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This banner likes me. Not only did my first full pull net me a brady, but my next one with a summoning ticket gave me +Res/-HP Kjelle. I'm walking away with more than I deserve, I was prepared to dip into my orb stash for another 5 star but now I don't have to.

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Free summon tickets gave me YT!Olivia. Okay, I guess this is an Awakening themed banner and all but I would have preferred a gen 3 unit for more dragonflowers. I guess she will be merged with the other two I already have or will become Chill Speed fodder.

@Landmaster Congrats on getting your daughter-in-law and the other five star units you pulled!

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44 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

Free summon tickets gave me YT!Olivia. Okay, I guess this is an Awakening themed banner and all but I would have preferred a gen 3 unit for more dragonflowers. I guess she will be merged with the other two I already have or will become Chill Speed fodder.

@Landmaster Congrats on getting your daughter-in-law and the other five star units you pulled!

oh you lucky.... 😞 that one shadow i want to replace soo badly, i'd love to have three YT Olivias (or at least one ) but sorry no gen 3 unit yet. 

@Landmaster lol lucky you too. always so many.

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3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Three tickets used and I've gotten nothing but trash. All I want is a Silas merge or two... I'm not even getting good fodder.

Nothing of note for my five free summons either, but that's fine. Saving up free 5* pulls for later. 😀

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3 hours ago, daisy jane said:

oh you lucky.... 😞 that one shadow i want to replace soo badly, i'd love to have three YT Olivias (or at least one ) but sorry no gen 3 unit yet. 

I would trade you one of mine if I could but hopefully she will come to you someday.

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19 minutes ago, Tree said:

Nothing of note for my five free summons either, but that's fine. Saving up free 5* pulls for later. 😀

Yeah, and I just gotta be patient. Eventually those Silas merges will come to me, just as those final male Morgans I was waiting for did.

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22 minutes ago, Tree said:

Nothing of note for my five free summons either, but that's fine. Saving up free 5* pulls for later. 😀

that's my hope. 
let me cash in on some free pulls when i want the unit haha 
I usually don't pull on colours when i use tickets but i am in desperate need of red fodder, so of course I am just getting my two stalkers: Roy + Laslow

6 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

I would trade you one of mine if I could but hopefully she will come to you someday.

aww thanks. LOL i'll let you know if she ever comes to me. 

1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, and I just gotta be patient. Eventually those Silas merges will come to me, just as those final male Morgans I was waiting for did.

i hope you get them. 
I'm still dying for Est/Caeda. like. come on.....

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These were the worst free pulls I ever got. Two were three star trash and two were Peri who I have no use for because I don't care for her nor does she have any useful skills for me. Though I can't really say no to feathers, I guess. And maybe the game is helping me preserve luck for Summer Freddy's return in a couple weeks. I could sure use it there since I need five of him and him with +Spd.

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5 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Free summon tickets gave me YT!Olivia. Okay, I guess this is an Awakening themed banner and all but I would have preferred a gen 3 unit for more dragonflowers. I guess she will be merged with the other two I already have or will become Chill Speed fodder.

@Landmaster Congrats on getting your daughter-in-law and the other five star units you pulled!

Thanks! Congrats on your Flying Olivia!

4 hours ago, daisy jane said:

@Landmaster lol lucky you too. always so many.

Chill Banner is coming, we shall plant the seeds that she's there~

2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I did indeed pull a 5-star unit from my free tickets, but it wasn't one of the new Awakening characters. Nope, instead I got Chrom: Exalt Knight. Horse Chrom. I hadn't summoned him before so I'll take it! No orbs spent!

Nice, he came to greet the children~ Congrats!

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A short dump of 1,958 total pulled units.


Maria (+Spd/-Res): Ooooh~!  Pity that she's 3*, though.

Cordelia (+Def/-Spd): And this is fodder.

Azama (+Atk/-Spd): The other way around!
Gordin (+Def/-HP): Eh.  Someone will appreciate Vantage.  Maybe.
Yarne (neutral): I'll take him!  Not sure why he came with Galeforce, though - he doesn't natively get CD reduction or special acceleration.  May slap Heavy Blade on him, just to proc Galeforce.
Lon'qu (+HP/-Def): Will see the same fate as Gordin.
Eirika (+Res/-HP): She has Hone Spd, at least!

Not a bad pull at all!  But I need to make room in my barracks.


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Brady was steadfastly refusing to give me his ticket (and sunnies) until just now, but finally got all four tickets and spent them.

4* Ogma
4* Eliwood
4* Cecilia
3* Silvia
4* Camilla
4* Silvia

Combined with the initial duo of Hinata and Stahl, that's 12 orbs down for not much, especially with the usual lack of greens. Still, happy to have minimised the damage and continue saving for the July legendary banner.

Gameplan for the next couple months: The Three Houses banner will run until after that so that's not a concern, so let's see if I can resist the summer banners. I really wanted Summer Tana last year, but since then I've merged Palla to +10 to be my primary red flier and so Tana's fallen down in priority to "nice to have". In terms of colour distribution Summer Camilla is probably the best unit I could get, but Spring Corrin+1 is good enough to not make it a priority. If a better flying mage, say a seasonal equivalent to Peganino appears, then I might be in trouble, but otherwise there's no real unit type I'd go out of my way for..

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Well if this is going to be a trend it is one I can get behind.

Nah gave me her ticket and then appeared in the summoning circle for that very ticket. +DEF/-SPD too. Now I just need to figure out what I am going to do with my last Ticket that I'll eventually get from Brady. Getting another Nah would be nice since I would then be able to play with Bonus Doubler on someone else since if I use Nah seriously I'll likely want to overwrite BD with Distant Counter.

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Free pull was a +Atk/-Res Nah!

Two tickets and 8 orbs later I got a +Res/-HP Yarne!

8 Orbs for the two units I wanted most? It’s gonna be a good day 😀 Done with the banner, enjoying Forging Bonds, maybe pulling for Charlotte a bit more soon.

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On 6/9/2019 at 9:19 AM, NSSKG151 said:

Finally, two years later...

Hey, congrats (also on that Flylivia!)! 

I wish I had one copy as well, I'm missing her and some other first gen 5*. Perhaps I should use my orbs on those banners, but I don't have that many. 

On 6/10/2019 at 1:28 AM, Alexmender said:

On sadder news, the 5.25% rate on the bridal banner ended with me getting Pent instead of Tanith.

Hmm, sorry you got the wrong focus unit. Missing a seasonal unit you want is a pain (even with legendary banners and yearly re-runs of the original banners). 

On 6/11/2019 at 1:52 PM, NegativeExponents- said:

Yay! I obtained best kid in with my second summon ticket.

Whohoo! Congrats, looking good as your avatar as well. 

On 6/11/2019 at 4:08 PM, mcsilas said:

So yeah unexpectedly fairly quickly done with the banner, so now I need to grind orbs again. I'll be leaving for holiday anyway so the time away will probably mean I can let the orbs gather for a while.

Congrats, luck is still with you. Happy you got your favorite healer. I'm considering him as my colorless merge project as well (if he demotes).

Have good holidays! 

On 6/11/2019 at 5:58 PM, Mau said:

I'll take it!!! +res, -hp, not even bad, the fates beasts team is finally complete 😄

Also got my first Mordecai, so orbs well spent.

Whohoo, congrats (again) on both! What's the nature of your Mordecai? They are a great team with their corresponding link skills. 

On 6/11/2019 at 7:59 PM, Landmaster said:

So of course they introduce my daughter-in-law and Yarne right on the cusp of S!Elise's return. While I usually skip New Heroes Banners, these two were a must get~ Legendary Banner and Leif took a lot of Orbs out of me so let's hope they come quick.

Wow, that's a lot of great stuff, congrats! 

Glad you got your favs and some useful bonus. I don't have any of those units (except Leif). 


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8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Whohoo, congrats (again) on both! What's the nature of your Mordecai? They are a great team with their corresponding link skills.

Thanks! Mordecai is -spd, +res but I'm not really planning on using him anyway, don't care for him. Might give his Atk/Def Link to L!Lucina instead.

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25 minutes ago, Mau said:

Thanks! Mordecai is -spd, +res but I'm not really planning on using him anyway, don't care for him. Might give his Atk/Def Link to L!Lucina instead.

Booo, he is (kind of) fluffy. 🙂

Good idea with Lucina though. 

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8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Hmm, sorry you got the wrong focus unit. Missing a seasonal unit you want is a pain (even with legendary banners and yearly re-runs of the original banners). 

Thanks, but I kinda expected it after the huge surge of luck I got during Naga's banner (4 focus units with 2 of those being Naga herself in less than 60 orbs is too good) so it evens out. It's sad because I loved Tanith's art but now Cynthia exists so everything's fine.

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@Alexmender @Rezzy @mcsilas @mampfoid @LordFrigid @JSND Alter Dragon Boner


FINALLY. AFTER THREE YEARS AND MAYBE LIKE 2000 ORBS. ONE. (I've definitely hit 1500, but not sure if I've truly climbed up to 2000 yet)

+Spd -Atk, oh well. Maybe I'll get two in another three years.

Also, I can reach +8 on Bride Lyn now (unfortunately?)... I wonder if I'll get any more of either before the banner goes away.

Btw, recent pulls:


From a ticket. +Res -HP, gonna be fodder, not sure to whom yet.


A week ago from the leg banner. A good girl! +Res -HP too, but I'm definitely using her a lot from now on.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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