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So, let's go.


4* Sakura (Nearly anything else would suck less. +Spd/-Res), 3* Mae (Desperation 2 is not enough. We need more Desperation 3 fodder guys. +Atk/-Res), 5* Nephenee (NEPH NEPH WOO! Sure, she's a dupe. She'a also either a: my new base or b: Wrath fodder. +Spd/-Atk, that's a Wrath Fodder), 4* Est (........... +Spd/-HP), 3* M!Robin (I was looking for Bonfire. +Atk/-Def)

Either way, should have gotten more than 3 5*s the way I invested. Hopefully I can get at least Quan next time. I wash my hands of Arrival of the Brave. First things first though, the free pull. Out of Ephraim or Celica, I think I'll go for Ephraim, Celica is more likely to come up in a banner where she won't share a colour imo and I am drowning in swordlords.

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10 Voting Gauntlet Orbs gave me Lewyn. +HP/-DEF is alright by me, since the stats that matter went untouched and his DEF sucks even at neutral. Wasn’t expecting Lewyn to be mine ever, so I’m pretty happy right now.

Now to let my Orb stock rebuild and decide whether to try for Silvia or hope for her to get demoted.

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On 9/8/2018 at 9:01 AM, TheSilentChloey said:

That's exactly how I feel!  I tried from the other banners and still no Morgan.  I did get Eliwood and Lilian however both 3* and fodder they became.

 I  am  gonna  check  this  every  day, and see if you get him. Honestly this game is so weird when it wants to decide to drop "the" character you know?  Theoretically it shouldn't even be that difficult because he's also available as 4*. but the characters i was getting a lot of (Maria (feathered before I realised Merging), and Erika (ditto) I got a lot of, but now. nothing, when i NEED Erikas.)

I have to say the "Focus Heroes with Fury" is really generous with the Greens.
Today I got another 4* Soren (so officially a Project now), and a 3* Frederik (my second, so easily mergable). 
I decided to go for one more summon (I am way low in my orbs (hovering at 117 total, and I am trying really hard not to buy anymore Orbs, money is super tight). 
I have  one green, i close my eyes and.


So in this banner, I got Eldigan (with fury) and Myrrh (with fury). but i don't think i like this skill. like I don't get the point of a unit that kill itself.  But i'm done with it. (I got Myrrh with a 3.50 banner too, and i got Eldigan on my first summoning round so no pity breaks, that's good too). 
this doesn't make up for not giving me Hero King Marth, Game.  

Now I have to grind my butt off for more orbs 
I wanna try for Deidre and Sylvia and Lewyn. (Maybe not Sylvia. Dancer's are swoony, and all, but i am swimming in red). 

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9 hours ago, Dayni said:

So, let's go.


4* Sakura (Nearly anything else would suck less. +Spd/-Res), 3* Mae (Desperation 2 is not enough. We need more Desperation 3 fodder guys. +Atk/-Res), 5* Nephenee (NEPH NEPH WOO! Sure, she's a dupe. She'a also either a: my new base or b: Wrath fodder. +Spd/-Atk, that's a Wrath Fodder), 4* Est (........... +Spd/-HP), 3* M!Robin (I was looking for Bonfire. +Atk/-Def)

Either way, should have gotten more than 3 5*s the way I invested. Hopefully I can get at least Quan next time. I wash my hands of Arrival of the Brave. First things first though, the free pull. Out of Ephraim or Celica, I think I'll go for Ephraim, Celica is more likely to come up in a banner where she won't share a colour imo and I am drowning in swordlords.

that's what i decided. 
I picked Ephiram (for the axe) and just coz I don't have lots of them. I kinda wish i got Veronica but.... 

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10 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

I picked Ephiram (for the axe) and just coz I don't have lots of them. I kinda wish i got Veronica but.... 

I'm not exactly pining for axe armours honestly, though Ephraim is something that could be put into an armour team just fine with how built he already is. I was lucky enough to get two of the brave units from the banner quickly enough, but that drought to 5% before that dupe Nephenee killed my drive for the banner.

Veronica is useful by the way, hopefully it won't be too long before she shows up again. So long as she isn't dealing with attack or speed banes you're good to go imo.

1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

So in this banner, I got Eldigan (with fury) and Myrrh (with fury). but i don't think i like this skill. like I don't get the point of a unit that kill itself.  But i'm done with it. (I got Myrrh with a 3.50 banner too, and i got Eldigan on my first summoning round so no pity breaks, that's good too). 
this doesn't make up for not giving me Hero King Marth, Game.  

Oh hey, I don't have either of them.The point of the HP loss is as tradeoff because +3 to all the non-HP stats is really good honestly. I still use it on quite a few units like my Eirika (gives her decent defence and attack and makes her very speedy) or Chrissa (because 41 on each defensive stat is hilarious). It's useful for pretty much anything that isn't CC/TT/RD (because trying to keep that unit for 10 maps is unlikely) unless they're tanking just about everything and there's no healing for them, which Fury actually can allow some units to do.

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9 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I'm not exactly pining for axe armours honestly, though Ephraim is something that could be put into an armour team just fine with how built he already is. I was lucky enough to get two of the brave units from the banner quickly enough, but that drought to 5% before that dupe Nephenee killed my drive for the banner.

Veronica is useful by the way, hopefully it won't be too long before she shows up again. So long as she isn't dealing with attack or speed banes you're good to go imo.

Oh hey, I don't have either of them.The point of the HP loss is as tradeoff because +3 to all the non-HP stats is really good honestly. I still use it on quite a few units like my Eirika (gives her decent defence and attack and makes her very speedy) or Chrissa (because 41 on each defensive stat is hilarious). It's useful for pretty much anything that isn't CC/TT/RD (because trying to keep that unit for 10 maps is unlikely) unless they're tanking just about everything and there's no healing for them, which Fury actually can allow some units to do.


thanks for that. 
Me too. you'd think she'd be easy to get. but nope!

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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Still no Morgan...

It's best for units that aren't Special or Legendary to just wait for a unit of that color that you want and when you're mass pulling for them, see if you can get the unit you're looking for~

I haven't pulled but a single Lon'qu in my entire time playing FEH and he's (supposedly -.-) a fairly common unit as a 3*-4*. I didn't find him pulling for S!Micaiah, L!Marth, or Silvia. So it's really just going to be the random luck of the draw. Red has the most heroes in the game and sadly Morgan has a 1/50+ chance of being the one you get and that's before you factor in if he'll be a 4* or 5*. It's better to save the Orbs until you're going to be mass searching from the color anyway~

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4 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

It's best for units that aren't Special or Legendary to just wait for a unit of that color that you want and when you're mass pulling for them, see if you can get the unit you're looking for~

I haven't pulled but a single Lon'qu in my entire time playing FEH and he's (supposedly -.-) a fairly common unit as a 3*-4*. I didn't find him pulling for S!Micaiah, L!Marth, or Silvia. So it's really just going to be the random luck of the draw. Red has the most heroes in the game and sadly Morgan has a 1/50+ chance of being the one you get and that's before you factor in if he'll be a 4* or 5*. It's better to save the Orbs until you're going to be mass searching from the color anyway~

Then I won't say how many Lon'qus I've been getting.

I pulled a 5* Edigan (?) this morning, a 3* Seth and a 4* Laslow (Inigo).  Welp there goes my pity...

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44 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Then I won't say how many Lon'qus I've been getting.

I pulled a 5* Edigan (?) this morning, a 3* Seth and a 4* Laslow (Inigo).  Welp there goes my pity...

I think everyone on this site has 64528464 Lon'qus while I can't even get a second. The game is petty like that >.>

Which banner are you pulling from, the Tempest Trials? Yeah, you'll probably be getting Sigurd and Eldigan pity breaking you here most of the time.

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1 minute ago, Landmaster said:

I think everyone on this site has 64528464 Lon'qus while I can't even get a second. The game is petty like that >.>

Which banner are you pulling from, the Tempest Trials? Yeah, you'll probably be getting Sigurd and Eldigan pity breaking you here most of the time.


i am sending you Lon'Qu vibes. :)

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@Usana @Cute Chao @Zeo @mampfoid @Vaximillian @Rafiel's Aria

I had 21 orbs and the wise me should have waited for new banner video later this week but we have Tempest Trials soon so I guess I can give myself one snipe.

tumblr_peu3xwfqMg1qc0fq5_540.png tumblr_peu3xueUgP1qc0fq5_540.png

Finally. Only 1 blue orb but it was worth it.

The hunt has ended. My main's Hector Emblem is complete.

 After the disaster of the 5.50% pitybreaker, I think this was 3.25 or 3.50% so not as painful. (Although the previous session had no blues and 3 greens (!) so I pulled a -Atk Kagero and left).

He is +Res/-HP, so I'm glad his Atk/Def is untouched unlike my other account. More Res might be handy, and 31 is not too bad especially when you add the Res wave up. 

Could only open 2 more orbs since I entered with 16 orbs. Got a -Atk Fae and -Spd Maria. Oh well, couldn't even open the 2 red orbs left.

In other news, now I'm free to claim Veronica.

Second account had no luck with a second Hector but that's fine, I'm satisfied now. 

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:


Nice. I’m looking for Quan because his son and daughter-in-law are here, and his wife will be here, but the gacha in her tsunderity decided to give me wo mao fodder instead:
Def/HP. I have a +Spd as a four-star anyway.

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3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Any ideas who to give it too? Gwendolyn for aesthetics?

No idea, honestly. Oboro already got one, Sumia already got one. Gwendy got Berkut’s.
I’m still going to continue pulling for Quan because I’m not interested in Fates folks who aren’t Reina or Orochi, and the next banner will be the next banner.

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

The hunt has ended. My main's Hector Emblem is complete.


Cool, congratulations!

He was the unit you were trying to get from the start of the banner. Which brave heroes did you get over both accounts? 

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52 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Cool, congratulations!

He was the unit you were trying to get from the start of the banner. Which brave heroes did you get over both accounts? 

Just Hector.

Amusingly (and annoyingly), both Hectors only appeared after being pitybroken once. And thanks, now I need to get my orbs back up!

edit: @Usana thanks! Yeah I think it was 3.25%. But at least I finally broke the CYL curse, I never got one last year in my main. 4 unit banners can be painful..

I'd say wait a few more days for the orbs to pile up and maybe reveal videos before summoning?

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