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@mampfoid Ouch, I cringed a little seeing that Mordecai after the long string with lots of 3-stars. Good thing it kind of made up for it at the end! I'm right there with you in the "wait for Alm to come later" club.


1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

ooh congrats. 
and thanks. yeah i mean i am pleased as punch that i got Myrrh done (now i can save for my OTHER big 5* project - and other fun stuff). but the down side is, no CYL 3 fun for meee. 

Oh, might I ask what this OTHER project is? Your taste in units seems pretty great from what I've seen so far 😉 Too bad about CYL, but considering how much the CYL units tend to be rerun I'd say you definitely made the right choice in prioritizing Myrrh this time around.


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43 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

@mampfoid Ouch, I cringed a little seeing that Mordecai after the long string with lots of 3-stars. Good thing it kind of made up for it at the end! I'm right there with you in the "wait for Alm to come later" club.


Oh, might I ask what this OTHER project is? Your taste in units seems pretty great from what I've seen so far 😉 Too bad about CYL, but considering how much the CYL units tend to be rerun I'd say you definitely made the right choice in prioritizing Myrrh this time around.


LOL why thank you very much!
yeah - I don't know if book 2 units are going to be Thano'sed when book 3 is done, and I also didn't know when Myrrh would have another banner. (I was actually thinking for a good chunk of the day having her at +4/+5 would be okay, but my friends were like no, just go for it now and then you don't have to think about it anymore). so yeah it kinda sucks not having any spend-y orbs, but knowing Myrrh is done (minus having ground orders/air orders and Def Smoke (to continually ensure her defense is higher than others vs. atk smoke) - is also a very great relief. 

my next project is going to be Evil Corrin/Evil Baby Tiki, and Micaiah. (Brave/OG). so i have to save a LOT (but i also want some prime fodder that's priority right now (mostly on seasonals), so we'll have to see. LOL (I also want Amelia, Elincia, Nephenee, Skylivia... lol a lot of units 😉 ), but those three (four) are the big ones, with the slighter edge going to Corrin because she's infantry and not armour and my infantry teams need a LOT of work. 

@mcsilas, thanks, friend! 


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@daisy jane Those are some nice projects, but that's indeed going to take a ton of orbs! It's nice to have some really long term goals like that though. Good luck getting that fodder you're aiming for! I'm personally aiming for OG Tana, Amelia and Myrrh merges myself, so I'm really hoping they do more weekly revival banners with book 1 units again in the future because I doubt I'll be able to save enough orbs to +10 Tana and Amelia in this round.

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2 hours ago, BoaFerox said:

mampfoid Ouch, I cringed a little seeing that Mordecai after the long string with lots of 3-stars. Good thing it kind of made up for it at the end! I'm right there with you in the "wait for Alm to come later" club.

Yup, the last circle saved my moods today.

You got the same batch of Cyl units plus a new 5* unit? Great congrats, that was pretty lucky. I am a little jealous of your +ATK boons. 

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This Swift Sparrow banner may have screwed my chances of getting Legendary Tiki when she was released onto us because I wanted Peganino, but at least I pulled her...... mother.

With -Spd.

Point being I can never get a perfect legendary banner.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red (Obvious pick)

5* Katarina (Finally got her again! She's +Atk/-Def, pretty much perfect and so much better than the one which I had pass Swift Sparrow to Anna.)

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Got a better Eliwood, +Spd/-Def. I was going to merge him, but then realized he had SS3, and I don't want to. I've also got the last copy needed to +10 Mordecai and even Thea. IS, please release other units besides Blue for me, please? I have way too many blues that are high merges.

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I got the dong~


For free~

Nothing from the Banner~

22 hours ago, Zeo said:


Everyone and their mother pulling Eliwood on this banner and I get this in my second circle.


Well... he is new and I only spent around 20-ish orbs for him. But he's -SPD which bites. That Fortress DEF/RES is looking really nice for someone, but for now I'm keeping him.

It's pretty hilarious though. Diedre pitybreaks me going for Brave Ephraim on last years banner and Kliff pitybreaks me going for Brave Eliwood a year later when I barely have a rate at all. But at least it's something.

I had 20 orbs left so I went to the dancer banner for Xander or Maybe Micaiah. Only had one colorless orb which had nothing, but went ahead and pulled the reds, I'm glad I did.


What are the odds, amirite? To be pitybroken by my girl here. She's +3 now which is stellar. It's like the game knew I missed her banner and threw me a bone. One more merge and she'll get +1 to ATK and SPD.

Maybe someday she'll be +10...


Congrats on Kliff and Lyn! She's making good progress~

21 hours ago, Shimmerfang said:

After about 850 orbs, I was able to get my +10 Brave Micaiah.



18 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Heroes with Swift Sparrow? Nope... I got a Hero with Fury instead:

GIM25Pu.png This Eldigan in +Res -Spd. I may merge him to my neutral one, since I don't have any use for Fury.

OK, next is the Brave Heroes Banner... I was between Micaiah and Eliwood as my free summon. I couldn't care less about Alm and Camilla... Well, with 20 orbs:

Ww2FZE7.png Micaiah appeared! She is +Def -Spd... Not bad... I mean... it's a super bane so she will not have a easy time trying to double.

And with her, I was able to pick Eliwood as my free summon!

9HKQFTc.png This man will be great for modes like AA.

Pretty happy with my results. Now... saving for September's Mythic Banner or in case a banner with Laevatein or Claude appears.

Congrats Dio!

18 hours ago, BoaFerox said:

That's amazing, congratulations! I tried a little bit for Myrrh on this banner myself, but sadly I got nothing, so she'll stay at +3 for me. One day, though...


I had about 130 orbs to spend on CYL. I tend to summon until I get three of them and then pick the last one as my free summon, but this time I just don't have enough orbs for that so I decided I can do without getting Brave Alm for now, as he's not that useful to me. I was really hoping to get the rest though, and after about 100 orbs I got...

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A +Spd -Atk Nina... I didn't have her at least, but I really don't know what to use her for, as I already have Valentine Roy for Bow Valor. I guess she'll be useful once Roy has maxed out his Hero Merit.

Just one circle later I luckily got a focus unit, Brave Eliwood.

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He's +Atk -Spd. -Spd isn't good, but I'm pretty sure he can make it work because of the massive speed buffs he'll get from his weapon and Swift Sparrow 3, and +Atk is very nice, so overall I'm happy with him!

At this point I had barely any orbs left, so I grabbed what I could from the new paralogues and some Chain Challenges, and that was enough to get Brave Camilla!

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She's +Atk -HP as well, definitely very pleased with that. Now all that's left is to pick Micaiah as my free summon, and then begin saving for Lute's upcoming banner.

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Would have been nice if Micaiah had been the one to show up as +Atk considering it's a +4 for her, but having her as neutral could definitely be handy for following guides in the future as well. Overall very happy with what I got today.

Congrats on all those goodies!!

11 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Sorry you got no focus unit, but at least other good stuff. Who was the second 5*? Imgur is blocked where I am this week. 

Oh wow, that's a great free pull! Congrats!

Something like that would have saved me so many orbs ... (see below)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Ok my own plan was: pull all colors to get 2-3 brave heroes and pick the missing one (or Micaiah) in the end. 

The start looked like this: 

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Another free Leif? It's my fourth Leif and I really have no idea what to do with them. 

Followed by this:

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After so much suffering I forgot to screenshot Catria, Jakob, Gaius, Hinata and Silvia.

Mordecai is a great unit, but I really didn't want to seem him as a 5* here. 

Ok, much suffering, no focus, only one new unit (4* Thea -SPD) in 215 orbs plus free pull.

Only enough orbs left for one last circle:

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Well, that's more like it! 

+DEF/-ATK Camilla, +HP/-DEF Micaiah, and +SPD/-DEF Ylgr.

My old -ATK Ylgr will become SPD tactic Fodder, nice! Free pick was Eliwood then. 

I think Alm will visit me sooner or later. 


Ooooo at least you got something in the end there!

4 hours ago, silverserpent said:

Got a better Eliwood, +Spd/-Def. I was going to merge him, but then realized he had SS3, and I don't want to. I've also got the last copy needed to +10 Mordecai and even Thea. IS, please release other units besides Blue for me, please? I have way too many blues that are high merges.


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Opened both greens since I'm fairly confident that I won't be summoning on CYL and because the upcoming Legendary banner is a dud for me.

4* Merric
4* Frederick

Oh well, TT orbs should get me to 15 to get a full first round in on the dancer re-run, no plans after that. Might just start saving for October.

Edited by Humanoid
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God bless TTs, so glad to have them in place of FBs. Resolved to do a full round on the dancer re-run with the proceeds:

4* Seth
4* Maria
4* Olivia
5* Ranulf +Atk -HP
3* Odin

Pitybreakers everywhere after yesterday's CYL Ylgr and 4/5 off-focus Hero Fest units, but I can't complain about this one. My only green beast before him is a 4* Reyson with a bad nature. My beast team is now, uh, Nailah, Ranulf, Caineghis and Leanne I guess, with Selkie in reserve. Still not a great balance, but finally somewhat approaching competent.

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Got a +Atk copy of Brave Camilla, a +Spd copy of Brave Micaiah, and a fresh +HP -Def copy of Brave Eliwood (and also Sue for some reason...)

With that, it's safe to pick Brave Alm as my free unit.

...well I splurged a little since they were especially special units, but now I can safely not spend another dime until the Halloween banners.

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The Ploy banner:Despite not having Lute, I'm still going green.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Raven (Mehven. Linus is +8 already. +Res/-Atk)

Back on the dancer banner

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green

4* Ogma (Not what I wanted. +Atk/-Def)

4% now. Why?

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Legault (Sothe would be better, I've gotten more than 1 Legault. +Def/-Spd)

3 Green, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* Azama (Where's Nanna? I just want to delete half the pool at this point. +Def/-Res)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Let it end here.)

4* Caeda (I keep getting about 15-20 units en mass. She's one of them. +Spd/-HP), 4* Selena (Just please. +Res/-Def), 3* Olivia (+Atk/-Spd, I'm off to die inside)

4.25%. HELP.

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Apparently getting Hilda is less than a problem than getting a green orb. Of six circles as I got two greens in total. It is funny that I got for today's banner the same amount of green orbs in just one single circle. 

Seriously this has been the last time I have snipped. Sniping is just expensive and never has given me the wanted results yet. 


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I should’ve went for blue on today’s banner for Lute, but I don’t have Deidre or Sonya, either, so I went for green. I really want Lute, as random as it is. She’s such a cool girl in SS! Regardless, I didn’t get anything of value, and I didn’t continue summoning. I spent the first of my TT orbs on the 3H banner for Hilda and...


I finally got her! Hilda, the glorious idle maiden, at 3.75% and with +Def/-HP IVs! ❤️ I am so ecstatic, and I cannot help but feel free! Lol I didn’t get Claude, but I got his best girl, so I feel somewhat accomplished. I might just start saving orbs now.

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Already have Lute and have neither of the Greens, so I decided I'd try for Green, but I got none~ In these cases, I always go for Colorless since Colorless can always be an Elise~

But I got a Velouria~ I could have her at +3 now if I wanted. I should probably just go ahead and merge her up, she is my precious daughter~ I can always use Ranulf for Ward Beasts if I ever really need it~

That's the first 5* I've ever gotten for the Summer Daily Banners! Last year I didn't get any, looks like I got some luck just before the end~

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Ok, yesterday I was done with the Cyl banner, the last circle saved me (Camilla and Micaiah, bonus Ylgr) after a long draught. 

Today I made a YOLO summon (no idea why). 5 orbs gave me:




I'm really happy I got all brave heroes, even if -ATK on both Alm and Camilla is a bit unfortunate. They are still great and Micaiah and Eliwood are neutral ATK ( and SPD), so I won't complain. 

@Landmaster Congrats to your free stuff! Wish I could merge Velouria, what's her boon? 



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It was a whim... just a whim on 9 orbs and an extra 13...!

+Atk -Def Brave Eliwood, literally the asset I wanted on him.
Also bonus Idunn. Oh if only you knew the trouble she'd cause your lineage, Eliwood...

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