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Free pull on the CYL banner was a 4* Ares. i was able to give Alfonse his Brazen skill to finish his build, so that's nice. I'd actually like a Brave Roy, but as usual I don't have any orbs to spare trying to get him.

I also got about half of the new orbs available, putting me at 27, so I gave what was going to be my last or second to last try on the legendary banner. First circle, 1 colorless, but just gave me 3* junk. Next circle, no colorless, so I picked the top red and..


Much to my surprise, he's +spd -def, so thank god he's got a good IV at least. I would have been pretty salty if he'd been a bad IV like the B Lucina was. I now feel dumb for opening the rest of the circle and wasting 15 more orbs on non-colorless, but it was 9.5% so I was hoping for an Alfonse or Hector.  I'm still kind of tempted to give one more try for Kagero once I grind the remaining few September orbs, but that's probably unwise. I also have a 3.5% pity built on CYL2, but that's probably not worth trying to break. I never did get to pull further for dancing Xander or Micaiah, since all orbs ended up going into this legendary banner, so I guess I'll have to hope I pull them on legendaries in the future.

If the next banner is really Judgral that's an easy skip since I don't know those characters, so that'll be my first break to save after the banner onslaught that has been all going all summer long.

@mampfoidI'm really sorry you didn't break your pity rate still. I had to leave a 10% pity hanging on the first Legendary Lyn banner(on which I also had been Grima hunting at the time, maybe she's the one doing it to us?), so I know that sucks.



(Dumb question again. how can you tell what they are +/- in? (is it just looking at the highest numbers or something?)

I am saving my orbs too until tomorrow, i should have about 25,, and then fingers crossing that i FINALLY finally get HKMarth. 

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4 minutes ago, daisy jane said:



(Dumb question again. how can you tell what they are +/- in? (is it just looking at the highest numbers or something?)

I am saving my orbs too until tomorrow, i should have about 25,, and then fingers crossing that i FINALLY finally get HKMarth. 

Every unit has a stat spread and based on what they have in each stat will show their boons and banes

I generally just search a hero here: https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/hero/morgan-m

Click "Weapon" and you just see how your Unit's numbers match up~ 

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17 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

(Dumb question again. how can you tell what they are +/- in? (is it just looking at the highest numbers or something?)

I am saving my orbs too until tomorrow, i should have about 25,, and then fingers crossing that i FINALLY finally get HKMarth. 

Thanks! Good luck getting your Marth as well!

And Landmaster beat me to it, but yeah I search the hero up and compare their lvl 1 stats to the one I got. I personally do it with the gamepedia wiki instead of Gamepress, but either works.  https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Marth:_Hero-King

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These all happened yesterday, but I haven't shared them yet so here they are.


Firstly, I managed to cash in a 4% rate on Festival in Hoshido for a Xander whose boon/bane benefits one of his dump stats at the expense of the other (+Spd/-Res). The second one was the result of me trying to get one of the other CYL2 units. Naturally, a merge for Elise is just as good, if not better, of a result in my book. Likewise, the third was me trying for Leif and/or Righteous Olwen on the Healing Skills banner but instead gave me a merge for one of my favorites (+2 for Sanaki now).

Oh, and I also sniped reds on Marth's banner as I don't have him or Lene. No guesses are needed as to who I ended up getting instead.



If nothing else, Swordhardt #2 is a pretty OK +Def/-Spd.


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I hit 20 orbs from blowing some stamina pots to finish the 10th stratum quests and finish grinding the last orb rewards from forging bonds. Tried to go for Kagero again, against my better judgement. Just 2 colorless and I got a worthless Wyrs and Matthew, of course. Oh well, I should have known better.

@Tybrosion Wow, that's a lot of 5*s. Looks like Elise is right at home with you now after that long time you waited for her. I hope I can get her a merge sometime too, just to give her the fancy blue glow.

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I told myself i was gonna wait until tomorrow, get as many orbs as i could, and then go full throttle. 
obviously, I failed. 

Today's Pull. 
4* Sophia (I really don't know if I like her or not.I keep drawing her, and i've sent a lot home but this is my 2nd 4* one so i could do a Sophia Build). 
yet ANOTHER Roy 3* This is my 11th Roy. 
that red orb was tempting me, and I thought Hero King?

3* Olivia, but that was great, because this gives me my third dancer (2nd Olivia), so i can do an Olivia Build now. 
but alas. No Hero King Marth. :( I think he's not meant for me, just like archer Lucina. 

in my free pull, I got a Subaki. (boo)

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Yes I completed CYL1 finally!  Free orb session, 4 red orbs and 1 colorless.  On my 3rd red orb I got Brave Roy, the missing link that has eluded me for so long!  The unfortunate sadness, especially so considering how his PRF works, is that he is -atk/+def.  Still he is the red in my 2nd horse team now.  Brave Roy, Olwen, Summer Linde, Walhart.  Initially it was going to be Horse Chrom but it seems redundant to have chill def 3 on 2 units, so he will form a 3rd horse team...some day.  


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Alright, I've got every CYL1 hero, so who to shoot for...Probably B!Lyn since her +HP/-Def IVs are meh.

  1. 4* Lucius: Oh well. Feathers then

And the September quests have gotten me up to 32 orbs, so more Marth-hunting.

  1. 4* Chrom: Wrong.
  2. 4* Hana: Even more wrong.
  3. 4* Lon'qu: Meh.
  4. 4* Marth: *angry noises* Might as well go for the last orb since it's cheap.
  5. 4* Donnel: Garbage.

So disappointed...

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You know what? Much as I'd love to fail to pull Gunnthra again, I'm going to see if I can't pull Ephraim or Veronica from the CYL banner.

4 Blue, 1 Red (Really? This shit again?)

4* Palla (Goad Fliers. +Res/-Atk, ouch)

3 Colourless, 2 Blue

5* Veronica (Nice. +Def/-Res, bit of a shame on IVs there but eh whatever), 4* Lissa (I have been looking for gravity fodder. All I need is a Maribelle and I have a full Elise to sac for her now. That or another healer if you can convince me. +HP/-Spd), 4* Felicia (Is she finally good? +Res/-Def, so close), 3* Florina (What a waste. +HP/-Spd), 4* F!Corrin (Draconic Aura I see. +Def/-HP, nah)

Not bad honestly. Let's see....

3 Green, 1 each Red, Colourless (LET'S GO)

4* Soren (Is he good? +HP/-Atk NOPE), 3* Sheena (Well, could be useful for... who am I kidding? +Res/-Spd, could be worth it?), 3* Bartre (Man this sucks. +Atk/-Def, already pulled before), 3* Lucius (Man, that's sucks. +HP/-Def, if he were +Spd that would be my new base.), 3* Raigh (...... +Res/-Atk)

4 Blue, 1 Red (REALLY? AGAIN?)

3* Ogma (Merge at this point. +Atk/-Spd, nope.)


2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Beruka (Could be worse fodder. +Res/-HP), 3* Soren (Is this one not useless? +Atk/-HP, probably not in practice), 3* Niles (Iceberg. +Res/-Atk NOPE), 3* Ogma (Really? +Res/-Atk), 3* Florina (Yeesh my fodder luck sucks. +Def/-HP nah)


3 Red, 2 Blue (Nah.)


2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

3* Soren (My word I keep getting the same units today! +HP/-Def)


4 Colourless, 1 Red

4* Olivia (Oh... the timid dancer. Neutral, should I keep her for starts using that nature?)

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless (Every time I want green it's a pain.)

3* Nino (Jeez, what is with the 3* deluge today? +Spd/-HP, already have better)

And things started so well. Still a chance for Ephraim though.

Edit: The next day led to enough orbs for another roll.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Cherche (Aw. +HP/-Def), 4* Camilla (End it please. +HP/-Def)

That'll be 4% now. Not pulling any more today I should think.

Edited by Dayni
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And up to 1,208 total pulled units (really).


Hana (+Res/-Def): I might just do a 3* merge or something.
Camilla (+Spd/-Res): Oh.  Oh my.  This one's totally getting Camilla's Axe, and will used mainly with a flying team.  Extra Goad Fliers is too nice!
Florina (+HP/-Spd): No I'm not putting Panic Ploy on a flying unit.
Clair (+HP/-Atk): I guess I'll experiment with Hit and Run.  On a more competent unit.
Donnel (+Def/-Spd): I'm happy with my Lukas, why do you ask?

Hana (+Res/-Atk): This is definitely NOT the base of a super-merge!
Raigh (+Res/-Def): It's good for gimmick builds, if -serpent was available in red.
Stahl (+Res/-Spd): Certain units appreciate this (Jagen).  Stahl does not.
Lachesis (+Def/-Res): Here, Lachesis tries to take after her big brother, but fails miserably because he's on a horse with a sword, and she's stuck with a staff.
Reinhardt (+HP/-Def): WHY can't I inherit Dire Thunder?!

Soren (neutral): Hmmm.  Who wants Watersweep?
Setsuna (+Res/-Def): Nope, you're still too frail for a Guard Bow!
Maria (+HP/-Spd): Is it "take after my big bro" day?
Serra (+HP/-Atk): +Atk MAYBE, +Spd MAYBE, but honestly?  I can't find much good to say about you!
Corrin (+HP/-Def): Luckily, she's good fodder.

Raven (+Def/-Spd): That's the wrong way around!
Lissa (+Def/-Spd): This is like a more confused Azama.  Probably. . not.
Oboro (+Spd/-Atk): That is just unfortunate.
Lukas (+Spd/-Atk): What the heck?  Not that I'd ship them, but still!
Est (+Def/-HP): And you're not even good fodder. ;/

Sothe (+Spd/-HP): YES THERE IS JUSTICE IN THE WORLD!  But he'll have to wait for feathers, because there's a long line of people who want them!
Peri (+Def/-HP): Well, she's good for Glimmer at least!
L'Arachel (+Def/-Res): And that's fodder!
Subaki (+HP/-Spd): Perfect, I needed QR fodder!
Clair (+Atk/-Def): This is about as perfect as she gets.  WOOHOO!

Eirika (+Spd/-Atk): Hone Spd is in high demand!

Olivia (+Def/-HP): Hone Atk is also in demand, too!
Lilina (+Res/-HP): Fun for gimmick builds, but I'd rather have +Atk for firepower.
Jeorge (+Spd/-HP): Hmm, not bad!  I'll have to think about this one!
Sheena (+Def/-Atk): I've heard Svalinn Shield can be used in certain situations.
Corrin (+Atk/-Def): This makes her decent!  She's still not touching Lightning Breath+ with a ten-foot pole, though!

Fae (+Res/-Atk): Ouch.  But Renewal is a decent skill!  If I had someone with Atk/Spd Push!
Faye (+Def/-Atk): I am VERY TEMPTED to give her bow to someone that deserves it.  Luckily, I'm not sure who I want to give it to!  I'll leave her alone for now.
Leon (+Atk/-Res): This would be great!  If I didn't pull one like him recently!
Nepheenee (+HP/-Spd): Someone's getting Wrath.  I need to figure out who, though!

That was a hell of a lot of fodder.


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18 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Up to 5.25% and still no Bector.

What's even more depressing is of the 2 blue orbs that appeared, it was a double Florina..

Jeez, here I was going to complain that I am now the proud owner of a 5% pity rate as of today, but you just had to be an over achiever :D. You would think the game would have given me at last one Legault from all of those colorless orbs while hunting Veronica, but nope. I was really hoping I would have her and both armors, my armor brigade is basically two short since I have never got Gwendolyn or Sharena fully built up. These guys would fill the extra green and blue spots quite well(though what I really need is another good red armor).

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@Usana Colourless summoning is rough. Most of my early pity rate was also summoning colourless and boy was it annoying. 

The game doesn't like giving me blue armours. I failed getting Hardin in that legendary banner and the Fighter skills banner. Darn desire sensor!

I really want to free pull Veronica to save myself from wasting orbs on colourless, but first Bector needs to show up! Argh, give me more blue orbs already, game!

Well, good luck with your hunt though! CYL banners are never kind to me heh

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@mcsilas Funny story. I picked Veronica to try and summon for because I have a great need for Legaults. I would have counted it as a win if I just ended up swimming in Legaults and maybe one of the others when no colors showed. But no. . . no. . . I am pretty sure Legault doesn't exist in my version of the game.

Blue armors are always good to have. Though I do wish one of them had been a red armor. For whatever reason my reds just never function well in conquests. So I can get walled by the heavy greens since I am effectively relying on my greens and blues to punch through the army of Hectors I run into. Anyhow, good luck on your blue hunting, outside of Effie the good ones seem way too hard to get.

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Well since my very sweet but dumb dog decided to be sick and wake me up two hours early i used all the orbs from the monthly quests to try and get L!Marth, no luck and no 5*s at all.  I am OK with my pulls since I pulled my first Libra who has an OK nature, some repo fodder and some Firs which I needed so I could give spd+3 to Veronica.  So my orbs weren't completely wasted.  Too bad I have to leave that pity rate but I can live with it.  I just hope I can save orbs for when a B!Ninian comes back on a legendary banner.

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I've been having awful luck on my pulls lately, and am currently up to a 9.5% 5 star pull rate on the legendary banner and nothing has pity broken me yet and I'm crying b/c I would take literally any of the featured red 5 star units and at this rate I'll probably run out of time before being able to summon anything of value aaagghhh. 

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