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2 hours ago, silverserpent said:

Went in with 30 orbs and got nothing, as expected. Oh, well. K have a few orbs yo farm up, but think I'll keep them for whatever banner is coming next since this isn't a priority for me. Plus I have a lot of Bill's coming due, so my wallet won't support even a smidge of dipping right now. If it were Dimitri...*sigh* I would've considered it.

yeah. i was b-a-d this summer. so my wallet is grounded. 
it sucks because i want to shake an Elincia and a Julia out. 


mcsilas - that's great. 

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Well, I had both good luck and crappy luck this time. Here's the good luck first. I was going for Julia, RD Ike merges, and Duma.


She was my first 5 star pull of the banner! I already had hot spring Elise, but not with IVs like this. ^^ I'll take +Atk!

Next, and on just the fourth session:


IT'S THE STAR HERSELF. And she's ALSO +Atk! -Res isn't the best flaw she could have, but I'll take this.

I ended up with a legendary Roy sometime after this, but with crappy +Res, -Spd IVs. I'm probably foddering him for Bonus Doubler.

I was wondering if I'd ever get my hands on another RD Ike merge. I bought some orbs after a point because I ran out, and:


He always makes me pay for him! xP ...Unless it's Brave Ike, I guess, since I've gotten several of him for free at this point. But an RD Ike merge is an RD Ike merge!

Now comes the bad luck. As I'd said, I got a Roy with crappy IVs. It took me forever to get even one 5 star colorless at all, and when I did, I ended up with two Grima Robins back to back. I despise her and would rather fodder than merge, but the one I already had has sucky IVs, so I do have to merge one. The other will be fodder.

Can't believe after all this, I'm still Duma-less. I've tried SEVERAL times for him now! I didn't when he debuted because I had other priorities then, but after that...yeah, I tried on every banner he was in.

I spent only because I just got paid, and I think I've spent enough for now. Sucks that I still will not have a way to lower lift loss in AR during Anima week...

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I can't believe it. I only spent around 100 orbs or something and I actually got all 3 of the main units I was going for! PLUS a copy of a Legendary Tiki! What a nice blessing! I got a copy of L!Gunnthra (+Res! And my first Gunnthra of any sort!), Valentine Mist (My first Mist of any sort!), and Kaden! This is so great! I can't believe I have so many orbs left over, too! 😄

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Okay, so I got 5 of the available orbs from the legendary Julia battle. I went back to her banner and got a single colorless in the session.

Me: Like it'll really be Duma, but I have to pull it anyway--


...You gotta be kidding me.

Holy shit. MY PAIN IS ACTUALLY OVER! I finally can lower the lift I lose in Anima season in AR! He's -Atk, of course, since I'm just doomed lately to get -Atk at some point on a banner I pull a lot on. But he can still help me anyway. THANK YOU GAME!

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Predictably, I couldn't even get a 4-star with my free pull on the Julia banner. But that's alright as my eye is still more on Brave Micaiah. Speaking of which....

My rate was 4.25% on the CYL3 banner and this latest circle had no greens. I pick the lone blue first and you already know where this going:



I was never going to go out of my way for either him or Alm, but hey Brave Eli is certainly far better than something like Ylgr or if you prefer, a pull that would've reduced me to a enraged, screeching lunatic. This Eli also happens to be +Atk/-HP, so I know I'll definitely have fun with him. The bad news is that he's only the second new 5* character that I actually care about so that Laegjarn I got weeks ago doesn't count I've actually pulled all month with the other one being the now 4*-5* pull Mercedes.

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On 8/26/2019 at 2:10 PM, daisy jane said:

I am not even going to lie. these weekly banners are tough. i figured wtha  4 percent it's easier to shake what you want out of a tree, but nope. I got kicked hard in the teeth trying o get amelia (and because of Myrrh i am very low on orbs to even try for another few copies i need to get her to where i need to be)

(this doesn't mean much because I also tried to get Fallen Corrin started and that ended up horrible too lol)

She looks great tho, congrats. i always wanted a lute. 

Yeah, I got burned pretty hard on the recent Hero Fest banner as well. It always feels worse to have bad luck when you know your odds are technically better than usual.

Thanks though! I like Lute a lot, I hope she'll get a fun refine to her weapon someday.


I got tempted into spending my 60 orbs on Julia today. I still don't have a Pair Up Legendary and I only have one Naga as well, so Blue seemed too good to skip. Unfortunately, after a while I got no blue stones for about five sessions in a row, and then I was pity broken by...


A +Atk -Res Valentines Mist. Those stats are pretty good at least, and I didn't have any kind of Mist yet so I'm pretty happy about getting this instead of nothing. Still would have been nice to have some blue stones though...

I was stupid enough to be tempted again when I had only 13 orbs after some of the new maps, and of course I got another session with no blues. 


The colorless stone I picked contained my first Mercedes though, so it was definitely worth the 5 orbs. Her stats were bad (+Def -HP), but those could get fixed when I inevitably get spooked by a 5-star Mercedes down the line.

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racked up 12 orbs, got a full colorless circle. *headslam* That's what I wanted to go for since I was hoping for F!Grima. Time to wait until midnight for my paycheck to kick in so I can at least finish the circle out. It's too tempting not to. Either F!Grima or a Duma to fix his bane would be amazing.

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Well all the Micaiah hate in the VG thread made me want o pull for her because I like her and the more hate something gets when I feel it doesn't deserve it make me support it more then normal.  First I was pity broken by Helbindi my third one so fodder since I already have a decent IV one, then I was pity broken by Fallen!Corrin who was new but of course is -atk and finally I was rewarded with a +atk,-hp B!Micaiah!  I am down to 25 orbs but I have everyone I wanted to pull who is on a banner right now so I am happy.  Now I can save orbs for a while.

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Paycheck went through! Finished the circle and got a +Def/-Res Mercedes and...

+HP/-Res Bruno...as if Res wasn't already his dump stat.

Also used the last orbs to get a +Res/-Atk Mist. I can either keep her for fodder or merge her to my +Atk copy and fix that one's Res bane.

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19 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Good luck on dancer Micaiah though! 4% banners are rough, especially red hell..

My Micaiah looks different somehow:

My guess it’s because of the yukata.

6 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

all the Micaiah hate in the VG thread

Ana at it again?

Edited by Vaximillian
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LHB orbs in, trying again to break my pity rate on CYL.

4* Beruka
(Four reds, screw that)

4* Fae
4* Barst
3* Jeorge
4* Maria

4.5%. Hopefully September monthly orbs bring salvation.

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8 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Ana at it again?

Was a minor disagreement that happened days ago at this point. And besides that, there was hardly any Micaiah hate. She completely dominated the poll.

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I'll prioritise the Legendary banner first, start gathering orbs for it and CYL.

I'm liable to get nothing.

3 Green, 1 each Red, Colourless (Lovely start)

4* Chrom (I need to write a petition at this rate. +Res/-Def)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Mordecai (Just. Stop. I'm not planning +10 Mordecai. +Def/-HP)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

4* Roderick (Kind of boring. +Res/-Spd), 3* Clair (I'm certain I am barred from about half the pool, which has most of the units I'd like to get more of. Come on IS. +Atk/-Def)

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I just spent about 90 of my free orbs that I got and I was mainly aiming for any of the blue heroines Mainly Naga and RobinGrima. And what did I get? 2 freaking Bruno's in the same session.

I hate this game lately since it keeps showering me with 5* healers.... 

Plz game stop giving me healers....

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17 orbs, so another attempt at Julia. As long as it's not another Naga...

  1. 3* Subaki: Worthless.

A Silas or Shanna would be nice too, Feh. Seriously, with all of the blues I'm pulling you'd think they would show up more.

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23 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Vaximillian Darn....well at least she's a Judgral girl?

Well enjoy the Regnal Astras then at least

But I wanted Micaiah!

22 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

Yeah.  Congrats on Ayra she is fun if you don't have her already.

Fun fact, this is my first Ayra that isn’t −Atk. This is also my third Ayra.

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