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I actually got what I wanted? L!Azura with +Spd/-Res? The only unit I cared for (solely on gameplay merits, but still better than entirely useless like the rest). The odds weren't in my favor and yet, I'm happy this questionable celebration ended with something useful for a change (Summer Leo says hi....).

I decided to note down all my 5* pulls for this year to see how lucky I'll truly be at the end of it, because, as of right now, I've pulled 30 of them this year (33 with the guaranteed pulls) with f2p orbs. From a quantity standpoint, this feels rather high (quality-wise.... it's quite the mixture). Regardless, another half-year drought of trash might be imminent, so I need to start paying attention to it sooner than later.

Edited by MonkeyCheez3K
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Main: Myrrh is now +3. Should I make her my merge project after the summer?

Alt: Duma is +Atk -Def. +Atk is always best. Banner sadly cleaned me out for now and left me with a pile of 3-stars, not one of them Gwendolyn. (At least she was a free summon on the other banner).

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So the sounds for all stones on Find And Vote Heroes are the same on the free pull, at least I think so. So that won’t help you choose who you get.

I got +ATK/-DEF Legendary Azura off my free pull, so I’m really happy.

Good luck everyone!

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Got Gaius and Our Boy on my free Summons for the VG Banners~

5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Welp new banners time.

Decided to do VG banners first. Nothing noteworthy in the Innes banner, except even though I didn't have him, I skipped colourless since I had enough of colourless sniping lately. Who knows if I get a random DC, or maybe I'll get a heron. Well not in that banner at least.

Went for green in the Lewyn banner. Had 2 green orbs in my main. Free pull was a Beruka, and decided to spend 4 orbs on the other green (extra Special Spiral is worth it)....and it's a Reyson!!! +Def/-Atk but doesn't matter, since 3 move dancers are great! Not sure if I should wait for a better boon/bane before upgrading though (the 7 health thing isn't that big for me).


Now for the Find & Vote.

Main picked the right orb....and it's a L!Lyn. Of course, although I got everyone anyway so it doesn't matter. At least she's +Atk/-Res, which is better than my +Res/-Def, so I can merge her. Gonna miss the extra Res for enemy phase play, but +Atk is pretty good.

As for me second account, I picked bottom this time. Don't have Duma so I was hoping for him....and I get another L!Lyn. +Def/-Res but oh well, just gonna merge to remove the -Atk from my +Spd one. Guess that's useful.

...so yeah a very green kind of day.

Hope Zeo gets L!Lyn though!


Congrats on Reyson! Before I merged her, my L!Lyn was +Atk, -Res, thanks to the update, you won't be missing that Res now so nice IVs! Unfortunate for no Duma there~


6 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

VG free pulls were both 3* trash (Serra, Gunter). As for my free 5*:

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Oh look, not Duma what a freaking surprise. At least it wasn't Lyn, I guess.

I also tried to find Velouria's dad for her but instead got this:

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Oh for God's sake, again Erica Lindbeck?! She even came complete with a shit asset/flaw (+Res/-Spd), and I'm not even interested in Death Blow 4 either. Just wow...

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to seethe in silence.

Sorry for your Erica Lindbeck Emblem, hopefully Keaton will show up for you~

5 hours ago, Mau said:

My anniversary gift was of course the worst out of four: Duma. I would've been happy with literally anyone else, he's completely useless to me. He'll just sit in the barracks till I get someone who needs Bold Fighter or his solo skill.

Alright time to get a free F!Morgan! ....if I got any blues that is. Sheena on green, bleh.

Ok, then time for a free Innes! .....ok no colorless that's fine sure. Blue got me my second ever Shigure, I'll take that for a possible future +10 project.

Ok I'm scared as hell to go into the beasts banner again now with this kinda luck but here we go:

  • VELOURIA!!! That's three out of four beasts in the pocket :D Though she is of course -Atk cause what else could she have been, but fine I can't complain, I wanted all beasts and I at least got everyone with the least chance of demoting.

Since both Keaton and Velouria want Distant Counter, I'm gonna go save orbs for the Legendary Banner now which should have Hrid on it. And pray to Mila that Kaden demotes so I can catch him later.

Congrats on Velouria! 3 down, 1 to go (hoping for demote)

5 hours ago, daisy jane said:

I"ll seethe with you. 
Free Pull: Myrrh. I will take it. Myrrh is now +3.  (she was neutral) - I know. something something vengeful fighter, something something armour march. Myrrh is my baby, and she is not food. 

then i had the stupid idea to pull for Azura. WHY? I don't know. i was happy saving my orbs. but i just wanted her ugly butt so badly (LOL). I got a second Myrrh. (no word of a lie) - so now she's + 4. then I get an MMorgan. (Couldn't even be Soleil. of course not). I don't know what to do with him. who needs Dull Ranged? then i am like okay let's go... 

then i get broken by Ishtar. who is Neutral. Now I have to have a think on her (do i want her for swift sparrow? do i want her for odd wave atk? do i merge her into my +spd ishtar? decisions).  then. when normal people would have stopped. I decided to keep going, and I get broken by


he broke me on the Hostile Springs banner, and i am just mad about that then am I am now. Everyone keeps getting pity broken by units i'd love to have. Duma Celicas, Flying Olivias. I get this stupid idiot. he can't even be plus attack or +spd. No. he always has to be -res, +something he's USELESS in. and i seriously cut into my orbs here so whatever ideas i had about legendary are gone. 

so angry.

Send the M!Morgan my way~

Wow another Zelgius, well it's some Fierce Stance at least but sorry no L!Azura T^T

How many Orbs do you have left?

5 hours ago, mampfoid said:


Free pick banner: Missing Duma and Lyn, I'd prefer to get Lyn. 

Got a L!Azura instead. 

Well, still have to decide if to fix my +SPD/-ATK Azura or to give B Flying to Cordy. 

Nice, L!LAzura~ I'd fix that Bane if I were you but Cordy would appreciate the B Duel Flying~

4 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I got some interesting summons today!

My Free Summon on the VG A banner was:

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He surprised me! I am thinking of merge him to my other one, since the other Corrin is -Spd.

My Free Summon on VG B banner was:

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Another surprised, and another merge. The one I already have os neutral, and this +Res will use Ploys very effectively.

So... My Free Summon on the Find and Vote Banner was:

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Duma... Already have him... At least with better IVs than the +Spd Duma I have. I will merge them.

Well... I decided to summon on this banner. I had ~100 orbs, and I used all orbs on this banner... For what? Let's see:

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Hm... Not bad... I mean, +Spd is trash but it's a super boon. I will keep it for now, but I can easily fodder her for Vengeful Fighter ove I decide to build a Armored Team.


She surprised me, because she was my final summon (my last 5 orbs) in a circle without blues. Don't plan to use her, but also don't plan to fodder her.


I didn't get Azura... The one and only that I wanted... But I cannot complain, since I got some pretty good units. Well... Saving orbs again... 

Congrats on all your goodies!

3 hours ago, Granny said:

Even though I love foxes, Kaden just won't come.... 4 % and zero orbs left. I spent them all on Keaton (great!), FKana (nooooees) and Dorcas (uuh... ok?). But I love foxes.


Today, my free pull was another Dorcas (uuh... ok?) who isn't a fox and some blue nobody who isn't a fox either. The anniversary banner gave me Duma. Would have preferred a fox. Myrrth would have been better but isn't a fox anyways.


Also, I want a fox.

Hope your fox comes home for you soon~

3 hours ago, Stroud said:

got Azura...would even have preferred Lyn over her... But well, the banner was not that good anyway from my standpoint. xD 

Oof sorry >_>

2 hours ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

I actually got what I wanted? L!Azura with +Spd/-Res? The only unit I cared for (solely on gameplay merits, but still better than entirely useless like the rest). The odds weren't in my favor and yet, I'm happy this questionable celebration ended with something useful for a change (Summer Leo says hi....).

Wow congrats, good luck for you!

7 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

So the sounds for all stones on Find And Vote Heroes are the same on the free pull, at least I think so. So that won’t help you choose who you get.

I got +ATK/-DEF Legendary Azura off my free pull, so I’m really happy.

Good luck everyone!

Nice, congrats!

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The free summon on the Fates beasties gave a Clair. The tickets gave: Cherche, Mae, Frederick, and Direhardt. 

I opted for Red on the Blazing Light banner in slims hopes of Leif, got just a 3* Eirika.

For the quasi-democratic summon, Legendary Lyn, thanks for the Wind Blessing, but otherwise you're a manual.

For Tactician MKL I wanted Green, there were none, so I went Red, just a 3* Lilina.

For Tactician CIJS I considered wanting Colorless, since I don't have a 5* Bow at the moment and haven't actually trained any Bow users, but I didn't have any. I'm slightly tempted to continue trying for Innes, but I'm not sure if I like his character enough to begin depleting my 500 for him. I think even though I likely won't have another shot for a while, to just skip him entirely and continue saving for something else.

So in the absence of Colorless, I went Green hoping for a better Soren than my current lacking two. Got a 5* Cecilia, sadly -Atk +Res. I might use her, but it'll be a few more days before I start playing Binding Blade for the first time.

And actually, Cecilia is my fourth free summon Green: Hector, Myrrh, Nino, and now her. (And a spare Nailah came on a ticket for my only free Blue, I haven't had any free Red or Colorless yet.) 

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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My insane luck continues.

Got the unit I wanted from the four golden orbs in Legendary Azura and then got my 7th free pull 5* in one month and a half with Female Morgan on the voting gauntlet banner.

I'm really overdue for a months long drought now. 

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11 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Oof sorry >_>

Got a bit less salty about L!azura. She is -atk (Better for AR defense). And I just realized that I can use two of them. So I think it's not too bad. At least its always good to try to make the most of it. 

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So, i’m 1 orb shy of another full pull session, and I’m debating whether I wanna go on the beast banner to do something with that 4% pity rate, or go for the find and vote banner since I got the unit I least wanted (though I have managed to make decent use of her and she replaced a unit on one of my teams who was total dead weight).

Pretty torn. Any thoughts or advice?

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14 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Nice, L!LAzura~ I'd fix that Bane if I were you but Cordy would appreciate the B Duel Flying~

Yeah, I'll wait a little with the decision. Right now it wouldn't boost my score too much. 

Whom did you get from the Free Pick banner? 


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30 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Yeah, I'll wait a little with the decision. Right now it wouldn't boost my score too much. 

Whom did you get from the Free Pick banner? 


I didn't pull from it yet, but I will soon~

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47 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Good luck! 

Good luck indeed!


Neutral L!Azura and she's new!~ 

I don't have much reason to pull on the actual Banner~ I have Myrrh and Lyn with pretty good IVs and I don't really have a huge desire for Duma~ I will accept this birthday luck~

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Welp, Valentines banner continues throw off-focus units my way



i like Lucina but honestly, this feels worse than pulling a Luke because Masked Marth is already free with the same base stats and easily mergeable and all of her fodder can be found in lower rarity units. Just sucks.

Soren and the extra Ike continue to evade me but on the other hand with the 2nd Anniversary banner...




I actually got her! She even came with decent IV’s too. Now I have a Leg Hero for every element and I’m only missing one Lyn. Maybe I should ditch Soren and Ike and get the last Lyn on her Valentines banner.

Despite all the bs these anniversary banners have been, I actually ended up with units I wanted in all three of them. I guess I’ve got great luck t̶o̶o̶ ̶b̶a̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶e̶x̶c̶h̶a̶n̶g̶e̶ ̶I̶ ̶e̶n̶d̶ ̶u̶p̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶p̶a̶y̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶b̶a̶n̶n̶e̶r̶s̶.

Don’t have any reason to pull on the actual banner except for maybe getting a +spd version of her but I’ll skip for now.


@mcsilas Reyson and double Lyns are nice. Sorry you didn’t get Duma but at least you got to fix some banes and three movement dancing flier is sure to come in handy.

@mampfoid Great Azura. I’d fodder her off for the duel skill since dancers shouldn’t see much battle anyway. Especially a dancer like Azura who is so heavily focused on her support.

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Legendary banner gave me: Lyn ---disappointing

Myrrh would be waaaayyyy better. Thankfully I have Azura already.


Voting gauntlet banner gave me: Lewyn --- AWESOME!!!

Free spiral special... or a supermerge

I rather intend to give his skill to my +speed Katharina or Delthea.

Edited by Necrofantasia
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Welp. I decided to use the orbs I got from finishing up the last squad assaults on the find and vote banner after winding up getting the somewhat disappointing Lyn as my freebie.

And after that extremely stressful battle where I barely won battle 3 by the skin of my teeth and in a way I was terrified I wouldn’t remember how to replicate...


Here are my spoils:




Five consecutive smoke-cloud teases.

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4 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Great Azura. I’d fodder her off for the duel skill since dancers shouldn’t see much battle anyway. Especially a dancer like Azura who is so heavily focused on her support.

That's what I was thinking, seems she will be foodered tomorrow. 

4 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Soren and the extra Ike continue to evade me but on the other hand with the 2nd Anniversary banner...

Ouch, sorry about Lucina ... is she new at least? 

Glad you got the unit you wanted from the yellow orb banner, many people were unhappy getting Lyn. I also would have liked to get her. 

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