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So I managed to scrounge up 50+ orbs and used all the tickets only to get a big fat amount of nothing. Not even any fodder or merges for Soren or Reyson. The barrage of Bartres continues unbroken (if I ever get back to FE7, the first thing I’ll do is let him be murdered by a fire mage). I have had absolutely shitty luck ever since January and it shows no sign of changing. I have to spend twice as many orbs for the same amount of 5*s most other players do at this point.

You know, they should introduce a system where if you have to spend a higher amount of orbs for a focus, once you get them they’ll be stronger than if you had free pulled them or gotten within very few orbs. Like after 100 orbs without a focus, any future focus you pull will naturally have +1 to all their stats, +2 after 200 etc. It’d both encourage spending and leave me feeling less bitter towards Ms/Mister I-get-whatever-I-want-with-no-effort-every-time-lol since my “hard work” would have payed off more.

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And I'm forced to use up summoning tickets because reasons.  I hate this new banner.  However I yoloed an Ishtar (my first ever one +Atk/-def I'm assuming that's a good nature) so a win I guess?

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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I'm both excited and nervous because I only have 80 orbs to burn at the moment before I have to go into the new story chapter and Forging Bonds and stuff, and I get up early so I could do so.




YAAAAAASS! I wanted him so bad, I love this man. <3 And I needed this after I had such horrible luck on Yune's banner (even if I did eventually get Yune herself, it wasn't until I had an absurdly high pity rate). Also, he's not -Atk or -Spd, thank the Heroes gods. +Def, -Res instead which is pretty decent. His weapon makes him a player phase guy, but these IVs also means he can take a hit or two from physical peeps if I need him to. :3

No Lethe yet, but I'm getting the story orbs now and then some summon tickets.

Oh yeah, I pulled a Brave Ephraim too when I decided to pull another green with the last 4 orbs I had at the time...lol. He's gonna be merged despite the skills he offers. I like merging Ephraim since he's a fav.

@Rezzy And anyone else that cares. :P

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15 orbs, +spd -atk but i don't care, i wanted him so bad

also i think i'm giving him special fighter, since he can reach 53 spd with my arena team's buffs, arena bonuses and summoner support


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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

And I'm forced to use up summoning tickets because reasons.  I hate this new banner.  However I yoloed an Ishtar (my first ever one +Atk/-def I'm assuming that's a good nature) so a win I guess?

No one forces you to use them, if you for some weird ass reason don't like free stuff you're more than welcome to just not touch the tickets.

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I finally pulled another male Morgan! Just one more to go and he's +10 at last. :D

Still no Lethe, but that just means I may pull that last Morgan in the meantime!

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18 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Oohh @Anacybele Looks like your luck is finally improving XD I can't wait to see your boy when he's all done!

Yeah, seems lately it's going from super good to super bad and back to super good again...lol As for Morgan, when that does happen, I'll of course post him in the +10 thread, so you'll get to see him there.

But going back to my luck, I pulled...Laegjarn...for the sixth time...and for the second time off focus. Freakin' seriously... This game must want me to +10 her for some reason. Oh well, she's good, might as well make her +5... But she's seriously becoming for me what Seliph was for Rezzy, I swear. And I don't even really care for her much. Why can't I get pitybroken by her sister or Brave Ike like this? xP

Anyway, this isn't all!


I finally got her too! :D And with good IVs to boot, hell yeah for +Spd and no -Atk! She may be handy for some really hard stuff, provided I can find the right strategy. I still can't seem to come up with my own answers a lot... Some infernal and even a few abyssal maps I've been able to clear on my own, but there are many I couldn't do.

I did end up buying the two promo packs at this point, but that's still way less than what I ended up dumping into Yune's banner. Thank you, game.

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Got a Catria on the Odd Wave banner. 


Now onto Gallia, 163 Orbs going in, I ideally want everyone, but I doubt I can do it.:

Setsuna, Priscilla, Direhardt, Silvia, Hinata, Wrys, Kagero, Titania, Hawkeye, Marth, Shanna, Mmorgan, Mobin, Odin, Clair, Matthew, Sheena, Mae, Athena, Ogma, Frederick, Cecilia, Ogma, Lon'qu, Hana, Clarine, Boey, Jagen, Zelgius?  This is what I get for posting that vid of him before as a good choice for getting an anti-Laguz weapon. I never summoned the BK, so I guess I'll keep this awfully early alt, since it frees me to put half of my mere 200 starting Grails into summoning another.

Draug, Wrys, Frederick, Lilina, Hinata, Olivia, Lucius, Caineghis!

Eliwood, Soleil, Hinata, Sheena, Palla, Gwendolyn, Subaki. *Not enough to summon*


Well for the first time in this game, I'm flat broke, only 11 left. I do have plenty of untapped story Orbs though. And do I want to muster more Orbs for this.

Zelgius by the way is +Spd -Res, not bad? And Caineghis is +HP -Atk, ouch but beggars can't be choosers. I got the BK and he whom the BK quietly deems threatening to him.

Now onto a game with a lite gatcha element for the rest of my day- Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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I used all four tickets, plus 50+ orbs, and I got a Maribelle as pity breaker. I am ok with it. I mean, the one that I had I foddered to give Dazzling Staff to someone else, so it's good to have her back in my barracks. Maybe she will be foddered again in the future, but for now I will use some Staff Valor.

Anyway, I decided to give it a chance, did the Story Maps and Chain Challenges, and it was worthy! Caineghis, the Gallia's Lion King, is now in my barracks. Not the best IVs (+Atk -Def), but at least I have him.

I am done with this banner. It's time to return to save orbs for the Mythic Banner

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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Main: Free pull and first ticket both get Caineghis, the better copy being +Def -Spd. I used up all my luck and expect nothing more from the next tickets.

Alt: Two common red heroes I have no need for at the moment.

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Final ticket brought a red-less session, but at least it gave me my first Reyson. Only 4-star and with the rather terrible nature of +Def -Spd, but I guess I'll still use him and go for a +1 once a better copy turns up. Shame about no Lethe, but I can't justify sinking this month's orb allocation into a side-project, especially given the low orb income lately.

This month's legendary is still looking like a skip though, so I'll keep my options open as the new banners are announced.

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215 orbs spent. The first ~20 gave me Karla and Ranulf (-Spd +Atk), and the last 16 gave me Caineghis (-Spd +Def) and Lethe (-Res +Atk). I got really worried there in the midst of it.

I've now gotten three Karla without ever having rolled for her. She joins L'Ephraim in my "highest number of five star exclusives" club, and I've never rolled on a banner where she was a focus unit. Weird.

Edited by Thane
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Congrats everyone who has gotten something good!

Nothing notable from the Beast Banner except my first 3* Soleil and a normal Chrom, who I needed to finish Chrom Emblem, so that was great~

I went to the Odd Wave Skills Banner to get some C Duel Infantry since I recently +10'd my Lachesis


Got the Trickster without too much trouble~

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Well, I got the tokens. I'll be honest, my priorities are Caineghis, Ranulf, Lethe and not Mordecai sadly.

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

4* Virion (Virino. +HP/-Atk), 4* Fae (Chicken time! +Spd/-HP), 4* Stahl (seriously, can we just get an update to purge the pools? +HP/-Spd), 4* Athena (Understood to be meh. +HP/-Res), 4* M!Morgan (No longer 5*, so just here for fodder. +Res/-HP)


3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue

3* Beruka (Glimmer. +Atk/-Res), 3* Arthur (Lancebreaker... but not in full. :( +Res/-HP), 4* Reyson (FINALLY I GET HIM. +Def/-Spd sadly, I'll see how lucky I get with him in future, he is beautiful fodder.), 4* M!Morgan (I guess it could be worse. +Res/-Spd)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Virion (If he's all I'm getting from colourless, Fuck Heroes. +Def/-Spd), 4* Fir (Fir no. +Spd/-Atk)


2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Klein (SEE? This is fodder, Just go away Virion. +Atk/-Def, I wish I hadn't one trained already), 3* Nino (Ninono. +Atk/-HP), 4* Soleil (Soleil is here to be alright fodder. +Def/-Res)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

3* Priscilla (Haven't seen in ages, still not good fodder. +Atk/-Res), 4* Felicia (Is she finally good? +Def/-Spd, Aww that awful), 4* Boey (Not good fodder. +HP/-Res), 4* Raven (It's so mysterious to me how much I'd rather see Linus show up here. +HP/-Res), 3* Caeda (I have so many. Neutral)


2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Matthew (Matthewno. +Def/-HP), 3* Gunter (It's a merge! +Spd/-Atk), 3* Raigh (DELETE. +HP/-Res), 4* Raigh (EXTERMINATE! +Spd/-Atk)


2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Kaze (I wish we got more units like how we got Kaze. +Res/-HP), 4* Sothe (See, I knew better fodder would show. +Res/-Spd, Oh this is fodder.), 3* Libra (I wouldn't thro it out of the barracks. +HP/-Atk, I'd fodder though), 3* Stahl (I could live with him as 3* only. +HP/-Spd)


This has been bad so far.

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Well, can’t say I was expecting a free pull Caineghis (+Def/-Spd) since I just got Yune with a free pull but holy hell I’ll definitely take it! The downside is I’m now at 3.75% after scrounging up all the orbs and tickets I could, but hey I’m in no place to complain and so I won’t.

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9 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:


Well, can’t say I was expecting a free pull Caineghis (+Def/-Spd) since I just got Yune with a free pull but holy hell I’ll definitely take it! The downside is I’m now at 3.75% after scrounging up all the orbs and tickets I could, but hey I’m in no place to complain and so I won’t.

ooh lucky. 
I got a Wrys as my free pull

Ranulf's ticket got me Bow-Hinoka. (I had to laugh because @Landmaster and I are trying to save so she wouldn't let me go get merges for her, so i guess she decided to come help me out instead). (game needs to introduce someone else with flier guidance because that's a nifty little skill,)

not sure if i should go for reds (and hope for +atk Caeda) blue (I need 1 more est, or 2 more nowis), or stick in grey and hope for another lucky pull. 

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21 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:


Well, can’t say I was expecting a free pull Caineghis (+Def/-Spd) since I just got Yune with a free pull but holy hell I’ll definitely take it! The downside is I’m now at 3.75% after scrounging up all the orbs and tickets I could, but hey I’m in no place to complain and so I won’t.

WOW nice! Congrats on Mufasa! And great IV!

8 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

ooh lucky. 
I got a Wrys as my free pull

Ranulf's ticket got me Bow-Hinoka. (I had to laugh because @Landmaster and I are trying to save so she wouldn't let me go get merges for her, so i guess she decided to come help me out instead). (game needs to introduce someone else with flier guidance because that's a nifty little skill,)

not sure if i should go for reds (and hope for +atk Caeda) blue (I need 1 more est, or 2 more nowis), or stick in grey and hope for another lucky pull. 

What's the Honk's IV? But your other one's already +Atk, isn't she?

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Ranulf is my main goal, but I'm also summoning on colorless for 2 Caineighis.  So, of course, I've summoned...

  1. Rhajat (really?!  She's not new, and I never used the first one I got)
  2. Tibarn (yay, a merge!).  Same circle as Rhajat.
  3. Micaiah (well, this is the first time I've pulled a 5* that I'd already +10'd...  she's fodder, I guess). Same circle as Rhajat.
  4. Myrrh (also not new)
  5. Caineghis Neutral (yay!).  Same circle as Myrrh.
  6. Lewyn (that's my fourth Lewyn...  and I haven't finished leveling the first.)
  7. Caineghis +Res (I can stop summoning colorless now!)
  8. Surtr (what?  I never wanted him.  At least he's new...  and +res/-def)

No Ranulfs :(  That's four green 5*s, but no Ranulfs.  And none of them I really wanted.  And I didn't pull a single Reyson.

However, I'm one Sothe merge away from +10!  So close!  But I want to start sniping green now...  Please, please better greens.

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Well, I used up the free summon and all of the Tickets and got nothing of note.

Then went in with 15 Orbs after finishing the newest Chain Challenge got Ranulf twice on the same circle. Not sure if +DEF or +HP is better for him, though I'm leaning toward +DEF at the moment since he'll end up with 48 DEF when his weapon's effect and Fortify Beasts/DEF Tactic are both active, which is awesome. Either way, I wanted Ranulf the most from this banner, so I'm super happy right now.

At the very least, I can start sniping Red on any future sessions since I don't need to shoot for Green any more.

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Did five full pulls with the help of the summoning tickets. Most wanted is Ranulf but what I got was a higher pity rate. Had a good stockpile of orbs to spend that probably won't get any use in the next month. All the way up to a 4.75% pity rate when I got +Spd/-HP Caineghis. Can't say no to a DC armor unit.

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