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@Ginko @Nowi's Husband Awesome pulls, congrats!

@mcsilas @DLNarshen @Zeo

Check this out: https://i.imgur.com/jmTFmji.gifv


Nature is +ATK/-DEF, same as L'Hector who came few pulls later. Also got +SPD/-HP Micaiah. 

This is totally great, I set myself a limit because I got Grima so fast and still have ~200 orbs left. 

No time for Abyssal maps today, perhaps not even in the whole weekend. 

Now celebrate! 

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@mampfoid EPIC!! So fast!! Good to see this banner is being so good to everyone. To be truthful I only had 9 orbs when I jumped into my 3rd pool and it's very possible there was a Tiki or even a *5 in either of the blue stones I passed on (2 red, 2 blue, 1 colorless) so I shouldn't be so crappy. Just.. guess I'm spoiled after the last legendary and getting nothing on a banner like this one hurts. There's still time though. When the October orbs come in I'll head back to it.

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9 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

That, is beautiful.


You don't need to spend on colorless ever again.

I made up to 40-50 orbs. Maybe after I did the legendary maps I'll try 1 or 2 rounds of summoning, just because it's a legendary banner.

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@mampfoid Congrats on finally getting her! You're finally free of colorless hell, and that's a pretty good nature too. AND you got that Ostian Pulse you've been waiting for. Looks like this was your blessed legendary banner finally.

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Wow. I decided to do a full pull on this banner just 'cos, and then would leave it.

First pull was the only hero I really wanted from the entire banner - Legendary Hector!

The rest of the pulls were pretty meh, except Shigure... but I am not complaining. Yay for free pull Hector :D

And yay for finally getting a glimmer of luck I want on a legendary banner xD

Now to continue saving orbs for the next banner along or whatever comes after that.

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I spent all 300 of my orbs but I managed to get good stuff out of it. I got 2 Micaiahs who I never got until now, a Brave Ike and...


Legendary Tiki! She is even +Spd/-HP which is probably one of the best natures to have for her. Also got more copies of Cordelia and L'Arachel so I can merge them both up to +8 now. Also got the final Tailtiu I need to +10 her as well and will post that over in the compendium topic in a few minutes. Glad to have something good happen for me since I have been getting nothing but pitybreakers on Nohrian Dusk all month.



Edited by NSSKG151
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I didn't get any 5* from the legendary banner, but at least I got a new unit I was looking for:

4* Silvia Def+, Res- : ouch about the IV, but I think I can still make that work for me.

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Free session had no blues. >_>

Tried a couple more sessions, but got Catria instead of Tiki. I dislike her, so unless I can find someone to give Drive Spd to, she's getting turned into feathers.

Won't be pulling anymore on this one. I'd rather wait until Tiki isn't sharing colors with characters I hate (I despise Micaiah more).

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Free session had no blues. >_>

Tried a couple more sessions, but got Catria instead of Tiki. I dislike her, so unless I can find someone to give Drive Spd to, she's getting turned into feathers.

Won't be pulling anymore on this one. I'd rather wait until Tiki isn't sharing colors with characters I hate (I despise Micaiah more).

oh, how come?

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1 minute ago, daisy jane said:

sorry on my phone. 
How come you hate Miciah?

Just don't think she's written well at all and she's a terrible unit in her game and extremely annoying to keep alive. She's one of my few disliked Tellius characters.

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4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Check this out: https://i.imgur.com/jmTFmji.gifv

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Nature is +ATK/-DEF, same as L'Hector who came few pulls later. Also got +SPD/-HP Micaiah. 

This is totally great, I set myself a limit because I got Grima so fast and still have ~200 orbs left. 


Congrats!!  This has been a long time coming, I'm happy for you. ^^

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For my free pull on the leg Tiki banner is a 4* Fir, and also my highlight for 300 orbs









  • 2 Leg Hectors both +atk -res
  • Spring Sharena (+spd -def)
  • 2 fGrimas  both (+hp -res)
  • 2 Karlas (+res, -spd ) and (+def, -hp)

Overall even thought I didn't get Bride Tharja or Tiki, I'm happy with what I got.

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5 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mampfoid EPIC!! So fast!! Good to see this banner is being so good to everyone. To be truthful I only had 9 orbs when I jumped into my 3rd pool and it's very possible there was a Tiki or even a *5 in either of the blue stones I passed on (2 red, 2 blue, 1 colorless) so I shouldn't be so crappy. Just.. guess I'm spoiled after the last legendary and getting nothing on a banner like this one hurts. There's still time though. When the October orbs come in I'll head back to it.

Thanks! It was about time, but I didn't expect her in my free pull.

Sorry to hear you didn't get a 5* out of this banner. I had to stop myself, I tend to get greedy when I'm starting to get lucky. I think Tiki will come back sharing her color with better units. 

(Also got my first Cordelia copy after +10-ing her. )

5 hours ago, Garlyle said:

That, is beautiful.

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You don't need to spend on colorless ever again.


You don't need to spend on colorless ever again.

I made up to 40-50 orbs. Maybe after I did the legendary maps I'll try 1 or 2 rounds of summoning, just because it's a legendary banner.

In two months there will be the next colorless Legendary ... let's hope it'll be a dagger. 

Sorry you didn't get a 5*, but new units are always nice. I'm tempted to fodder my Silvia to Oliver for her Stance skill. 

4 hours ago, Alkaid said:

@mampfoid Congrats on finally getting her! You're finally free of colorless hell, and that's a pretty good nature too. AND you got that Ostian Pulse you've been waiting for. Looks like this was your blessed legendary banner finally.

Thanks, I got really lucky this time. I had to stop myself after getting Micaiah ... the greed ... 

Since I didn't get many focus units in the last months due to saving orbs, also the next legendary banners could become interesting. 

Yeah, I hope I can integrate Hector soon into a clear. Never thought I'd be happy to pull an armor unit. 

Sorry you didn't get anything from your pulls this time. Luck will return. 

4 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

@mampfoid Nice, congrats on finally getting L!Robin! It's great you got her now considering next month is the last month L!Robin will appear before getting swapped out.

Thanks! Yeah, time was running out. I'm happy I got her at last. 

Congrats on your perfect Tiki! You spend quite some orbs on her, is she a favorite of yours? 

56 minutes ago, DLNarshen said:

Congrats!!  This has been a long time coming, I'm happy for you. ^^

Thanks, very much appreciated! 

How is your +10 mission going? 

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